Mock, Mock
Posted on December 4th, 2019

Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario . K1J 6G1 . Canada 

4 December 2019

Ambassador  Hanspeter Mock
Ambassador for Switzerland  in Sri Lanka
63 Gregory’s Road
Colombo 7
Sri Lanka

Dear Ambassador HansPeter Mock:

While your beautiful country is getting ready with mulled wine, Christmas Music, twinkling lights decking almost every tree around the country, and letting the aroma of baking Swiss Christmas cookies waft out of the slightly opened windows, and there is nothing more special than anticipating the magical run up to Christmas.  But you, this Swiss-man in Colombo got the tropical heat-it perhaps, that kept bothering you, so I see that you wanting to get your mind off the itch you got involved with Sri Lanka’s President Gotabaya with the Swiss diplomat’s parlour game – You Mock Me, and I Mock You, We both Mock… see who will drop his pants first to the Sock…Socks!”  Right?

It is a game of  diplomatic strategy, isn’t it?  But it is unfortunate that your choice of the plot was weak and silly to the point being stupid.  From your very first Mock-ing move, Ambassador you were doomed with a lie and I noticed your pants slipping down a little bit.  President Gotabaya’s Foreign Ministry officials have told in plain English which I hope you understood,  that the alleged abduction of a local Swiss embassy staff member on December 1, accused you, Ambassador HansPeter Mock of lying.

 Wow! That was embarrassing and that was heavy and that was a diplomatic bombshell!   You called for it, Ambassador Mock, for being cunning, cloaked under the word immunity”.

 Did I notice that your pants had slipped down a little more in your Swiss Game of diplomatic strategy -”You Mock Me, and I Mock You, We both Mock…Mock…to see who will drop his pants first to the Sock…Socks.”

Ambassador Mock, I’d like  to ask you as would a British village Bobby ‘
Allo..Allo…Allo, Cor Blimey Mite, what is going on…”  What is indeed going on

Was it that you Swiss wanted to undermine and discredit President Gotabaya and his new government.  Oops! I see your pants slipping down from your waist a little bit more.

Bad strategy.  Bad Karma,   Got the wrong guy to discredit.  This is the guy who gave back 20.5 million of his people their most paramount human right, their right-to-life which was hijacked by your now non-terrorist  gang, the Tamil Tigers” for 30 bloody years.

Ambassador Mock, you nor your Swiss Government lacked the decency, guts or honesty to acknowledge this textbook classic, how a puny island cleaned  up the most ruthless terrorists in the world, the Tamil Tigers, according to the UN, who perfected the suicide body-pack for human bombs, by kicking their butts.  You didn’t like that annihilation, did you, on May 19, 2009, HansPeter Mock.  Now you know how the diplomatic cookie crumbles.  But what you did not know is that Sri Lanka does not like outsiders who think that- We are Holier than Thou”Bullies.

Having unravelled the lie by the Sri Lankan Foreign Ministry personnel, we are told that, it has been proven that the complete story of the Swiss Embassy incident is a lie.” This has been based on CCTV footage and other technology evidence,

The female embassy staffer in question had never been at the location where they claimed she had been at that time and that it has now been proven that There is absolutely no truth to the story.” Wow!

T H U M P” Oops, Ambassador HansPeter Mock, did I hear that sound, Did you? That was your pants falling by your socks. So, you lost a Swiss Strategy game  to discredit President Gotabaya’s Government– You Mock Me, and I Mock You, we both Mock, Mock, to see who will drop his pants first to the Sock…Socks.”  This is undiplomatic, and pathetic.

So you lost  the Swiss  Diplomatic strategy Game Ambassador Mock.  There is one thing this incident brings to the forefront.  Is that Switzerland is no friend of Sri Lanka.  Nor should Ambassador HansPeter Mock be allowed to remain in Sri Lanka to represent his country, Switzerland  I really don’t see how you could continue your posting in Sri Lanka now that you have been called a Liar.

So for God’s sake Go.


Asoka Weerasinghe

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