

Nachchikuda falls to troops -Troops dominate Akkarayankulam tank bund - Kilinochchi

Adding another huge setback for the LTTE terrorists in Wanni battlefront, troops of Task Force 1 captured Nachchikuda, the LTTE's major strong point in northwestern costal border in the Island, this evening, 29 October, the latest defence report received from the forefront said. Troops of the Task Force -1, launched a multi-pronged offensive and marched towards Nachchikuda from three directions destroying and capturing vital terror positions in the area.

The troops of three military battle formations, the one which cut-off Mannar- Poonaryn (A-32) road from the south Pallawarayankaddu area moved from north to south along the A-32 main road, the other marched northwards from immediate south of Nachchikuda, and the third formation in northeastern flank advanced towards Nachchikuda capturing Jeyapuram, have entered in to the Nachchikuda and gained total control over the area by this evening.

According to the defence sources, intense fighting between security forces and terrorists reported in this area from 17 October and LTTE suffered heavy casualties during these gun battles. The LTTE terrorists who unable to secure their stronghold have withdrawn from the area as the security forces intensified their military thrust into terror dominated Nachchikuda.

The Wanni liberation operation has reached to a significant milestone as the troops of 57 Division has totally dominated the Akkarayankulam Tank bund, the terrorists' last major defence in the South of Kilinochchi built up, this afternoon, 29 October.

Intense fighting between troops and LTTE terrorists reported in this area for last two weeks following the troops cleared the LTTE built earth bund from both east and the west of Akkarayankulam tank on 18 October.

According to the available sources, a major stretch along the Akkarayan - Therumurikandi road located 500m ahead of the tank bund was also dominated by the troops

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