‘Daily News’ says sorry – and adds that Sher Azad column is discontinued
Posted on November 20th, 2012

– EDITOR of the Daily News-Courtesy: Daily News ( Nov. 20, 2012)

A column commissioned by the previous editor of the Daily News written by one Sher Azad which appeared in the Daily News of Saturday (17/11), is being discontinued forthwith by the current editor as part of the reorganizational efforts of this newspaper, after taking over duties a few days back.

The Sher Azad column will not appear anymore in the Daily News, and if any of the contents of that writer’s last column hurt the sensibilities of any community, we tender a sincere apology in this regard, as the column was carried routinely as a continuum from previous columns by the writer, before it came up to be considered for discontinuation as a part of the immediate reorganizational effort.

Any offence caused to any community by any of the content of the last column was wholly unintentional and is regretted, retracted and apologized for by the Daily News.


One Response to “‘Daily News’ says sorry – and adds that Sher Azad column is discontinued”

  1. Marco Says:

    I don’t suppose Daily News Editor is willing to apologies to the Citizens of Sri Lanka for reporting and printing “gobbledygook”?
    Don’t think so

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