Ms. Chandrika Kumaratunga after watching C4 video Killing Fields
Posted on December 4th, 2014

Ms. Chandrika Kumaratunga is back at work. We remember…

“I shall remember till the end of my days the morning when my 28 year-old son called me, sobbing on the phone to say how ashamed he was to call himself as Sinhalese and a Lankan, after he saw on the UK television a 50 minute documentary called Killing Fields of Sri Lanka which I also had the great misfortune of seeing. My daughter followed suit, saying similar things and expressing shock and horror that our countrymen could indulge in such horrific acts. I was proud of my son and daughter, proud that they cared for the others, proud that they have grown up to be the man and woman their father and mother wanted them to be.”

President Chandrika Kumaratunga in her student day in Paris:

19 Responses to “Ms. Chandrika Kumaratunga after watching C4 video Killing Fields”

  1. Christie Says:

    Chandrika is like her father. Sucks to India and Indians; Indian colonial parasites and vermin.

  2. Ananda-USA Says:

    Chandrika is ALL KNOWING and CUNNING when she chooses to be, and ALL IGNORANT and GULLIBLE when that serves her purposes and benefits her PERSONALLY! Her prouncements VALIDATED much of the demonization of Sri Lanka for War Crimes, and the traitor Sarath Gonzeka completed the job.

    Does she not know that the Video is a Photoshopped fabrication of the Eelamist Tamil Diaspora?

    Here she is AGAIN, fiddling in Sri Lankan politics, inciting TREACHERY, wailing for the PERPETRATORS of murder and mayhem in Sri Lanka, forgetting about the 150,000 innocent Sri Lankan citizens who were sacrificed on the Eelamist Altar, MOSTLY through her incompetent defense and mis-governence of Sri Lanka!

    The ONLY GOOD THING she did as President was dissolving Ranil’s UNP government and imposing Presidential rule until the next elections, when Ranil W was poised too sign an Agreement giving the LTTE their Eelam!

    Please GIVE US A BREAK Chandrika, and GET LOST!

  3. Hiranthe Says:

    “I was proud of my son and daughter, proud that they cared for the others, proud that they have grown up to be the man and woman their father and mother wanted them to be.”

    Bullshit!! They are both mislead by their mother who is now on LieTTE Die-Ass-Pora good books simply because she wants to avenge MR. Even Tamils themselves know that the film is a fabricated lie, how can they behave like this…This children may have some good from VK but hope they are not venomous like their mother.
    This woman is full of hatred, full of dwesha. She will be born as a vicious poisonous snake unless she is changed.
    Apart from dissolving the UNP government the other good thing she did was approving the Navy Commanders call to destroy the LieTTE floating armouries in deep sea.

  4. Lorenzo Says:

    “Chandrika is like her father.”

    Kithsiri, STOP insulting SWORD-B. He was the greatest SL leader.

    CBK is an INSULT to the great man.

  5. Lorenzo Says:

    BTW, CBK is not MS.

    MS is a different person and MS was a VERY SENIOR minister when these ALLEGED things happened.

    Please don’t blame MS for CBK’s terrorism.

    We don’t blame MR for KP’s or KA’s or Mervin’s or Punchinilame’s crimes (though the 2 are together). So please don’t blame MS for CBK’s crimes.

  6. Independent Says:

    What is the lesson we can learn from the above writing ?

    Chandrika is not contesting. Not only these kids living in foreign countries but also any good person will feel the same way they felt. That is how these documentaries have been produced. otherwise they are wasting time. People should know first hand information and much more knowledge to understand the truth and fabricated sections of the story.

    This is why people like Chris Nonis are more important that Sajin Vass. Then only foreigners can be educated. When Chris Nonis is bashd up by the president’s relative foreigners will side fully with the LTTErs.
    Since the President is using this king of people to spread the good word of the country and also proving what is wrong in him, Sri Lankan reputation goes down further.

    This is why we need a new leader now.

  7. helaya Says:

    Her Son is dumb as his mother. So stupid to realize this was a fabrication.

  8. Sooriarachi Says:

    Chandrika, without educating her children on the true nature and the heinous crimes committed by the Tamil Tigers against the Sinhalese and Muslims, she has instead, unashamedly accepted as true the fabricated film shown on Ch4 to disgrace the nation.
    If her children are so sensitive, then they may cry non-stop if LTTE crimes over 30 years are described to them and they in fact will be proud to be of Sri Lankan heritage knowing how our valiant soldiers rescued the 300,000 tamil hostages by defeating the LTTE terrorists and bringing to an end their acts of physical violence, like suicide bombings.

  9. Lorenzo Says:

    Good point by Sooriarachi.

    WHERE were they when LTTE did horrendous war crimes?

    They were studying in international schools and then to London. Now they want to come back to eat the country.

    Yes Vimukti K is a mutt with this mutt brain inherited from his dumb father. Remember he visited LTTE and said this war is not winnable? Ultimately his buddy OSSIE was killed by his beloved LTTE. Collateral damage.

    But My3 has nothing to do with them. It is CBK’s choice to support My3 and My3 has NOT promised anything to CBK! NO MOU.

  10. Nihal Fernando Says:

    Hey madam (not the made at the brothel house because she is also called madam), Did your grown up man and woman son and daughter call you and sob when they came to know how many Sinhalese got killed daily by the LTTE when you were ruling the country? Didn’t your son and daughter care for Sinhalese?

  11. Ananda-USA Says:


    Do you really believe ” My3 has NOT promised anything to CBK! “???

    He has NOT ONLY LOST his HONOR, and ALSO his CAREER AS A MINISTER because of CBK!

    CBK is the REASON why Maithripala became a “ship-jumping puppet”, to be totally DESTROYED like Sarath Gonzeka come January 8, 2015!

    He should have REMEMBERED Gonzeka wailing about how “Everyone Abandoned Him” immediately after he lost the Presidential Election!

  12. Independent Says:

    I believe My3 will win. I simply cannot find any reason , based on 2010 voting pattern , for him to loose. UVA provincial elections are worse than my predictions, therefore my method is already conservative.

  13. Ananda-USA Says:


    What grass roots level evidence of how people will vote on January 8, 2015 do you have for forming such a belief?

    You should be careful to not let your hopes become your beliefs based on comments at blogsites!

    I spoke to a cross-section of friends in Sri Lanka today, and they are of the opposite view. They think that President Mahinda Rajapaksa will win by at least 1 million votes, and by even as much as 60% of the votes cast.

    My own (admittedly biased) prediction, based on my recent travel in Sri Lanka, is that the President will win by a LANDSLIDE!

  14. Lorenzo Says:

    This is very sad. We should NEVER HAVE FORGOTTEN our heroes. But we have!!

    “As many as 300 differently-able soldiers who had served in the north-east war have launched a protest outside Temple Trees, President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s official residence.

    The protest has been organized by the Disabled Soldiers Association Against Injustice.
    A spokesman for the Association DMPB Dissanayake said the protest was launched to bring it to the President’s notice their suffering and injustice towards them.

    He said a five-member group had already been given access to enter Temple Trees for a meeting with the President.

    Dissanayake said that all the protesters had served a minimum of 22 years in the Service of the armed forces.
    He said that the differently-able soldiers saw their forced retirement from service as unjust.
    The protesters also claimed that some of the rights that other pensioners are entitled to had not come their way.”


  15. Ananda-USA Says:

    The forthcoming Presidential Election is no challenge to me at all. I won the 2010 Presidential election with a majority of 18 lakhs and this time I will win with a bigger majority” said President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

    Jayawewa … Mr. President!

    People at grassroots level are my greatest strength – President

    Members of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party at village level always safeguarded the interests of the Party. When the doors of the SLFP Headquarters were closed to me and I was refused financial help for my 2005 Presidential election campaign, it was the people at grassroots level that came to my assistance, said President Mahinda Rajapaksa. The President was addressing representatives of local government bodies and the All Island Members of the SLFP Working Committee at Temple Trees on December 4. “The forthcoming Presidential Election is no challenge to me at all. I won the 2010 Presidential election with a majority of 18 lakhs and this time I will win with a bigger majority,” the President said.

    “If Maithreepala Sirisena had told that he was going to contest the Presidential Election, I would have told him ” Very Good – Very Good”, My Best wishes and come back if you fail to win”. This was what I had told Sarath Fonseka and I would do the same to him. Any way, I wish Maithreepala Sirisena the best of luck,” the President said.

    “If Ranil Wickremesinghe came forward to contest the Presidential election, at least he can say the UNP has an office of their own with Green as its colour, but the one that has been put forward as the so called common candidate did not know even the colour he represents,” the President added.

    The President said he (Maithreepala Sirisena) had forgotten all the good he had done. “He should have had the courtesy to tell me that he wanted to go. I would have never said no to him. I will retire once I have created a country where youth can hold their heads high with confidence and conquer the world,” the President said.

    Making reference to some remarks made by Maithreepala Sirisena, President Rajapaksa said that when he (President) went on overseas trips, he appointed him (Sirisena) as the Acting Defence Minister. I wish to know whether what I did was discrimination? he asked.

    The President said some people levelled baseless allegations that he had offered millions to stop him from leaving. “I must say, that I do not offer money to a person who is not worth that offering. But, I have information that money has been offered to buy persons from the government rank. Even Anura Bandaranaike and Chandrika Kumaratunge had left this party. Therefore, there is nothing to be surprised about crossovers. Although Anura Bandaranaike left the SLFP, he never asked me to leave the party. He had told Ranil Wickremesinghe that Mahinda Rajapaksa would never leave the party,” the President said.

    SLFP Secretary General Anura Priyadharshana Yapa and several others were also present.
    – See more at:

  16. Ananda-USA Says:

    The forthcoming Presidential Election is no challenge to me at all. I won the 2010 Presidential election with a majority of 18 lakhs and this time I will win with a bigger majority” said President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

    Jayawewa … Mr. President!

    People at grassroots level are my greatest strength – President

    Members of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party at village level always safeguarded the interests of the Party. When the doors of the SLFP Headquarters were closed to me and I was refused financial help for my 2005 Presidential election campaign, it was the people at grassroots level that came to my assistance, said President Mahinda Rajapaksa. The President was addressing representatives of local government bodies and the All Island Members of the SLFP Working Committee at Temple Trees on December 4. “The forthcoming Presidential Election is no challenge to me at all. I won the 2010 Presidential election with a majority of 18 lakhs and this time I will win with a bigger majority,” the President said.

    “If Maithreepala Sirisena had told that he was going to contest the Presidential Election, I would have told him ” Very Good – Very Good”, My Best wishes and come back if you fail to win”. This was what I had told Sarath Fonseka and I would do the same to him. Any way, I wish Maithreepala Sirisena the best of luck,” the President said.

    “If Ranil Wickremesinghe came forward to contest the Presidential election, at least he can say the UNP has an office of their own with Green as its colour, but the one that has been put forward as the so called common candidate did not know even the colour he represents,” the President added.

    The President said he (Maithreepala Sirisena) had forgotten all the good he had done. “He should have had the courtesy to tell me that he wanted to go. I would have never said no to him. I will retire once I have created a country where youth can hold their heads high with confidence and conquer the world,” the President said.

    Making reference to some remarks made by Maithreepala Sirisena, President Rajapaksa said that when he (President) went on overseas trips, he appointed him (Sirisena) as the Acting Defence Minister. I wish to know whether what I did was discrimination? he asked.

    The President said some people levelled baseless allegations that he had offered millions to stop him from leaving. “I must say, that I do not offer money to a person who is not worth that offering. But, I have information that money has been offered to buy persons from the government rank. Even Anura Bandaranaike and Chandrika Kumaratunge had left this party. Therefore, there is nothing to be surprised about crossovers. Although Anura Bandaranaike left the SLFP, he never asked me to leave the party. He had told Ranil Wickremesinghe that Mahinda Rajapaksa would never leave the party,” the President said.

    SLFP Secretary General Anura Priyadharshana Yapa and several others were also present.

  17. Independent Says:

    Remember I commented,

    “As a concerned independent observer, what I see is spitefulness and some money and power grabbing by the rulers.

    I can clearly see that suffering and selfless dedication of the soldier which earned the country and the leaders that security and relief is being exploited. This is something I cannot forgive. They are NOT looked after well enough.

    Something I never realised was raised by My3. He promised he would never use uniformed soldiers to work as servants of the Araliyagha Mandiraya or anyware else.

    Have any of our dear commentators thought about this ?
    Is that the way to show gratitude for our soldiers ? “

  18. Independent Says:

    Or, may be we call this a NGO/LTTE conspiracy by My3

  19. Lorenzo Says:

    I like GR’s stand on the election.

    So far has NOT been politicized. But when things go tough, it may be misused.

    SLBC’s Maithree Bhavana program has been renamed METH BHAVANA since yesterday in fear of My3.

    May be the names of the 4 BO leaves will also change to – Mahinda, Karuna (Amman), Muhammad (Hack-him), Upekka (Swarnamali).

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