Navineetham Pillai had learnt nothing from her visit, she goes back with the same prejudices she came with.
Posted on September 1st, 2013
By Charles.S.Perera
Navi Pillai has gone. She made a statement to the press.ƒ”š‚ But from her statement , it appears that after seven days in Sri Lanka she has learnt nothingƒ”š‚ new. She goes back with the same notions and prejudices with which she came.
There are different ways of listening, one isƒ”š‚ as one who knows nothing- a neutral objective listener, and the other as one who already knows, therefore listen to find evidence to confirm what one already knows. In the case of Navi pillai, she had listened only to confirm her prejudices against Sri Lanka.
After a short introduction ofƒ”š‚ who and ƒ”š‚ what she had seen,ƒ”š‚ and that she will make a further statementƒ”š‚ later to the Human Rights Council in Geneva, and ƒ”š‚ a written report in March next year, she said:
ƒ¢¢”š¬…”I will today confine myself to a few key issues that crystallized during the course of the mission. I will divide these human rights issues into two parts: those related to the vicious and debilitating 27-year conflict between the Government and the LTTE, and its aftermath; and those that relate to the whole country.2 Some media, ministers, bloggers and various propagandists in Sri Lanka have, for several years now, on the basis of my Indian Tamil heritage, described me as a tool of the LTTE. They have claimed I was in their pay, the ƒ¢¢”š¬…”Tamil Tigress in the UN.ƒ¢¢”š¬‚ This is not only wildly incorrect, it is deeply offensive. This type of abuse has reached an extraordinary crescendo during this past week, with at least three Government Ministers joining in.ƒ¢¢”š¬‚
From her first statement to the media, we may perhaps absolve her as being in the pay of the LTTE, but nevertheless we cannot completely absolve her from her sympathies to the LTTE. (She wanted to offer flowers to Prabhakaran). We see from her statement to the press that she has veered away from the Government’s points of view to accept those ofƒ”š‚ theƒ”š‚ LTTE sympathisers who are still promoting theƒ”š‚ agenda of the terrorists, but in a different form, and those who had been recommendedƒ”š‚ by them , and the parties opposed to the government.
Then she professed herƒ”š‚ South African Nationality, of which the apartheid regime had tried to deprive her.ƒ”š‚ She said, ƒ¢¢”š¬…”I am a South African and proud of it.ƒ¢¢”š¬‚
But she should have said this to her Tamil interlocutors in the North and East of Sri Lanka who are refusing to mix with the Sinhala and Muslim Communities and say that ƒ”š‚ ƒ¢¢”š¬…”theyƒ”š‚ areƒ”š‚ Sri Lankans and proud of itƒ¢¢”š¬‚. They want to be theƒ”š‚ Nationals of a Tamilƒ”š‚ Eelam State they are still hoping to create.
Theƒ”š‚ message Navi Pillai should have given to TNA and others seeking separation, is that it is more important to be a part of the whole, than be a part separated from the whole.
She ƒ”š‚ as the UN Commissioner of Human Rights ƒ”š‚ should seek to establish unity among a divided people instead of fostering it. Therefore, while seeking ƒ”š‚ evidence of violation of human rights against the government, she should have ƒ”š‚ also told the Tamil people that it is not in their interest to be separated from the other Communities in Sri Lanka, ƒ”š‚ but ƒ”š‚ they should ƒ”š‚ instead seek ƒ”š‚ integration.ƒ”š‚
Then she says no doubt to prove that she is not the ƒ”š‚ ƒ¢¢”š¬…”Tamil Tigress in the UNƒ¢¢”š¬‚, that ƒ”š‚ ƒ¢¢”š¬…”ƒ¢¢”š¬‚¦ƒ¢¢”š¬‚¦ the LTTE was a murderous organization that committed numerous crimes and destroyed many lives. ƒ¢¢”š¬‚¦ƒ¢¢”š¬‚¦.. Those in the diaspora who continue to revere the memory of the LTTE must recognize that there should be no place for the glorification of such a ruthless organization.ƒ¢¢”š¬‚
Then she paid her respect to those families whichƒ”š‚ have lost some one they can never replace. She said, ƒ¢¢”š¬…”ƒ”š‚ It is important everyone realizes that, although the fighting is over, the suffering is not.ƒ¢¢”š¬‚
She should know that suffering continues because it is kept alive.ƒ”š‚ However, it is normal that those who have lost some one or other at one point of time accept the fact of loss and go on living, leaving aside the lamentation.ƒ”š‚ We cannot go on grieving for the dead, because we have to live for those who are living.
In the holocaustƒ”š‚ millions of Jews died a cruel death , so did the Japanese in the atomic bombs dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.ƒ”š‚ It did not end there but those powerful, blind to the suffering of the feeble and the ƒ”š‚ weakƒ”š‚ killed in Vietnam, Korea, Libya and continue to kill in Iraq, Afghanistan,ƒ”š‚ and proposing to continue the same killing ƒ”š‚ in Syria. In Chile unknown numbers are still missing. Nevertheless, those ƒ¢¢”š¬…”who have lost some they can never replaceƒ¢¢”š¬‚ allƒ”š‚ continue to live without complaining about those who have died or gone missing.
Nearer home in the South of Sri Lanka too there are families who have lost some one they can never replace.ƒ”š‚ But their grief is not kept alive as it is in the North by the Tamil National Alliance and the Catholic Priests. Thousands of Sinhala police officers and civiliansƒ”š‚ have been tortured and killed by the terrorists and thousands have gone missing. Navi Pillai did not have a word for them
Navi Pillai had said, ƒ¢¢”š¬…”Wounds will not heal and reconciliation will not happen, without respect for those who grieve, and remembrance for the tens of thousands of Tamils, Sinhalese, Muslims and others who died before their time on the battlefield, in buses, on the street, or in detention. As one wife of a missing man put it poignantly: ƒ¢¢”š¬…”Even when we eat, we keep a portion for him.ƒ¢¢”š¬‚
There is a time for grief and lamentation, and then there is a time toƒ”š‚ accept the reality ofƒ”š‚ impermanence and continue to live. It is only then that theƒ”š‚ wounds will heal , and the reconciliation will happen .ƒ”š‚ Sri Lanka has come out of a thirty years of tremendous ƒ¢¢”š¬…”griefƒ¢¢”š¬‚, in which practically every one of its citizens hadƒ”š‚ suffered. Should theycontinue their grief for another thirty years ?
Then she says ƒ”š‚ how she was moved byƒ”š‚ the , ƒ¢¢”š¬…”ƒ¢¢”š¬‚¦profound trauma I have seen among the relatives of the missing and the dead, and the war survivors, in all the places I have visited, as well as by their resilience. This was particularly evident among those scratching out a living among the ghosts of burned and shelled trees, ruined houses and other debris of the final battle of the the war along the lagoon in Mullaitivu.ƒ¢¢”š¬‚
These traumas she has evidenced may be several fold in places she had not visited, ƒ”š‚ like those civilian men women and children being killed by constant drone attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan, killed by ƒ”š‚ bombardments in Libya, Syria and Iraq.ƒ”š‚ Because in those places there is not even a Government to look after them, and they continue to live in the debris left after bombardments.
In Vietnam after the use of Agent Orange by the US Armed Forces, 400,000ƒ”š‚ Vietnamese were killed or maimed, 500,000 children born with birth defects. According to the Red Cross of Vietnam 1 million people are disabledƒ”š‚ or have health problems due to Agent Orange. (Wikipedia)
This is not to minimise the suffering of the people in Sri Lanka, but to point out thatƒ”š‚ in Sri Lanka the Government is making an effort to lessen the suffering that had been caused to them, showing that they are not alone handicapped by their loss, but there is a government to listen to them and make amends as far as it can, and make the life agreeable for those who are living.
Sri Lanka is after all just four years after eliminating terrorism.ƒ”š‚ In order to overcome grief and for progress and development every one- the Sinhala , the Tamil, the Muslims and the restƒ”š‚ have to close ranks with each other ƒ”š‚ and unite to build peace and make Sri Lanka a better place to live together.
Then Navi Pillai says with a touch of sarcasm, ƒ¢¢”š¬…” Throughout my visit, the authorities, at all levels, have been keen to demonstrate to me how much has been achieved in terms of resettlement, reconstruction and rehabilitation in the relatively short period since the conflict with the LTTE ended in 2009. ƒ¢¢”š¬‚
That was in fact why Navi Pillai was invited.ƒ”š‚ It was for her to see for herself that Sri Lanka government not only eliminated terrorism, but it also ƒ”š‚ resettled ƒ”š‚ the displaced ƒ”š‚ providing them with an ƒ”š‚ environment far more developed and comfortable than what it had been before, ƒ”š‚ giving themƒ”š‚ renewed hopes ofƒ”š‚ a future for their childrenƒ”š‚ and peace and security for themselves.
That ƒ¢¢”š¬…” keenness of authorities every where to demonstrate the achievementsƒ¢¢”š¬‚ was not to distract Navi Pillai from what she had been claiming for the last four years ƒ”š‚ that Sri Lanka violates human rights and the Armed Forces have committed war crimes without even seeing the reality of Sri Lanka, but to make her understand thatƒ”š‚ image she had formed of Sri Lanka from what she had heard from others is different from the ground reality.
It appears Navi Pillai grudges saying this, but she had nevertheless said, ƒ¢¢”š¬…”And the reconstruction achievements, made with the help of donor countries, UN agencies and NGOs, are indeed impressiveƒ¢¢”š¬‚¦ƒ¢¢”š¬‚¦ƒ¢¢”š¬‚¦ƒ¢¢”š¬‚¦As a result, the great majority of the more than 450,000 people who were internally displaced at the end of the conflict have now gone home.ƒ¢¢”š¬‚
But she adds, ƒ¢¢”š¬…”These are important achievements, and I understand the Government’s concern that they have perhaps not been sufficiently recognized. However, physical reconstruction alone will not bring reconciliation, dignity, or lasting peace. Clearly, a more holistic approach is needed, and I have repeated my previous offer of OHCHR’s assistance in these areas. ƒ¢¢”š¬‚
Does Sri Lanka really need assistance from OHCHR , ƒ¢¢”š¬…” to provide truth, justice and reparations for people’s suffering during the warƒ¢¢”š¬‚ ?
Navi Pillai had failed to see what exactly the ƒ”š‚ Government is tryingƒ”š‚ its best to do. The Government is making all efforts ƒ”š‚ to bring the Tamil people into the main stream ofƒ”š‚ politics in Sri Lanka, withoutƒ”š‚ a concept of a majority and a minority, but just a nation of Sri Lankans, just like ƒ”š‚ the Tamils of South Africa are no more a minority but a part of the Nation of South Africa.ƒ”š‚ What more holistic could it be ?
It is the Tamils, the TNA MPs and the Catholic Priests in the North that obstruct a holistic approach to a genuine reconciliation of Communities.
Since the elimination of terrorism much progress has been made in Sri Lanka in many field, and the people are benefiting fromƒ”š‚ those developments toƒ”š‚ improve their standard of living . Perhaps Navi Pillai did not pay adequate attention to that fact when she says:
ƒ¢¢”š¬…” There are a number of specific factors impeding normalization, which ƒ¢¢”š¬- if not quickly rectified ƒ¢¢”š¬- may sow the seeds of future discord. These are by and large to do with the curtailment or denial of personal freedoms and human rights, or linked to persistent impunity and the failure of rule of law. From the very beginning, I have placed great hopes in Sri Lanka achieving true peace and reconciliation after the war.ƒ¢¢”š¬‚
In reality ƒ”š‚ the desire for ƒ”š‚ true peace should come from the people themselves, ƒ”š‚ and it is with that desire for peace, thatƒ”š‚ the desire forƒ”š‚ ƒ”š‚ reconciliation would arise.
She did not hesitate to repeat her oft repeated ƒ”š‚ accusation about war crimes, while she was ƒ”š‚ welcoming the LLRC report, though ƒ”š‚ criticising it ƒ”š‚ forƒ”š‚ side steppingƒ”š‚ transparent impartial investigationƒ”š‚ of ƒ¢¢”š¬…” a conflict thatƒ”š‚ saw numerous war crimes andƒ”š‚ other violationsƒ¢¢”š¬‚¦.ƒ¢¢”š¬‚
She could take credit for all that if it is only Sri Lanka that is committing all the violations and war crimes, but unfortunately ƒ”š‚ she is blind to real war crimes in the other parts of the world committed by ƒ¢¢”š¬…” intrudingƒ¢¢”š¬‚ forces coming from the USA and the West.
She of course has consulted the likes of the Tamil diasporaƒ”š‚ who are the first hand informants to form her prejudicial image of Sri Lanka.
ƒ¢¢”š¬…” I was concerned to hear about the degree to which the military appears to be putting down roots and becoming involved in what should be civilian activities, for instance education, agriculture and even tourism. I also heard complaints about the acquisition of private land to build military camps and installations, including a holiday resort. ƒ¢¢”š¬‚¦ƒ¢¢”š¬‚¦ƒ¢¢”š¬‚¦ƒ¢¢”š¬‚¦ Clearly, the army needs some camps, but the prevalence and level of involvement of soldiers in the community seem much greater than is needed for strictly military or reconstruction purposes four years after the end of the war.ƒ¢¢”š¬‚
The TNA, the Catholic Priests of the North and even the Civil societyƒ”š‚ in Jaffna may be concerned about the presence of the Armed Forces in the North and the East.ƒ”š‚ But it is the government that has to face the ruthless terrorists and sacrifice large numbers of its youth ƒ¢¢”š¬-the soldiers, maim many others, if there were to be a recurrence of terrorism once again in the North. The government has the duty to protect and provide security forƒ”š‚ its people, even if the Tamils of the North do not seem to realise it.
Therefore, ƒ”š‚ it is the Government that has to decide whether or not to maintain military camps in the North and East. Neither Navi Pillai nor the International Community was their to help the government end that cancer of terrorism.
The Tamil people may have forgotten that period of suffering but the Government and the Sinhala people who made the major sacrifice cannot and will not forget it.
Navi Pillay says that the, ƒ¢¢”š¬…” presence of the military and other security forces is seen by many as oppressive and intrusive, with the continuing high level of surveillance of former combatants and returnees at times verging on harassment.ƒ¢¢”š¬‚ ƒ”š‚ It is like some prisoners released from prisons in the West, with an electronic bandƒ”š‚ placed round their ankles, for the authorities to keep check of their whereabouts . ƒ”š‚ ƒ”š‚ It is a safety measure. The government of Sri Lanka is not resorting to such an electronic devise in the case of ƒ¢¢”š¬…”former combatants and returneesƒ¢¢”š¬‚.
Those Tamils who have complained to her are those who have already forgotten what it was to live under the constant surveillance and the dictates of the terrorists.ƒ”š‚ They should be thankful that the Soldiers are protecting them and keeping them safe, and make sure that their children are not kidnapped to make suicide bombers, or child soldiers.
Sexual harassment against women is an oft made accusation , but where such reports have been made the Government had taken legal action against those concerned.ƒ”š‚ Any responsibleƒ”š‚ Government and ƒ”š‚ an Armed Forceƒ”š‚ have to be aware of that necessity, without a high level official from the UN comes to point it out.
The NGOs had beenƒ”š‚ causing immense damage to Sri Lanka during the period of ƒ”š‚ terrorism and interference after terrorism levelling accusations of violation of human rights against the government and the Armed Forces. Navi Pillai says:
ƒ¢¢”š¬…”Because of the legacy of massive trauma, there is a desperate need for counselling and psychosocial support in the North, and I was surprised and disappointed to learn that the authorities have restricted NGO activity in this sector. I hope the Government can relax controls on this type of assistance.ƒ¢¢”š¬‚
The Government cannot allow access to NGO’s to please Navy Pillai or the International Community.ƒ”š‚ NGOs may be allowed but there should be strict control of the type of activities in which they engage.ƒ”š‚ They come for supposed humanitarian services but engage themselves in activities against the Government. Should that be tolerated ?
Sri Lanka is suitably equipped for counselling and psychological support in the North.ƒ”š‚ But the hitch about the North is the non-cooperation of the Tamils with the government sponsored aid due to the constant interference of the Tamil politicians with their separatist agenda.
She spoke about religious violence as one of her concerns.ƒ”š‚ This is some thing that the government is unable to suppress as the understanding the ƒ”š‚ reasons for religious violenceƒ”š‚ and need to resort to peaceful means of resisting such violence, ƒ”š‚ has to come from the people concerned.ƒ”š‚ It is not unique to Sri Lanka.ƒ”š‚ It is happening in UK, France, Germany, and USA itself.ƒ”š‚ It is also theƒ”š‚ new forms of religious fundamentalism such as Wahabism coming from outside.
If there is extremism coming from one group of religious believers, ƒ”š‚ it is normal that there isƒ”š‚ resistanceƒ”š‚ from the other.ƒ”š‚ It is not a human rights violation by the government, but perhaps it may be the failure on the part of the government to take aƒ”š‚ firm decisionƒ”š‚ for political reasons that ƒ”š‚ aggravates such situations. The Government has a Ministry of Religious Affairsƒ”š‚ which has to settle some of these problems but for the moment there is a marked inaction by the Ministry which the Government may take into account.
Then she has spoken of the disturbingƒ”š‚ aspect of her visit where, ƒ¢¢”š¬…”I have received reports that people in villages and settlements in the Mullaitivu area were visited by police or military officers both before and after I arrived there. In Trincomalee, several people I met were subsequently questioned about the content of our conversation. This type of surveillance and harassment appears to be getting worse in Sri Lanka, which is a country where critical voices are quite often attacked or even permanently silencedƒ¢¢”š¬‚¦ƒ¢¢”š¬‚¦.ƒ¢¢”š¬‚
Navi Pillai should not come to hasty conclusion on what she had heard, because many things are said by interested parties to discredit the government and the Armed Forces andƒ”š‚ these information are not always correct and cannot be relied upon.ƒ”š‚ Some of these accusations of ƒ¢¢”š¬…”permanently silencing the criticsƒ¢¢”š¬‚ have not been confirmed and a finger of accusation cannot be directed at the government.
Afterƒ”š‚ speaking of several such concerns of hers, she sadly made a statementƒ”š‚ whichƒ”š‚ can hardly be expected to come from the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, as she knows well the difference between democracy andƒ”š‚ dictatorship ( increasingly authoritarian direction).
Sheƒ”š‚ said, ƒ¢¢”š¬…” I am deeply concerned that Sri Lanka, despite the opportunity provided by the end of the war to construct a new vibrant, all-embracing state, is showing signs of heading in an increasingly authoritarian direction.ƒ¢¢”š¬‚
But Sri Lanka is far from being a democracy ƒ¢¢”š¬…”showing signs of heading in an increasingly authoritarian direction,ƒ¢¢”š¬‚ as she puts it.ƒ”š‚ This shows to what extent sheƒ”š‚ is determined to maintain her prejudiced image of Sri Lanka.
There is no sign what so ever that justifies her statement, and her being the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights does not give her the privilege of making statement without sound reason against a country, which invited her to see for her self at her own convenience what is going on inside the Country.ƒ”š‚ ƒ”š‚
If this is what she is capable of stating ƒ”š‚ to the media before leaving the country which received her, we can imagine what her statement to the UN Human Rights Council is likely to be.
Navi Pillaiƒ”š‚ came to Sri Lanka with plenty of prejudices having learnt about the country from the Darusman Report, ƒ”š‚ and listening to the pro terrorist Diaspora. She goes back with those same prejudices with which she came, confirmed by selective evidence she may have collected.
September 1st, 2013 at 2:12 pm
“Because of the legacy of massive trauma, there is a desperate need for counselling and psychosocial support in the North, and I was surprised and disappointed to learn that the authorities have restricted NGO activity in this sector. I hope the Government can relax controls on this type of assistance.”
NGOs are NOT doing counselling and psychosocial support!!
All they do is gather FAKE war crimes stories. Nice try!
As I always say APPEASING TAMILS is a DISASTER. It NEVER works.
Give up on Tamils and start concentrating on Sinhalese.
This govt. has only 2 1/2 years to go and already wasted 80% of money on the Tamil only north. Wait for Tamil people’s pay back in 3 weeks in a massive election win for TNA.
September 1st, 2013 at 3:12 pm
What an ABSOLUTE MUTT this Navi Plillay is!
She does not realize that some dead are to be HONORED, others are to be VILIFIED, each according to his/her actions while living.
Would she advocate HONORING the memory of Hitler, of Pol Pot, and of the murderous Velupillai Prabakaran?
Would she HONOR Mahatma Gandhi and Hitler … side by side …. merely because BOTH are DEAD?
God Help Us …. when the UN appoints officials to UN Human Rights Commissions who see no difference between these dead !!!???
Nandikadal: Govt. blocks Pillay’s move
September 01, 2013
There was panic in the corridors of power that Navi Pillay, the UN Human Commissioner for Human Rights, was going to scatter flowers on the Nandikadal lagoon in memory of those who had lost their lives in the last stages of the war against the LTTE.
The reports were to cause a flurry of activity, both at the External Affairs Ministry and the Ministry of Defence. Officials sought clarification from the UN office in Colombo. They denied any knowledge. Later, senior officials of Ms. Pillay’s entourage were advised that such an action would be considered extremely offensive and could have serious consequences.
Questioned about this at her news conference yesterday, Ms. Pillay was clear that her gesture would have been in honour of the dead.
“About flowers, when I go to any country, I like to honour the victims, all victims, victims of LTTE, soldiers, families,” she said. “I have done this, for instance, in Moscow, done this in Guatemala where they are still doing forensic investigations of bones to establish the identity of the people who were killed by the military.”
“So this is something I like to do and I thought that I could do it here, but were still considering the thing and didn’t finalise it,” she said. Ms. Pillay’s office gave up its efforts after the Government made it clear that the entire Mullaitivu segment of her visit would be cancelled if the request was pursued.
September 1st, 2013 at 4:15 pm
“About flowers, when I go to any country, I like to honour the victims, all victims, victims of LTTE, soldiers, families,” she said. “I have done this, for instance, in Moscow, done this in Guatemala”
How about Abu Graib, Gitmo Bay, Palestine, IRAQ, Afghanistan, Kashmir bitch?
Why you NEVER lay flowers in these places?
September 1st, 2013 at 7:17 pm
As I always say APPEASING TAMILS is a DISASTER. It NEVER works.
Give up on Tamils and start concentrating on Sinhalese.
This govt. has only 2 1/2 years to go and already wasted 80% of money on the Tamil only north. Wait for Tamil people’s pay back in 3 weeks in a massive election win for TNA.
This statement coming from a discerning and penetrative mind is the absolute truth,
The Rajapakse boys have missed the bus by astronomic miles
Massive outlays of money (the other provinces never had), massive infrastructure building did not impress Pillai. ‘Take all they give and then ask for more’ was the Tamil credo ever since the 1920’s. It has unwaveringly remained so and so it will remain and snowball relentlessly until the goal of a separate state is reached. Blinded by their EGO, the Rajapakses did not see the midday sun of the everlasting Tamil credo. The worthless Commonwealth has stuffed their minds with empty futile sterile hopes with an outcome not only of nothingness but of being further bogged down in the already inextricable quagmire.
The massive show the Tamils put up with hired weeping sprawling howling women impressed Pillai.There is no biz like the show biz. Pillai came with one bad of prejudices and left with the other hand full as well.
Stubby chubby Badulla Silva Siripala told Pillai of stubby ugly Kelaniya Silva ‘Madam do not take OUR MINISTER M S seriously’ to which Pillai replied: It is not I who must take him seriously it is YOU who must take him seriously. The Rajapakse entourage took Pillai’s visit for a joke a joke epitomized by the marriage proposal of a gutter snipe hooligan whom stubby chubby Silva called ‘OUR MINISTER’, a statement which reflected on the entire cabinet. As the age old saying goes: tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.
Strengthened by the Pillai mind set massive crowds are converging around Wigneswaran and Sambandan while the UPFA candidates are involved in murderous infighting.
Indeed the Pillai outdid the Rajapaske Pulles. Her final message to the Pulles was: Yes your infrastructures are all nice and but the charges against you remain as already framed in Geneva and are furthermore propped up by my visit and conclusions.
Indeed the Rajapakse Pulles missed the bus by astronomic miles. Their tombstones will one day bear the epitaph: 13A.
Mario Perera
September 1st, 2013 at 7:38 pm
She said ” I am a South African and proud of it.” I was in Sothern Africa more than 17 years and my experiance say that she was called “Koolies” since her birth. President Nelson mandela wanted her to be a proud South African but unfortunately’ he faild to do it. Still she is a “Kooli” who work for apathed style white tigers and she lost her human rights under her so cold post “Human right Commisner of United Nations”
As proud Sri Lankans we got a duty to talk about her human rights and we should take immidiate action to protect her human right.
September 1st, 2013 at 8:08 pm
Colonials put COOLIES (Kallathonies) ahead of locals. Colonial ranking of importance was,
1. Europeans
2. Coolies (Tamilians)
3. Locals
When locals in SA could NOT go to school, university, the COOLIE woman went to school, university and then HARVARD!!!
She benefitted from apartheid.
She is one grateful COOLIE.
This same thing happened in SL.
Colonials put COOLIES ahead of locals. Colonial ranking of importance was,
1. Europeans
2. Coolies (Tamilians) (SOME are good people and NOT coolie anymore by behavior and mentality.)
3. Sinhalas
Same thing in Fiji, Malaysia, Singapore, etc.
There is a global COOLIE empire.
September 1st, 2013 at 8:08 pm
When Defence heard that she intend to to pay a floral tribute during the visit to Mullivaikkal with no pre arrange schedule, whole place went to red alert and would have caused great diplomatic incident since she was told bluntly, if you try that your visit here is over. She got the message loud and clear.
Other incident was when she visited Independence Square, having seen a Buddhist flag, she was asking why its there? Some one should have told her that “it is part of our thousand year old heritage”. Some one mention that it is part of our constitution…. Can you believe how ignorant this women is?
September 2nd, 2013 at 12:46 am
A beautiful article in Washington Post. Reminds me Mario’s writing.
“Henry Allen, who won the Pulitzer Prize for criticism in 2000, was a Post editor and reporter for 39 years.
Where were the smiles, the flowers? We’d expected, in a modest way, to be greeted as liberators.
This was many years ago, Chu Lai, South Vietnam, 1966, in one of the early disasters of the United States’ post-World War II attempts to fight wars for virtue. People in the villages refused to meet our eyes, and they only smiled if they were selling us something.
How disappointing. The war was young then, and so were we, but not so young that we hadn’t seen newsreel footage of the cheers from the giddy urchins of Naples, the French doing their tiptoe waves.
But not the Vietnamese. It seemed that in Chu Lai, at least, the beneficiaries of our liberation and largesse hated us, or were too scared to show they liked us.
But why? Weren’t we fighting a war of liberation, another good war in the American tradition of good wars? Wasn’t my Marine civic action team giving candy to children, the same SweeTarts you could buy in American movie theaters?
The giveaway lasted two days.
“SweeTart numbah ten!” shouted the kids who swarmed our truck on the second day. “Numbah ten” meant the worst. They flung the SweeTarts back at us. We flung them back at them, no doubt losing a heart here, a mind there. The Battle of the SweeTarts. At the end of the day you’d have to say we lost it, another case of American virtue unrewarded.
The good war, the virtuous war. We believe in it. We have to believe in it or we wouldn’t be Americans.
As John Updike wrote: “America is beyond power, it acts as in a dream, as a face of God. Wherever America is, there is freedom, and wherever America is not, madness rules with chains, darkness strangles millions. Beneath her patient bombers, paradise is possible.”
The United States doesn’t fight for land, resources, hatred, revenge, tribute, religious conversion — the usual stuff. Along with the occasional barrel of oil, we fight for virtue.
Never mind that it doesn’t work out — the Gulf of Tonkin lies, Agent Orange, waterboarding, nonexistent weapons of mass destruction, the pointless horrors of Abu Ghraib, a fighter plane wiping out an Afghan wedding party, our explanation of civilian deaths as an abstraction: “collateral damage.”
Just so. We talk about our warmaking as if it were a therapeutic science — surgical strikes, precision bombing, graduated responses, a homeopathic treatment that uses war to cure us of war. “Like cures like,” as the homeopathic slogan has it; “the war to end all wars” as Woodrow Wilson is believed to have said of World War I. We send out our patient bombers in the manner of piling on blankets to break a child’s fever. We launch our missiles and say: “We’re doing it for your own good.”
After World War II, I was taught in school that humankind, especially Americans, hate war and love peace. The United Nations rose on New York’s East River, a foundry beating swords into plowshares. We renamed the Department of War as the Department of Defense. We had Atoms for Peace, CARE packages, UNICEF boxes at Halloween and the Berlin Airlift instead of a war against the Soviet Union.
The problem here is that humankind doesn’t hate war, it loves war. That’s why it fights so many of them. The New England Indians were so devoted to fighting each other that they couldn’t unite to drive the European settlers into the sea in King Philip’s War.
What better explains all of recorded history with its atrocity, conquest, pillage and extermination? Our love of war is the problem. War is an addiction, maybe a disease, the chronic autoimmune disease of humanity. It erupts, it subsides, but it’s always there, waiting to cripple and kill us. The best we can do is hope to keep it in remission.
And yet Americans still believe in the idea of the good and virtuous war. It scratches our Calvinist itch; it proves our election to blessedness.
Thus God is on our side. Strangely enough, though, we keep losing. Since World War II, we have failed to win any land war that lasted more than a week: Korea (a stalemate), Vietnam, little ones like Lebanon and Somalia, bigger ones like Iraq and Afghanistan. Ah, but these were all intended to be good wars, saving people from themselves.
The latest target of opportunity for our patient bombers is Syria. The purity of our motives is unassailable. We would fire our missiles only to punish sin, this time in the form of poison gas. No land grab, no oil, not even an attempt to install democracy.
Oscar Wilde said: “As long as war is regarded as wicked, it will always have its fascination. When it is looked upon as vulgar, it will cease to be popular.” He didn’t foresee a United States that would regard war as virtuous.
What a dangerous idea it is.”
– Washingtonpost
September 2nd, 2013 at 12:53 am
“Can you believe how ignorant this women is?”
She is NOT ignorant. She knows it too well.
She is a RACIST inhuman. She can’t stand anything non-Tamil in SL.
September 2nd, 2013 at 6:33 am
that means to give a separate state with all …..powers………. until then they will not be satisfied
September 7th, 2013 at 6:08 am
Christie Says:
September 7th, 2013 at 3:49 am
I just got some news from a friend in the island nation. He tried to put a paid advertisement in the Daily News and the Island news papers. The DN Advertising manager refused to publish it even it was a paid advertisement. The Island took it and the money but later refused to publish it and offered to refund the money.
The ad was a 2 columns by 5 cm:
” Navi Pillai; Hon UNHRC You are an Indian colonial parasite from Africa Hence you should keep out of the affairs of the subjects of the Indian Empire”
The DN is a government run news paper and the Island’s owner Upali Wijeyawardana was blown off by the Indian colonial parasites of Malaysia, agents of the Indian Empire.