The Lankaweb Weekly Editorial



An Expose' Of What Is Tantamount Either To Typical BBC Duplicity Or Apathy!

© In Retrospect By Sarath Kumara For LankaWeb
Jan.27th 2007

The British Broadcasting Corporation has once again shown either duplicityor premeditated apathy in carrying Pro LTTE sounding news reports based mostly on hearsay that a bus carrying Tamil schoolchildren in the Jaffna District has been hit by landmines resulting in the deaths of 9 children purported to have been laid by the Armed Forces which has no basis for confirmation beyond the only plausible conclusion that can be drawn which is laying landmines is a well known practice of the LTTE by way of which notoriety hundreds of thousands have been killed entailing a combined tally nationally and globally.

This comes at a time when breaking news about a horrendous LTTE terrorists attack on innocent civilians on a farming community in the North Central Province of Sri Lanka is beginning to surface.Thus sadly however, the BBC seems to have overlooked almost synonymously and with sublime indifference an attrocity committed by the human gorilla refered to below and his cadre around the same time as this alleged indiscretion by the Armed Forces which cannot be substantiated as a responsibility of the Army beyond being a failure to detect it in time!This criminality is more than likely attributable to the LTTE terrorists themselvs and easily offset against their globally known modus operandi after which they usually pont fingers at the Army and sources such as the BBC gullible enough to believe them which is indeed the apathy refered to!!

The British Broadcasting Corporation sometimes dubbed the Biased Broadcasting Corporation has also depicted LTTE criminal leader Velupillai Prabhakaran relative to a so called "Heroes Day Address" better off termed "Degenerate Terrorists Day" perhaps as someone of credibility in the manner of attention given to him albeit much to their disdain the man depicted resembles a bloated image of humanity dressed in fatigues where a gorilla suit perhaps may have done better justice to his image as a humanoid of Gorilla likeness although said with apologies to the Gorilla species itself which follows a normal order within their various groups unlike the cowardly terrorists of the LTTE led by a murderous psycopath whose days are probably numbered!

So where was the BBC when On November 26 2007 when the people of Mahawilachchiya, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka mourned what has been a proven LTTE attack on innocent civilians? Four civilians including a woman have been brutally murdered by Tiger terrorists while working in their fields.The terrorists have brutally shot them at close range. May it be know globally and shouted from the mountain tops perchance the BBC too might get an earful that this heinous crime against humanity has been committed on the day the criminally liable LTTE terrorist leader Velupillai Prabhakaran was celebrating his 53rd birthday and given an totally undeserving splash on the BBC news pages where these brutal killings seem to be synonymous with celebrating his birthday through a blood thirsty terrorist mission.It is in fact the presentation of credibility which the BBC seems to give this wretched apology to humanity and his criminals that irks the wrath of the more discerning!

Sri Lankan Defense sources have been quoted as saying that this is an LTTE attempt to cause fear among the villagers forcing them to flee their traditional lands but never will be the day the vermin of the LTTE other than being eradicated see any success of driving Sinhalese from the homeland which is rightfully theirs.They neither have a mandate nor the means to do so, never have and never will despite the propaganda rhetoric of the LTTE sometimes given a leg up by the likes of the BBC and other associates which need to be exposed for their indiscretionary duplicity sometimes portraying them as freedom fighters which is the furthest from the truth based on the reality that these are unrelenting, fully armed, murderous terrorists conducting an insurgency against a Sovereign Nation and need to be put down!!

The BBC report under reference has also publicised a somewhat contentious and ignorant statement by Velupillai Prabhakaran suggesting that there is a Tamil homeland within Sri Lanka which is not only a concocted fabrication and a figment of his imagination but also a blatant lie to catch the attention of the International Community, so may it be re-broadcast accurately by the British Broadcasting Corporation that there is only a Sinhala Homeland within Sri Lanka where Tamils as a minority alongside the other minorities are a fractional part of the total population of Sri Lanka and this myth about a Tamil Homeland no more than a fairy tale. However there is always the possibility of Tamil Nadu in India being coined even imaginatively by the LTTE as the so called Tamil Homeland which in fact it is categorically which the LTTE are more than welcome to call their homeland if accepted by India where they should also think seriously about relocating if this be the case before the Sri lankan authorities corner them and wipe them out!!But ironically enough India has joined Sri Lankain the hunt for Prabhakaran and his criminals for obvious reason so tough luck on the LTTE!

Hopefully case in pont for the BBC and other aspiring broadcasters of misleading and biased information before they go about spewing half truths as though they were gospel so that a decent decorum may be associated with their already tarnished reputations!



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