

Sri Lanka - Discrimination?

I Boteju

What is Really Happening in Sri Lanka Today?

A blood-thirsty racist group led by a group of Tamils called the LTTE is terrorizing against the Government of Sri Lanka and its people, irrespective of their ethnicity, with a purported intention of carving out a separate state that they can ‘govern’ according to their whims.

The truth is there is no conflict as such between the Sinhalese and Tamil communities in Sri Lanka. In fact, the majority of the Tamil community (which consists of 18% of the total population), live in peace and harmony among the Sinhalese (74%) and the Muslims (7%) throughout the country, apart from the Northern part of Sri Lanka.

The entire Sinhalese and the Muslims population that used to live in the Northern areas for centuries were either killed or chased away by the LTTE. At the moment, not a single Sinhalese or Muslim is able to live freely in Jaffna due to the fear of being killed in one of the ever-frequent ‘ethnic cleansing’ rampages by these terrorists.

However, many thousands of Tamils are living in Colombo in peace with the other communities. Based on 2001 census, the Tamil population in Colombo district is 12.1% (see 2001 census).
So, who is discriminated? The Tamils, or, the Sinhalese? Do you need more evidence?

Sri Lanka:
According to the 2001 census ( ):
• Population: 19.7 million
• Sinhalese population: 74%
o Sri Lankan Tamils (not including the Northern Province): 4.3%
o Indian Tamils (not including the Northern Province): 5.1%
• Estimated total Tamil population (including the Northern Province):
• Muslim (Moor and Malay) population: 7.0%
• Others (Burgher etc.): 1%
• Sinhalese and Muslims currently living in the Northern Province: 0%
• Tamil population living in the South: 12.1%

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