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 Sri Lanka, Tuesday 15th of October 2024
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Bring in the Spirit of Albert Einstein to Sri Lankans. President Anura Kumar Dissanayake must set an example!
Prof. Hudson McLean
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.  For Knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while Imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”― Albert Einstein Competitions & Incentives to Increase Domestic Production of Food for local consumption. Offer Government Loans, Incentives, Technology, to Start Aqua-culture for Domestic & Export. See how Thailand has increased its export of Coconut, Mango, Papaya, with Imagination & Spices to USA & EU. Thais have re-innovated the packaging of Coconut without... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/10/24)

Human rights of children with disabilities in Sri Lanka - A challenge for the new President and an incoming government
By Raj Gonsalkorale
The current administrative arrangements do not seem to have brought the required equality and equity to children with disabilities and addressed the challenges faced by them although some headway has been made over time.  A high-level State agency is needed for policy formulation, to coordinate implementation of policies and for  monitoring progress Who are children with disabilities? UNICEF states that “The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) recognizes the human rights of all children, including those with disabilities. Along with the CRC, the Convention on the Rights of Persons... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/10/24)

Short-Term Actions Needed to Be Taken by the NPP and Eligibility for Election Nominations
by Prof Sunil J. Wimalawansa
Eliminating corruption, re-establishing judicial independence, curtailing wastage and unnecessary imports, and embracing technology are key priorities for the new National People's Power (NPP) government in Sri Lanka. Now is the time for the NPP leadership to deliver on their promises, ensuring that appointments to government positions, such as chairmanships, are made based on merit rather than favors. Furthermore, public corporations and departments are overstaffed and top-heavy. Instead of mindlessly filling these positions, it is in the country's best interest for the President to carefully assess and eliminate unnecessary roles first. Prioritizing... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/10/24)

ජනතා පරමාධිකාරීබලය පෙන්වීමට අවුරුදු පහක් බලා සිටිය යුතුද?
මතුගම සෙනෙවිරුවන්
            මහ මැති වරණයක් පැවැත්වෙන පරිසරයක බුද්ධි ගෝචර කරුණු සාකච්ඡා කිරීමට බොහෝ අය අකමැත්තක් දැක්විය හැකිය. බලය බලය සඳහා පමණක් ය යන අදහස මත කටයුතු කරන ගතානුගතික පුද්ගලයන්ට නම් මෙවැනි බුද්ධි ගෝචර අදහස් ඉදිරිපත් වීම නයාට අඳුකොළ මෙන් විය හැකිය. එහෙත් මේ අවස්ථාවේදී සංවේදී ජනතාවගේ උත්සාහය වන්නේ පවතින ක්‍රමය උඩුයටිකුරු කිරීමට තම බලය පාවිච්චි කිරීමයි. කීප වතාවක්ම එලෙස කරන්නට ගොස් අසාර්ථක වීම නිසා හටගත් සන්තාපයෙන් බොහෝ අය සිටිති.ඒ නිසා පක්ෂා පාට නොබලා අතීත ක්‍රියාකාරකම් කුමක්දැයි නොවිමසා පවතින ක්‍රමය ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කිරීම සඳහා පෙළ ගැසී සිටිති. මේ පියවර එක් අතකින් සමාජ ප්‍රගමනයට සුභදායකය. අනෙක් අතින් සමාජය වල්මත් කරවීම... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/10/24)

A Master Plan to restore the lost physical stability of the central hill country
Dr Sudath Guanasekara:
A Master Plan to restore the lost physical stability of the central hill country and protect it from the ongoing environmental devastation and reinstall its historical role given in appendixes 1 to 1V below played in ancient times in nation building and defending the motherland from all   Indian and colonial invasions and to open up a new chapter in the saga of socio-economic and political landscape in central Sri Lanka, (HADABIMA) sans ethnic strife and pollical gambling. Dr Sudath Guanasekara: Former Permanent Secretary to Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranayaka and the founder of the... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/10/24)

FOLLOW OR RATHER DEVELOP The Divisional Development  Councils Programme of the Sirimavo days
by Garvin Karunaratne
I enclose a comment from ee.com on the Divisional Development Councils Programme  If done- it can be implemented in days- it will train the young unemployed to become productive and also produce what the country needs. • B2. The Divisional Development Councils Program of PM Sirimavo (2009, excerpts) – Garvin Karunaratne The experience of Sri Lanka’s Divisional Development Councils Program (DDCP, 1970-77) is of great importance in today’s situation of unemployment, and also of the inability to import [capital?] goods due to the lack of foreign exchange.        DDCP is a... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/10/24)

Derana 360: Anuradha Yahampath from Sarvajana Balaya
Derana 360 | With Anuradha Yahampath
https://youtu.be/ynj2YQ7rFQ0... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/10/24)

මාලිමා මන්ත‍්‍රීලා වැටුප් ගන්නෑ.. පක්‍ෂ අරමුදලටයි..
උපුටා ගැන්ම ලංකා සී නිව්ස්
ඉදිරි පාර්ලිමේන්තු මැතිවරණයේදී තේරී පත් වන ජාතික ජන බලවේගයේ සියලු මන්ත්‍රීවරුන් ඔවුන්ගේ වැටුප පක්ෂ අරමුදලට පරිත්‍යාග කරන බව එම පක්ෂය ජාතික විධායක සභික හිටපු පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රී සුනිල් හඳුන්නෙත්ති මහතා සඳහන් කරයි. තම පක්‍ෂය වරදාන වරප්‍රසාද වලට දේශපාලනය කරන ව්‍යාපාරයක් නොවන බවද හෙතෙම කියා සිටි. එම ප්‍රතිපත්තිය ආණ්ඩු පක්ෂයේ සිටියත් විපක්ෂයේ සිටියත් වෙනස් නොකරන බවද හෙතෙම තවදුරටත් පැවසුවේය. කොළඹදී මාධ්‍යවේදියෙකු විමසූ පැනයකට පිළිතුරු සපයමින් ඔහු මෙම අදහස් පළ කළේය... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/10/24)

උගන්ඩාවට ගුවනින් ගෙන ගියේ සොරකම් කල සල්ලි නොවෙයි.. තෝමස් ඩිලාරූ සමාගමේ නෝට්ටුයි..- කොට්ටහච්චි
උපුටා ගැන්ම ලංකා සී නිව්ස්
ජාතික ජන බලවේග රජයක් යටතේ ලොව දියුණු රටවල පවතින ආකාරයේ වත්කම් ප්‍රතිෂ්ඨාපන ආයතනයක් පිහිටුවීමට අරමුණු කරන බව එම පක්‍ෂ කළුතර දිස්ත්‍රික් අපේක්ෂිකා නිලන්ති කොට්ටහච්චි මහත්මිය පවසයි. රටේ පාලන තන්ත්‍රය ජනතා මුදල් අයථා ලෙස සිය රටේ හෝ වෙනත් රටවල ආයෝජනය කර ඇත්නම් භාවිත කරමින් ඇත්නම් එමගින් ඒවා නැවත ලබා ගත හැකි බවත් ඇය පෙන්වා දෙයි. පසුගිය ජනාධිපතිවරණ වේදිතාවේදී උගන්ඩාවේ ඇති මුදල් නැවත ගෙන ඒමට අවශ්‍ය නැද්දයි විමසන විටත් තෝමස් ඩිලාරෝ සමාගම නිත්‍යානුකූල ලෙස මුද්‍රණය කළ මුදල් උගන්ඩාවට ගෙන යෑම ගැන තමන් පූර්ණ අවබෝධයක සිටි බව ද ඇය පවසන්නීය. ... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/10/24)

රාජ්‍ය දේපල ප්‍රතිව්‍යුහගතකරණය අත්හිටුවයි..
උපුටා ගැන්ම ලංකා සී නිව්ස්
රාජ්‍ය සතු ව්‍යවසායන් ප්‍රතිව්‍යුහගත කිරීම ම්බන්ධයෙන් පැවති රජයේ ප්‍රතිපත්තිමය තීරණය මහ මැතිවරණය අවසන් වන තෙක් නව රජය විසින් අත්හිටුවා තිබේ. පසුගිය රජය විසින් රාජ්‍ය ව්‍යවසාය ප්‍රතිවේග ගත කිරීමේ ඒකකයක් පිහිටුවා ඇති අතර ඒ යටතේ ජ්‍ය ව්‍යාපාර 130ක් ප්‍රතිව්‍යුහගත කිරීමට ලැයිස්තුගත කර තිබින. කෙසේ වෙතත් ජනාධිපති අනුර දිසානායක මහතා එම ධුරයට පත් වීමෙන් පසු අදාළ ඒකකයේ කටයුතු සම්බන්ධයෙන් ඉදිරි ක්‍රියා මාර්ග මහ මැතිවරණය අවසන් වූ පසු ගැනීමට නියමිතව ඇත.... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/10/24)

Sri Lanka seeks BRICS membership amid economic challenges
Anadolu staff Courtesy AA News
Foreign minister says Colombo will request membership at upcoming BRICS summit in Russia ANKARA Sri Lanka has formally decided to apply for BRICS membership, Foreign Minister Vijitha Herath announced Monday. Speaking to the diplomatic corps in the capital Colombo, Herath said the country will submit its membership request at the upcoming BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia, scheduled for Oct. 23-24. Sri Lanka's secretary of foreign affairs will represent the nation at the summit, where Colombo hopes to gain support from existing BRICS... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/10/24)

Sri Lanka carrier grounds captain after mid-air argument
Courtesy The Peninsular
Colombo: Sri Lanka's national airline grounded a captain after he locked out his female copilot when she took a toilet break during a flight from Sydney to Colombo, officials said.Sri Lanka's aviation regulator, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), had initiated an investigation. "The airline is fully cooperating with the relevant authorities, and the captain has been grounded pending the outcome of the investigation," SriLankan Airlines said in a statement. The captain clashed with the female copilot over her stepping out without arranging another crew member to accompany him in the cockpit,... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/10/24)

Dissanayake’s difficult path to take Sri Lanka back to non-alignment
Frederic Grare Courtesy The Strategist ASPI
The new president of Sri Lanka, Anura Kumara Dissanayake, will have to walk a fine line to return the country to its traditional foreign policy of non-alignment. The country remains caught in a situation dangerously close to a zero-sum game of relationships with China and India, both of which are essential for its economic recovery. To help him stay out of that situation, Western countries should go beyond economic help and engage Sri Lanka in a larger and more comprehensive agenda. Left-leaning Dissanayake has emphasized... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/10/24)

Harsha’s Options -Join NPP or Take Over Leadership of SJB Who wants Dr. Harsha de Silva out?
Courtesy The Daily Mirror
Targeting Dr. Harsha de Silva by senior SJB members began a couple of years ago when he started gaining recognition as a potential future leader. The brilliant economist faced criticism a few months ago after securing state funding for development work in Kotte. During a TV chat show explaining the process, Harsha made the remark, “Mama Ambalangoda kollekk” (I am a man from Ambalangoda), which some within the party used to undermine him. Party members close to the leadership reportedly conspired to push him out of the Colombo district, seeking to move him to... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/10/24)

The New government and foreign debt - EDITORIAL
Courtesy The Daily Mirror
The new government of President Anura Kumara Dissanayake seems to be under pressure to implement the promises given to the people by his party, National People’s Power (NPP) before the September 21 Presidential election. In fact, it is more than the ordinary people, the adversaries of the NPP who are pressurising the government to implement what it promised to the people during the recent election campaign. Their pressure on the government to keep all its pledges straightaway points to what they are up to.  Yet, a pressure campaign within the... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/10/24)

මාලිමාවේ ප්‍රචාරණ වැඩවලට සහාය දුන්න ශානිට අධ්‍යක්ෂ ධුරයක් ලබාදී පැරණි දේශපාලන සංස්කෘතියම මාලිමා රජය යළිත් පණගන්වලා - නුවන් බෝපගේ ගෙන් චෝදනා (වීඩියෝ)
උපුටා ගැන්ම  ලංකා ලීඩර්
තමුන්ගේ හිතවතුන්ට තනතුරු, තාන්නමාන්න දීම වැළැක්වීම පසුගිය කාලයේ ජනතාව ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කළ දේශපාලන සංස්කෘතිය බවත්, වර්තමාන ජාතික ජන බලවේගයේ රජය විසින් තමන්ගේ දේශපාලන ප්‍රචාරන වැඩකටයුතු වෙනුවෙන් දායක කරගත් ශානි අබේසේකර මහතා බුද්ධි විශ්ලේෂන සහ නිවාරණ කොට්ඨාශයේ අධ්‍යක්ෂකවරයා ලෙස තම හිතවත්කම මත පත්කර ඇති බවත් ජන අරගල සන්ධානයේ නුවන් බෝපගේ මහතා පවසයි. ශානි අබේසේකර පසුගිය කාලයේ ජාතික ජනබලවේගයේ පොලිස් සහ හමුදා බලමුළුවල සිටි පුද්ගලයකු බවද, ජාතික ජන බලවේගය පැරණි දේශපාලන සංස්කෘතියම දැන් නැවත පණගන්වා ඇති බවද ඒ මහතා චෝදනා නගයි. ... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/10/24)

ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ආර්ථිකය ප්‍රතිව්‍යුහගත නොකළොත් අණතුරේ වැටෙනවා- ලෝක බැංකුව වාර්තාවකින් පවසයි
උපුටා ගැන්ම  ලංකා ලීඩර්
ආර්ථිකයේ කරණු ලබන ව්‍යුහාත්මක ප්‍රතිසංස්කරණ මත ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ආර්ථික ස්ථායිතාව රඳාපවතින බව ලෝක බැංකුව අවධාරණය කරයි. ලෝක බැංකුව නිකුත් කළ ‘ශ්‍රී ලංකා සංවර්ධන ඇගයුම’ නම් නවතම වාර්තාවේ මේ බව සඳහන් වේ. එම වාර්තාවට අනුව ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ සමස්ථ ආර්ථිකය අවදානමට ලක්විය හැකි සීමාවක ස්ථායිව පවතී. වාර්තාව වැඩිදුරටත් පෙන්වා දෙන්නේ සාර්ථක ණය ප්‍රතිව්‍යුහගත කිරීම, මධ්‍යකාලීන ආර්ථික වර්ධනය වැඩිකිරීම සහ දුප්පත්කම අඩුකිරීම සඳහා ක්‍රියාත්මක කරන අඛණ්ඩ ව්‍යුහාත්මක ප්‍රතිසංස්කරණ මත ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ආර්ථික ස්ථායිතාව රඳාපවතින බවයි. ආර්ථිකයේ ප්‍රධාන අභියෝගවලට විසඳුම් සෙවීම ඉලක්ක කරගත් ප්‍රධාන ප්‍රතිසංස්කරණ වඩා පැතිරුණු සහ තිරසාර වර්ධනයක් සඳහා වැදගත් වන... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/10/24)

ජනපති අනුර මානව හිමිකම් උගුලට හිර කිරීම සඳහා නීතිඥ සංගමයේ සභාපතිගෙන් තල්ලුවක් - ජාතික සංවිධාන චෝදනා නගයි
උපුටා ගැන්ම  ලංකා ලීඩර්
ජාත්‍යන්තර මානව හිමිකම් කවුන්සිලයේ 51/1 යෝජනාව තවදුරටත් තහවුරු කිරීම සඳහා ඉදිරිපත් කළ 57/1 යෝජනාව ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ රජය විසින් ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කිරීම කිරීම පිළිබඳව ලංකා ලීඩර් ජාතික සංවිධානවල මතය විමසන ලදී. මේ වෛද්‍ය වසන්ත බණ්ඩාර මහතා ගේ අදහස් ඔහුගේ වචනයෙන්, "මතුපිටින් බලන විට එය ඉතා හොඳ දෙයක්. මීට පෙර ගෝඨාභය රජයත් 46/1 සහ 51/1 යෝජනා ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කළා. නමුත් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ නියෝජිතයාගේ කතාව තුළ වෙනත් භයානක යෝජනාවක් හෙවත් පොරොන්දුවක් අන්තර්ගත වෙනවා. ඒ තමයි වගවීම සඳහා දේශීය යාන්ත්‍රණයක් හඳුන්වා දෙන බව සහ වැරැදිකරුවන්ට දේශීය අධිකරණය මගින් දඩුවම් කරන බවට පොරොන්දු වීම. එතන තමයි රහස... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/10/24)

China responds to recent arrests of Chinese nationals in Sri Lanka for ‘online scams’
Courtesy Adaderana
The Chinese Embassy in Colombo says that China is closely following the recent arrests of Chinese nationals in Sri Lanka for suspected online fraud and is supporting Sri Lankan law enforcement agencies in cracking down on them, while ensuring their rights and interests are protected in accordance with the law. Issuing a statement in this regard, the Chinese Embassy highlighted that these cases not only pose a threat to the property of the two peoples, but also seriously damage China’s image and affect the traditional friendship between the two countries. Furthermore, the... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/10/24)

India withdraws Canada envoy named in probe, expels diplomats
Courtesy Adaderana
India ordered the expulsion of six Canadian diplomats on Monday and withdrew its own envoy from Canada, in response to what it said was Ottawa’s decision to name him and others as “persons of interest” in an investigation. India did not go into detail on the investigation, but relations have been fraught since 2023, when Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he had evidence linking Indian agents to the assassination of a Sikh separatist leader on his territory. India has long denied Trudeau’s accusation. On Monday it dismissed Canada’s move on the... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/10/24)

The Fate of Sri Lanka’s First & Last Woman Prime Minister
e-Con e-News
blog: eesrilanka.wordpress.com ‘Before you study the economics, study the economists!’ e-Con e-News 06-12 October 2024 * Opposition forces are involved in an imperialist conspiracy to make President Anura Dissanayake the “2nd  Gotabaya” – former Minister Wimal Weerawansa * ‘Si vis pacem para bellum – If you want peace, prepare for war’ Some like their sutra in punchy praetorian Latin. The Washington-based IMF (Import Mafia Front) is making us an offer we apparently can’t refuse. The... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 14/10/24)

President Anura Kumara Dissanayake: This is Your Turn to Bring the Smile Back!!
Prof. Hudson McLean
Promises & Promises! Are Political Promises Meant to be Broken? Set an Example that Corruption Does Not Pay! President Anura Kumara Dissanayake: This is Your Turn! Politicians are famous to promise the Moon and soon after winning the vote, the promises vanish into thin air! The Sri Lankan election victory in 2024 is Unique. Whilst the Parliamentary Elections in other major Democratic countries, such as USA, UK, India, Singapore retained the old guard and the legendary historical old two party system, Sri Lankan... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 14/10/24)

The Ceylon Tamil, despite the label, is not ‘Ceylon’ at all. The Ceylon Tamil originated in Tamilnadu. The British got down Tamils to carry out “Settler Colonization” in Ceylon. “Settler Colonization”is the introduction of a foreign settler group, to crush the existing indigenous group and take over the country. “Settler Colonialism”   is a strategy where the colonial power   deliberately brings in outsiders to a new country, to occupy its land and push out those who were living there earlier. The original residents are   displaced and later eliminated. The settlers    then dig in and   create... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 14/10/24)

Not being proactive but reactive
Chanaka Bandarage
Rather than becoming ready to face/control situations, most of the time we  respond/react to them after the event. Owing to this shortcoming, we suffer tremendously.   This is why the perception - Sri Lankans are reactive, not proactive. Let us look at some examples: In 1976, Prabhakaran killed Alfred Duraippah. From 1981 – 1983, he did many heinous crimes. During this period he was arrested few times. But, our rulers always set him free. Until 2009, Prabhakaran went on major rampage. The damage/carnage he did to this this country; needless... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 14/10/24)

The 1956 election landslide and SWRD Bandaranaike’s tenure (1956 — 1959)
Courtesy The Island
(Excerpted from Rendering Unto Caesar, memoirs of Bradman Weerakoon) My acquaintance with S W R D Bandaranaike was only through the press reports of his election campaign. That was before he came to the prime minister’s office in the Fort (now housing the foreign ministry at Republic Square), on an April morning, after the swearing in of his Cabinet at Queen’s House. His eloquence as a speaker, especially his Independence Day speech in 1948, was deeply imprinted in my mind. Throughout a gruelling campaign he had shown extraordinary skills of perseverance... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 14/10/24)

AAEA urges govt for promoting rain water harvesting
Nava Thakuria
Guwahati: All Assam Engineers’ Association (AAEA), a forum of graduate engineers in northeast India, appreciates Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Sarsanghchalak Dr Mohan Bhagwat for making  an fervent appeal for caring the nature and protect Mother Earth. The RSS chief, while delivering his annual address on the occasion of Vijayadashami, urged everyone to conserve water, avoid single-use plastic, plant tree-saplings and finally save the planet for all living beings.Sarsanghchalak Bhagwat, who leads the 99 years old largest socio-cultural organisation in the world, observed in his address from Nagpur on 12 October 2024 that the ongoing material developmental... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 14/10/24)

බිලියන 97ක් සොයන්න හෙට භාණ්ඩාගාර බිල්පත් විකුණයි..
උපුටා ගැන්ම ලංකා සී නිව්ස්
රී ලංකා මහ බැංකුව විසින් හෙට දිනයේ 15 භාණ්ඩාගාර බිල්පත් වෙන්දේසියක් සිදු කරයි. එහිදී රුපියල් මිලියන 97,000ක භාණ්ඩාගාර බිල්පත් වෙන්දේසි කිරීමට ලංසු කැදයි. දින 91කින් කල්පිරෙන රුපියල් මිලියන 37,000ක, දින 182කින් කල්පිරෙන රුපියල් මිලියන 40,000ක සහ දින 364කින් කල්පිරෙන රුපියල් මිලියන 20,000ක භාණ්ඩාගාර බිල්පත් එහිදී වෙන්දේසි කෙරේ.... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 14/10/24)

සහනාධාර වැඩි කරනවා.. IMF විරුද්ද වුනේ නෑ..- ජනාධිපති ආර්ථික උපදේශක
උපුටා ගැන්ම ලංකා සී නිව්ස්
ජනතාවට සහන ලබාදීම ඉහළ නැංවීමට ජාත්‍යන්තර මුල්‍ය අරමුදලේ එකඟතාවය ලැබුණු බව ජනාධිපති ආර්ථික හා මුල්‍ය කටයුතු පිළිබඳ උපදේශක මහාචාර්ය අනිල් ජයන්ත මහතා සඳහන් කරයි. ජාත්‍යන්තර මුල්‍ය අරමුදල වෙත ඊට අදාළ යෝජනා ඉදිරියේදී ලබාදීමට කටයුතු කරන බවද ඔහු පැවසුවේය. ජනතාවට ලබාදෙන සහන ඉහල නැංවීමට රජයේ මූලික අරමුණ බවත් හෙතෙම කියා සිටී. “ජාත්‍යන්තර මූල්‍ය අරමුදලත් එක්ක සාකච්ඡා කරද්දි පැහැදිලි කරමින් සිටියා අපේ රටේ ආර්ථිකය නැවත පුනර්ජීවනයට හරවන්න නම් රටේ මිනිස්සුන්ට කන්න බොන්න ලැබෙන දේ අරන් දෙන්න ඕනේ. ගොවියාට පොහොර ටික ලැබෙන්න ඕනේ. ධීවරයාට ඒ වැඩ ටික පහසුවෙන්... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 14/10/24)

An Electoral May-2009 Moment Has Arrived for Most Politicians
Dilrook Kannangara
The year 2024 is shaping up to be the most important year in Sri Lanka’s history. It already had unprecedented political changes and more are on the way. Over 100 once powerful politicians have been reduced to zero; most of them have given up politics and elections. This is indeed the May-2009 moment for them. They know what side of that moment they are in. One may argue that the UNP was defeated pretty badly in 1956 but it bounced back. Similarly, the SLFP was defeated in 1977 and after languishing in the opposition... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 13/10/24)

Conserve rain water, plant trees, save the planet:
RSS Sarsanghchalak
Guwahati:  On the occasion of Vijayadashami festival, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagwat made a fervent appeal to everyone to care for nature and protect the planet for the human race. In his annual address from the headquarter of RSS at Nagpur in Maharashtra on 12 October 2024,  Sarasanghachalak Bhagwat observed that the ongoing material developmental journey, inspired by an incomplete ideological basis of consumerism, has emerged as a journey of destruction for the entire creation on Earth The summer season scorches, the rain takes away everything and the winter freezes life like... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 13/10/24)

Bali Process Meeting held in Colombo
Ministry of Defence  - Media Centre
The Bali Process meeting focused on return and reintegration services for stranded migrants was conducted on October 10 and 11 at the Kingsbury Hotel, Colombo. This collaborative effort involves the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the National Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force (NAHTTF), coordinated under the Bali Process Return and Reintegration Services (BP AVRR) and supported by the Australian Department of Home Affairs. The Chief of National Intelligence and the Head of the Officials Committee of the NAHTTF, representing the Ministry of Defence as the Chair of the NAHTTF, delivered... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 13/10/24)

‘A noble opposition can do more work than a govt’ – Dilith Jayaweera
Courtesy AdaDerana
Leader of the ‘Sarvajana Balaya’ alliance, entrepreneur Dilith Jayaweera says that if a noble opposition is created, it can do more work than a government. He further points out that a courageous opposition will not have to remain in the opposition forever. He made these comments during a special meeting held today (12) in Waskaduwa with the candidates contesting this year’s parliamentary elections from the ‘Sarvajana Balaya’ under the symbol of the ‘medal’.  Speaking during the event, Mr. Dilith Jayaweera said:  “We are talking about... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 13/10/24)

Acting IGP instructed to expedite investigations into seven high-profile cases
Courtesy Adaderana
The Ministry of Public Security has instructed the Acting IGP to expedite the police investigations into seven high-profile cases including the Easter Sunday bombings and the controversial Treasury Bond auction in 2015. Instructions have also been given to expedite investigations into the death of businessman Dinesh Schaffter death and the death of a police officer during the shooting incident near the “W15” Hotel in Weligama in 2023, according to the Police Spokesman. Police Spokesman DIG Nihal Thalduwa said the Ministry of Public Security has instructed the Acting IGP to direct special attention... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 13/10/24)

Sri Lanka Has a New Broom! Will it Sweep Better than the Old Brooms?
Prof. Hudson McLean
Knowing Language or Knowing Communication Skills. There is a subtle difference. In most cases, from what I have seen of Sri Lankan Officials and Businessmen, Lack Both. The failure of getting IMF support is a Case-in-Point! Keeping Sinhala as the Official Language is important,  BUT English should be taught like it was done in the 1950s, 1960s. Learn a lesson from Singapore. Whilst most Chinese speak Mandarin, the majority of Singaporeans speak excellent English! In business negotiations, the First Impression is... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 12/10/24)

English the Global Language of Communication & Negotiation
Prof. Hudson McLean
Languages Main & Official in EU! Courtesy of Google. How Many Speak English in EU? You won't have to go far to find an English speaking country in Europe as there are over 370 million English speakers out of about 450 million EU residents! How Many Speak English Globally? Out of the world's approximately 7.8 billion inhabitants, 1.35 billion speak English.  What are the 5 European languages? Five languages have more than 50 million native speakers in Europe: Russian, German, French, Italian, and English.  ... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 12/10/24)

In Sri Lanka, History Stakes Its Claim Over The Raavan Myth
Shenali D. Waduge
In Sri Lanka, there is no mythological version of the Ramayana. Raavan’s world was more than that https://www.outlookindia.com/national/in-sri-lanka-history-stakes-its-claim-over-the-raavan-myth This story was published as part of Outlook's 21 October 2024 magazine issue titled 'Raavan Leela'. To read more stories from the issue, click here The question arises: how did Indian mythology merge to turn an actual Sinhala hero-king into a villain? You don’t have to go far to find the answer. It was the Tamil Nadu settlers who projected Raavan as a treacherous villain, but have suddenly changed their tune to now claim... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 12/10/24)

Meritocracy in Leadership Appointments.
Sasanka De Silva, Pannipitiya
The recent appointment of a former Sri Lanka Air Force chief as the Chairman of Airport and Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) (Private) Limited, the state-run airport management company, has been the subject of much debate. While it may seem like a newsworthy event, in reality, it follows a long-established pattern of selecting top military personnel for civilian roles. This practice, however, raises several questions. First, the company is registered as a "Private" entity, yet government influence over decision-making appears as strong as ever. How private can... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 12/10/24)

ලංකාවේ දිරිය තරුණයෙකුගේ අරුම පුදුම යන්ත්‍ර නිශ්පාදන කර්මාන්තශාලාව
https://youtu.be/fcx30c13jbY Umandawa Maha Vihara Monastery Madahapola, Melsiripura, Kurunegala, Sri Lanka.... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 12/10/24)

Election Commission/Commissioner must ensure no DUAL CITIZENS / FOREIGN CITIZENS give nominations
Shenali D Waduge
If there is a constitutional provision claiming no dual citizens / foreign citizens can sit in Parliament, how is this provision to be honored or checked? The best & only way is for the Election Commission/Commissioner to ensure that they do not accept any nominations of those who are dual citizens. Such nominations must be rejected by the Election Commission & the Election Commission is dutybound to the People to ensure they have not accepted nominations of dual citizens/foreign citizens. This was a major lapse in the 2020 elections. The Election Commission... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 12/10/24)

Demarcating the Role of Voters and the Role of Parliament
Prof. Chandana Jayalath
In every functioning democracy, Parliament plays a central role in shaping the nation’s future. It is the institution that represents the will of the people, legislates on their behalf, and holds the government accountable for its actions. In countries like Sri Lanka, Parliament is the heartbeat of the democratic process, where laws are debated, decisions are made, and national priorities are set. However, as much as the institution itself is critical, the quality of its members is equally significant in ensuring that Parliament fulfills its role effectively. The Role of Parliament in a... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 12/10/24)

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  • An Indian eyewitness account of the last 70 hours of Terrorist War in Sri Lanka . FINAL HOURS
    B. MURALIDHAR REDDY in the war zone-Full Story- (frontlineonnet.com/ - 08/06/09)
    Final assault
    B. MURALIDHAR REDDY in the war zone
    -Full Story- (frontlineonnet.com/ - 08/06/09)
  • The war is over - With the death of LTTE chief Velupillai Prabakaran, the militant campaign for a Tamil state in Sri Lanka seems to have come to an end. -Full Story- (frontlineonnet.com/ - 08/06/09) LTTE RISE & FALL -Full Story- (frontlineonnet.com/ - 08/06/09)
  • Where is Prabakaran? -Full Story- (frontlineonnet.com/ - 08/06/09)
  • Great Power Confrontation in the Indian Ocean: The Geo-Politics of the Sri Lankan Civil War by Mahdi Darius Nazemroay -Full Story- (globalresearch.ca - 25/10/09)


  • THE ANCESTRY OF RAVANA A close study of the Ramayana, particularly the last book or Uttara Kanda, reveals that Ravana, the enemy of Lord Rama, was not a Dravidian, as many people have thought, but related to the Sri Lanka, who are considered to be Aryans-that Ravana was a migrant to Sri Lanka from the Vedic family of the Yadus, perhaps deriving originally from the city of Mathura south of Delhi. The first wave of migrants to Sri Lanka from the north was from Gujarat and of the Yadu family, which dominated the southwest of India and from the region of Gujarat had access to the sea on which they travelled far in their trading and colonizing ventures. The Ramayana tells the Ravana, the king of Sri Lanka, had close connections with region of the Yadus, which included Gujarat, parts of Maharashtra and Rajasthan up to Mathura south of Delhi.
  • Beginning and growth of civilization in Sri Lanka
    123,000 BC - Oldest human found in Lanka - Pathirajawela in the deep South.
    12000 BC - MaduruOya findings World's oldest findings of the use of Steel, Copper, and irrigation technology
    7500 BC - Connections between Cambians, Sri Lankans, Ramayanaya & Mahabharataya The first wave of migrants to Sri Lanka from north India, were from the Yadu family from Gujarat. Yadus dominated the southwest of India (which included Gujarat, parts of Maharashtra and Rajasthan up to Mathura, just south of Delhi).
    6000 BC - Lankan city on Mahamevuna Uyana - Archeologists uncovered 35 feet under the present Mahamevuna Uyana in Anuradapura,
    3000 BC - Sigiriya is considered the AlakaMandava of the Ravana
    2517 Ramayanaya and Sri Lanka According to Ramayana story, Ravana, the king of Sri Lanka, belongs to a family of migrants from North India who had close connections with region of the Yadus,
    2517 BC - Ravana gets killed in Balangoda during March, 2517BC Ravana, while attending to the wounds suffered in combat by Vibishana (his brother) in Balangoda,
    1000 BC - Sri Lanka has the latest technology : Iron technology is evident in SL
    900 BC - Anuradapura, a major town of, at least 10 Hectares (25 Acres). Anuradhapura was at least 10 ha in extent by ca. 900 BC (perhaps much more). By then prehistoric stone tool technology had been completely superseded by that of iron
    700 BC - Anuradapura Town, 50 Hectares (125 Acres) .
    600 BC - Earliest Proof of Brahmi writing in Lanka At 600-500 BC, the very first appearance of writing (in Brahmi letters almost identical to the Asokan script 200 years later) marked the beginning of the Early Historic period. This writing, radiocarbon dated on charcoal and checked by thermoluminescence dating, is inscribed on potsherds signifying the ownership. Among the names, was Anuradha.
    483 BC - Vijaya lands in Sri Lanka. Girihadu Seya is built in Thiriyaya. Buddha's relics are enshrined in Mahiyanganaya Dagaba Sarabu Maharahatan Vahanse picked Budda relics from the burning cortege and arrived in Mahiyanganaya
    -For Full story go to
  • Historical Development of Sinhala and Scripts click on the links!!
    -Beginning and growth of civilization in Sri Lanka
    -Unethical conversion violates the UN convention on the right of the child


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"Human Rights Watch, one of the world's best-financed and most influential human rights organizations? It turns out that they cook the books about facts, cheat on interviews, and put out pre-determined conclusions that are driven more by their ideology than by evidence. These are serious accusations, and they are demonstrably true".-Alan Dershowitz Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School

Amnesty and HRW may research their material and appear to be neutral in their assessments every time, no one can really evaluate their impartiality unless one sets out to investigate their background funding, behind-the-scenes researchers and the influences under which they operate. Read "Gutter Tactics of Amnesty International (AI) in Sri Lanka"


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