

Momin Khawaja

Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent. Gloucester. Ontario Canada

October 30, 2008

The Editor (Letters)


Momin Khawaja being found guilty of five terror offences in favour of Canada’s national security, is a lesson that all Canadians have to learn from.

Surely, what is good for the goose should be good for the gander? With this epic battle that challenged the legal authority of our country, there are certain elements that we have to recognize and acknowledge so that we will not forfeit other countries security because of our negligence and selfishness.

The most important factor is that no Canadian should be allowed to contribute or facilitate a group of terrorists within our country or outside Canada. And that does not make parliamentarians immune to such an important edict, when like in May 2000, several Liberal parliamentarians headed by Paul Martin, then Minister of Finance, and Maria Minna, then Minister of CIDA, who patronized a fund raising dinner in Toronto for Tamil Tigers, the most ruthless terrorists organization in the world, which pales even the Al-Qaeda.

Let’s honour the international code of civility. The acts which we abhor that would hurt us Canadians and challenge our 'right to life', we are not prepared to be partners of such acts by extremists who would hurt other nations and take away the 'right to life' of their citizens..

Asoka Weerasinghe

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