A Government with Guts
Posted on September 9th, 2009
Prof. Hudson McLean
Until May 2009, Sri Lanka was known for Tea and Terrorism.
Suddenly, despite political, socio-economic interference by leading buccaneeringƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ EU, USA, Norway and many other countries, the limping Tea and Terrorism merchant has destroyed Terrorism and stands upto the Big Political Guns of USA, EU.
The Proof of the Pudding is in the eating!
President Mahinda Rajapaksa is holding his head high, in victory over terrorism which all the Big Guns failed to achieve. The Proof is in Sri Lanka!
Thanks to China, Pakistan, maybe a bit to India, Sri Lanka received generous support to annihilate terrorism. Many of the Arab States are looking into the Sri Lankan model to face the threats of terrorism since the Big Guns have nothing to prove.
The hardware from Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman costing trillions of dollars over the past ten years have failed to combat the simple techniques devolved by General Sarath Fonseka. In the UK, he would have been knighted by HM the Queen, “Arise General Sir Sarath Fonseka!” Lesser British mortals such as General Sir Mike Jackson is one.
Now for the UNICEF episode:ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ These little creeps such as James Elder, who was likely on the payroll of LTTE, a bottle of Scotch and two, a holiday gift to his family, would have motivated young James to take two steps more than he should have taken.
If the Foreign Minister can bar the three slimy Foreign Ministers from UK, France and Sweden, he can damn well kick the butt of this little slob. Never mind the UNICEF.
The Summary Execution of two men:ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ This was more of an Apriil Fools Joke in August.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ It is incomprehensible that a Sri Lankan soldier would have executed a captive to be photographed by a by-stander from the rear. It happened in Afghanistan, Iraq etc where the US Marines were trigger-happy and sex starved lunatics on narcotics.
As everyone knows, and the world exploded when Sri Lankan government barred journalists and the rest from the war zone.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ None happened when USA barred many from the war zones in the Middle East.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Double standards and hypocrisy galore.
The Tamil Tigers were well known to create such dramatic photos but, as you know well, the Tamil Tigers are the darlings of the West.
When the Tamil Tigers massacred poor Singhala men, women, children by the hundreds, did any one cry?ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ On the contrary, the world turned a blind eye. The Singhala are expendable!
The Sri Lankan Tamils waking-up: Its an encouraging sign that several key Sri Lankan Tamils are woken up and making their voices heard.
It would be even better if the middle class merchants from Pettah, Fort, Wellawatte and the rest begin to express their opinions in forums such as LankaWeb.
Tamil journalist sentenced: This was purely a judicial matter. The process of litigation was conducted openly and the man was convicted. What about those POW held in without charge in Guantanamo? The global protests are going straight down the plug-hole!
President Mahinda Rajapaksa and his two brothers have gone far with their Vision and Mission to resurrect the little Island. Hopefully they will also reign-in rampant corruption reeking in every government department, speaking from reliable sources.
President Rajapaksa has demonstrated without any doubt, that he has guts and that today he has brought Pride to Sri Lanka as a world class Statesman.
This is only the beginning!
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September 9th, 2009 at 5:50 am
Dear Prof Mclean!Great article from an independent western intellectual.
Dear Prof as we know knights of Britain are mostly brutals,looters,Fraudsters or mass killers ex: Francis Drake, Livingston etc.You can see most of criminals who slaughtered Africans,Asians,Australian(Ab)originals,Maoris were knighted.So our great hero General Sarath Fonseka need not to list with that corrupted bunch.
Surely Prof Mclean it is true though his name is Elder he behaves like a kid.This bloody Aussie if he is really worried about children why not he talk about (Ab)original australian children.They suffer without basic health care,education and other social needs.According to UNICEF(His employer) health care facilities,education and living standards are for original australians are very much lower than the in developping countries. UNO/UNICEF representatives were dumb when Tamil terrorist kill our children in thousands.This is truly a double standard.Or may be Tamil Terrorists bribes stop them talk.
You very well pointed out western media how bias in media coverage.We recall how they sacked CNN’s famous reporter Peter Arnott for Iraqi war news.Also how Americans bombed and destroyed the Al Jazeera’s Bagdag media center.Has any of these free media empires (vampires) made a remark on it???.
In Afganistan yesterday NATO forces killed 130 civilians by air raid. what does UNITED Nations Banki Moon and lot, UNHR’s Navi Pillai,Human Right watch says about this mass killings??? Any comments? Isn’t it a mass killings? what is the interpretation or excuse that UNO,UNHR,HRW gives?Shame!Shame for humanity!UNO’s law is lower than law in the Jungle.