Why Lankan army’s epic hostage rescue ignored?
Posted on April 3rd, 2012

Swarna Ratnayake Nadaraja Courtesy The Island

Why Lankan armyƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s epic hostage rescue ignored?

April 2, 2012, 12:00 pm


Why is no-one talking about the Epic rescue of nearly three hundred thousand Tamil civilians held hostage by the LTTE? This was achieved at a tremendous cost to the army in lives, limbs and eyesight.

When the heavily ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” mined eastern embankments were opened up for the hostages to escape, they came streaming into the army lines and entry points for safety and succour.

These numbers are not imaginary estimates like the 40,000 civilian deaths being bandied about. These people were counted, names written down, registered, before they were taken to the shelters prepared for them.

Can any of our accusers say why these people came to the army if the army was killing civilians? They trusted our army. They were sure of safety. We saw it live on television. The tragic state of the hostages moved all of us to contribute whatever we could in food, clothes, toilet necessities, to the lorry loads of goods, media and other organizations were preparing to send to these people, to supplement what the government was providing.

Can any other country boast of a comparable rescue?



9 Responses to “Why Lankan army’s epic hostage rescue ignored?”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    Final phase of the war was in Mulaitivu, not Jaffna.

    1. 300,000 Tamils hostages rescued were LOW CASTE Vanni Tamils, NOT Valla-alla-la Jaffna Tamils.

    2. BUT the LTTE leadership that died in the process were Valla-alla-la Jaffna Tamils.

    These two groups have different rights within the Tamil community.

    #1 – NO rights/NO value/NO regard within the Tamil community
    #2 – EXCEPTIONAL rights than anyone else

    Our army rescued #1 – NO rights/NO value/NO regard within the Tamil community

    Our army had to kill the hostage taking terrorists in the process (#2) – In other words the ONLY group the Tamil society places value was killed.

    That is why the rescue operation is not praised but killing terrorists is blamed.

    The hostages are low caste and terrorist leaders were high caste.

    *If you come across a Dengue mosquito and a Tamil Nationalist, kill the Tamil Nationalist first.*

  2. Lorenzo Says:

    Compare that with the INTERNATIONALLY PRAISED Operation Riviresa in Jaffna that rescued Jaffna Valla-alla-la hostages from the LTTE. Tamils PRAISED the government then.

    We have to pit low caste Tamils (by giving them more education, job opportunities) against high caste Tamils (by reducing education and job opportunities) as much as we can and help the low caste Tamil group.

    *If you come across a Dengue mosquito and a Tamil Nationalist, kill the Tamil Nationalist first.*

  3. thurai Says:

    LTTE,Tamil Terrorism and many Tamil criminals who enjoy their wealthy life in western countries
    want to accuse Sri Lanka for escaping themself. Tamil´s peaceful life in Sri Lanka or Rescue operation by SL soldiers are not welcomed by Tamil Terrorism. Blood of Tamils, Deaths , suicide Bombings and Killngs of
    SL soldiers, Muslims,and Sinhalese are recommeded by World Tamil Terrorist organisations.

  4. gamunu6 Says:

    Dear Swarna Ratnayake!

    Very delighted to see a person from a tamil / Sinhalese name speaking for our beloved country, Sri lanka. Madam as few US & other western country expats have delved into such topics & I admire your courage & conviction. True this is how in many situations the so called Int. Community operates.

    We are now talking about ast TWO years of war which our Govt. calls a humanitarian operation to save tamils from their own race BUT a terrorist outfit. NOT a wird about 30+ years of terror brought upon our Motherland in the hope some day they will devide our country. It is necesaary for us to help the low caste, poor tamils who are dispised, and discriminated by Jaffna & their High Caste groups.

    They Hight caste Tamils, DO NOT represent a general cross section of tamil people. They are selective in their approach in helping their own people to get free education, obtain decent jobs & prosper like many other comunity memebers, be they be Sinahlese , Muslims, Burghers or any other ethnic group.

    Agree with your suggestion ourr Govt. & our Sinhalese people should help by going to North & East and supoort these disadvantaged people, who are suffering under NO Fault of their own.

    Very happy to hear from you & feel many others should speak up & continue to press Govts, Individuals in helping our disadvantaged brothers & Sisiters………Thanks you again…Just expressing my views as an Expat from Canada~Gamunu

  5. lingamAndy Says:

    Swarna Ratnayake Nadaraja
    Ref: Why Lankan army’s epic hostage rescue ignored?

    Can We accept Iraq than Lybia ,now Syria, Next Iran rescue by Ameriac forces ??? NO

  6. Dham Says:

    Sadaam was the President not a terrorist who took hostage 300000 Iraqis to hid bihind like a coward.
    Gadaafi was the President not a terrorist who took hostage libyan Dalits.
    Syrian – same thing
    Iran – samething

    Touch your ass and give a tickle to your brain.

  7. Dham Says:

    Sorry Lorenzo,

    Now I understand why Tamils can never be considered as human. May be Lingampunday is a Sinhalese but even the name sucks.

  8. Dham Says:

    Surely this operation should have been awarded the Nobel price, not because Nobel has become very un-noble nowadays after it was awareded to a murderer recently but assuming it a gesture towards humanity.

  9. lingamAndy Says:

    Ref:May be Lingampunday is a Sinhalese
    Dham FYI, I am ilankai Tamilan

    Ref:Touch your ass and give a tickle to your brain.
    Dham I am not sure ,are you Sri Lankan Chinhalavan ?

    Shanthy , Shanthy , Shanthy !

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