

EQUALITY – all provinces must have equal devolution.

L Peiris

The Tokyo Co-Chairs, Norway, Japan, U.S. and E.U., India, the INGO’s, NGO’s and peace pundits of the world are beguiled by false propaganda of LTTE terrorists and talk of

1] aspirations and rights of the Tamil minority

2] the GOSL to sit at peace talks with LTTE terrorists

3] human right violations by the GOSL.

4] rules out any military solution

and advices to finalise a "politically sustainable devolution plan" satisfactory to the minority Tamils!

Every citizen in every nation has aspirations, some viable and others beyond reality. The division of this unitary country to allow LTTE terrorists 1/3 of the land area and 2/3 of the coast of Sri Lanka to be made into a separate mono ethnic nation/state of ‘Eelam’ with self-rule for a maximum of 200 to 500,000 thousand Tamil Terrorist supporters is not feasible. This aspiration of a few disgruntled Tamils following the foolish dreams of a despot maniac leading the LTTE terrorist vermin is one such reality.

52% of the Tamil community live among the Sinhala, Muslim and other communities in Sri Lanka. Tamil people have the same rights as people of other different ethnic origins. A minority of Tamil people allege they have been discriminated. Can a Tamil Sri Lankan, honestly say that he has less rights than people of other communities? There are isolated instances of discrimination but this is prevalent anywhere in the world and the reason for having discrimination legislation.

No sensible leaders of a democratically elected government of a sovereign nation could ever relinquish their responsibility to the people and commit political suicide by giving into unrealistic demands of terrorists. It is regrettable that some Sri Lankan leaders did not have the courage to stand up to unwarranted pressure brought about by countries like Norway, Japan, U.S. and E.U due to their economic hold on developing countries like Sri Lanka. The conflict has dragged on for the past two decades, with no visible, viable solution, due to weak leadership of our leaders. These western nations by their double standards in dealing with terrorism, allowed the Tamil terrorist supporting disapora who are granted asylum in their countries to collect and fund the terrorists to commit atrocities.

The International Human rights agencies have been very quick, and vociferous in pointing out the failures of the GOSL in addressing human rights. The LTTE terrorists have been violating human rights for the past three decades. The international organisations, by their inaction in calling a ‘spade a spade’, created an atmosphere where terrorism has developed. The human rights agencies are partly responsible for giving shelter, aid and an aura of recognition to LTTE terrorists. What has the UN and other so called human rights agencies done to stop child recruitment and use of children as cannon fodder? The armed forces of GOSL, does not and have never recruited children. The Actions of the ‘karuna group’ is now blamed on the GOSL, to show impartiality of INGO’s in their many reports.

President Rajapakse and his team of dedicated men in government realised, the futility of listening to international peace merchants who clearly had double standards and hidden agendas when dealing with terrorists and terrorism. When it is terrorism in their home grounds, when blood of their own fellow country men and women are spilled, their cry is to get rid of terrorists and terrorism. Do the western nations care to understand the plight of Sri Lankans when their blood has been spilled daily for the past two/three decades by Tamil terrorist atrocities? The international community using their economic muscle advocates, sitting down to peace talks with terrorists.

Federalism is untenable in Sri Lanka. Every Tom, Dick and Harry in the different communities in this small island Sri Lanka will want their little federal state and the nation fragmented. The only solution that is acceptable to 99% of Sri Lankans is the unitary sovereign state. People in the Northern Province and the Eastern Province should accept the same devolution that is available to people in other provinces. The Northern or Eastern province cannot be given a devolution package that is superior to the other provinces to satisfy the demands of the Tamil minority community. Is this EQUALITY! Sri Lanka is the home of all Sri Lankans, Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim and other community people. They have the right and freedom to live or work in any province they like without having differing standards in some provinces. It is time for the Tamil community, especially those with separatist ideas and Eelam dreams to get rid of them and integrate with other Sri Lankans to build peaceful and prosperous Sri Lanka.

It is time for the Tokyo Co-Chairs, Norway, Japan, U.S. and E.U., India and others to tell the LTTE terrorists with one voice, lay down your weapons and surrender before been annihilated. The GOSL can then be held responsible to addressing human right issues like detentions, abductions etc. with proper investigations as they will have the resources and manpower. At last a small nation led by President Rajapakse a patriotic leader is ready to show the world how terrorists and terrorism should be addressed. Gen. Sarath Fonseka and commanders of armed forces will be in demand all over the world to offer advice on tackling terrorists. Our best wishes and blessings to these Gallant warriors, may they complete their task successfully.

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