Author Archive for Dilrook Kannangara

The Truth About Sri Lanka Debt Horror Story Banned Locally by Ranil Regime

Sunday, July 21st, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara Sri Lanka is doomed under Ranil’s foolish gimmicks that are kept hidden from locals. However, an influential expert group has pointed out the real horror of Sri Lanka’s so-called debt restructure. All that Ranil has done is pile up more and more debt since late 2022 and postponed the repayment of loans and […]

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MPs Voting for 22 Amendment Are Traitors and Wasters and Should Not be Re-elected

Wednesday, July 17th, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara Since introducing the current constitution in 1977, no less than 21 constitutional amendments have been made so far. Three (3) more attempts were made that ended in failure and another attempt by the name of the 22 Amendment is currently underway. None of these was for the benefit of the nation or the […]

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Ridiculous Sri Lankan Constitution Changes Every 2 Years and 1 Month!

Sunday, July 14th, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara Sri Lanka’s constitution has lost its gloss, credibility, supremacy and worth as it is regularly changed to suit politicians in power. In fact, the 47-year-old constitution has changed 21 times already and the 22 attempt is now being made. That is 22 changes within 47 years. No country has such a worthless piece […]

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Sinhala Nation Should Save Itself from Sri Lanka Which is Succumbing to India

Saturday, July 13th, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara Sri Lanka is fast coming to its end. Having struggled a miserable 75 years of poverty, wars, insurrections, riots, bankruptcy, etc. it is now on its last legs. It will succumb to India within the next few decades if not years. Although it is resisted by some, there are supporters. India is home […]

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When Sri Lanka Reached Bankruptcy on April 12, 2022 Foreign Debt Was $71 Billion; Now $99 Billion

Wednesday, June 26th, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara The titanic sank over a hundred years ago and when it was sinking the captain ordered its orchestra to play. Ranil’s planned celebrations for June 26 is the same. Ranil is fooling people that he rescued the country from bankruptcy. In reality, he made matters worse. Why people don’t feel the pain is […]

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Aragalaya Split the SLPP (Pohottuwa) into Five Pieces

Sunday, June 23rd, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara Getting rid of a Prime Minister, Economic Affairs Minister and a President wasn’t the greatest achievement of Aragalaya 2022. In addition to these unprecedented wins, it also split the largest political party in the country into five (5) pieces. These five pieces are, Basil’s group, Lanza’s group, Sirisena’s group (and its own splinter […]

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All Parties in Parliament Support Full Implementation of 13A While Some Play a Double Game Just for the Election

Sunday, June 16th, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara When a politician said he will fully implement 13A a group of political supporters took to the streets. Little that they knew that their favorite politicians also have promised full implementation of 13A. The SLPP leader promised to go even beyond 13A and implement 13 Plus. All parties elected to parliament (SLPP, SJB, […]

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Economic Transformation Bill: Putting the Cart Before the Donkey

Saturday, June 15th, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara The Economic Transformation Bill (ETB) was presented to the Sri Lankan parliament on May 22 by President and is one of the most backward and irrational bills ever presented to Sri Lanka parliament. Instead of creating economic conditions that achieves stated objectives, this bill puts the cart before the donkey. This will lead […]

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Before Leaving Power for a Decade or More, Rajapaksas Must Deliver Few Key Promises At Least Now

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara Rajapaksas are enjoying their last few months in the limelight and in power. They won’t be back in power for another decade or more. Mahinda, Gota, Basil and Chamal will not live to see the day when they will be in the saddle of power again (if it happens). At least as a […]

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Is Sri Lanka a Den of ISIS and Other Radicalized Terrorists?

Saturday, June 1st, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara The Gujarat Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) on May 19 arrested four Sri Lankans on suspicion of links to ISIS terrorism. According to the Gujarat Director General of Police, Mohammad Nusrat (35), Mohammad Faarukh (35), Mohammad Nafran (27) and Mohammad Rasdeen (43), have divulged to investigators that they were earlier associated with the banned Sri […]

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Political Jokers: Fighting With the Auctioneer After Bankrupting Country!

Sunday, May 26th, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara As elections draw near political jokers are coming out of the woodwork. Jokes require no logic. Add to that most Sri Lankans have short memories. Using both, shameless and highly corrupt politicians try to fool the people yet again. On April 12, 2022 Sri Lanka declared bankruptcy. By then Gotabaya was the president […]

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SJB’s India Dilemma

Saturday, May 4th, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara Every political party in Sri Lanka has an Indian specialist. Managing India is crucially important for all political parties in the island. SLPP has Basil, UNP has Sagala, TNA, SLMC, CWC have a few of them, JVP has Vijitha and SJB has its own. Compared to all of them, SJB’s India expert is […]

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ඊනියා දේශප්‍රේමය – මිනීමැරුම වෙන්නට හැර මිනිය ළඟ මරලතෝනි දී සිඟමන් අයැදීම

Wednesday, May 1st, 2024

දිල්රූක් කන්නන්ගර චන්දය ලං වනවිට විවිධ විදේශ කුමන්ත්‍රණ, ජාතික ආරක්ෂාවට තර්ජන, සිංහල ජාතියට තර්ජන, බුදු දහමට තර්ජන, මහජන ආරක්ෂාවට තර්ජන සහ සංස්කෘතියට ඇති තර්ජන හුවා දැක්වීම සාමාන්‍ය දෙයකි. මෙය හුදු චන්ද මගඩියක් පමණි. ඒ සම්බන්ධ සත්‍යතා කිහිපයකි. 1.  විදේශ කුමන්ත්‍රණ, ජාතික ආරක්ෂාවට තර්ජන, සිංහල ජාතියට තර්ජන, බුදු දහමට තර්ජන, මහජන ආරක්ෂාවට තර්ජන සහ සංස්කෘතියට ඇති […]

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Discussions with bondholders have failed again for the second time.

Saturday, April 20th, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara Will this be the end of the IMF program? Before this SL had 16 IMF programs – all failed half way through the program! Bond holders own 50% of foreign loans and these are the loans with highest interest rates and administration fees. A debt restructure without them is like a wedding without […]

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Why JVP, SLLP Cannot Win Next Presidential Election: Minorities Shun Them Both

Wednesday, April 10th, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara The next presidential election will be decided by religious minorities – Christians, Hindus and Muslims. This is because the majority creed is seriously divided between various political parties. There is no leader capable of uniting Buddhists or at least 60% of them. At the same time there are no strong minority leaders either […]

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SLPP Must Contest Presidential Election to Remain Relevant (Otherwise SLPP Will Permanently Slip from the Top)

Monday, April 1st, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara A debate rages over if the SLPP must contest the presidential election or not. Contesting elections only to win them is a disastrous approach. Win or lose, the SLPP must contest the election and remain relevant. Otherwise, it will permanently slip from the top slot and will never be able to get up […]

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BJP Election Fortunes Dramatically Increased After Easter Sunday Attack (From 55% to 66% in Key States)

Friday, March 29th, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara The last Lok Sabha election of India was held between 11 April 2019 and 19 May 2019 (and just one delayed electorate a few months later). As always it was a staggered election. Election was held over 7 days but counting votes was done after all had voted. Comparing constituencies where the election […]

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Victoria Nuland Received Her Warmest Felicitation Outside USA from President Gotabaya

Thursday, March 14th, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara Victoria Nuland quietly retired recently after multiple failures around the world, particularly in Ukraine. Her services” were never appreciated by the countries that received them! Except Sri Lanka under President Gotabaya. And the timing of the book release could not have been better. On 22 March 2022, Victoria Nuland, the Under Secretary for […]

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Army Commander Cannot Act Without Specific and Lawful Instructions from Commander in Chief (President) or the Defence Minister (President Again)

Tuesday, March 12th, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara The book by Gotabaya has too many contradictions. I will explain one major contradiction which should not have been there given the military service of him. No army commander in the world, certainly not in Sri Lanka, can act on own instructions. Instructions must come from the president who is the commander in […]

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China Cannot Defend Itself with Untested Weapons If the Golden Opportunity to Test Them in Ukraine Against NATO Weapons is Wasted

Sunday, February 25th, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara Contrary to popular views, China is set to lose a war against USA and its proxies. Despite having the largest arsenal of weapons of war, they are untested in battlefield making them fail in a real war as China has not engaged in any serious war. This is one main reason why USA, […]

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Sri Lanka Air Force’s Taxpayer-Funded Charities are Discriminatory and Tribal-Minded

Sunday, February 18th, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara Sri Lanka Air Force is taxpayer-funded. Therefore, it must equitably distribute any charitable donations to all. That means all provinces are equal. However, unfortunately, the recent charitable activities only benefit one ethnic group and one province in the North which is discriminatory and tribal-minded. This includes distributing school books and equipment to the […]

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China Develops with Neighbors (‘Common Prosperity’), India Develops at the Expense of Neighbors (‘Beggar Thy Neighbor’)

Friday, February 16th, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara Chinese and Indian development models are completely different. Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, etc. achieved success thanks to the Chinese development model. Indian development model does not have that feature. Therefore, Sri Lanka cannot become India’s Hong Kong. Teaming up with India only leads to worse poverty, debt, economic disaster and unemployment for Sri […]

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Sri Lanka (GDP Per Capita $4,013) Has Nothing to Gain from India(GDP Per Capita $2,256)

Tuesday, February 13th, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara Despite years of economic downturn, Sri Lanka is 77% more developed than India economically as can be seen from the two countries’ nominal GDP per capita. India is a large world economy only due to the sheer size of its poor population. For instance, a family of 15 in Bangladesh would have a […]

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Sri Lanka a US Military Vassal State: Mission Colombo (Integrated Country Strategy) of USA Towards Sri Lanka April 6, 2022

Friday, February 2nd, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara It is yet another secret military deal with USA approved following agreement by both parties on April 6, 2022. It is not surprising that Sri Lankan media failed to report this as they were silent on the first ACSA secret deal signed between USA and Sri Lanka on March 11, 2007. This was […]

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සිංහල උරුමය සහ ශ්‍රී ලංකාව යන දෙකම එකවර රැකිය නොහැකිය; එකක් සුරැකීමට අනෙක මිය යා යුතුමය.

Wednesday, January 31st, 2024

දිල්රූක් කන්නන්ගර ශ්‍රී ලංකාව සිංහල දේශය නොවේ. ශ්‍රී ලංකාව යනු 1948 බිහිවූ දුක්ඛිත 76 වසරක සාපලත්, ලෝකයටම ණය ගැති වූ කෙටි   ඉතිහාසයක් ඇති බ්‍රිතාන්‍යයන් විසින් 1833 අටවා ගත් අට්ටාලයකි. එයට කිසිම භාෂා අනන්‍යතාවයක් නැත; දිශානතියක් නැත; එල්ලයක්, ධර්මයක් නැත, විදේශ ප්‍රතිපත්තියක් නැත, ඉතිහාසයක් නැත. ඒ වෙනුවට අම්බලමක් හෝ මඩමක් සේ එයට භාෂා, නීති, ඇදහිලි සහ […]

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විධායක ජනාධිපති ධූරය පවත්වා ගැනීම බඩදිය වළඳමින් අජීර්ණයට බෙහෙත් බීම වැනිය

Thursday, January 25th, 2024

 දිල්රූක් කන්නන්ගර ශ්‍රී ලංකාවට විධායක ජනාධිපති ධූරය අනවශ්‍යය. විධායක ජනාධිපති ධූරය නොමැති කල රටේ ආරක්ෂාව, නීතිය හා සාමය, ආර්ථිකය අදට වඩා යහපත් මට්ටමක පැවතුනා. 1971 JVP කැරැල්ල මාස තුනකින් මඩින්න හැකිවුනා. විධායක ජනාධිපතිවරුන් දෙදෙනෙකුට 1987 දී එය මඩින්න අවුරුදු 2ක් ගතවුනා. විධායක ජනාධිපති ධූරය නොතිබුනේ නම් දෙමළ ත්‍රස්තවාදය (1972 සිට 2009) සහ මුස්ලිම් ත්‍රස්තවාදය (2019-) […]

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Abolishing Executive Presidency is the Only Way Rajapaksas Can Remain Relevant

Saturday, January 20th, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara Rajapaksas are about to end up irrelevant in national politics. The battle is now between Sajith and Anura for presidency and opposition leader. These may be the last few months of power Rajapaksas enjoy. There is a way to strike it big and remain politically relevant for SLPP. There’s only one way for […]

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Rajapaksas Are Responsible for Every Action and Inaction of Ranil They Appointed

Sunday, January 14th, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara Ranil was rejected by the people at presidential elections every time he contested but Rajapaksas appointed him in July 2022 via a parliamentary ballot. Prior to that Rajapaksas appointed him PM in May 2022. Ranil has just one parliamentary seat and cannot pass any act, law, policy or funds. All these are done […]

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Sending Sri Lanka Navy to Red Sea is Insane, Irrational and Asking for Trouble

Friday, January 5th, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara Ranil is back to his true self again. He is doing the same grave mistake his uncle did in the late 1970s. Instead of maintaining strict neutrality in global conflicts, he teamed up with USA. This attracted a strong and violent response from India, the Soviet Union and China which dragged the nation […]

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2022 අමුතු සිදුවීමට ප්‍රමුඛ වූ කාරණය – කාලිංග මාඝ ගෙන් පසු දේශීය කෘෂිකර්මාන්තය වැනසුවේ ගෝටාබය පමණි

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024

දිල්රූක් කන්නන්ගර “ගොවිතැන් බතක් කරගෙන ඉන්න පුළුවන් තාක්කල් සිංහලයෝ ආණ්ඩුවට විරුද්ධව නැගිටිනවා බොරු!” (ඇතැම් ප්‍රදේශ වල, “බත් ගෙඩියක් බාගෙන කාලා ඉන්න පුළුවන් තාක්කල් සිංහලයෝ ආණ්ඩුවට විරුද්ධව නැගිටිනවා බොරු!”) මෙය සුද්දාගේ කාලේ සිට එන කියමනක්. කෙතරම් කෙනෙහෙළිකම් කලත්, රජයට එරෙහිව බහුතර ජනතාව නැගිටියේ නැති දුකින් ගෙතුණු කියමනක්. එය නිර්මාණය වුනු කාලයේ කිසිම කෙනෙකු හිතන්න නැතුව ඇති […]

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