

Ahmadi Muslim killed in Pakistan
Basharat Ahmed Mughal murdered due to his membership of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

AHMADIYYA MUSLIM JAMA’AT - SRI LANKA619/4, Baseline Road, Colombo 9, Sri Lanka.

On 24 February 2008 Basharat Ahmed Mughal, aged 45, of Karachi became the 88th Martyr of Ahmadiyyat in Pakistan since 1984. (To Him do we belong and to Him shall we return.)

Basharat Mughal was the President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Halqa Manzoor Colony in Karachi, Pakistan. He was shot dead whilst on his way to Fajr (pre-dawn) prayers. He was shot a number of times in his back, neck and on his hand. According to ‘The Dawn’ Newspaper he died on the spot. Further, the newspaper reports that a police case was registered against unknown suspects at the Mehmoodabad Police Station.

Mr Athar Akram Chattha, a friend of the deceased said:

“For sure Basharat Sahib was blessed with this privilege (of martyrdom) due to his qualities – qualities which brought tears in the eyes of many non-Ahmadis who came over to register their grief. They couldn’t believe that a person who was so soft, kind, always ready to lend a hand, reliever and extremely positive in nature could be a target of such brutality.”

The funeral of the deceased took place at Bait-ul Huda a mosque which was built in great part due to the effort and prayers of Mr Basharat Mugal. Indeed lately as the Mosque had neared completion he was heard to regularly utter the prayer that now the Mosque had been built, may Allah somehow fill it with worshippers. Apart from this the deceased was known to often leave his home early in the morning so he could wake others up for Fajr (pre-dawn) prayers.

Speaking of this atrocity the Spokesperson for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Sri Lanka A. Abdul Aziz said:

“The murder of Mr Basharat Mugal is an absolute tragedy. He was a very sincere and loved member of our Community.

His death was simply due to his being a peace loving member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and this is yet another example of the severe cruelty and persecution that members of the Ahmadiyya Community in certain countries such as Pakistan have long had to deal with. The thoughts and prayers of every Ahmadi Muslim is with the family of

Basharat Mugal. May God grant them all patience at this difficult time.”

Within Pakistan religious extremists have long preached hatred against the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community throughout the public and it is due to this religious hatred that such horrific incidents continue to occur.

End of Release

A. Abdul Aziz.
Press Secretary,
Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamath,
Sri Lanka.
Mobile: +94 777753440

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