Jayalalitha does it again
Posted on July 15th, 2013

Michelle Alexander

Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, J. Jayalaitha has written to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, urging the Central Government of New Delhi to “take all possible steps to bring pressure to bear upon the Sri Lankan government not to take any steps to repeal or even dilute the 13th amendment in any manner”.

She has also stated while the aspirations of the Sri Lankan Tamils can be realized only through an independent Tamil Eelam, the process of securing the right to self determination, through democratic decentralization, should not be derailed. She further stated that there are disturbing signs that the Sri Lankan government is not serious about rehabilitating and restoring the lives of the Tamil minority.

Chief Minister Jayalalitha:-

  • The 13th amendment was implemented by the Sri Lankan Government under duress. Furthermore, the very text for the 13th Amendment was compiled by New Delhi, not by Sri Lanka. Due to these reasons alone, whether or not the 13th Amendment is kept as it is, diluted or done away with altogether should be at the discretion of the Government and citizens of Sri Lanka, not the Government of India.
  • The president at the time, JR Jayewardene was said to have repeatedly offered to make Prabhakaran the chief administrator of the north-eastern provinces. He had further stated that if Prabhakaran accepted the responsibility he would not insist on a panel of nominees for the post of the chief administrator. Prabhakaran refused.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  The next President, Ranasinghe Premadasa was said to haveƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ presented Prabhakaran with power sharing opportunities plus other incentives such as weapons and money. Again, this was refused. If he had accepted the terms offered by JR or Premadasa, Prabhakaran could have been the leader of a de facto Eelam in the North and East. Fortunately for the country, it was his own stupidity in refusing these offers that brought about the final fate of the LTTE. On a side note, readers should also check out the following link http://www.rediff.com/news/nov/04dixit9.htm.
  • Any legitimate grievances should be addressed according to proper legal procedures. And yes, the Government should see to the rehabilitation and resettlement of Tamils. At the same time, the Government also has to look into the rehabilitation and resettlement of Sinhala and Muslim families that were driven out by the LTTE. They should not be seen favouring one community over the others.
  • ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ From 1983 ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” 1987 there had been up to 32 LTTE training camps all over India. It is believed that up to 3363 militants were given military training to fight against Sri Lankan armed forces. A country that had allowed terrorists to conduct training camps within its territory has no moral authority to dictate terms to a country that has been the victim of these terrorists.

Chief Minister Jayalalitha should be reminded that Sri Lanka is an independent, sovereign and unified country. Any solutions to the problems facing all of the communities living in Sri Lanka should be solved locally and as a unified country, not as a divided country.

7 Responses to “Jayalalitha does it again”

  1. jay-ran Says:


  2. Lorenzo Says:

    In vain why did we FULLY WIPE OUT the LTTE!

    We should have kept a few and USED THEM AGAINST TNA and TN politicians to create a Tamil-Tamil conflict.

    Our planners have no brains to think AHEAD.

    MGR was a JANITOR in SL. So were his entire family. He became a god in Tamil Nadu. JJ was his mistress.

  3. Ananda-USA Says:

    Why is this OUTRIGHT MURDER not SHOW CASED as a WAR CRIME by the GOSL?


    Why is Sri Lanka playing DEFENCE with those who cry “war crimes” at the UN?

    USE THESE CASES … and the wholesale SLAUGHTER of 1000 policemen and army soldiers after the fall of Mullaitivu … to INDELIBLY TAR & FEATHER these MONSTERS in the eyes of the world!

    Two Tamil Tiger cadres charged for killing 26 Sri Lankan military personnel

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    July 15, Colombo: Sri Lanka judiciary will indict two cadres of the intelligence unit of the Tamil Tiger terrorist organization Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) today at Vavuniya High Court for the killing of 26 personnel of state military, burning and burying their bodies.

    The two LTTE cadres identified as Madaarayan Sulakshan and Ganeshan Darshan are accused of executing the 26 military personnel who were captured and detained at the LTTE torture camp in the LTTE’s Victor 1 camp in Puthukudiyiruppu.

    As the Sri Lankan military advanced into the Tiger territory in 2009 the two cadres, who were fighting at the front lines and injured, have been assigned to torture and interrogate the military personnel.

    Although the torture camp was protected by mines and claymores, as the Sri Lankan troops approached the senior cadre in charge of the camp named Ratnam Master has ordered the two suspects to kill all the captured soldiers, douse their bodies with diesel and burn.

    Following the orders the suspects on January 15, 2009 have built a 5 feet high and 10 feet long pyre and lined up the blindfolded soldiers against the pyre and shot them. Darshan has shot 3 of the soldiers and Sulakshan has shot the other 23.

    The Terrorism Investigation Division has arrested Arumugam Jogadeesan, another LTTE cadre connected to the incident while in a refugee camp after the war ended and he has provided this information to the authorities during interrogation.

    The 26 military personnel included 18 Sri Lanka Navy and eight Army personnel.

    The two suspects will be charged when they are produced today before the Vavuniya High Court Magistrate Ms. C. N. Bandumathi.

  4. Fran Diaz Says:

    Question to Jayalalitha : Why do Tamils FLEE Tamil Nadu ?

  5. Sooriarachi Says:

    Having lost the biggest terrorist Prabakaran, these Tamil separatist forces are now fighting hard to save their biggest weapon, the 13th amendment gifted by Rajiv Gandhi before he was assassinated by the ungrateful separatists.
    With people like Ranil the Sri Lankan opposition leader and maxist leaders putting their weight behind this Indian forced amendment, who knows, these Tamil separatists might win the day and manage to save this 13th Amendment weapon to bludgeon SriLanka’s sovereignity in the near future. Let us hope the President has the courage to reject this and come out with a home grown solution. I trust India too would prefer such a solution, though they pretend to want the 13th just to placate Tamilnadu.

  6. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    Jayalalithaa is a Hindu Tamil poisonous bitch whose sole purpose is to divide Sri Lanka. If India takes back the island of katchacheevu then that can be officially made the land of Eelam for the Sri Lankan Tamils.

  7. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    Jayalalithaa is a Hindu Tamil poisonous b***h whose sole purpose is to divide Sri Lanka. If India takes back the island of katchacheevu then that can be officially made the land of Eelam for the Sri Lankan Tamils.

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