The Lankaweb Weekly Editorial



New Indications That The LTTE's Days Are Surely Numbered!

April 27th 2007

As the incredible turn of events which have transformed the sovereign rights of a democratic nation into a circus laced with a comedy of administrative errors and continue as the world watches in awe that such situations can be made manifest in a civilized world there still remains a ray of hope that Sri Lanka will finally be rid of its terrorist scourge.While related mistakes have been initiated mainly due to the neglect of the lawmakers and the apathy of world powers who did not contribute towards the need of Sri Lanka towards redemption from the LTTE at the inception of their grouping together and eventually contributing to the nation's damnation at the hands of the LTTE terrorists there also seems to be a silver lining to Sri Lanka's clouds of apprehension and attrocity laden past which seemingly continues into the present but slowly transforming into a positive resultant with help from non LTTE friendly sources strong enough to repel them!

The players involved which for decades gave carte blanche to a group of insurgents calling themselves liberators are none but the previous administrators of Sri Lanka where everything contentious and damnable about world terrorism was a contradiction favouring the criminals of this insurgent group who also call themselves the Tamil Tigers. There also is a resurgence of the urgent need to restitue whatever ills Sri lanka has faced in the past through the perception and intervention of just and powerful forces dedicated towards Sri Lanka;'s best interests

While there were other bi partisan extraneous players too involved in what they percieved as a means to contain these terrorists through conciliatory mediation where many previous administrations over a period of four decades have been hoodwinked and misled into believing there was just cause towards the tolerance of these terrorists rather than contributing viably to having them put down the resulting chaos continues to enmesh and disrupt the smooth functioning of life within Sri Lanka to this day and perhaps all that is about to change.

Consequent to all the misadventures of the so called administrators who manouvered the direction of Sri Lanka towards what they believed was the resolution to Sri Lanka's woes at the hands of the insurgents with dire ramifications, it seemed no further away from the sought after resolution until very recent times by comparison to when they started as the terrorists have this uncanny ability to manipulate and convince many sources within and without the International Community who favour their existence and objectives though their catalysts such as the global Tamil diaspora, their proxies in parliament and their many duplicitous fronts which contribute to world terror including duplicitous Norway who have contributed greatly towards spurring on the terrorists and compounding Sri Lanka's misfortunes!

The LTTE supportive Tamils responsible for this aberration in beleiving in the most futile manner whilst also being part of a miniscule visible minority within Sri Lanka that when they sought secession theirs was a just cause, were totally misguided. Whereas it was contemptible and unacceptable in a land which is not only predominantly Sinhalese powered through universal francise to govern but one which also justly and impartially administered to all its inhabitants contrary to LTTE propaganda there was no real need for such a secession based on its sheer impracticality relative to many socio-economic issues where divided cultural and ethnic necessities were secondary albeit today the absurdities continue to overwhelm the smooth functioning aluded to previously mainly because it has augmented into near anarchy by the LTTE terrorists who have not been taken to task effectively.

Their influences have even divided rational thought amongst the rival political parties in tandem about what the real panacea might be towards Sri Lanka's dire needs at the present making it difficult for the ruling party of President Rajapaksha who is nonetheless making an admirable and concerted effort to restore the nation to some degree of sanity and normalcy. Very gradually what needs to be set in place in the best interests of Sri Lanka however seems to be surfacing with the help from very concerned global sources and altogether heartwarming if the end result is beneficial towards eliminating the LTTE scourge.The Government by its response to such sources is expected to play a major role in Sri Lanka's redemption from the terrorist menace permanently as any neglect towards supporting their efforts would be foolhardy given the circumstances within Sri Lanka today where the need to be rid of the LTTE is imperative and unconditional!

That the world is finally beginning to look objectively at the LTTe as criminals who need to be isolated from decent society is fast becoming a reality,their rhetoric and activities towards terrorizing the world which was initiated through their attrocities perpetrated in Sri Lanka needing to be wiped off the face of the earth has surfaced in many forms recently as visible to many areas of world power becoming more and more alarmed that the LTTE have been getting overly bold as of late and that something viable needs to be done about it quickly! Their actions appear to be louder than mere words which was the order of the day in the not too distant past!

Their so called airpower tantamount to a brace of hastily assembled albeit marginally airworthy crude aircraft are being viewed as intolerable towards the preservation of a sovereign nation as well as regional security and a matter of time before their total destruction where the danger of terrorists with even a small degree of air capability could take on a whole new meaning in the concept of terror and the means required to counter it about to be set in place effectively.
Towards LTTE ambitions to broadcast their worthless terrorist propaganda by way of satellite transmissions,they have been effectively thwarted due to the timely action of sources to which the LTTE gained access through illegal means and with no thanks to Norway accorfing to intelligence reports which suggests Norway helped their cause greatly in providing the logistics and material for transmitting purposes as well as their so called aerial capability which are fast becoming non existent.The major satellite company Intelsat who initially gave the LTTE access to an illegal transmission says it has stopped the Tamil Tigers using one of its satellites to broadcast television and radio in Europe and Asia. An executive for the company has said the shutdown had taken place a few days ago and huge commendations need to be extended to the administrators of such organizations for what transpires to being their own contributions towards the war against global terrorism!.

It was known for sometime by the Sri Lankan authorities that Tamil Tiger had boldly and illegally inaugurated a terrorist broadcast from the Vanni jungles of Sri Lanka. Earlier this month, Intelsat the source which created this broadcast unwittingly and not fully aware of the terrorist status of the LTTE described the Tamil Tigers' use of its satellite as unauthorized. The American-based company said it would not tolerate those it described as terrorists illegally using its satellites. The shape of things to come perhaps towards the ultimate demise of the LTTE!
With their power satellites and fixed wing aircraft, knocked out of commission, their bunkers busted by armed forces firepower and all their means which propagate terrorism incapacitaed beyond redemption it seems a matter of time before their leader in hiding Velupillai Prabhakaran is either apprehended, indicted and executed or exterminated through his own efforts and the effective simplicity of a cyanide capsule.The LTTE whose designs against Sovereign Sri Lanka once seemed to be a daunting task for the authorities to contend with now appears to be on a path towards resolution through the timely intervention of powers far greater than the terrorists themselves which suggests that the LTTE's days are surely numbered!

To moot the need to believe realistically that the LTTE can in fact be done away with permanmently, all the verifiable reports from the North and East of Sri Lanka seem to attest to the LTTE being crushed on many fronts by the relentless pursuit by the Armed Forces and gradually being overrun although the LTTE themselves never accredit this reality for obvious reasons.They continure to cling to the hope that their mendaciousness and criminality would prevail towards objectives through sporadic retaliations against the civilian population but a mere matter of time when they would no more be a contending force as the ultimate justice will prevail in the best interests of society and the nation which have suffered tremendously!



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