Posted on September 23rd, 2010
There are so many Rajapaksas in my beloved country but we are talking about a very special son of Motherlanka and that is none other than our great son from the south His Excellency MAHINDA RAJAPAKSA.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Some in our society have made him a King but someƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ a Villan like Ranil,Sarath,Herath,Tilvin,Avamagala and many traitors like them. JVP and U.N.P the losers and garbage in the country making rumours and ugly stories about this great man and his family from the day he was elected President of my country.
First of all we must know this guy and asked for ourselves whether he is a Democrat or a Dictator? He didnt come from nowhere he was born and bred in Sri Lanka to a well to do respected family from the south of the country. His father and his great grandfathers were all politicians and he too followed their footsteps and became our President. So why everybody is afraid of him? Why they want to picture him as a Dictator or a villan? Did he come to this seat by a coup or by a chance? No he became the President winning the elections in a democratic way in a democratic country. What he promised in the elections he did most of it and still doing for the betterment of the people how anyone called him a Dictator? Why everybody in the opposition scared of Rajapaksa or Rajapaksas? What is the fuss about his brothers and sisters?
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ I am an old guy and I know little bit of dirty politics because I was on both sides and now will never ever change because of one man who saved our dear country from ruthless terrorist murderers of L.T.T.E.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Those were the days we had real politicians who could talk,argue and do something and did somethiing for our beloved homeland.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ After forty to thirty years when a true leader was born to this country our traitors wont allow him to govern the country peacefully. They attack from all around in the political arena but he gallantly stand tall against the poor opponents who cannotƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ evenƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ think of touchingƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ his soul. He is a master politician who learned the art of politics from the begining for the last forty years.
After winning two terms with a historical majority and winning every game he played still the opposition stupids cannot understand the reality on the ground. Nowhere in the world a loser cling to his seat till he was beaten 14 to 15 times in any game. This is incrediable. The loser and the traitor Ranil the stupid should be kept in a glass cage for everyone to see in our colombo museum. If someone reties and comeƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ back is a different story but continuouslyƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ stay backƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ and lose that is something special. Our great President of Motherland cannot be easily beaten after all his accomplishments to the country and to it’s people that for sure.
Now it’s time to kept aside all the differences and joined with the Government and help them to rebuild the country which was devastad by terrorism for three decades. Our President started his political carrier in young age from the begining and developed his political skills along the way till he became the President of SRI LANKA. He fought and worked hard for the people and he never was a dirty politician who sling mud at people like Ranil,Sarath and those JVP garbage collectors. He was a man of peace, religious and a good family man who taught his children how to live in a good society.
We should be proud of him to have him as our beloved President. We should be proud to have a first ladyƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ of his wife’s calibre not like other first ladies we had who were drunkeds and dance with the elite in the moon light. We should give respect to those who deserves respect not to those traitors like Ranil & Chandrika (BONNY & CLYDE) who brought us defeat after defeat from war on terror. They both looted our country and sold our country to the outside world and still talking about Motherland.They dont deserve to say Motherland to our beloved country because they do more harmƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ than good to the country we loved and born.
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ I will never forgive those who were traitors to the Motherland for so many years and now we know that our beloved homeland can do wonders if we have a leader with guts and knowledge how to do good governance to take our country forward. Our Sinhala nation will not go backward again as long as we have true great sons of Motherlanka like Mahinda,Gota,Basil,Namal,Wimal, Champika and many more like them who really loves the country and who was doing a great sevice to our homeland.
Some stupids were telling the King has given all big posts to his kith and kin?ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ So what we can do if those stupids dont have children on their own who could do something for the country? Ranil dosent haveƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ any, poor guy. Chandrika has two and they bothƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ live with whites,eat with whites and sleep with whites and they dont love my country because they love the white man more than our own Sinhala blood. Sarath has two and they both are American citizens who worship America than their own homeland. So whom to blame for their misery is it Rajapaksa?ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Rajapaksa is capable and a true son of our Sinhala nation that’s why he hasƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ good hearted educated children who loves the nation not white slaves.
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ The president’s brothers are capable of doing anything and we should be proud to have them as our leaders. They have proved beyond doubt that they mean business to take our country to twenty first century. When you hear the name GOTA as most of the people call because the love the people have for this great worrior people feel something but when they hear the full name G O T A B A Y A you remembers his name from our ancient times. He was the man who saved us then and now GOTABAYA the name will be written in golden letters in our history books for eliminating the most ruthless terrorists organization in the world. Let any mother’s son talk about war crimes, we the people of Sri Lanka is greatful to this great son of our land for bringing peace to the country after thirty years of bloodshed. He is doing a great job eliminating not only terrorism but getting rid of other bad eliments too from our society. I hope he will keep our homeland safe from within and outsiders who were jealous of our country after the war on terror. He should diciplined our forces as we read sometimes in the news papers about stories of our war heros doing bad things to bring shame to all the heros and to the country specially the POLICE FORCE personnel. Do not give any lenient to bad guys or wrongdoers at any time.
The dirty harry’s should be brought to justice and give them long jail termsƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ and keep them under lock and key till they learnƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ theirƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ mistakes and come to senses and be good citizens of Motherland. Sarath Fonseka deserves what he is going through now because he told all the world to hear in election meetings that President and his brothers should find rooms in the Bogamabara jail after the elections. He was a traitor and he will be a traitor in our minds for ever and his place should be the cage beacuse he is dangerous and a coward who let down the whole country and his beloved colleagues in his own Armed Forces.
Basil Rajapaksa another name to remember and he too a brother of the President who works hard to bring all people together irrespective of color or religion. These are real workolicks who loves the nation of ours. You saw how he was working day and night after the war and during the war to bring people together. He was instrumental in bringing so much aids to those war stricken areas in the North and East. He single handedly with the help of our heros brought light and happiness to the war torn areas. Is he not qualified to beƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ a parliamentarian or a Minister? Is Tilvin or Anura Kumara the liers and traitors more capable than him? Those red shirted stupids dont fit to collect garbage in the municipalty even. They were bunch of revengeful,wicked,jealous leeches from the jungle not politicians as they think. They have to go and baby sit for theirƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ bad mouthed gang leader Sarath Fonseka in the jail when he go there in the near future or better get green card from their newly found friends in the west. Those good for nothing red shirted rascals should be banned from politics for inciting violence and for spreading lies and dirty stories about our leaders.
Latest politician from the Rajapaksa clan was Namal Rajapaksa the youngest of them all who won the electionsƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ overwhelmingly with the help of the younger voters from his electorate. Now like the father he is unstoppable going from place to place and talking and listning to the masses and helping the poor. Like him there are many educated young politicians who has come to the parliament as peoples representatives to work for the people and I hope they will do their best for the masses without opting to corruptions and dirty politics. Why all those in the opposition afraid and scared of Rajapksas and why they portray him as a dictator to the masses and the world?
How can he be a dictator when he is winning all the elections.No one will give their vote if the leader is a dictator. I dont know whether Anura Kumara,Tilvin,Vigitha herath knows the meaning of a Dictator at all. A man who walks with the people,eats with the people and works for the people cannot be a dictator but a true democrat. Beacuse we have faith on this guy Rajapaksa His excellency Mahinda Rajapksa we gave our valuable vote to make him our President two times and we will do that many more times in the future as he is the only true Sinhala leader who saved our beloved country from ruthless terrorismƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ and now poverty.
I dont think there will be anyone for another twenty years or more to challenge this great son of ours. I tell all the opposition blood suckers not to tarnish the image of our beloved country and our leader,the King and the worriorƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ MAHINDA RAJAPKSA the guy from the south. Ranil and his pots and pans band wagon either give their cooperation to this hero our leader or take the same routeƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Velupillai Prabakaran took to go to hell for the sake of our beloved homeland. Those stupid idiots in the opposition should open their eyes and see around rather than sitting in palatial palaces in Colombo 7 the progress this Government has made in development and the economy. ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Dont act like third grade rowdies help the masses and the country of your birth atleast to get a decent buriel when you die. Dont be afraid of Rajapaksas they are one of the decent political dynasties in our country and they respect our religion and all our citizensƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ as one. Remember the guy’s name HIS EXCELLENCY MAHINDA RAJAPAKSA THE PRESIDENT OF SRI LANKA the most beautiful and paeaceful nation in the world.
September 23rd, 2010 at 9:45 pm
Mahinda met many ups and downs and he has learnt the art of leadership of our society well. I hope his leadership will transform our nation into a peaceful paradise again!
September 24th, 2010 at 4:58 am
Rajapakses have done well as they are in touch with the grass root level masses and are well aware of the needs of the common man, irrespective of their ethnicity or religious affiliations. Those who oppose the Government based merely on blind party loyalties have thrown at the Rajapakses all sorts of abuse, insults, ridicule and allegations without substantiating any of those. Many stories were made up especially against Basil Rajapakse’s assets, but from the day he declared his assets to the Elections Commissioner, when he nominated himself for the elections, all those stories died a natural death. Similarly unsubstantiated allegations are made against others in the Rajapakse family and I for one wouldn’t believe any of these as they come from disgruntled anti-government supporters, who do not care whether the country go to the dogs or any foreign invader who would reverse all what we have gained after defeating the terrorists. As long as they are patriotic and work for the betterment of the nation as a whole, we shouldnt care whether all the Rajapakse’s are given government portfolios or diplomatic posts.