Watch the Special Session on Sri Lanka
Posted on May 30th, 2009
The Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations Office at Geneva
Now on UNHRC archived webcast
After several days delay and protests from the Sri Lanka mission in Geneva, the webcast of the special session on Sri Lanka has now been uploaded to the archives of the UN Human Rights Council.
Upon inquiry, personnel of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva, which provides the administrative services to the Human Rights Council informed the SL Mission in Geneva that the New York Office which uploads the live webcast to the archives had cited “a technical glitch” for the delay which lasted several days. The live webcasts of the Human Rights Council proceedings are usually uploaded in a few hours to the archives.
Watch Sri Lanka preemptively submit its own resolution in a rare perhaps unprecedented move, and have it adopted by a large majority of member states of the Human Rights Council, when the EU and some others sought to impose a so-called War Crimes Probe in the immediate aftermath of a hard fought struggle against a terrorist movement that lasted 25 years.
Watch the principle of sovereignty and enshrined in Charter of the United Nations being upheld against an attempt at the ideology of “humanitarian interventionism” being applied selectively at the Human Rights Council in Geneva.
Watch 40 countries speak in support of Sri Lanka. Know your real friends. Know the friends of your real enemies, terrorism and separatism.