Parties opposing motion against UNHRC sponsored investigations are traitors to the nation and People will teach them a lesson
Posted on June 15th, 2014

Disna Mudalige Courtesy The Daily News

Political parties which dodge the proposed motion against the international investigation on Sri Lanka are clearly indicating their alignment with the forces inimical to the country, leading political analyst and scholar Prof. Gamini Samaranayake told the Daily News yesterday.

He said the two day parliamentary debate on the UNHRC mandated probe on alleged Human Rights Violations during the last phase of the humanitarian operation in Sri Lanka is the best opportunity for all political parties to show their commitment to protect the hard won peace and sovereignty of the country.

Prof. Samaranayake said it is the responsibility of all political parties to stand by the country at this crucial point, keeping aside their narrow political motives.

He said those who attempt to bring amendments to the motion are actually supporting the international conspirators against the country. “Sri Lanka since the very beginning rejected an international inquiry stressing that it blatantly undermines the sovereignty and independence of the country. It trespasses the UNHRC mandate and deters the reconciliation process. Sri Lanka has a democratically elected government, and therefore it has the sole right to reject any infringement in its internal affairs. The country should not be betrayed to appease the hidden motives of foreign forces. As responsible citizens of the country, we condemn the UNHRC resolution to send an international team to probe alleged war crimes, and we urge all the political party representatives to be mindful about their responsibilities on behalf of the country at this juncture,” he said.

Prof. Samaranayake noted some countries have misinterpreted the defeat of terrorism by the Sri Lankan government as a violation of human rights, adding that in reality it was the moment that the entire 20 million population in the country could start enjoying their fundamental human rights which had been suppressed for nearly three decades due to brutal LTTE terror

People will teach the UNP a lesson – UPFA General Secretary

People of the country will teach the UNP a lesson, which tries to destabilize the country through so called human right investigations, states UPFA General Secretary Susil Premajayantha issuing a statement on the UPFA’s behalf.

The full text of the statement:

A motion brought by a few parliamentarians against UNHRC sponsored investigations against Sri Lanka is scheduled to be taken up for debate in Parliament.

The object of this motion is to discuss the threat against the country’s sovereignty and to obtain the opinion of the representatives of the people with regard to the international investigation against the country.

Several leaders of the UNP have told Sunday newspapers that they were against the taking up of such motion for debate in Parliament. It is regrettable that the UNP is backing threats coming from international forums against the country while the fact remains that separatist war that commenced was begun during UNP regimes, and was nurtured by the UNPs leaders, and was ended by the UPFA.

It has been mentioned that the children of those who had been marginalized during the 1983 pogrom that had been launched by several factions of UNP which had the executive power and five sixth power in parliament, now comprise the Tamil Diaspora abroad which acts against the country’s interests.

The LTTE was internationalized by certain foolish acts of UNP governments. The UNP brought foreign ceasefire monitors to the country while entering into agreements with the LTTE with the assistance of Norway. Besides, the UNP accompanied LTTE terrorists to Bangkok and Norway.

Needless to mention, certain UNP members acted and spoke disgracing war heroes when the war on terrorism was in progress.

So called leaders such as Laksman Kiriella, Ravi Karunanayaka, who are controlled by foreign forces and money were exemplars of this trend. The real necessity of these leaders, who issued statements on behalf of the LTTE, which assassinated R. Premadasa, Gamini Dissanayake, Lalith Athulathmudali etc., when LTTE was defeated, is not a secret even to UNP supporters.

All our people should me forward hand in hand to protect the country, which was liberated under the brave leadership of President Mahinda Rajapaksa. Now, LTTE requirements come under the guise of human right investigations.

The entire country should defeat such conspiracies. People of the country will teach a lesson to the UNP, which tries to destabilize the country through so called human right investigations”.

2 Responses to “Parties opposing motion against UNHRC sponsored investigations are traitors to the nation and People will teach them a lesson”

  1. Lorenzo Says:


    Very words of humble prophet Lorenzo!

    People MUST teach these traitors a lesson.

    MR did the RIGHT THING by putting the matter to parliament. Now people can SEE for themselves who these TRAITORS are. Thank you HE the President.

    Election lessons are NOT ENOUGH for these GRAND TRAITORS as they can come back. Nanthikadal will be their ULTIMATE lesson. How long should we wait to see that beautiful sight. Sigh!

  2. ranjit Says:

    It is the responsibilty of all parties, sections of the society to be together at this very critical moment in our history.
    Everyone knows how we got our freedom after bloody thirty years of dirty war. Everyone can remember the massacres inflicted on our innocent peoples by the most ruthless terrorist organization in the world.

    Why all these lies from our Opposition Traitors to the public on daily basis? Why cant they join with the Govt and help them to rebuild our shattered country? Why they talk and do things on behalf of our enemies in the western world? What benefit they will get other than green bucks? Please Mr.President get the whole society united under the flag of SRI LANKA and try to solve our own problems by ourselves rather than depending on others. Our laws should be stronger and should apply to all irrespective of his or her position. Beautifying the country is not enough.We need a strong security Force with good state of the art equipments to tackle terrorism and smuggling and to secure our borders. How come Pakistanis and other Middle East terrorists enter our country very easily? Corruptions in the high places makes it difficult to tackle these type of problems. We have faith in Gota and his band of heros and we hope they will protect our beloved homeland from all evils but I have a doubt because of the situation nowadays in the country. All Sri Lankns must keep their eyes open and act together as a family of all faiths and religions.

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