The Lankaweb Weekly Editorial



The Merits Of Rejecting The ISGA And The Folly Of Its Acceptance

Since the Tamil Tigers(LTTE) in their somewhat obtuse ISGA proposals ludicrously demand the setting up of an interim administration with LTTE representing the entite Tamil populace for the whole of the North and Eastern Provinces by hook or by crook, many Tamils are now declaring openly that they do not want to be dictated to by the megalomaniac Prabhakaran and a rationale which carries a simple ans sincere need based on dread apprehension .

It is also fast becoming a dilemma for the Administration under the watchful eyes of the International Community to manouvre delicately its directional approach towards dealing with the ISGA. ludicrous as mentioned earlier because by definition it has been demanded in the ISGA that with the exception of finance and foreign affairs the ISGA would rule the provinces of the North and East on its own terms. These include own armed forces, administration and judiciary. It shall not only rule the land and skies of the eight districts that make the province but also command the seas with its own brand of the Navy – the Sea Tigers. It will have powers to levy and collect taxes and dispense justice through its own courts. It will have a minimum of four and a maximum of five years life. In simple terms it visualizes the creation of an Eelam as a part of Sri Lanka and a contradiction of sorts towards earlier assurances that the LTTE has discontinued their quest for separation.
Thamilchelvan, LTTE’s political representation, has made it clear that the peace talks for a final settlement could start only if the Sri Lankan Government accepts the ISGA proposal and all of the Sinhala Nation must reply that the ISGA in the terms put forth by the LTTE and its Parliamentary Proxy the Tamil National Alliance is completely unnaceptable for a united Sovereign Sri Lanka and sent packing.They should also be reminded that in very recent times, superpower neighbour India has been observing with a degree of concern the attitude and tone of LTTE voicings while concurring with the Government of Sri Lanka that Regional Security is of paramount importance to India also where every supportive effort would be made towards its maintenance which they must surely be agreeable to backing up with substance if the vibes are read correctly.

Given the primary reality upon which the UPFA Administration was voted into power i.e. the mandate of the voters on the basis of not capitulating to the terrorists or accepting the ISGA proposals by way of the demands entailed which would be granting a leeway to the LTTE which would thereby create a platform for secession there seems to be no logical reason for the Adminitration to palaver to the LTTE where the greater obligation rests with appeasing the people of Sri Lanka constituting a majority of the population whose rights and demands are legitimate as opposed to a bunch of terrrorists whose greater needs point towards their own survival rather than that of the Tamil Community or a United Sri Lanka undivided and intact since its inception.

Purely by evaluating the track record of the fork tongued, clandestine and contentious LTTE Leader Prabhakaran with his reputation for contradictory statements of a promisory nature to past Governments and going back on his word while retaliating with deadly force as seen in the cases of the late Hon. Rajive Gandhi and Ranasingha Premadasa who were assassinated and the attempt on the life of present President Chandrika Kumaratunga which was thwarted, there should be no obligations nor apprehensions by any administration towards responding to demands of the LTTE or their proxies and least of all through acceptance of the ISGA which would literally be a playing into their hands and placing in jeopardy not only the Sinhala Nation but also the minority Tamil and Muslim Communities vehemently opposed to any part of Prabhakaran or the LTTE as administrators

As the wave of wanton killings of political opponents and innocent civilians orchestrated by the LTTE continue in near desperation while denying responsibility and despite the liabilities of guilt somewhat obvious there are forces within and without the Nation in a manner most disturbing and aggravating to the general populace continuing to carry standards and banners proclaiming the merits of acceding to the ISGA and the very same despotic sources which harbinger a wave of confusion and a weighing of favourable probabilities about the ISGA which needs to be crushed and trashed where the maintenance of Sovereignity and Territorial Integrity of the Sinhala Nation is the singlemost item of paramount importance and the LTTE dealt with within the norms and parameters of International Law as a group of unrelenting terrorists who are masters at deception to the undiscerning with no inclination towards a role in mainstream Sri Lankan society as ordinary citizens!

Thanks to the leniencies and misguided strategies perhaps even collaborations of the previous Administration the LTTE in their present image and mentality despite their pretences towards the Peace Process and Ceasefire are an arrogant lot who are most unlikely to be influenced either by general Tamil opinion relative to their real needs and concepts of peace or the dissentors within their own rank and file who have broken away in the realization that the mainstream LTTE are a mendacious criminally liable lot.

Should there be any Administrative lapses through the absence of an assertive UPFA response towards rescinding and rejecting the ISGA in its present format there seems to be every likelihood that the LTTE could misinterpret inaction or conciliation for weakness while there is every constitutional provision towards the non - acceptance of the ISGA and a noteworthy point for the Administration to ponder upon and something the UPFA's main coalition partnerr Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) has been particularly adamant about as they probably anticipate a slight change of Presidential heart towards a cosmetically and metaphorically modified ISGA in a multi-pronged attempt to appease the World, the LTTE and the People of Sri Lanka which would be a grave error and the initial stage of a sellout of Sri Lanka's Sovereignity and Territorial Integrity!


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