Author Archive for John MacKinnon

Stop Hillary Clinton – Stop Support for Tamil Tiger Suicide Terrorists

Saturday, July 27th, 2013

John MacKinnon “We have a straightforward mission, and we have only one reason to exist. And that is to make sure that Hillary Clinton never becomes president of the United States” ƒ”š‚ Stop Hillary Clinton Web site: ƒ”š‚ Mrs. Hillary Clinton is a huge supporter of LTTE Terrorists and their genocidal terror agenda. ƒ”š‚ This political action […]

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Stop Hillary Clinton – Stop Support for Tamil Tiger Suicide Terrorists

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013

John MacKinnon “We have a straightforward mission, and we have only one reason to exist. And that is to make sure that Hillary Clinton never becomes president of the United States” Stop Hillary Clinton Web site: Mrs. Hillary Clinton is a huge supporter of LTTE Terrorists and their genocidal terror agenda. ƒ”š‚  This political […]

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Hypocrisy of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper

Friday, June 21st, 2013

– JMack I read your story Canada’s Harper gives up on Russia, calls summit ‘G-7 plus 1’ on Washington Times on June 17, 2013 and had a good laugh. You really believe that Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, whose nation hosts the largest Tamil population that supports, funds and worship suicide terrorism, gives a damn […]

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International Terrorism and Geopolitical Implications: Why the U.S. will struggle to combat terror even after Osama is long gone On May 04, Wednesday 2011

Friday, May 6th, 2011

JMack Google ‘Lara Stemple regurgitates Tamil Terror Propaganda’ To: Lara Stemple, open letter We cannot make you do the right thing. However we can appeal to your conscience. So here goes: The vast majority of Tamils in the U.S. financed terrorism and ethnic cleansing in Sri Lanka. These Tamils are guilty of war crimes. But […]

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Lara Stemple regurgitates Tamil Terror Propaganda – Open Letter to the UCLA Chancellor

Friday, March 4th, 2011

John MacKinnon March 4, 2011ƒ”š‚  ƒ”š‚  Regarding: Lara Stemple regurgitates Tamil Terror Propaganda – Open Letter to the Chancellorƒ”š‚  Dear Chancellor,ƒ”š‚  We are outraged by the false accusations made by the director Lara Stemple of the Health and Human Rights Law Project at UCLA. Having bought into deceptive accusations spread by the Tamil terrorists, Lara […]

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Is there really a chance for diplomacy when violence might be the answer?

Friday, January 7th, 2011

John MacKinnon To: Michael Slackman NY Times Hello Mr. Slackman, The story ‘Copts’ Ire Extends to Their Own Church’ is a common one. Link: President Mubarak and his political allies have a monopoly on power thanks to billions of $$$ in American aid. We make sure they stay in power. The U.S. ignores political oppression […]

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Glaring errors and misconceptions

Thursday, December 23rd, 2010

John MacKinnon To: FranƒÆ’†’ƒ”š‚§ois Boo at 300 N. Washington St. Suite B-100 Alexandria, VA 22314 Your listing Military – Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) at contains glaring errors and misconceptions. Just a few we noted:Tamil people of the island of Ceylon (now called Sri Lanka) constitute a distinct nation External Aid – LTTE’s […]

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Obama on Iraq

Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010

John MacKinnon ƒ”š‚  Joe Klein wrote a nice piece for Time. I decided to drop my .02 on it. ƒ”š‚  Get the details here ƒ”š‚  ƒ”š‚  Back then I wrote this: Unfortunately, some of these Tamils who get a free education from Sri Lanka that immigrated to the UK, US and […]

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Mattie and Bruce Fein and Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Thursday, March 11th, 2010

John MacKinnon Your story ‘Republican Mattie Fein makes run aganst Harman official’ is nice but need a bit of depth. ƒ”š‚ As you all know, the Tamil Tiger terrorist are great at setting up front organizations here in America. These orgs are directly paying Bruce Fein of the Lichfield Group and Fein & Fein, LLC. […]

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Saturday, June 6th, 2009

John MacKinnon ƒ”š‚ On May 13, 2009, US President Barack Obama falsely accused the government of “indiscriminate shelling” of areas containing civilians, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of people on over the weekend. These statements were based on the fraudulent information fed to the media by the Tamil Tiger Terrorists and there is absolutely no […]

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