Defence Secretary launched ‘Mihidan Nowu Minisa’  authored by Brig. Ranjan Wijedasa
Posted on September 29th, 2023

MOD  Media Centre

Mihidan Nowu Minisa’ launched in Colombo

Defence Secretary General Kamal Gunaratne gracing a book launching ceremony held at the Auditorium of the Rock House Camp, Sri Lanka Armoured Corps, Mattakkuliya yesterday (Sep 28) unveiled ‘Mihidan Nowu Minisa’ a literary triumph of a serving military officer  Brig. Ranjan Wijedasa.

Brig. Wijedasa had the distinct honour of presenting the inaugural copy of his publication to the Defence Secretary.

Eventually, the other dignitaries were also presented with the copies of this literary work.

The event also featured an intellectual keynote address delivered by Dr. W.A. Wijewardena, former Central Bank Deputy Governor.

Brig. Wijedasa is a proud product of Tholangamuwa Dudley Senanayake Central College. He was graduated from the Army Command and Staff College, Sri Lanka in 2005.

During his service, Brigadier Wijedasa has held many command, staff and training appointments including Commanding Officer, Armoured Corps Training Centre Commandant and Director Training of the Army.

The event attracted a diverse and distinguished audience including General Shavendra Silva Chief of Defence Staff, Admiral Ravindra Wijegunaratne former Chief of Defence Staff, senior officers of the Sri Lanka Army as well as prominent academics, artists and other notable guests.

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