Posted on May 11th, 2009
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Today the LTTE terrorists and their sympathizers launched a massive campaign of attacks to slow the rescuing of civilian hostages held by these terrorists. In related news, the Taleban in Swat Valley copies Tamil Tiger terrorists – see belowƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚¦
Surrendering LTTE terrorists reveal mass civilian killings engineered to blame the Sri Lankan army and used to gain international sympathy:
“According to the defence.lk special correspondent at Karayamulli Vaikkal, five LTTE cadres including four child soldiers surrendered to Army 53 Division this morning (May 11) have revealed that LTTE had brutally crushed several civilian attempts to seek refuge with the armed forces during the weekend.”
“We were given orders to shoot anyone, even at our parents if they dare to seek refuge with the soldiers, leaving LTTE leader unsafe” a 16 year old child soldier among the surrendered said.
“Yet, we did not want to do that, we saw senior LTTE cadres firing shells and machine guns at boats carrying large groups of women and children on Saturday morning (May 9), many had died” , the boy further went on to say.
A 23 year old youth, the eldest among the surrendered told that he decided to dessert the outfit with the younger ones, after witnessing the carnage on Saturday.
“I could not guess how many died. I could no longer stand this treachery against my very own people…, so I decided to quit “.
Sri Lankan military witnessed rebels firing mortar shells from one corner of the coastal strip into another section heavily populated with civilians for one hour Sunday morning.
The military as consistently seen the beleaguered Tamil terrorists shelling their own territory to gain international sympathy and to force a cease-fire. This seems to somewhat working when international human rights groups called for the U.N. Security Council to urgently hold talks on the conflict. The global LTTE supporters are using human rights groups as a front to stop the military campaign to rescue the remaining hostages and prolong the demise of the terrorists.
Human rights groups have accused the Tamil Tiger terrorists of holding the civilians as human shields and shooting anyone who tried to flee.
False information was fed to the media by the LTTE terrorist Tamilnet that included staged photographs for maximum effect. All the information used by these international human rights groups came from the Tamil Tiger terrorists aimed at slowing down the Sri Lankan military.
In order to depend on the victory of a propaganda war against the government the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) started firing at the civilians indiscriminately killing scores of them sources in the North East of Sri Lanka said.
Providing a clue when this shelling started the LTTE connected website, the Tamil Net said it started on Saturday and as many as 2,000 civilians had been killed.
Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said the shells were being fired by Tamil Tiger rebels. “The radars detected the LTTE [Tamil Tigers] positioning their mortars south of the safe zone and firing from there,” he told Reuters.
He also added “ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚¦we had the opportunity to visit camps in the North where people have recently managed to find shelter having escaped from the conflict zone. I think the Sri Lankan authorities are under extremely pressure 135,000 people escaped from the area held by the terrorists and of cause they have to provide camps for very short notice. In that sense they have done an extremely good job. They are under intense pressure…, and our concern was that they were not allowing international agencies and UN in fast enough to support the Government what they are doing and to meet the needs of the people both in terms of food, shelter and the water and sanitation. Although it has to be said they are trying extremely hard, which quite impressive what they are doing.”
Tamil Tigers are terrorists and unless you defeat them you can’t build the united Sri Lanka, says British MP-Malcolm Bruce on Mon, 2009-05-11
BBC reports “To add to that, the Taleban threatened to kill young people if they didn’t join them in their so-called ‘jihad’. There have been personal threats to our family too, as my father is an outspoken critic of the Taleban”.
‘Everything destroyed’ in Swat valley