Author Archive for Bodhi Dhanapala

Lucian Rajakarunanayake’s Lament on the fall of democracy.

Sunday, September 20th, 2020

Bodhi Dhanapala For there to be a down fall of democracy, there should have been democracy in the first place. Do you think we had “democracy” when the UNP+TNA+SLFP rules the country? When you are at the very bottom of the well, perhaps you can only look up to see light. If what we see […]

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Umbrage at common usage: Raajaasana and Throne

Tuesday, January 7th, 2020

BODHI DHANAPALA Dr. Usvatte-Aratchi is very upset by an alleged reference to a throne speech, or ‘Raajaasana kathaava’ by a senior Buddhist monk, referring to the presidential address. He also states, “In the same newscast, there was a former Governor of the Central Bank saying that the Central Bank lost money in a bond scandal.” […]

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Harim Pieris’ Roadmap for the UNP with no mention of the Bond Scam

Saturday, December 7th, 2019

By Bodhi Dhanapala A version of this article appeared in the Island Newspaper, 6th Dec) Harim Peries (HP), writing to The Island on Dec 5. about “The UNF loss and looking ahead”, gives a road map for the UNP. It should make strange reading to most Sri Lankans except those who, by a Freudian slip, […]

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Human Rights puzzles on London terrorist killing

Tuesday, December 3rd, 2019

BODHI DHANAPALA (This article was also submitted to the Island and published there as well on 2-12-2019) I wish to congratulate the Editor of the Island for his editorial of 2nd December, which articulated exactly what many of us were thinking of, but didn’t quite know how to put in words.When I read those reports […]

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Gotabhaya Rajapaksa’s decisive victory.

Monday, November 18th, 2019

By Bodhi Dhanapala, Quebec, Canada. Jehan Perera, writing in the Island on 19th November says that the expectation was that neither of the two leading candidates, i.e., Gotabhaya and Sajith, would get a clear mandate, and hence a second preference re-count will be needed. Several urban political Pandits like Kumar David had suggested that while […]

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Genetically modified foods safer and better; Another view to ‘Engineered vegetables’.

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019

By Bodhi Dhanapala, Quebec, Canada [Full version of the article that appeared in the Island, 22nd October, 2019] A reader named “Vegetarian” (The Island 15th Oct.) had written asking if ‘outsized vegetables are some type of “engineered” vegetables’? Jayantha Samarasinghe (JS) has replied (21st October), alluding to a science fiction story by Arthur Clarke to […]

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Was the Mullaitivu cremation staged against a Gotabaya presidency?

Wednesday, October 16th, 2019

BODHI DHANAPALA News reports (e.g., Island 12-Oct-2019) tell us how the Malaysian anti-terrorist unit is handling nascent neo-LTTE groups when it arrested seven operatives including two members of parliament (Lawmakers). Malaysian newspapers have reported the arrests of seven LTTE operatives in Malaysia. Two Malaysian Tamil lawmakers are among the seven arrested. Bukit Aman Special Branch […]

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Malaysia’s approach to neo-LTTE groups and the break-down of justice at Mullaitivu Neeraviyadi Pillayar Kovil and Buddhist temple.

Sunday, October 13th, 2019

Bodhi Dhanapala, Quebec, Canada News reports (e.g., Island 12-Oct-2019) tell us how the Malaysian anti-terrorist unit is handling nascent Neo-LTTE groups when it arrested seven operatives including two members of parliament (Law makers). Malaysian  news reports the arrests of seven LTTE operatives in Malaysia. Two Malaysian Tamil lawmakers are among the seven arrested. Bukit Aman […]

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Nagananda as a Presidential candidate.

Sunday, September 1st, 2019

Bodhi Dhanapala I was frankly surprised to find Dr. Daya Hewapathirana (DH)  coming forward to support Nagananda  of all people. But anything can happen in politics. Who expected that Ven. Ratana will end up in the UNP national list, importing and selling duty-free cars? Who expected the “Rathu Sahodarayas” to become Rathu-Ali hobnobbing with Sampanthan […]

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Uneven-handed treatment of Muslim and Tamil MPs who are alleged to have terrorist links.

Wednesday, July 31st, 2019

Bodhi Dhanapala, Quebec, Canada When public suspicion is aroused, it is extremely important to ensure that innocent people are not victimized just to satisfy  blood-thirsty crowds and opportunistic politicians. Those who are under suspicion must be investigated in a transparent way, and the accused must NOT be harassed by investigating officials, the public, or by […]

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Uneven-handed treatment of Muslim and Tamil MPs who are alleged to have terrorist links.

Wednesday, July 31st, 2019

Bodhi Dhanapala Thank your Mr. van der Poorten You are most welcome to push forward your own analysis of the events that had occurred in Sri Lanka and hold your own analysis of the Eelamist Racist program of “an exclusive Tamil Homeland” put in place since 1949 that has been the cause of the calamitous […]

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What some Canadian writers have written about the growing Islamic Fundamentalism in Canada.

Monday, May 6th, 2019

Bodhi Dhanapala Here is what some Canadian writers have written about the growing Islamic Fundamentalism in Canada. This article takes  takes a hard view of Islam. But most Canadina authors  fails to realize that the LTTE “refugees” also adopted the same methods in creeping into Canada and having a strong influence on the Canadian Governments. […]

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Shouldn’t we invite Erik Solheim?

Tuesday, April 30th, 2019

Bodhi Dhanapala Quebec Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe during Chandrika Kumaratunga’s presidency and today as well, has in his many statements on the Easter suicide bombings emphasized the global nature of the problem, and referred to the need for international help.. Given all the US and Western support available to the Prime Minister, didn’t his security […]

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The Buddha’s ‘Anatta’ doctrine and mathematical thinking

Tuesday, March 12th, 2019

Bodhi  Dhanapala,  Quebec, Canada. The Island newspaper has published several accounts of the Anatta doctrine by a number of writers, including Dr. Carlo Fonseka, an ex-Marxist free thinker who has an excellent  grasp of  Buddhism, as well as Dr. Upul Wijayawardena, an ex-cardiac surgeon with a deep critical mind. The learned Bhanthe Dhammika from Australia […]

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How the ban on Glyphosate helped the Army-worm caterpillar.

Friday, January 25th, 2019

Bodhi Dhanapala, Quebec. Canada The country has been invaded by the army-worm caterpillar local known as the Senaa Dalambuwa”.  All kinds of conspiracy theories are being spun, and some of it was played out in Parliament itself. Claims that the caterpillar has been deliberately introduced”, or that it is the lack of attention at the […]

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The Canadian High Commissioner’s tweet about opposition MPs meeting diplomats  – “Un Pet”.

Saturday, November 24th, 2018

Bodhi Dhanapala, Quebec, Canada. Paul Kreutzer, a US Foreign Policy advisor, writing to the AmericanDiplomacy.Org” lists what he terms Ten principles of operational diplomacy”, and also, eight attributes of a diplomat. Two of the ten principles were Circumspection”, and Perceptiveness”.  Two of the eight attributes were An effective cross-cultural communicator”, and A remover of obstacles”. […]

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Are political commentators a bunch of humbugs?

Wednesday, November 7th, 2018

Bodhi Dhanapala, Quebec, Canada The daring but calculated political moves of Sri Lanka’s president have given a golden opportunity for the so called political scientists” and constitutional experts” to come out of the woodwork in numbers,  to  elucidate matters for plebeians like myself. Sirisena, declared a Mugabe by the Economist,  called a Naive  Godaya” and […]

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The correct way to apply  the “Precautionary Principle”  is to re-approve glyphosate.

Friday, March 30th, 2018

Bodhi Dhanapala, Quebec, Canada I read with some degree of amusement the opinion piece by Dr. Saroj Jayasinghe and  a colleague, published in news media, where they urge to continue the ban on glyphosate with no mention of the harm to farmers as well as the plantations. This herbicide is a class-II  hazard (but not […]

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Mr. Wigneswaran does not want Muslims ejected by the LTTE back in their homes?

Saturday, January 27th, 2018

Bodhi Dhanapala, Quebec, Canada According to news reports, In his letter addressed to the Northern CM, Minister Bathiudeen had stated that the Muslims who lived in Mullaitivu district abandoned their lands due to the terrorist activities carried out by LTTE. The Minister pointed out 780 such families have been identified, and 1000 acres of land […]

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Dr. Kumar David defends the indefensible about singing hosannas to the LTTE.

Saturday, December 16th, 2017

Bodhi Dhanapala, Canada. In response to my lament (Island, 30-11-17) that Why are the likes of Dr. Kumar David, who waxed eloquent of the technical prowess of the LTTE in making little war planes, etc., contributed to the Tamil Net, worked to elect Yahapalanaya, and is ever ready to comment on the barbarism of the […]

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Commemoration of dead LTTE cadre heralds the hollowness of current attempts at “reconciliation”.

Saturday, December 2nd, 2017

Bodhi Dhanapala, Quebec, Canada. Just recently, construction workers doing a work site in Hamburg, Germany came across a buried giant Swastika from the Hitler era. Some antiquarians” called for its reservation as an object of history. No way”, said the the Mayor of Hamburg and other civic leaders concerned. This is a despicable sign that […]

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දිවයින ට ආවේශ වී අති  සොලොමන් ලා  ගේ පුහු චින්තන හොල්මන්- II ගොවියාට අවශ්‍ය ග්ලයිඵොසේට් සහ වකුගඩු රෝගය ගැන මිථ්‍යා මත එපා.

Tuesday, September 19th, 2017

තාක්ෂණික  විද්‍යා ගුරු  බොධි ධනපාල  විසිනි. ජනාධිපති කාර්යාලයට රිංගාගෙන ඉන්නා ගොවිතැන හෝ පරිසරය හෝ අප ජනයාගේ දුක හෝ නොදන්නා මැක්කන් ගේ  රට  වනසන වැරදි ප්‍රචාරය ගැන මීට ඉහත ලිපියකින් (දිවයින-ට-ආවේශ-වී-අති-සොලොම/)  දක්වීමු. එහිදී “චින්තකයෙක්” ලෙස තමන් විසින් ම නාමාරූඪ කරගත්,  SEMA හෙවත් “වසවිස නැති රටක්‌ ජාතික වැඩසටහන උපායමාර්ගික   ව්‍යසන  කළමනාකරණ ආයතනය”  යන ජාවාරමේ කටයුතු කරන […]

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දිවයින ට ආවේශ වී අති  සොලොමන් ලා  ගේ පුහු චින්තන හොල්මන්- I

Thursday, September 14th, 2017

බෝධි ධනපාල, කිබෙක්, කැනඩාව දිවයින පත්තරයේ පාඨකයෝ පසු ගිය මෑත අවුරුදු දෙක තුන දී එහි පලවෙන, ජනාධිපති කාර්යාලයට ඇබ්බහි වී ඉන්නා සමහර මැක්කන් ගේ නිතොර ලියවෙන බොරු හෑල්ල අනිවාර්යයෙන්ම දකින්නට ඇත. නලින් ද සිල්වා මහතා නැමැති පුහු “චින්තකයා (see lanka web:නලින්-ද-සිල්ව-නැමති-පුහු-ච/ ) ද ඉහලට ඇද ගත්තේ,  මහ තැනක් දුන්නේ දිවයින  පත්‍රය ඔහුගේ හිස් “විද්‍යා” […]

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නලින් ද සිල්ව නැමති පුහු චින්තකයා.

Thursday, September 7th, 2017

බෝධි ධනපාල, කිබෙක්,  කැනඩාව නලින් ද සිල්වා මයා ගැන ලංකාවෙබ් ප්ත්‍රයෙහි පලවෙන ලිපි බලා ඔහු පිලිබඳව මගේ අත් දැකීම් ද  සටහන් කිරීමට සිතුනි. සිල්වා මහතා කොලඹ විශ්ව විද්‍යාලයෙන් ගණිතය සඳහා බී එස් සී උපාධියක් ලබා ගත්තේය. එය ගැන ලියමින් සිල්වා මහතා කිව්වේ ඔහු සිංහල බෞධ ආචාර්ය වරුන්ගෙන් කිසිවක් උගත්තේ නැති බවය. එදාත්, (අදත්) ඔහුට සිංහල […]

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The Tea Industry of Sri Lanka and Dr. Sudath Gunasekera’s Patriotic lament.

Monday, September 4th, 2017

Bodhi Dhanapala, Quebec, Canada. Dr. Sudath Gunasekera has used the up-coming 150th anniversary of Tea plantations to present a patriotic lament which we should resonate with. But we  should remember that when Sri Wickrama R  was captured in Kandy, the situation was qualitatively no different to what we have today., with a bunch of traitors […]

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Carlo wows to topple the government over SAITM and jump the sinking ship?.

Monday, September 4th, 2017

Bodhi Dhanapala, Quebec , Canada Dr. Carlo Fonseka, a leftist with the credentials needed to survive any regime has now stated that he will  work to topple the government on the SAITM issue. Ostensibly, he is fighting to save free education”.  Why did he not do anything to stop the granting of degrees in Chemistry, […]

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SAITM and its solution  in the face of the GMOA and the JVP.

Thursday, July 20th, 2017

Bodhi Danapala , Quebec, Canada. I was a young student at Vidyodaya university in the hay day of the rise of the JVP, and I know how its activities polarized and ultimately pulverized many of the young lives of  our  times. It was my strong Buddhist upbringing that made me reject the culture of violence […]

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Uva-Wellassa Sugar and MOLNAR.

Wednesday, July 5th, 2017

by Bodhi Dhanapala. Quebec, Canada I usually read the articles on “environment and society” written By Dr. Prasana Cooray (Dr. PC) for the Island and usually find that they are reasonably well researched and informative. However, I found Dr. PC’s write up (July 3rd 2017) in the Island regarding the “Bibile sugarcane cultivation project” quite […]

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Homeopathy, “Cerberus” and others true believers.

Tuesday, July 4th, 2017

by Bodhi Dhanapala, Quebec, Canada. In my article on homeopathy I have given details of experiments conducted by reputed scientists and the results that were published in the prestigious journal Lancet”. But instead a person who hides under the name Cerberus” seems to think that the way to determine if some medical method works  or not […]

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Homeopathic Pseudo-science is being peddled during the Dengue epidemic.

Friday, June 30th, 2017

Bodhi Dhanapala, Quebec, Canada Whenever adversity strikes, people look for  desperate solutions, and hurl their good senses to the winds. It is always public fear, or the fear of the unknown, that drives people to astrologers, occult sciences, offering to gods and spirits, deva-pooja and bali thovil”.  The Buddha had condemned these as thirashcheen vidya”. Another reason […]

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