Author Archive for Ben Silva

Unite to defeat terrorism and save Sri Lanka

Tuesday, May 14th, 2019

BEN SILVA  According to scientific theory, the universe evolved from a  big bang and not a creation of god. There is theory, mathematics and scientific evidence to support the ‘big bang’   theory.Science is continuously evolving and scientists reject theories that do not agree with evidence. Scientists can challenge each other and very few theories remain […]

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Wake up! Stop the Islamic terrorist cancer now !

Thursday, May 9th, 2019

Ben Silva The present day Muslims are descendants of Yemani and Arab traders. They married local Sinhala woman. Ancient Sinhala Kings defended the Muslims from the aggression of Portuguese and Dutch invaders,  who would have wiped out the Muslims. In general the Muslims lived in peace with the Sinhalese. However, an aggressive flavour of Islam, […]

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Islamic Terrorism, mosques and the Sharia University

Tuesday, April 30th, 2019

Ben Silva The brutal act of terrorism that killed over 250 innocent civilians, by an Islamic terror group is beyond comprehension. During the attack a man lost his wife and two children. Another man lost his three children. The victims were doing peaceful things attending a church or having a meal in a  luxury hotel […]

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Skills for Survival

Saturday, April 2nd, 2016

Ben Silva Many ethnic groups around the world have been wiped out by technically superior groups as a result of lack of innovation and failure to adapt and progress and failure to recognise external threats. I have given below some food for thought, regarding arresting the decline. Understand the nature of the world and Understand […]

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Please  protect the Father of the Nation Mahinda Rajapaksa 

Saturday, May 16th, 2015

Ben Silva Before MR  was elected  to  power,   Sri Lanka experienced    30 years of terror and many innocent Sinhalese and Muslims  and Tamils   died.  Terrorists destroyed assets of the State and money was wasted and no funds were available for infrastructure development. There were  allegations that during  CBK’s time and that of RW’s time, corruption […]

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Seeni bola to the Tamils and sowing seeds for the next Eelam war

Wednesday, April 8th, 2015

Ben Silva I am gad that Asoka Weerasinhe has started writing again (I fully agree with the views expressed by him) and thankful to all the writers including HLD Mahindapala,  Prof. Hudson McLean, Dilrook Kannangara, Shenali D Waduge, Ranjith Soyza and others. I am thankful to Lankaweb for facilitating the forum.  Many writers have pointed […]

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 Sinhalese, Please Wake-up!    

Monday, March 16th, 2015

Ben Silva Before  MR eradicated terrorism, it was not safe to travel in Sri Lanka. People who went to work in the morning were not sure if they could go home alive. Assets of the country such as transformers, power lines, transport vehicles  and railway tracks were being destroyed regularly. School children, Police officers and […]

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China’s Response to Modi’s Accession: Is there something amiss?

Friday, June 6th, 2014

By Bandu de Silva As a long time China watcher for close upon six decades, I was somewhat puzzled when I noticed an almost a blank in news about an early response from China over the success of India’s Prime Ministerial candidate, Narendra Modi, and his Bharatiya Janatha Party at the recent hustling. That was […]

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America’s Indian Ocean Bases, US Geneva Resolution, British way of subverting justice and Cameron’s Hypocrisy

Tuesday, April 29th, 2014

By Bandu de Silva  “Sri Lanka’s new port built at Hambantota figures very much in this discussion. If India, Japan or South Korea would have built the port infrastructure there as they have been engaging in neighbouring Iran, no questions could have arisen for the US or India over security threat in the Indian Ocean. […]

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Further thoughts on CKDu

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013

Ben Silva Thanks to Dr A Wijesekara for supplying information and thanks to Lankaweb for highlighting the issue. Arsenic and Cadmium levels of healthy people living in endemic areas appear to be double (approximately) that of the control group. This suggest that people living in endemic areas are subjected to high levels of Cd and […]

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CKD and agrochemicals- This article is in response to article by Dr. Dr. Anura Wijesekara

Sunday, April 21st, 2013

Ben Silva Even after the WHO report, which made a link between CKDS and agrochemicals, persons such as Dr Dr. Anura Wijesekaraƒ”š‚ , still attempt to deny the link. He is trying to confuse matters further byƒ”š‚  introducing ” Lysenkoism “. It is betterƒ”š‚  for Dr AW, to see how scientists tried to show that asbestos […]

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One sided Channel 4 film ‘ Killing fields ‘

Friday, March 16th, 2012

Ben Silva Channel 4 footage appear to show dramatised material, with the view of creating an anti Sri Lankan sentiment with viewers. This massively biased video footage has only one objective and this is to harm the image of Sri Lanka, that liberated itself from terrorism, that was funded by sources from the West. The […]

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Are we on a suicidal mission or are we just foolish ?

Saturday, February 18th, 2012

Ben Silva There are numerous reports on the possible implementation of the 13th amendment. Many writers have said that implementing 13th A, would be suicidal. Yet the masses remain passive. With reference to this issue, it is reasonable to ask “ƒ”¹…”Are we on a suicidal mission or are we just foolish ?’ It is well […]

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Religion and survival

Friday, September 9th, 2011

Ben Silva The law of nature is survival of the fittest. The Sinhalese have lost their living space in the North, East, Hill country and now even the Capital Colombo. Many enemies of the Sinhalese may want us to be passive and follow Nalanda Buddhists. Various peace merchants tried that trick of making us passive, […]

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Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields – Channel 4 fake propaganda material

Tuesday, June 21st, 2011

Ben Silva UK ƒ”š‚ The Channel 4 film appear to be ƒ”š‚ propaganda material in favour of Tamil ƒ”š‚ racistƒ”š‚  terrorists and anti GOSL. The film appear to be a carefully and expertly crafted piece of propaganda warfare material supporting Tamil terrorists, designed to deceive the gullible. The film is merely drama and propaganda material (reasons given below), […]

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UN hypocrisy and its report on Sri Lanka

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011

Ben Silva In relation to terrorism, UN can be classed as a failed organisation, as it failed to stop : 1. Death and destruction in Sri Lanka by racist terrorist LTTE. 2. Fund raising by terrorists. 3. Arms procurement and shipment by terrorists 4. Terrorist training 5. Manufacturing of weapons by terrorists 6. Establishment of […]

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Religion and its effects

Saturday, April 16th, 2011

Ben Silva I wrote this article following the interesting, well researched article by Mahinda Weerasinhe, who exposed how vulnerable Buddhists in the silk route were. Millions of decent peace loving people, living in harmony with nature, around the globe have been murdered by greedy hostile aggressive but more technically able nations. There are about 40 […]

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Religion, Hela people and survival

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011

Ben Silva In the recent past we have seen a number of writers supporting Buddhism. I am making these comments so that there is a balanced view. Buddhism is a part of our cultural heritage and as such need to be protected as a part of our culture. Buddhism also has a number of good […]

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Terrorists, their tools, enemies of Sri Lanka and the decline of the Sinhalese

Tuesday, January 18th, 2011

Ben Silva It is well known and must never be forgotten that India funded, trained and supported LTTE. There is no need to be confrontational with India, but threats from India need to be identified and recognized and counter measures taken. If the war continued, there would have been economic ruin of the country, loss […]

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Please save the life of the innocent girl Rizana Nafeek

Tuesday, October 26th, 2010

– Ben Silva This girl from a poor background is most likely illiterateƒ”š‚  and not knowledgeable in child care. It is most inhuman and barbaric to sentence her to death. I believe all civilised humans, what ever the nationality or religion should appeal to the authorities to spare her life. I am a Buddhist ƒ”š‚ from […]

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Religion, survival and the dangers of being passive

Monday, October 18th, 2010

Ben Silva Positive aspects of religion— Number of views have been put on religion. There are number of ƒ”š‚ religions and belief systems in the world ref: ƒ”š‚ For some, religion ƒ”š‚ is therapeutic and I haveƒ”š‚  nothing against religion being used as a therapy. The Buddhist precepts indicate the high standards of morality and values of […]

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Role of Tamils in UK and terrorism – Lessons to be learnt

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

By Ben Silva Com. of Inquiry on Lessons Learnt and Reconcilation 24- Lakshman Kadir: Inst, no 24, Horton Pls, Colombo 7 Dear Sir, Role of Tamils in UK and terrorism “ƒ¢¢”š¬…” Lessons to be learnt ƒ”š‚ I wish to make the following submission for your kind consideration. It is essential to identify the cause of the […]

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Ways to avoid a return to ethnic conflict, lessons to be learnt

Thursday, September 23rd, 2010

Ben Silva Open Letter Com of Inquiry on Lessons Learnt and Reconcilation 24- Lakshman Kadir: Inst, no 24, Horton Pls, Colombo 7 ƒ”š‚ Dear Sir, ƒ”š‚ Ways to avoid a return to ethnic conflict, lessons to be learnt Summary If a terrorist organisation is to operate successfully, it needs the following ingredients: Funds Bases Weapons Supply chain […]

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Hypocrisy and Ban Ki Moon’s Kangaroo court on Sri Lanka

Monday, September 20th, 2010

Ben Silva Attention of Mr Ban Ki Moon Secretary General, UN ƒ”š‚ Hypocrisy andƒ”š‚  Ban Ki Moon’s Kangaroo court on Sri Lanka ƒ”š‚ Media reports indicate that the Kangaroo court appointed by Mr Ban Ki Moon is now in operation. Mr Moon ƒ”š‚ has hand picked the team to obtain the anti Sri Lankan verdict he wants. The […]

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Inhuman torture of a woman worker

Friday, September 10th, 2010

Ben Silva High Commissioner on Human rights Attention of Ms N Pillay Inhiman torture of a woman worker I wish to draw your attention to a serious act of torture and human rights violations in Saudi Arabia. A 49 year old Sri Lankan woman worker, Ariyawahthie, has been abused and subjected to torture and violence […]

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The world is facing disaster due to over population

Sunday, September 5th, 2010

Ben Silva The world is facing disaster due to over population. Over population will lead to lack of housing, lack of education opportunities, lack of health care, global warming, transport problems, deforestation etc. The effects of deforestation is visible in the form of regular flooding and high temperaturesƒ”š‚  felt in the cities. Nearly all the […]

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UK Exporting terror- An Open Letter

Sunday, August 15th, 2010

Ben Silva Attention ofƒ”š‚  Honƒ”š‚  David Cameron, Prime Minister UK UK Exporting terror ƒ”š‚ ƒ”š‚ I am glad thatƒ”š‚  Hon ƒ”š‚ David Cameron, PM, ƒ”š‚ is taking terrorism seriously and credit shouldƒ”š‚  be given toƒ”š‚  him for recognizing that terrorism could be exported. As decent humans we should take all practical measures to eliminate terrorism from the world and […]

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Please help the flood victims of Pakistan instead of harassing Sri Lanka

Wednesday, August 11th, 2010

ben silva Attention of Mr Ban Ki Moon Secretary General, UN ƒ”š‚ Please help the flood victims of Pakistan instead of harassing Sri Lanka ƒ”š‚ It is generally thought that the proposed investigative panel on Sri Lanka is to harass Sri Lanka and its leaders forƒ”š‚  having close ties with China, Pakistan and Iran. ƒ”š‚ As Mahinda Gunasekera […]

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Elders voice on Sri Lanka

Sunday, August 8th, 2010

Ben Silva OPEN LETTER to Former Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town, Desmondƒ”š‚ Tutu The Leader of THE ELDERS COUNCIL <> Dear Desmondƒ”š‚ Tutu, Tutu gone ku ku Sri Lankans ƒ”š‚ have suffered massively and a lot of blood spilt ƒ”š‚ due to Tamil, racist terrorist violence that produced orphans, regular blowing to pieces of innocent civilians, smashing the […]

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Stop the abuse of women in the Middle East

Wednesday, August 4th, 2010

Ben Silva It has been reported in the media that our women in the Middle East are abused and ill treated. It is reported that many arrive back in Sri Lanka in body bags. These women could be our mothers, sisters and our daughters. No human should be abused or ill treated and it is […]

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