රොටිය කරවුනා නේද හාමුදුරුවනේ? සෝභිත හිමි අවසාන මොහොතේ මහින්දට කී දේ! ”අපිට වැරදුනා මහත්තයෝ ”
Posted on November 8th, 2015


තමන්ගේ හතුරෙකු හෝ මියගිය විට සතුටු විමට තරම් අධමයන් තවමත් ශ්‍රී ලංකාද්වීපයේ ඉපදි ඇති නැතිබව අප අදටද විශ්වාසය කරමු.නමුත් රටකට අපමණ අගයක් දිමේ වැරදි තින්දුවක් ගැනිම හේතුවෙන් මාස 10ක් යැමට මත්තෙන් ඇතිවු සිත් තැවුල හෙතුවෙන් සාධාරණ සමාජයක් සඳහා වූ ජනතා ව්‍යාපාරයේ නායක සහ කෝට්ටේ ශ්‍රී නාග විහාරාධිපති මාදුළුවාවේ සෝභිත නා හිමියෝ අද අලුයම 4.30ට පමණ සිංගප්පූරුවේ මවුන්ත් එළිසබෙත් රෝහලේ දී අපවත් වූයේ රටක් හැටියට වැරදි තින්දුවක් ගැනිමට සහය දිමෙ වරදට අවසානයේ උන්වහන්සේට මේ තරම් පිං බිමක මිය යන්නට වත් අවස්ථාවක් හිමි වුයේ නෑ..

සෝභිත හිමියෝ ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ පෞද්ගලික රෝහලක හදවත් සැත්කමකට භාජනයි වු අතර පසුව් ඇතිවු නියුමෝනියා තත්ත්වය හේතුවෙන් පසුව වැඩිදුර ප්‍රතිකාර සඳහා පසුගිය තුන් වැනි දා සිංගප්පූරුව බලා වැඩමවාගෙන යනු ලැබූවේද සිංගප්පූරුවේ විශේෂ ගුවන් යානයකිනි. සිංගප්පූරුවේ දී එරට විශේෂඥ වෛද්‍යවරුන් දෙදෙනකුගේ සහ ලංකාවේ වෛද්‍යවරයකුගේ අධීක්ෂණය යටතේ සෝභිත හිමියන් ප්‍රතිකාර ලැබීය.

වසර ගණනක් තිස්සේ දුම් පිඹිමින් අපමණ වෙහෙස මහන්සි වී ජනාධිපති මෛත්‍රීපාල සිරිසේන මහතාට තැටිය රත්කර දුන්නේ රොටිය පිච්චීමට මිස වටේ ඉඳගෙන ගිනි තපින්නට නොවන බවත් ඒ නිසා ජනපතිවරණය පැවති සමයේ දුන් පොරොන්දු ඉටු කිරීමට ඔහුට වගකීමක් තිබෙන බවත් සාධාරණ සමාජයක් සඳහා වූ ජාතික ව්‍යාපාරයේ කැඳවුම්කරු පූජ්‍ය මාදුළුවාවේ සෝභිත හිමියෝ පැවසූහ.

යහපාලන නැමති බොඩ් ලැල්ල ඉස්සරහට දමමින් සෝභිත හිමියෝ රවටා ගත් බෙදුම්වාදී රනිල්-මෛත්‍රී-චන්ද්‍රිකා වැනි අවජාතකයන් උන්වහන්සේගේ කරපිටින් ගොස් රට දෙකඩ කිරිමේ දිශාවට රැගෙන යැම නිසා යහපාලනය පිහිටුවා මාසයක් යන්නට මත්තෙන් උන්වහන්සේට කියන්නට ඉතුරු වූයේ තැටිය කරවුනි -රොටිය පිච්චුනි යනුවෙන් පමණි.

අවසාන වශයෙන් කිමට ඇත්තේ එක් දෙයකි…. කවර දේශපාලන මතයක් දැරුවද සෝභිත හිමියෝ රට අවශ්‍ය සටන්කාමියෙකු ලෙස අපද පිලිගනිමු.නමුත් මෛත්‍රී -රනිල් -චන්ද්‍රිකා වැනි අධමයන් උන්වහන්සේ ලක්කල පීධන හේතුවෙන් අවසානයේ උන්වහන්සේට සිදුවුයේ තමන්ගේ ජිවිතයෙන් එම වන්දිය ගෙවිමටය.

මාදුළුවාවේ සෝභිත හිමියෝ කොළඹ පෞද්ගලික රෝහලේ ප්‍රතිකාර ලබමින් සිටියදි උන්වහන්සේ බැහැදැකීමට හිටපු ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ මහතා එහි ගිය විට උන්වහන්සේ කිවේ එක දෙයකි…..”අපිට වැරදුනා මහත්තයෝ ” යනුවෙනි.නමුත් මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ මහතා සිනාසුනා හැරෙන්නට කිසිවක් කිවේ නැත.

18 Responses to “රොටිය කරවුනා නේද හාමුදුරුවනේ? සෝභිත හිමි අවසාන මොහොතේ මහින්දට කී දේ! ”අපිට වැරදුනා මහත්තයෝ ””

  1. Charles Says:

    Each one of us have a chosen vocation. We should stick to it and not take to other vocations which are diametrically opposed to the vocation we have chosen. Venerable Maduluwawe Sobhitha was a Buddhist Priest and his role was to be a Buddhist Priest. Dabbling in politics only bring dishonour to the Buddhist Priest hood. He would have died a sad man who failed in his chosen Path of being a Buddha Putra and failed in what he sought to do in what was not his “affair”. There are many other Buddhist Priests who should take a lesson from Late Venerable Sobhitha thero. They should better be Buddhist Priests if they have donned yellow robes and leave politics to the laity. Being a Buddhist Priest and doing politics are poles apart.

  2. Lorenzo Says:

    Did you notice the death of Sobitha thero is VERY SIMILAR to the death of Ven Soma thero?

    Heart attack was the reason given for both cases.

    Although Sobitha thero helped the JAMAPALANAYA govt. to come to power he was TOTALLY DISGUSTED of the conduct of the UNP led govt. and Maithiripala. Obviously they KNEW TOO WELL Sobitha can change a govt.

    His death must be investigated.

    UNP govt. COLLPASED within 6 months of the death of Ven Soma thero. This UNP govt. too will collapse within 6 months of Sobitha thero’s death.

  3. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    I agree with Lorenzo

    Sobitha thero died of Pneumonia, infection of the lungs after a Heart Surgery. Pneumonia is the Biggest Problem Following Heart Surgery and could be avoided.

    Obviously they KNEW TOO WELL Sobitha can change a govt and took evasive action.

    Pneumonia Biggest Problem Following Heart Surgery
    You would think that the deep incisions from open heart surgery and the large wound it leaves, including cutting into chest bones etc. would be the biggest problem facing patients’ post heart surgery. Not so, says new research presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2011. In fact, its pneumonia that is the biggest problem following heart surgery.

    The study also showed that most infections occur about two weeks after surgery, not one week as physicians previously thought.

    Michael A. Acker, M.D., the study’s lead researcher and professor and chief of cardiovascular surgery at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center in Philadelphia, Pa. confirmed the unexpected results :

    “It’s not what we
    expected to find.”

    Researchers analyzed more than 5,100 patients in a heart surgery registry. Patients, average age 64 years, were treated at nine U.S. academic medical centers and one Canadian center. The median time to major infection was 14 days after heart surgeries. Forty-three percent of all major infections occurred after hospital discharge.

    Acker continues :

    “Half of these patients had no evidence of infection before they were discharged from the hospital … Then they had to return because of the new infection. One implication is that patients must be followed more closely after discharge.”

    The study, did not include any patients who were infected before surgery and researchers found 761 infections in total : 300 were classified as major infections (occurring in 6 percent of patients) and 461 were minor (in 8.1 percent of patients). Of the major infections:

    Pneumonia, infection of the lungs, occurred in 2.4 percent of all patients.
    C. difficile colitis, an intestinal infection, occurred in 1.0 percent.
    Bloodstream infections occurred in 1.1 percent.
    Deep-incision surgical site infections occurred in 0.5 percent.
    Minor infections included urinary tract and superficial incision site infections.
    The majority of procedures performed were isolated coronary artery bypass graft and aortic and mitral valve surgeries. Seventy-four percent were elective surgeries and 26 percent were non-elective or emergency surgeries.

    A number of risk factors were seen to increase the possibility of developing infection, including congestive heart failure, hypertension, chronic lung disease, corticosteroid use prior to surgery, and length of cardiopulmonary bypass time.

    Acker said :

    “In the next level of analysis, the focus will be on differences in care, from the types of dressings, the types of antibiotics, and the types of surgical preparations, to show what processes of care are associated with decreased incidence of infections …The registry will allow us to modify our best practices to manage post-operative infections.”

    Co-authors are Michael Argenziano, M.D.; John D. Puskas, M.D., M.Sc.; T. Bruce Ferguson, M.D.; Annetine C. Gelijns, Ph.D.; Keith Horvath, M.D.; Marissa A. Miller, DVM, MPH; Stacey Welsh, R.N.; Ellen Moquete, R.N.; Kevin N. Su, B.S. Alan Weinberg, M.S.; Alan J. Moskowitz, M.D.; Patrick T. O’Gara, M.D. and Eugene H. Blackstone, M.D.

    The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and Canadian Institutes of Health Research funded the study.

    In related news, researchers from a Milwaukee hospital treated patients’ skin with a special antibacterial solution the night before and the morning of the procedure and had far fewer infections. They also included a strict three-minute drying time for the surgical skin preparation. These steps decreased implant infection rates from 1 percent to 0.24 percent at a year following the implant placement, and impressive 75% reduction.

    Written by Rupert Shepherd
    Copyright: Medical News Today

  4. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    Looks like they have done two mistakes when hospitalising Sobitha thero;

    1. Admitting to a private hospital for a heart operation. Private hospitals do not have adequate medical specialists such as multi-disciplinary medical team to look after the patient during a complication like this.

    2. Surgeon did not recommend physiotherapy with Chest clearance exercises to clear patient’s chest of as much sputum as he can. This helps to reduce obstruction in patient’s airways and improve the amount of air getting into your lungs and prevent attack of pneumonia.

  5. SenaD Says:

    I would like to add a 3rd mistake to the 2 NMY listed.

    That applies only if he as a heart patient who potentially would need a major heart surgery had not been given the inoculation against pneumonia even before the need for surgery arose.

    Perhaps it might have been done in this instant but it failed to protect the patient because the inoculation does not provide protection against all the types of pneumonia.

  6. Hiranthe Says:

    This is definitely a manslaughter! They wanted to silence him before he speak up.

    Same story as Soma Hamuduruwo.

    A proper investigation should be done. But who will order it. Yama Palanaya, RAW and CIA wanted to silence him.

    He was mislead by clever lies saying Hora Hora and he took things to his hand and worked hard for the RAW and West’s agenda. Later he realized that he was taken for a ride and regretting. Just before he speaks up they got rid of him.

    A Autopsy should be requested by patriots…

  7. Kumari Says:

    Ven. Sobitha’s good friend when he visited Norway was late Dr Jayalath Jayawardena (a Christian). Apparently, the organiser of Ven. Soma’s last foreign trip was Lasantha Wickramesinghe (another Christian). I am not trying to make a connection, but when Buddhist priests start trusting Christians, warning bells must ring.

    To start with none of the Buddhist priests should get involved in politics but must advice and if possible correct the Leaders of the country when their decisions are taken with Lobha, Dhosha and Moha. Greed, Hatred and Delusion the three root causes of all ills, which appears to be the foundations of Yahapalanaya.

  8. Lorenzo Says:

    UNP will try to cover this up because IF people come to know the DETAILS UNP RIP!!

    This has to be told in EVERY FORUM. People have the RIGHT to know.


    Just imagine what would happen if Sobitha was in good health for another few years!! He would bring down the corrupt, terrorist UNP govt. too. IF he could bring down the MR govt. it is MUCH EASIER to bring down this bisexual govt.

    A parliamentary debate is also needed to the events leading up to his death. This way JVP FOOLS can be ridiculed for supporting murderers.

    Now UNP-Maru Sira crooks are free to do whatever they want. Their moral compass is GONE!!

    The dangerous drugs, etc. control board boss was fired by a VVVIP aparently to appoint someone sympathetic to him so that his brother’s ethanol business will be unaffected. But Run-nil has stopped it because previously that VVVIP stopped Run-nil from helping his own family secure govt. tenders.

    This govt. is a ZOMBI govt. TO HELL!

  9. Lorenzo Says:

    State funeral for the monk on the 12.

    All JAMANPALANAYA crooks will be there. HINDUSTANI film.

  10. Independent Says:

    One “sensible man” has resigned from Yahapalanya government.

  11. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    He was surplus to requirement. So he had to go. Why go to Singapore when you can get the best treatment in
    Sri Lanka? That’s social justice according to him. Ordinary people go to the government hospital. He goes to
    private hospital. He was a traitor and he fell for catholic pol pot.

    Catholic traitor chief and the catholic church are
    the ones ruling Sri Lanka. They know they are above the law. They know some stupid Buddhists are easily fooled. They know
    Buddhists don’t have any human rights let alone having any rights. So they do whatever they like.

    Ratanapala you are 100% correct. Catholic church is the one ruling Sri Lanka whoever
    is in power. When catholic-run UNPatriotics are in charge they are rampant. Tragedy is, still a lot of Sinhalese
    Buddhists support these murderous UNPatriotics!

  12. NAK Says:

    What Sobhitha thero did was akin to adding cow dung to the pot of milk. He was mislead by mostly by that scheaming woman Michellle Sisson. Aging thero fell for her line hook and sinker.

  13. Sampath Says:

    දැන් කාලේ හොඳ දොස්තරලා බයි පාස් කරන්නේ නැහැ. ලේ කැටිති දියවී යන බෙහෙත් තියෙනවා

  14. Fran Diaz Says:

    I agree that religion and politics do not mix well. However, Buddhist priests could act in advisory roles. Historically, Buddhist priests of Lanka set aside their robes and even joined armies.

    However, in foreign countries other religions play a large role in politics of countries. The Catholic church and Islam are prominent in this regard. It is part and parcel of those religions. Both these religions are practised in Lanka.

    Ven. Sobitha meant well. It was a plan that went awry. Lanka was colonised for almost 500 yrs and yet feels the sting of it all. We live in a Globalised, greedy, fear filled world, and lone people like Ven. Sobitha cannot match those forces. He was a victim of intense caring. May he attain Nibbana.

    Lanka’s real problem today begins with the rural masses, especially the rural Youth. I hear they want to learn English, learn Sc&Tech. Only some will succeed. Jobs have to be found for all rural folk. That ought to be the top priority. We don’t mean the job of forming armies for foriegn wars (cannon fodder employment). We mean real and proper creative jobs, meaningful jobs, mostly within Lanka. That ought to be the top priority for Lanka leaders of today.

    The rural society and the city society are in a symbiotic relationship. The rural society provides the food and labor, and the city society ought to provide just and able leadership. That is the symbiotic relationship.

    FREE birth control material to adults a must. The Neem Tree products give safe birth control material to both men and women. GoSL must use these new methods where the material is available locally.

    Bring balance to our society again. That is the top priority.

  15. Independent Says:

    Fran Diaz,
    Do not inadvertently use the term “Buddhist priests “. There are not “priests” as far as Buddhism is concerned. Say “monks”, which is the closest term in English, or else use the Pali word “Bikkhu”, “Thero” or whatever in pali for that.
    Please go , research and find out the difference, if you are keen.

    But I admit, most “monks’ have become “priests” now. Also it is OK to be a good “priest” .

  16. Fran Diaz Says:


    In today’s world, the fine terminology which you prescribe is no longer valid. There are Buddhists priests/clergy/monks/Theros. We do not know these people very well at all. So, as far as I can see, any of these words can be used when referring to the Buddhist clergy. The total message is what must come through clearly, whatever terminology is used. Don’t you agree ?

  17. Independent Says:

    I always feel saying “priest” is a bit disrespectful. Also some use Hon. instead of Ven.

    BTW reading your comments, I feel you have not been to rural sri lanka lately.

  18. Fran Diaz Says:


    I do not think you know the Buddhist priests of Lanka – I lived in the village and know the people and Buddhist priests very well.
    Thank you for your concern re terminology.

    Let us close this matter. It is not important to me.

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