Author Archive for Herold Leelawardena

එක් වෙමුද වෙන්වී නැසෙමුද යන්න අද සිංහලයාට අැති ප්‍රශ්ණයය්.

Tuesday, June 13th, 2017

Herold Leelawardena ඉංගිරිසින් අැමරිකානුවන් සහ නියෝකොන් බටහිරයන් එකතුව අැෆ්ගනිස්තානයේ, ඉරාකයේ, ලිබියාවේ සහ අද සිරියාවෙත් යුද ගිනි අවුලවා සාමාන්‍ය මුසල්මන වැසියන් ලක්ෂ ගනනක් මරා දැම්මා. බටහිරයන් විසින් මිලියන ගනනක සරනාගතයන් මැද පෙරදිග රටවල බෝ කලා. අසරණවු මුස්ලිමුන් යුරෝපය රටවලට සංක්‍රමණය වෙන්න පටන් ගත්තා. ත්‍රස්තවාදයත් බැට කා නැති යුරෝපයටත්  ත්‍රස්තවාදය සාමාන්‍ය දෙයක් බවට පත් උනා. බිරිතානියට බෝම්බ […]

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මුසල්මන් අන්තවාදීන් සහ සුමනසිරි ලියනගේගේ ලඡ්ඡා නැතිකම

Wednesday, July 9th, 2014

හැරල්ඩි ලීලවර්ධන වින්ස්ටන් චර්චිල් කියු ‘‘ජයග‍්‍රාහී පක්ෂයට මහත්මා ගතියක් තිබිය යුතුය’’ යන්න සුමනසිරි ලියනගේ කොපි කර ලීවේ එහෙම මහත්මා ගතියක් ලංකාවේ අපට නැති බව කීමටයි. සුමනසිරිලාගේ ලඡ්ඡා නැතිකම මහමුදලිකමටත් වඩා ලොකු බවයි මට නම් පෙනෙන්නෙ.  ජයග‍්‍රාහී ශ්‍රි ලංකා හමුදාවට මහත්මා ගති නොතිබුනේ නම් 13,000 ක්වූ සයනයිඩ් කරල් බෙල්ලෙ එල්ලාගත් මරාගෙනමැරෙන සහ මිනීමරු සහ වෙනත් LTTE […]

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Sri Lankans are sitting on a time bomb.

Monday, July 7th, 2014

Herold Leelawardena   Let’s make no mistake; Thowheed ideology or Islamic fundamentalism is clearly taking root in Sri Lanka. To understand it, one only has to go around Sri Lanka to perceive it. Scholars could analyse how Muslims in Sri Lanka have transformed their religion from moderation to extremism.   Even a gullible would not […]

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A reply to one sided writing by Kalana Senaratna

Thursday, June 26th, 2014

Herold Leelawardena Very strongly and fundamentally, Muslims believe that Allah had created everything we perceive, and there is no God other than Allah, and Quran has nothing but the word of Allah, and Muhammad is the last prophet that Allah had send. Consequently, every Muslim appreciates, rationalizes and follow Sunna which is the life style […]

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කළණ සේනාරත්නගේ එ්ක පාර්ෂික ලිපි වලට පිලිතුරක්

Thursday, June 26th, 2014

Herold Leelawardena සෑම මුසල්මානුවෙක්ගේම මූලික තදබල විශ්වාසය වන්නේ අල්ලා මිස වෙනත් දෙවියෙක් නැති බවත්, අල්ලා දෙවියන් විසින් සියල්ල මවා අැති බවත්, කුරානයේ අැත්තේ අල්ලාගේ වචනය පමනක් බවත්  මොහම්මඩ් අල්ලා එවූ අන්තිම ගැලවුම්කාරයා හෙවත් නබී තුමා බවත්ය. එ් අනුව සෑම මුසල්මානුවෙක්ම ර්‍ණසුන්නාණීයනුවෙන් සදහන් කරන මොහම්මඩ්ගේ ඡීවන රටාව සාධාරණීකරනය කරයි, අගය කරයි, අනුගමනය කරයි’ මුසල්මානුවන්ගේ අැදහීම් සහ […]

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Tawheed have succeeded in clamping down Sufism and Moderation and Traditionalism.

Friday, June 20th, 2014

Herold Leelawardena. Wahhabi, Deobandi, and Mawdudist are only some extremist Islamic organisations that are active in Sri Lanka. Given the globalist (US) links to Wahhabism and remembering it is such Saudis backed Tawheeds that fought Gaddafi in Libya and Assad in Syria and fight Malaki’s Shia government as ISIS in Iraq now, are we to […]

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Who cast the first stone in Aluthgama.

Thursday, June 19th, 2014

Herold Leelawardena Starting a debate about Aluthgama riots in parliament, opposition leader, Ranil Wickramasinghe asked how riots started and what business Buddhists monks have in Darga town. As usual, Ranil displayed that he has no background knowledge but preconceived ideas. Ranil didn’t know that Pathirajagoda temple is located in Darga town and ven. Ayagama Samitha […]

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Canada Suspends Commonwealth Funds For Next Two Years

Tuesday, April 15th, 2014

Herold Leelawardena John Baird, Foreign Affairs Minister of Canada says, he has withdrawn Canada’s $10-million annual voluntary contribution to Commonwealth. It is obvious that Baird has joined his neo con gang to force Sri Lanka to agree to their witch-hunt. He tells us that there is no ‘principles of freedom, democracy and respect for human dignity’ in […]

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Are Casinos Good or Bad to Sri Lanka? (part 2)

Saturday, October 26th, 2013

‚ Herold Leelawardena There is a lot of new oil money in the African continent. No wonder South Africa has 45 casinos and over 37,000 slots. Those numbers has made South Africa the biggest casino operator in the African continent. What I wanted to emphasize is, SA has been attracting all the high‚ heeled‚ gamblers of neighbouring countries […]

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Are Casinos Good or Bad to Sri Lanka? (part 1)

Friday, October 25th, 2013

Herold Leelawardena ‚ “If Sri Lanka is to maintain the present growth, we need to attract investments”, so sermonize minister Yapa. I do not know of anyone who would argue against it. James Packer of Crown Investment says he is bringing 400 million dollars to Sri Lanka as a part of the much needed investment. What […]

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The new mosque in Grandpass is a warehouse.

Monday, August 12th, 2013

Leela An authorization letter or the so-called permit for Grand pas mosque is dated 8th Aug 2013. But building of the mosque had been completed long before that date. That means building work for the mosque must have begun without authorization. We can assume from the date of the permit that its issuance may have […]

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How Harper’s ancestors “kill the Indian in the child”

Sunday, April 28th, 2013

Herold Leelawardena A Canadian Indian Michael Cachagee did spent 12 years in three different schools from 1944, Associated Press said as he said: “I was beaten. I was put in tubs of hot water. I suffered great pains of hunger. I was force-fed rotten food.” Michael Cachagee added: “The intent was to destroy the Indian.” […]

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Stand up! Who says coming up Shariah schools is not a threat?

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013

Leela On 19/04/2013, in the mixed section of Sri Lanka Gazette, a notice appeared under the no 767. It was placed by the UNP Trinco District Parliamentarian S.M. Thawfeek, to inform the general public that he intend to present two acts in the parliament to form two Arabic schools namely ‘Ealvaniyah’ and ‘Abu Hurairah’. Now […]

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Decision To Hold The 2013 Commonwealth Meeting In Colombo Was Wrong- UK Foreign Affairs Committee

Saturday, November 17th, 2012

Herold Leelawardena It is reported that ‘UK Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee’ is very concerned about Human Rights abuses in Sri Lanka. That is well and good, but at no time should we let them forget their own human rights violations of past and present. We should remind ‘the UK Foreign Affairs Committee’ to go look […]

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Dambulla is neither another Mecca nor the structure in dispute is another Kabba.

Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

Herold Leelawardena Dambulla is neither another Mecca nor the structure in dispute is another Kabba. Unless for some religious compulsion directed by Allah as read by Gabriel through Muhammad as written in the Koran or interpreted by Muslim scholars in Hadith as statements or actions of Muhammad, I see no crucial reason why Muslims cannot […]

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Saturday, April 14th, 2012

Herold Leelawardena Dear Mrs Clinton, From the beginning of the so-called European renaissance, westerners have plundered and looted the world heritage in the name of spreading their then value – religion.ƒ”š‚ Throughout 19th century and early 20th century your ancestors rammed their ‘true’ religion on us saying our religions were false. We were brain washed to […]

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Catholic Church is linked to baby trafficking in Spain as well as Sri Lanka

Monday, December 12th, 2011

Herold Leelawardena Spain is reeling from an avalanche of allegations of baby theft and baby trafficking says BBC. ƒ”š‚ According to a BBC report,ƒ”š‚ ƒ”š‚ by Katya Adler, date line 18th October 2011, people are queuing up across Spain to take a DNA test and thousands of Spaniards are asking ‘Who am I?’ Exhumations of the supposed […]

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Apsara is collecting signatures

Sunday, November 27th, 2011

Herold Leelawardena So, Fonseka’s daughter, Apsara is collecting signatures for a petition to get President Obama to consider commanding Fonseka out of Sri Lanka prison. ƒ”š‚ I agree that Obama’s predecessor and his wild pack had invaded Iraq illegally. I accept that they did drop depleted uranium bombs and killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians. […]

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An identical article appeared in ‘Khalije Times’ and ‘India Today’.

Friday, August 12th, 2011

Herold Leelawardena An identical article appeared in “ƒ”¹…”Khalije Times’ and “ƒ”¹…”India Today’. Later says the writer is a man named Priyamvatha. I do not know this Priyamvatha from Adam. But one thing I could say for sure form its contents is that, Priyamvatha is a part of rump LTTE or is hired by them. ƒ”š‚ Whatever […]

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ICG has put out yet another executive summery and recommendations.

Friday, July 22nd, 2011

Herold Leelawardena Going through the latest executive summary of recommendations of the International Crises Group, one particular sentence had stuck in my mind. That is; “The regime destroyed the Tigers by rejecting the more conciliatory approach of prior governments and adopting the insurgents’ brutality and intolerance of dissent.”ƒ”š‚ Now, there is no doubt that anyone […]

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‘My lords, ladies and gentlemen’ has ganged up against Sri Lanka.

Sunday, July 10th, 2011

Herold Leelawardena In a press statement issued following the APPGT/GTF parliamentary reception this week Chairman for the British all party parliamentary Group for Tamils, Lee Scott MP, said “the event was a great success, attended by over 40 Members of Parliament including Government Ministers, Shadow Ministers, Lords, representatives of NGOs and High Commissions”ƒ”š‚. ƒ”š‚ This kind […]

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LTTE leader Piripaharan was a much bigger terrorist than Bin Laden.

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011

Herold Leelawardena LTTE leader Piripaharan was a much bigger terrorist than Bin Laden. Piripaharan is said to be the inventor of the modern day human bomb. And such “ƒ”¹…”human bombs’ alone have killed much more people than Bin Laden’s all killings put together. Besides, Osama could have never got at a single high profile victim […]

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We are no Libya.

Sunday, April 17th, 2011

Herold Leelawardena One cannot but talk about “ƒ”¹…”war crimes’ without talking about long and multifarious history that led to the formation of LTTE and its terrorists acts. ƒ”š‚ It all started in India. Long before India got its independence, a Tamil named E.V.Ramasamy Periyar strive to unify Dravidians to call for a Dravidasthan or a separate […]

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Colombo Metropolitan Corporation or Colombo Municipal Council, CMC

Monday, April 4th, 2011

Herold Leelawardena Leave out the names andƒ”š‚ acronyms; the government’s move to put an end to theƒ”š‚ Colombo Municipal Council is a good move. Just look at the comic opera that took place at its last election. Due to some of their own blunders, theƒ”š‚ UNP was barred by election commissioner from contesting elections in 2006. So, the […]

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It is obvious that the Caucasian consortium had duped the Arab League

Monday, March 28th, 2011

Herold Leelawardena Few days back, BBC reported as the US president Obama said; “Make no mistake, because we acted quickly, a humanitarian catastrophe has been avoided and the lives of countless civilians – innocent men, women and children – have been saved.” That is the same thing that Bush said when the US and its […]

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Rudrakumaran had made clear his Eelam intentions in black and white

Sunday, March 20th, 2011

Herold Leelawardena In a recent interview with Sunday Leader, Visuvanathanƒ”š‚ Rudrakumaranƒ”š‚ had indicated that his aim is to achieve nothing but Tamil Eelam in the North and East of Sri Lanka. He also said; “Tamils expressed this wish clearly in the 1977 general elections.”ƒ”š‚ƒ”š‚  ƒ”š‚ I say, Tamils kicked off that wish for Eelam not in 1977 but […]

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It is not fair to bury our points of view Mr.DBS.Jayraj.

Tuesday, March 15th, 2011

Herold Leelawardena However much we write, discuss and argue, a section of Tamil community and particularly those that come from the North do not understand what they can get and what they cannot. We know this becauseƒ”š‚ we read their thoughts, feelings and judgments loud and clear throughƒ”š‚ many blogs.ƒ”š‚  ƒ”š‚ With or without Piripaharan the terrorist, these […]

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Ever Increasing Prices: Who Is To Blame

Friday, December 24th, 2010

Herold Leelawardena None can deny that commodity prices have gone up tremendously in this country. But this is a global phenomenon than a Sri Lankan ailment. We’ve heard onion prices have increased fourfold in India. And the cost of food items in the UK has gone up as never before. We need not mention extraordinary […]

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Reasons that Christian padres give at LLRC for the conflict is a ruse.

Friday, November 12th, 2010

Herold Leelawardena When LTTE was wiped out with all its combat leaders, sensible people thought Tamils would give up their fight for Eelam and negotiate with the government for a settlement. But Tamils never wanted to give up their original goal. Some demanded 13A, and some others 13 plus, and others federal, yet more con-federal […]

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‘I will take over political mantle in his name’, Federica Janz says as Anoma said

Monday, October 11th, 2010

Herold Leelawardena Dear Ms. Federica Janz; though you scream that your paper as unbiased, unafraid, etc and etc, you have been withholding my comments that were send to you for the last so many months. The obvious reason why you do not publish my comments is that I do not subscribe to your views. And […]

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