Has General Fonseka fallen prey to the Blake-Ranil bait?
Posted on October 29th, 2009

Ajit Randeniya

There are signs that the Sri Lankan history is repeating itself. In 1815, the Kandyan chieftains handed over King Rajasinghe and the Kandyan kingdom to the British, barely a decade after the crushing defeat of the colonists attempt to invade Kandy. ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Now there are signs that General Sarath Fonseka has swallowed or about to walk in to a trap laid by the former US ambassador Robert Blake in connivance with that jelly-back, Ranil Wickremesinghe.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Blake is probably the second worst enemy of Sri Lanka after Eric Solheim. Blake lost face in Sri Lanka during the end phase of the war, despite the dedicated service of his agent Kumar Rupesinghe and he hasnƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t forgotten. ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ He resents President Rajapakse intensely.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ The American ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ neocon conspirators ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ are aware of Mr RajapakseƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s long association with the Palestinian cause, a very good basis for hating him. During his tenure in Colombo Blake also got to know first hand that the President has a fiercely independent mind, a forthrightness rarely seen amongst developing country leaders. ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ They also dislike President RajapakseƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s close friendships with countries such as Iran, Turkey, Libya and Vietnam who are facing persecution by the US. Such independent mindedness and foreign policy finesse of small country leaders are things they are not used to. They would dearly love to see the back of President Rajapakse, by hook or by crook.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Blake knew well that the perennial looser in Sri Lankan Politics, Ranil Wickremesinghe had as much chance of winning an election in Sri Lanka as a snow ball maintaining its integrity in hell. He had to find someone else. Rumours that General Fonseka would enter politics were designed as a campaign of destabilisation as well as to plant the seed of this crazy and dangerous idea in FonsekaƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s head.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ The long overdue recent revelation that General Fonseka ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”probablyƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ intends to enter politics, while putting a ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”sort ofƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ an end to speculation, also reveals a degree of naivety in Fonseka that was always beneath the surface. Especially so when you consider that he chose Washington as the venue to declare his intentions to enter politics in Sri Lanka. Perhaps Blake couldnƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t wait! ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ 

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ There is no doubt that Sarath Fonseka played a major role as Army Commander in putting an end to the Tiger menace. While he was personally motivated due to the dastardly LTTE attack on his person, it needs to be acknowledged that he planned and managed the operations well. ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ But none of these services or achievements make him a suitable candidate for Presidency. The possibility now is that he faces self-destruction (of his reputation) by going to bed with Ranil and Mangala. His approach so far suggests so.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Firstly, during his speech in the temple he exhibited a degree of pettiness in trying to claim all the glory of the victory for the Army, ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”the troops on the groundƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢, belittling the role of his counterparts at the Navy and Air Force. Then he said that more Prabhakarans might appear in the future unless proper measures were taken to ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”secure the hard won victoryƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢. But this is the same person who caused international embarrassment to Sri Lanka during the war by claiming the whole of Sri Lanka for the Sinhalese, denying the TamilsƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ right to live in Sri Lanka. The surviving Tigers like Mano Ganeshan who harbour a unhealthy level of personal hatred towards him havenƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t forgotten. He threatened to withdraw from the coalition.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Whatever his past achievements have been, and future intentions are, Fonseka will not succeed as a genuine contender against President Rajapakse. Fonseka is well aware that why the war couldnƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t be finished earlier was due to the inept leadership of people like Ranil and without the right political leadership he wouldnƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t have been able to achieve what he achieved.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Fonsekse simply hasnƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t got the civilian administrative experience or political nouse necessary to run the country. A leader like him would be a threat to the Sri Lankan democracy because he is likely to reach for the gun(s) at times of desperation.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ If Fonseka chooses to enter politics he will surrender all the kudos he has won so far, and will become a joke in the minds of many Sri Lankans. That will be a tragedy.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ President Rajapakse hasnƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t got much to worry about.

8 Responses to “Has General Fonseka fallen prey to the Blake-Ranil bait?”

  1. Sydney Zoyza Says:

    Please don’t spread such paranoid nonsense. You misjudge the character of great military men.

    I suggest you read this excellent article written by Major General (Retd.) Lalin Fernando

    As Field Marshall Sam Manekshaw, the hero of the 1971 Indo-Pakistan war said to Mrs Indira Gandhi “Prime Minister, I am only a soldier. All I want to do is to serve my country. When I finish I will go back home. I have no inkling for politics or for any other government job”.


  2. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    Dear Mr. Sydney Zoyza , don’t blame others for discussing this issue, instead blame Gen Fonseka for not denying it so far, if it is not true. Secondly, you should blame Ranil Wickremasinghe for dragging Fonseka’s name to create a rumor as a campaign to plant the seed of this crazy and dangerous idea in Fonseka’s head. Gen Fonseka is about to do “කොලේ ඉරාගන්නවා “

  3. Aehelepola Says:

    General Fonseka fought the war from 1983. He served under Sirima Bandaranaike, JR Jayawardana, R Premadasa, DB Wijetunga, CB Kumaratunga, R Wicramasingha before. But he started winning from 2006. He should think why.

    Why was it different this time?

    Not all General Fonseka’s plans went well. Biggest military debacles after 2006 were in Muhamalai. Thousands of soldiers died unnecessarily trying to break LTTE defences. Finally SLA succeeded when the southern part was cleared.

    General Fonseka was paid to fight the war and he did it.

    His 2 daughters and wife are living in USA and General Fonseka also showed his intention to live in the USA. But there are politicians whose families are still in Sri Lanka. Some of them have children in the navy too.

    General Fonseka was talking about sweep tickets. Green card?

    Don’t behave like Kandyan chieftains in 1815. It took only 3 years to realise the mistake and it was too late. The King had problems. But not enough problems to topple him and bring the British in.

  4. Kit Athul Says:

    This is good stuff Ajit, every one is hitting you on all sides. Let me hit at you on the head for this sentance. ” but this is the same person who caused international embarrassment to Sri Lanka during the war by claiming the whole of Sri Lanka for the Sinhalese (Pleas don’t use the dirty word Sinhalese. It is SINHALA) denying the right to live in Sri Lanka”. This sentance is clasified in American English as follows: I like to be honost, but the truth gets on the way. What general Fonseka said was: Tamils can live as a mainority, but not as a Majority. His statement brought international pride to the Sinhala and not resentment! I as a Sinhala American I can now say Sinhala has their country to themselfs now. befor may 19th 2009, I could not say it. Porting past historical events to presnt day and comparing them to today is not logical. Why did the Indians walk in during Mrs. B’s time and JR’s time is, because we Sinhala did not fight to get the independence British gave it to us on a silver plate. That is why it took so long for some one to come and defeat India’s territorial army who occupied the country after the British left. Every one has a right to his opinion so keep writing; only time will tell who is right you or me.
    Kithsiri, Florida, USA

  5. Sydney Zoyza Says:

    Our politicians have a habit of behaving like pariahs and discarding people after the work is done with blood, sweat and toil. Dayan Jayatilleke, one of the few men of intellect in the Presidents team who saved the country from the US and EU at the UN Human Rights Council was unceremoniously kicked out a few weeks after that great feat.

    Aehelepola, General Fonseka is not another Ahelepola, whose named is soiled for having sold out the country to the British. He is more like a Dutugamanu or Parakramabahu. Don’t compare him to the Kandyan Chieftains who acquiesced in selling our country to the British to retain their lands and privileges. General Fonseka is an old boy of Dharmasoka College, Ambalangoda and Ananda College. He is not going to sell his soul for a few pieces of gold to the likes of Blake or anyone else. For anyone to think that he could do such a thing is idiotic and stupid. The fact that he has a US Green Card is not sinister. Gotabhaya Rajapakse and Basil Rajapakse lived in Southern California for 16 years and both are US citizens too. Do we question their patriotism?

  6. Priyantha Abeywickrama Says:

    I am an enthusiastic reader of your articles that carry a lot of facts not found in others with the same migrant background. Though there were a few important facts resembling the context found in a garbage web site run by swine flue infested canine variety (Asian Tribune), I hope yours is a genuine expression of your mind. As people with socio-political interests who have more vigorous attachments to protect and prosper Sinhala civilisation, we use articles like yours to make detailed studies and tend to give away part of our work as lengthy comments as an option to view what our thoughts are on your work. Please read this and join us if you are in the same wavelength.

    Your reference to the events of 1815 and likely repetition is a noteworthy suggestion. Unfortunately as in 1815, we are about to see a change the way our country is governed. But this time, there are no external contenders though a maggot like Blake tries to hound like a wolf given their impending demise. We are a lucky country in the sense that what happened through out the history was more of an educational exercise than a calamity. If not for the change in 1815, we could have become Tamils by now and holy cow urine could have been part of our regular drinks as newly converted Hindus. This event also precipitated the end of half-Tamil monarchy that ruined our country for nearly two and millennia within, just like today. English are our nemesis for things you know better and for others that you do not have a clue. They are the ones who destroyed our civilisation and pushed it to the brink of extinction. But they are also the kind that proved that every one amongst us is not Sinhala, though many of us could have otherwise believed. In that way, they have become the saviours of Sinhala people by showing that there are animals, namesake Sinhala (like many among you who claim to be Sinhala only because you got a Sinhala name), Part-Sinhala, Sinhalised Tamils who became the source of support for Tamil terrorists, Anti-Sinhala Buddhists feeding on our souls, Sinhalised migrants who abandon country and leave for greener pastures during tough times and also the true picture of the worst of the scum speaking foreign dialects living among us enjoying our hospitality. But the best thing is the kind of people that we have, who would do anything but Sinhala way. Look at the people like Ranil and Rajapaksa. They are the champions of development, good governance, human rights etc. Alas, they do just what they were told by English and follow them to the hilt. What about the government system? English cannot do better. They see nothing but English all around them. English have done the dirty work for us at greater peril. But I wish English did the best favour to Sinhala people by enforcing sanctions as done to Zimbabwe. Then we can get rid of all the scum that ruined our great Sinhala civilisation. Obviously at some point we will stand up and support Sinhala people to reach their next destination. Every conflict is a test to find your friends and foes. Please note that by making these comments, we make the depth of our understanding and what we can offer as solutions to overcome this situation.

    Blake is a maggot and he does what maggots do. If not he would be a nobody. Your masters have a dog’s tongue to pick the right man for the right job (I mean the worst man for the worst job, from our point of view). No problems. While they try to drown others, their ship is sinking with the whole lot. Unfortunately your own kith and kin will go down with them unless you do a swift U turn to become Sinhala. It is true that they judge by the deeds and use the weaknesses to full advantage. Animals do that too. If not, they would not have all of the best pyramid schemes to live a happy life at the expense of morons robbing wealth from people in other countries. But Sinhala are the only people in this world who can make them nobodies.

    As I see Rajapaksa is a good match to Blake and Co, and act exactly like them to make his point using their enemies. I listened to Fonseka’s speech and found nothing to rule out or in anything. Given his English inspired military nurtured behaviour, I may suggest that he was referring to giving up military job against the wishes of the masses and a sort of finding time for himself as a retiree. Though we see Ranil, Rajapaksa, Mangala, Fonseka, Amarasinge (JVP), DJ et al in different perspectives and considered as not up to face the challenges faced by the country, they are all part of the same clan produced by the English occupation either by consent or by rape. English have done the most despicable means of destruction of indigenous populations by raping poor women in occupied countries and abandoning their children to grow without proper parental guidance. Though such plight is regrettable, it is up to those suffering from such heritage to engage in a soul search and understand which part should be nurtured and which part should be killed off to gain physical harmony to their lives. So it is hard to predict which part of body is activated to speak out until they act. If help is needed to regain the true native identity, we have the world leading socio-medical expertise to help those so desire.

    Nevertheless, his arguments on security front is closer to the reality and what MR does amazes me as he now sleeps with the enemies who did everything possible to destroy him such as TNA. But whoever becomes the President, nothing will change for the better as the decisive action is always taken by the same English educated lot (self labelled educated or intellectual donkeys) who have been doing all this damage under every regime. To be honest, we need solutions that are not found anywhere and luckily we do have such thanks to the knowledge ingrained in the ancient part of our civilisation.

    I consider the military achievement as a defeat for the most barbaric animal called VP born to humanity, but not as a victory for any body considering the price paid for this defeat. However, only person in an individual capacity who deserves exceptional credit for the conduct of war is Gotabaya Rajapaksa. It is nauseating to see the contempt shown by this so-called leaders to the immense sacrifices made by Sinhala kids who fought this war. Having seen the post-war conduct, I wonder whether these people think spilling Sinhala blood is that cheap. If so, they have no idea of the strange powers of those who built the Sinhala civilisation. As things turn up, we can see that such acts do not auger well for opportunists who are already showing signs of insanity.

    Obviously, when Fonseka inadvertently said that Sinhale’ (Lanka) belongs to Sinhala people, he was right and must be appreciated for that. We have an adage that may sound like “Even if the mouth tries to lie, the tongue will tell the truth” in English. But when Rajapaksa says he wants to create a New Sri Lanka, it belongs to everybody and country can be developed only by forcing English down the Sinhala throats, he is nothing but a bloody traitor with a proven non-Sinhala origin. I wish to remind that those pathetic migrants who came to Sinhale’ are still attached to their original values because it is Sinhala country. In no other country, they would be treated like that. Even those pathetic migrants enjoying the Sinhala hospitality would not be kind to any other people coming to live with them in their own countries. Telling the truth is one of the most important aspects of life in Sinhale’. All these self-appointed winners and high achievers are digging their own graves and rightly deserve such a farewell because they have miserably failed to match the expectations of Sinhala people who were ruled by people more closer to gods than to these political animals.

    I am very much impressed by what happens in Sinhale’ and around the globe as there are all the indications to support our contention that we will emerge as a victorious and more prosperous country free of unworthy scum that brought so much misery to life in all its manifestations.

  7. Aehelepola Says:

    Sydney Zoyza, unfortunately General Fonseka is trying to be a Aehelepola. He must stand by Rajapaksha for the betterment of the country. The problem is still not over. Why the hell these jokers start playing politics eveb before the problem is fully resolved?

    General Fonseka has a task at hand in the CDS job. I didn’t see he do anything in that position. It is not a ceremonial position. It was created by an Act of parliament. There’s a lot of work to do before General Fonseka gets into politics. Its time he does what is assigned to him first, then go to politics.

    We Sri Lankans jump into personal achievements without considering the big picture. What matters is not the person but the team. The Navy commander, the army commander, the airforce commander, the defence secretary, the president are all in one team. Who is lost?

  8. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    Here we go Mr Sydney Zoyza, now you have opened up your true colours. Yes, there is always other side of the story. Your can have your own view from the prospective of an upper middle class member of the society, typical representation of UNP hardcore vote base. But, we, as majority of Sri Lankans, Mr. Zoyza, understand the problem in a more realistic way.

    In essence, Gen Fosnseka is a military man who spent most of his life fighting LTTE. If he is so bright, so efficient and so fierce, why he had to spend most of his life fighting this terrorists which was only a few thousands strong earlier. Not only that, for the last 30 odd years, whole Sri Lankan army was struggling with the terrorist group and could not wipe them out until 2009. Mr. Zoyza, did you ever thought about it. How this miracle happened.

    Mr.Zoyza, it was the people, it was the people who won the war, it was the people who won the war by electing a new leadership.

    Not only that, after electing a leadership, they really went further to scarify with all the comforts in their lives and with so much hardship to acquire the modern military equipment for the army. The new political leaders gave them the correct leadership and the proper guidance. It was not a secret any more that the West was behind this appalling terrorism and US and its allies together with the powerless politician discourage the war effort, and the US has kept on saying that we will never be able to get rid of terrorism. So, If you have one ounce of grey matter in your head, you will be able see who won the war. Not the army top brass, its is the people, the majority, not the minority like you.

    The way the information reaching us, Gen Fonseka to become a surrogate politician in Sri Lanka by the illegitimate father of US and its allies. But we all have the answere.

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