

India's Subjugation of Sri Lanka


Dear Sir,
It is reported that president's brother Basil Rajapakse is in India today to discuss the Tamil issue with the Indian leaders.

It appears that we are at the mercy of Indian leaders at each decisive moment of our struggle against terrorism.

Each time the tigers are cornered Tamil Nadu manipulates the dynamics of Indian politics and create road blocks for Sri Lankan armed forces.

This should end. India is a big country with over a billion population. But that is no reason for us to be subservient to them.

We should take a lesson from history. During the second world war Hitler tried to invade Switzerland.

By that time that country had a volunteer force of over a million fighters and Hitler did not have courage to send his army to Switzerland. So, invasion did not materialize.

Today India has many development plans of its own. It will not want to get involved with a serious situation in Sri Lanka.

We should therefore raise a volunteer force of one million and be ready for an eventuality.

This would be easy at the moment as all our major political parties are united in the fight against terrorism.

If the resources in the country are not enough, assistance should be sought from Sinhalese Diaspora working overseas. After all tigers are sustained buy Tamil Diaspora alone.


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