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Terrorist-Propaganda Exposed:Channel4 and Ofcom Owe an Explanation to Sri Lanka and Her Citizens
Posted on June 30th, 2011

By L. B. Wasantha (USA)

A group called the ‘Sri Lanka Almanac Vidhyuth Koshaya’ has presented the unedited version of the UK Channel-4’s “Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields”, of which the broadcast has caused much international decry and condemnation against Sri Lanka.

As appeared first in LankaWeb, the Facebook post
, by the Sri Lanka Almanac, has caused serious consternation regarding the propagation of fabricated mass-media against Sri Lanka by terrorist-funded media sources.

Importantly, the Facebook video choreographs, in perfect unison, to the voices in the background: And, all dialogs are in Tamil, the native-language of the terrorist outfit, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (1). Translating from the Tamil dialog in the video, the group describes some parts of the dialog video-recorded during the apparent shootings of “POW’s”: The person who orders the apparent killings in the video says, “Blindfold”, “Bring the next man” “Remove the boots” and, “Are you taking the photos?” (2), all in the Tamil language.

The description accompanying the video further states that modification of the original video was conducted by a group called ‘Journalists for Democracy in Sri Lanka’ (JDS), which has a registered address in Berlin, Germany: ( ). Further, the Sri Lanka Almanac questions whether these ‘killings’ were in fact staged for propaganda purposes for the terror-group during their last days of defeat.

In an article that appeared in The Asian Tribune titled “Is British Broadcasting Getting Funds From Terror Groups?” (3), Dr. Siri Hewavitharana, former Head of Cisco’s Global Broadcast and Digital Video Division and a world-authority in video analysis, has provided evidence that the video in question was filmed through a high-quality recorder, and that they could not have been filmed from “cell phones by soldiers” as claimed by Channel-4. Further, Mr. Hewavitharana states that the video shown by Channel-4 has been digitally altered with fake stills, and some parts have been digitally ‘paint-brushed’ to include the appearance of large amounts of blood around ‘dead bodies’.

 In the Facebook post, Sri Lanka Almanac questions whether the ‘shooting of prisoners’ had actually been a staged-scene for terrorist propaganda, or that the people shown shot were actually Sri Lankan soldiers (with the terrorists donning the uniforms of the disrobed soldiers). (Tamil terrorists are well-known for their deceptions to gain sympathy and support, and have been exposed many a time publishing staged-scenes or fake material in their propaganda).

Sri Lankans, be it peace-loving Tamils or Sinhalese or Muslims or Burghers etc, need to be much concerned about these attacks against Her sovereignty. Already, concerned Sri Lankans have submitted many complaints regarding this “Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields” with Ofcom (the Independent Regulator and Competition Authority for the UK Communications Industries).

With the unedited video for all to see, Sri Lankans, who are now enjoying peace, love and prosperity after thirty years of manic terrorism, are more-than-due an investigation (and subsequent explanation) by Ofcom, the Media-Regulatory Authority of the United Kingdom, for the defamation of their country by the UK’s Channel-4: Sri Lanka, after all, is trying best to recover and reconcile after the elimination of thirty years of terrorism that had caused indescribable damage to the country.


1. Sri Lankan armed forces consist mainly of the majority Sinhalese, who do not fluently speak the Tamil language of the terror-group, the LTTE.

2. In Sri Lanka, both Sinhalese and Tamil languages usually address any capture through camera or video as “photo-taking” during casual communication.

3. The Asian Tribune article “ Is British Broadcasting Getting Funds From Terror Groups?”, can be found at:

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