Economic Development Ministry introduces its newly developed website……
Posted on June 17th, 2014

Dharman Wickremaratne Ministry of Economic Development

Ministry of Economic Development introduces its newly developed website

The purpose of this website is to forge a closer tie between people and ministry. This website was first opened to the public early this year.

Those who have been surfing the website for a while must have noticed the new improved features (plus a heap of the old stuff as well).

The website can be viewed by Sinhala, Tamil and English with daily updates. Thus it is possible to the viewers to post their comments in each issue.

Many users have used this to give their public opinion in these issues. Currently there are nearly 10,000 photos and more than 1,200 videos for public reference.

You can visit the Sinhala, Tamil and English websites from the links below,

Sinhala News-
Tamil News-
English News-

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