The Lankaweb Weekly Editorial


On The Contentious Issue Of The Evans / Holmes Intrusion Into The Internal Affairs Of Sri Lanka And Its Fallout!

August 19th, 2007

The most questionable presence of two individuals who appear to be self appointed bunglers cum meddlers into the internal affairs of Sri Lanka in the form of Gareth Evans and a certain Sir John Holmes has already caused a fair degree of confusion with their intrusive presence by the less discerning as to what exactly their mission is in Sri Lanka, whether it is to ease tensions within the Island Nation or further complicate them and ironically some of the local rags such as the Sunday Times seem to be pretty impressed by them enough to write editorials in praise of them while cautioning the patriotic sons and daughters of the land who are presently questioning their intentions using veiled anti Government rhetoric and making absolute asses of themselves without paying heed to the single most important issue at hand which is why are these individuals creating a platform for the LTTE when they should be denouncing them as terrorists!

And almost sheepishly rather than standing behind the Government sources better described as patriotic Sri Lankans who have confronted, questioned and denounced these foreign intruders there are obvious sources within the rank and file of the Administration who have chosen to hastily acclaim almost shamefacedly that the denouncements of the Evans Holmes duo come from sources who do not necessarily express the opinions of the Administration which is all well and good if the credibilities of these foreign infiltrators who have to all intents and purposes invaded the inner sanctum of internal affairs of a Sovereign Nation with their unsolicited criticisms and nose pokings could prove their credibilities and is a typical display of weak kneed, spineless Sri Lankan posturing by a few Punch and Judy comedians of the " he said ! she said!! and holier than thou" genre without providing the much needed boost for the patriotic sons and daughters of the land who have spoken out against these vestiges of a colonial past as a prominent writer recently put it and seems truly apathetic!

Although realistically it should be assumed after such a long redemption from Colonialism that intrusions by the likes of these individuals must be intolerable and a thing of the past, some Sri Lankans on a daily basis of late seem to be waking up to the harsh reality that colonial ass kissing is alive an well in Sri Lanka today although thought to be extinct in the wake of the SWRD Bandaranaike heroics which jettisoned their unwelcome presence from Sri Lanka where unfortunately it seems the whole concept appears to have been buried and forgotten in time but amazingly the neo colonialistic intrusions are once again raising their ugly heads! The modern day Sri Lankan generations to all intents and purposes seem to have resigned themselves towards being passive and undemonstrative bar a few, towards being walked all over and stepped on by the mushrooming presence of these spectres of a long redundant era and when the issue is raised very appropriately there are a few shameless Sri Lankans ever ready to confront and contradict the very essence of patriotism while synonyouisly boosting the terrorists cause through their own cross eyed misjudgements and lopsided rhetoric which consequently serves the terrorist cause very well!

There is a grey area however concerning the wherefores and whys these individuals such as Sir. John Holmes, the UN Humanitarian Affairs Chief, and Gareth Evans of the International Crisis Group have suddenly surfaced amidst the troubles of an insurgent plagued Sri Lanka and what their presence justifies if not to assuage and calm the strife which takes place almost on a daily basis where they seem to be stirring the pot further and creating more problems for the Administration to deal with by getting into confrontations with local administrators as though they have carte blanche towards this and walk all over the the Island Nation as though they were its caretakers.One seems obstreperous and idiotic enough to suggest international intervention should public enemy nimber one and internationally sought after criminal Velupillai Prabhakaran's safety is compromised and the other wants potential Sri Lankan trump card in the war against terrorism~ Karuna disarmed So it seems quite justified that by irking the wrath of many discerning patriotic Sri Lankans by their unwelcome presence they have created animosities against them and the sooner they are shown the exits without further compounding terrorist related issues as opposed to resolving them appropriately, the better it would be for all concerned!paticularly the all suffering Tamil Community who have every chance of being offered an acceptable devolution package by the Rajapaksha Administration which however does not incorporate the terrorists of the LTTE it is presumed!

Unsurprisingly these are issues which are welcomed by the Ranil Wickremasinghe led opposition politicians who have very opportunistically seized the chance towards supplementing their own agendas and are presently hell bent on toppling the Rajapaksha Government with the recently formed ungainly alliance with a few undesirable breakaway politicians and somewhat curiously a former President who vowed to shun politics after her ungainly exit from Sri Lanka's political arena has suddenly showed up like a bad penny and seems to be willing to throw in her lot with the breakaway bandwagon and woe be unto Sri Lanka should this motley bad of turncoats and retirees from a bygone era of mainstream Sri Lankan politics ever gain a foothold onto Administrative power as it would surely spell doom and disaster for the land while undoing many positive changes the Rajapaksha Administration has initiated towards the well being of the Sri Lankan Nation since it came into power where the Nation appears to be making slow but steady progress towards a bright future where one of the main setbacks seems to be the terrorist issue by which the National Economy is greatly hampered and the minority Tamils alongside the other minorities within Sri Lanka have no real place to lay their heads or carry on normal lives! And if there are foreigners who champion the terrorist cause by way of their myopic observations also linked to agendas which reach beyond the average eye there seems absolutely no crime involved in confronting them about what exactly they are upto in Sri lanka which seems to be what the present hue and cry involving the Evans Holmes duo is all about !

Quoting a prominent high profile international journalist it must be agreed upon and I quote "Both Evans and Holmes come from a past that does not quite smell like roses. For instance, when Tony Blair nominated his buddy, Sir John, for the high-ranking Under-Secretary General position in the UN there was widespread criticism. One British commentator wrote: “Sir John is a personal friend and holiday companion (of Tony Blair) who has limited experience in emergency relief work compared with his predecessors, they say. He has no prior experience, no relevant knowledge of the issues. He's a Tony Crony.” At best, Holmes is a thoroughbred product of the colonial and the neo-colonial bureaucracy of Britain. He was knighted not for rendering humanitarian services but primarily for services rendered to Her Majesty’s government in various capacities, most of which can be considered as perpetuating neo-colonial exploitation of global markets and politics for the greater glory of Britain.

Gareth Evans, the former Foreign Minister of Australia, despite his intellectual credentials, has become a part of the antique furniture of the international bureaucracy that is obsessed with policing the world according to the Western gospel. He has been an integral part of the Australian system that joined the American-led blockade to prevent supplies of food and medicine reaching Iraq. Evans’ record in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly with Indonesia and even Sri Lanka, does not shine as an exemplary model of an enlightened force either, despite his eloquent rhetoric to pose like one.

Both of them go round the world somewhat like the missionaries who arrived in the colonies to civilize the barbaric heathens. Their earnest mission is to play the role of Moses coming down from the lofty heights to dictate an indelible and immutable morality revealed to them by some superior force. The lesser mortals in smaller countries are expected to take their commandments unquestioningly if they aspire to arrive in the elusive land promised by them." end quite and need there be anymore said about the recent stirrings within Sri Lanka regarding humanitarian issues stemming from the root terrorist issue which seem to be beyond the capacity of individuals such as these to resolve!



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