The Lankaweb Weekly Editorial



A Veritable Panacea Towards The Present Woes Of A Once Resplendent Sri Lanka.

© LankaWeb - April 4th 2007

The example Sri Lanka is presenting to the world as a Nation besieged by terrorists is sadly becoming a derelict and decrepit one when it comes to the continued tolerance of murderous terrorists! It is now a well established fact that this is being ingrained into the false image Sri Lanka presents to the world partly due to administrative tolerance that the Nation is a terrorist friendly one or at least conveys the illusion. This is totally removed from the concepts of the free world pitted against terrorists and enemies of any state threatening its well being where the objective is either to convert to more rational thought through mediatory dialogue or in the event of that failing due to a lack of response, eliminate them as a detrimental a cancer to the nation in question but in Sri Lanka neither objective seems applicable.

This is mainly due to an inherant political apathy in the chemistry of Sri Lankan politics where power and greed by far override the need towards maintaining a democratic and Sovereign Nation to its fully functional capacity where the politicians are more interested in self image, the acquisiton of material gain where the Nation becomes a pawn in a deadly chess game between fully armed terrorist and their supportives versus the protagonists of presumed administrative righteousness completely infiltrated by idealogical pundits whose leadership at times has its hands tied towards taking the proper direction towards resolving the nation's woes. In the simplest of terms the leadership then becomes spineless and weak in the face of all the oppressing forces which in turn gain momentum towards their objectives which have little or nothing to do with the well being of the Nation!

The issue of setting right what's wrong in Sri Lanka then becomes more compounded by the lack of opposition to the oppressive forces which naturally are insurgent by nature linked to an insurgent terrorist force as their champions where a deposed former prime minister and his selfishly motivated band of jingoists play to the emotions of the masses using innuendo of the highest order to project their pretended righteousness when knowing fully well it is they themselves who have contributed to a greater proportion of the nation's current woes but to add insult to injury are not doing a darned thing towards restitution and wending their merry way without a care for the poor suffering masses bedevilled by a bunch of free roaming terrorists whose actions they were responsible for due to over tolerance and conciliation when they should have been put down a long time ago!

In addition to the cancer in the form of LTTE terrorism eating into Sri Lanka's administrative infrastructure even in a figurative sense( despite being an ostracized and banned organization globally ) due mainly to negligence and apathy of the administrators, there is almost an idiosyncratic attitude by the Sri Lankan hierarchy to dance to the tunes of their western peers, aid donors, NGO and wolves in sheep's clothing in pretence of being concerned for Sri Lanka, particularly in the form of Norway where their real interests point to an agenda which would eventually serve their own purposes. All of these element have now eroded into what Sri Lanka in reality should have been a free thinking, idealogically independent Nation whose progress need not have been hampered by a handful of terrorists at the inception and a miniscule minority of Sri Lanka's second ethnicity the Tamils who over decades have not been a part of Sri Lanka's united masses.

It has been said very correctly that "when there is unity and solidarity among the masses no enemy however powerful it may be can subdue a nation "and the very opposite of this adage has been made manifest in the case of Sri Lanka sadly. This editorial in more ways than one refers to the insight of a colleague who goes on to write that "The blatant anti-national behaviour displayed by these terrorist jingoists in the aftermath of the terrorist air-raid deserves complete condemnation by all patriotic masses. With total disregard to the call made by patriotic organizations, religious dignitaries, masses, politicians and the handful of patriotic media for unity and solidarity with the heroic armed forces, as it was the need of the hour, these terrorist jingoists including the leader of the Junk-UNP, who in fact was the patron of the terrorist air-wing, attempted to find fault with and ridicule our dedicated armed forces over the incident. The Junk-UNP leader had turned down the invitation made by the President for leaders of all political parties to meet and issue a condemnation of the incident. Contrary to what his cronies say his Secretary had turned down the invitation claiming that he was having a pre-arranged meeting at that time and hence will be unable to attend. This is a glaring example of disregard shown to burning national issues by this treacherous and greedy politician who in addition to strengthening the terrorists, systematically destroyd Sri Lanka's oldest national political party getting the patriots in it eliminated or dissipated.

The firm and unwavering stand taken by the government meeting head on these agitations and threats, taking necessary measures to overcome the lapses in the security apparatus is indeed admirable and praisworthy. This event provided a great opportunity to demonstrate the solidarity of the patriotic masses with actions of our heroic security forces in their relentless endeavour to liberate the territories and innocent masses from the clutches of terrorist occupation and suppression. No further respite, under any circumstances, should be given to the terrorists to recoup their resources and strengthen their armaments, as allowed by the previous na?ive administrations. The government should empower the security forces to unceasingly hound the terrorists and totally eliminate them before turning their attention to any other matter which may become necessary and relevant only in a terrorist free society. Until such time the only objective of the government should be to make this splendid nation free of terrorists absolutely !"

These are words of wisdom expressed by a patriotic sage at a time they are most needed.The wheels of necessity as the mother of invention by far overrides the philosophies of a few pundits who still cling to the thought that the LTTE can be mediated with.To the contrary there should be a national furore and a cry towards eliminating the LTTE in their entirety if the world is going to appreciate what once was a resplendent Isle in threat of being overrun by a group of sub humans that can only be described as vile! There have been many suggestions put forward about how best to resolve Sri Lanka's terrorist scourge and herein lies perhaps the best recommended panacea where there is no relenting needed towards pursuing an unrelenting criminal element whose complete elimination has to be the ultimate beneficial end result for Sri Lanka.Particulay at a time when their weak underbellies have been to a great extent exposed and their own community has decided in a greater percentage compared to their supportives to sever ties and ostracize them !



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