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Hell hath no fury like Bandaranaike siblings losing power

CBKs Joint Mechanism

"This is one of the best deals struck with the LTTE. I do not want to miss this opportunity," CBK -10-06-05

"I am prepared to step down if I am unable to set up the mechanism", CBK 13-06-05

Read more about CBKs Joint Mechanism-"The Death Nail of The Sinhala Buddhist Legacy " Full Report


    Chandrika you have sinned – You are the most corrupt Sri Lankan in History!SHENALI WADUGE-Full Story- (The LankaWeb - 07/12/05)

    CBK and the Prince’s mansion Evening Standard editor stands by his reportby Sujeeva Niunhella in London . -Full Story- (The Island - 07/12/05)

    Chandrika's hefty retirement package draws flak. -Full Story- ( - 04/12/05)

    Rs.29 million for CBK-Full Story- ( - 03/12/05)

    Chandrika denies mansion story-Full Story- (BBC - 03/12/05)

    The two major democratic forces have to get together' -Full Story- ( - 01/12/05)

    New President checkmates CBK cheques-Full Story- (The Sunday Times - 27/11/05)

    Mahinda-CBK ‘war of words’ continues-Full Story- (The Sunday Times - 27/11/05)

    President Kumaratunga stabbing her presidential nominee to sleep with the enemyBy H. L. D. Mahindapala -Full Story- ( - 06/11/05)

    Chandrika to quit politics in November-Full Story- (The Hindustan Times - 13/10/05)

    Isolated CBK losing battle with Mahinda-Full Story- (The Sunday Times - 02/10/05)

    CBK, Anura keep away from Mahinda’s campaign-Full Story- (The Island - 02/10/05)

    "Madam President you should keep your position as the President of the party without losing the respect the party has for you"-a veteran party activist at the SLFP CC meeting. -Full Story- (The Island - 31/09/05)

    Cyclone Chandrika lashes senior ministers -Full Story- (The Island - 30/09/05)

    An angry CBK and the village idiot Courtesy The Sunday Times 18-09-2005 -Full Story- (The Sunday Times - 19/09/05)

    Puppet on a string for an ex- President. Charles Perera-Full Story- (The LankaWeb - 19/09/05)

    CBK’s stinker – I
    Courtesy The Island 12-09-2005
    The Island Editorial-Full Story- (The Island Editorial - - 12/09/05)

  • An angry CBK and the village idiot Courtesy The Sunday Times 18-09-2005 -Full Story- (The Sunday Times - 19/09/05)

  • Puppet on a string for an ex- President. Charles Perera-Full Story- (The LankaWeb - 19/09/05)

  • CBK’s stinker – I
    Courtesy The Island 12-09-2005
    The Island Editorial-Full Story- (The Island Editorial - - 12/09/05)
  • President Kumaratunga slams the Supreme Court consisting of her appointees
    H. L. D. Mahindapala - Melbourne & Mendaka Abeysekera - Beijing
    -Full Story- ( - 14/09/05)
  • Why S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike is turning in his grave
    By H. L. D. Mahindapala -Full Story- (The Asian Tribune - 13/09/05)
  • Will “2005” be another “1956”?. By H. L. D. Mahindapala-Full Story- (The Asian Tribune - 12/09/05)
  • Ranil waiting to Chandrika for her misdeeds-Full Story- (The Asian Tribune - 12/09/05)
  • The Rebirth of the UPFA-Full Story- (The Asian Tribune - 12/09/05)
  • Jealousy, and attachment to power, fear of its loss..,may drive people to be enemies of friends, and friends of enemies.
    Anura is perhaps bracing for the SLFP nomination for the Presidency.Charles Perera -Full Story- (The LankaWeb - 15/09/05)
  • Chandrika and Anura are not indispensable political elements….. nobody is born to rule……
    Charles Perera . -Full Story- (The LankaWeb - 14/09/05)
  • Ms Chandrika Kumaranatunga’s ‘Amoolika Boru’.R Chandrasoma -Full Story- (The LankaWeb - 12/09/05)
  • PM vows to safeguard unitary stateJVP spells out 12 conditions -Full Story- (The LankaWeb - 06/09/05)
  • The Historic JHU-PM agreement

    "There were only a few families in Sri Lanka that had contributed national leaders. I will determine the next presidential candidate and not anyone else" - Sri Lankan President.


  • H.L.D.Mahindapala former Editor, Ceylon Observer and President, Sri Lanka Working Journalists’ Association
    MORE FROM H. L. D. Mahindapala

  • I am a Sinhala Buddhist Sri Lankan currently living in Canada. I shall notbe taking this opportunity to elaborate on political situation in SriLanka.
    "Buddhism has been able to fully satisfy my needs"-
    S.W.R.D.Bandaranaike-early 1930s shortly after his return from Oxford

  • "Peace Process" and the MOU. Sarath Bulathsinghala-(The LankaWeb-28/04/02)
  • A day too late, a dollar too short: An open letter to CBK-Gayan Kodikara.(The LankaWeb-28/04/02)
  • In 1994, the year you became the Chief Minister of the Western Province.... -Aruna Kulatunga, Australia(The LankaWeb-28/04/02

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