The Lankaweb Weekly Editorial



The LTTE On The Run In The North And East Are A Groundless, Baseless Terrorist Outfit With A Lost Cause And Lost Identity!

January 17th 2007

Time to brighten the spotlights for the air, sea and ground strikes against the remaining pockets of LTTE and intensify all defence manouvres while converting them into attack and offence mode as the LTTE vermin are on the run, depleted and spewing lies and innuendo about how they are being victimised!

A story broadcast globally yet the transparencies and duplicities show and all LTTE credibilities lost beyond a smattering of beleivers whose gullibilities by far supecede their rationalities towards acceptance that the LTTE are finished, worthless and detrimental towards the future of Sri Lanka from any perspective.

May all those dedicated and patriotic sources which have been concertedly and diligently working towards exposing LTTE fund-raising and other clandestine activities in the UK, Europe and all other parts of the world be blessed with further success where their believers increase astronomically

May no loopholes be created for any false impressionists to score beyond the reality that the LTTE are illegitimate, criminal and need to be put down in their entirety and never bargained with as freedom fighters on behalf of the Tamil community which portfolio in all probabilities better belongs to Karuna who is a reasonable individual with far greater and credible leadership skills and compassion for his Tamil community than any other at the present time where he seems Hobsons choice over the miserable cringing coward Velupillai Prabhakaran!

Then there are others such as the indomitable Douglas Devananda whose sincerities towards his Tamil community bear no transparencies towards the selfish motivation of an autocratic existence the likes of whom must now rally with concerted dedication towards asserting the real rights of the Sri Lankan Tamil Community which has in reality suffered more at the hands of the LTTE rather than their proclaimed woes under a Sinhala based Administration.

The coming together of great minds devoid of ethnicity must prevail towards healing and rebuilding of the nation of Sri Lanka once the LTTE are completely eliminated which now even at the worst of times sounds like a foregone conclusion!

Rather curiously there seems to be a growing lobby to lift the EU ban on the LTTE as foreign meddling into Sri Lanka's internal affairs continue whether covertly or not and despite countries such as Germany and Norway who are presently making a desperate attempt to paint the LTTE as a legitimate entity.

It is imperative that the original decisions to ban the LTTE and promulgate the need to do away with them eventually as the ultimate solution towards Sri Lanka's posterity remains intact and a theme at present being pursued very correctly by the Sri Lankan defence authorities lambasting the LTTE at every turn in the North and East while LTTE innuendo and misrepresentation of facts, their regular hallmark, continues even in a feeble guise.

Wiping the LTTE off the face of Sri Lanka would perhaps be the long awaited Coup de Grace which has for sometime now been dilligently pursued by the SLAF where the spoils of which accomplishment must include the head of Velupillai Prabhakaran even figuratively on a platter and his bunkers turned into recyclable concrete which would benefit all Sri Lankans !

Suddenlty the De-Facto mantle the LTTE so profusely broadcast to the world as existent in their favour seems to have evaporated and the term De-Funct seems to be a more consistent and accurate terminology to describe the shambles the Liberation Tigers are leaving behind as they scamper like scared rabbits not really knowing in which direction their disarrayed cadre are headed.

Except perhaps towards their ultimate demise which would certainly be a long awaited good riddance for the Nation of Sri Lanka at long last and as long as Lieutenant General Sarath Fonseka and his Merrie Men keep up the good works and keep the terrorists on the run!

The good task once a near Fait Acompli for a once clever Major General rudely interrupted by one of his conniving competition who never even had a real military commssion beyond assumed accolades and graphically created medals in pretence of a theatrical image insidiously accepted by a neice who was then Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and the rest being history!!

It has now been verified and certified under almost every aspect of National as well as International Law that all LTTE activities in the past are deemable as illegal relative to the annexation of territory in the North and East, their decision to issue ID cards "fundamentally flawed by way of constitutional illegality" .

The ' administration' of so called territories under the LTTE completely illegal and not recognised by any Nation nor the National Government of Sri Lanka which speaks volumes towards credibility whereby the ludicrousness of the concept becomes very apparent.

It has to be deemed legally as well as logically that coercing or forcing people to carry identity cards issued by a terrorist organisation aping a non existent legitimacy is a violation of one's human rights as suggested by many legal analysts well versed in constitutional issues and leaves hardly any room towards any justification that the LTTE can be accepted by any norm beyond being terrorists.

And have no ground to stand on in proclaiming any legitimacy and hence need to be brought to justice at International Tribunal level for their crimes against humanity committed against a Sovereign Nation for over three decades!

In conclusion it must be reiterated that the LTTE are A Groundless, Baseless Terrorist Outfit With A Lost Cause And Lost Identity whose illegitimate terrorist head man (not particularly a skilled leader being a psycopathic megalomaniac) Velupillai Prabhakaran's needs seemed to have been once geared (and now being decimated ) to run the LTTE controlled areas in the like manner of a criminally fascist state with no real concerns about the needs and sufferings of the Tamil people he falsely claims to represent.

These are freedom loving yet once cruelly suppressed people now being systematically freed and ironically soundingly "being liberated" from the clutches of the so called Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam! People who have every right as free individuals of a Sovereign Nation to live without fear, intimidation or being oppressed by the terrorists of the LTTE who have no real claim towards their own existences.



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