The Lankaweb Weekly Editorial



Prime Minister's Address To The United Nations Could Probably have Been Better Delivered By The President.

One wonders whether the Prime Minister's address to the United Nations was laced with his own optimism rather than reality but a brave attempt has nevertheless been made by him to sound convincing before a world audience whose scepticism about the Prime Minister's confidence must surely relate to the attitude of the LTTE whose stance on the issue of Peace increasingly becomes more dependent on demands which at times ranges from the sublime to the ridiculous!

Speculating on a favourable outcome he has stated that the results of a comprehensive review undertaken by the LTTE ( Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam ) in response to earlier proposals regarding an interim administrative arrangement for the North and North East of Sri Lanka, he has reflected upon the time being taken by the LTTE towards their response as a favourable sign towards a successful conclusion towards a lasting peace while in reality the LTTE have increased the intensity of their demands while dragging their heels to their advantage (they assume ) where their latest demands for an interim administration sounds nothing like the requirement within a democratic country for its elected administration to hold the reins of power where the only established power remains in the hands of the majority without subjugation to a group of condemned terrorists who have assumed a pretentious representation of a minority towards the preservation of their own terrorist ideologies.

By the definition of the LTTE the concessions they demand should include unilateral powers bestowed upon them in their terrorist identity and unrelenting mentality for their criminalities to deal with Land, Finance, Police and Judicial services. That such an administration could be handed over to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, who have chosen to blatantly violate all the international accords which project then as criminals, by a Sri Lankan Administration whatever the expectations, falls short of ignorance and unbounded irrationality which makes the Prime Ministers promises to the United Nations as well as its fallout on Sri Lanka seem rather superfluous on preponderances which are more imagined than real and of no significance to the well being of the Nation.

There almost seems to be an apprehension on the part of the Prime Ministe, perhaps some grim foreboding that should he not capitulate to LTTE demands which no administration in its right mind would, considering the implications it suggests to the well being of Sri Lanka which are sorely negative and of no productivity towards its future where terrorists have any say in how the Country is run the outcome might indeed be inadvertently unsurmountable and a point for the Prime Minister to ponder upon with great intent.

The Nation has to greatly consider the advice of its matriarchal President Mme. Chandrika Kumaratunga who has charged that the government's eagerness to cut a peace deal with the Tigers meant greater security risks, especially near the Trincomalee Navy Base on the East Coast alongside of all the other threats to internal security through the recent inroads made by the LTTE, undercover of the ceasefire as assessed by Military Intelligence whereas the Prime minister in his attempt to put the stalled peace talks back on track, has denied that contention and perhaps indulged in a bit of oratory where the real situation in Sri Lanka has not been properly presented to the United Nations deeming it a rather contentious issue which thePresident contested prior to his departure to address the UN Sessions.

The stance maintained by the LTTE can ve very comprehensively evaluated by their latest declaration which goes on to maintain that despite the passing of one and a half years since the signing of the Ceasefire agreement between the Government of Sri Lanka and the LTTE in pursuant of peace relative to an interim administration now demanded they are dissatisfied with the response from the Government of Sri Lanka. That such an administration should be handed over to the Liberation Tigers as the sole representatives.of Tamil People where the implications of their quest for Tamil Eelam,still remains a part of their agenda is positively unacceptable to the Sinhala Nation resting on the hesitancy by the LTTE to denounce their identity and merge into mainstream Sri Lankan Society.

As a final thought it must be argued that the Wickremasinghe concept of a lasting peace therefore appears to rest purely upon the degree to which a terrorist entity needs to be appeased where he little realises that by giving into terrorist demands the very peace sought after could easily evaporate and transform itself into a holocaust for the Sinhala Nation.

Perhaps it was the right of the President to have made the Address to the United Nations as she would have in all probabilities conveyed the reality of circumstances in Sri Lanka to the United Nations rather than speculate on a hypothetical situation where there can be no deals with terrorists unless they conform to the requirements of the Free World!!


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