Posted on May 1st, 2013



ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ The news of today, whether it is the Bombs in Boston, gang rape of a young woman and her demise in India or the continuous wars in Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria, the violent demonstrations in Egypt and the continuous security checks are a reflection of the dehumanisation of the present society, a failure of trust and a reflection of the insecurity of society and its leaders, a clear indication of regression.

It is time we understood the reality of this present world order and understand the mind set of the rulers who have imposed this new world order on an unsuspecting humanity. Be it Obama, George Bush, Saddam Hussein or any other present leader be it in a Democracy or Dictatorship have all lost the right to give any moral leadership to this world. In the eyes of the society they are all corrupt and untrustworthy and lack the charisma and leadership qualities necessary for a peaceful world order. They are there because there is a large void in men with charisma, morality and humanity that has gained the trust of the society.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  However society gets the leaders it deserves or the qualities of the leadership is a reflection of that society

Evolution of the human brain geared to civilization

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ It took millions of years for humans to establish a social etiquette for harmonious existence with each other. Recent advances in neuroscience have confirmed that the Big Brain or the neo cerebrum has been developed to cater to the social interactions in society. On the other hand the primitive brain the site of fright and flight is the centre for the protection of self. Human development has resulted in civilization where the insurance of protection of the individual was a social responsibility rather than an individual task.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  Hence an organized system of social utilities was created to protect that inherent value system. That is not to say that sometimes when societal controls are deficient humans are not forced to resort to safe guarding one self. ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Religion and philosophies were geared to a spirituality to enhance this communal life style with the ultimate aim of liberation of one self so that life is trouble free. Civilization thus was a commitment for the benefit of the many as against self-indulgence. Never the less it will be hypocritical to believe that self motivation was never there amongst especially the ruling classes but it was usually never in the extreme in progressive civilizations.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  This inherent value system was firmly implanted in the genetic make up of the individuals sustained by the transfer of the emotional elements by the nurturing of mothers and the environment in which they lived.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  Thus an Asian mind is different from a European mind as proved by the research in Michigan. All this is reflected in the thought process and it is these thoughtƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s that run this world. Highjack the thoughts and one highjackƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s the world. It is this thought process that has been high jacked by the present world order. A re circuiting of the brain from societal responsibility to self-indulgence.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ It is the monopoly money that fuels it and it is the high- jacking of the thoughts that maintains it, Creating illusions of grandeur the result is the gradual dismantling of society aided by the wide discrepancies in wealth, which accelerates this process.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Dismantling of society

a)ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  Failure of motherhood

Nurturing of the future society is in the hands of mothers. They are the once who inculcate social responsibility and help in the emotional development especially of the male children. To day motherhood has been relegated to a secondary role whose primary role is to earn money. Elizabeth Warren in her lecture on bankruptcy of the middle classes compare two families of equal status in 1970 and 2005. In it she finds that in 1970 in most households only one person worked but in 2005 both had to work. In 1970 they saved 16% of the income and in 2005 none was saved. More concerning is the fact that a 16yr old had a better chance of he mother being home than a 6 months old baby in 2005. Most children are nurtured by a number of surrogate mothers in nurseries who are unable to give a stable emotional environment that a mother could give. Today we are seeing a community of young individuals void of maternal influence. They are emotionally deprived and suffer from increased incidence of disrespect for women as reflected by the increased incidence of rape, which are filmed and shown on the Internet. Family bondage has been replaced to a fair degree by self-centered behavior. Social consequences of which range from increased divorces to abuse that is reflected in a disruption of society.

2) Re circuiting of the brain by media and new technology

Consumption economics is the name of the game created by slave labor in poor countries.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  A mindset of instant gratification is created by continuous media advertisement which sub consciously seduces the consumer. A 16 year old in the USA sees 360 hrs of advertisements for a year.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  Completely brainwashing them to be yearning for a labeled products. ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ It is interesting that unknowingly these consumers buy items that are not absolutely necessary. In other word they are completely out of reality well reflected by their proven inability to concentrate and meditate. Consumption promoted by unnecessary greed completely out of reality fueled by monopoly money ultimately leading to the increase in debt and bankruptcy. An illusionary state of the mind has been created bordering on addiction and mental disorder a condition sold to the consumer as the economic growth ignoring the depletion of resources, its effect on the environment and the waste of energy and it over all inefficiency.

Computer games, social networking sites, e mails have made communication fast how ever there is no emotional element in the interactions. A process that has desensitized people and enhances self-interests at the expense of human responsibility and morality.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  A phenomenon that could explain the inhumanity of man to man reflected in the high school shootings, Rape, bankruptcy of the banking system etc, made worse by the failure of motherhood.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  This anti social behavior deprives humanity of the cohesion and morality that is needed in society to maintain a civilization.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ 3) Urbanization, Environment and Pollution

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Mass migration of rural people into urban areas is another phenomenon that has been characteristic of the present world order made necessary by the widening wealth gap. Another phenomenon created by a illusionary form of modernity and development firmly implanted in the minds of the rulers, all assessed in the proxy of monopoly money. It is said that 27% of Indians live in slums. The middle classes are forced to live in apartments, which are confined spaces, like fowl pens. These people who live in a claustrophobic environment finds it difficult develop social interactions with their fellow community partly due to the want of space. A format, which unfortunately does not allow societal interaction and cohesion thus encouraging self-centeredness. An element that rural communities never faced before. The ruling classes encourage this as a reflection of modernity but on reflection it may very well be a form of slave camps well geared to enslaving the masses. There is no doubt governmental violence and increased military spending are geared to local controls not foreign invasions. This is certainly not civilized form of governance. This has been seen in the spring uprising in the Arab countries, In Spain, Greece and now cypress so called democratic countries where the corrupt still high jacked governments in the pretext that you cannot allow the system to fail but the price is paid by the workers, pensioners and the poor. A modern form of slavery.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Environmental changes due to consumption economics have created agricultural failures and lack of water resources.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  In china alone 28 rivers have gone dry. Their effects on rural societies are immense. Health care and medical problems also have taken its toll. In china there has been a million premature deaths per year due to environmental changes.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  The new world economic system has created such great morbidity unfortunately not accounted for in their assessment of economic growth. This creative accounting has misled the populace to the reality of the so-called economic progress.

Agricultural out put of Russia have gone down by 19% this year certain other countries as much as 50 %. This rural deprivation has further accelerated urbanization and that has not certainly improved the quality of life of the rural people. No civilization can survive when the population is deprived of sustenance and is subject to disease.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Poor governance and a debt driven economy

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Today the world is run on valueless paper money mainly Dollars printed willy nilly and circulated through a corrupt banking system that lacks accountability. The pensions of workers are stolen; countries are living on debt ably supported by the IMF and The World Bank with monopoly money. Thugs, drug dealers and criminals have infiltrated the ruling classes and no day passes without an exposed scandal of corruption. (Predatory governments that is hell bent on stealing from the masses) Banks legitimize the ill-gotten wealth of the corporatist, politicians etc. resulting in an incesous relation ship between the politicians, bankers and the corporatist to steal from the masses. Mainly the poor and the future generations have to pay the price of this mayhem. ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ It is ironic that Greece is selling its beaches, Palaces and all the valuable assets to pay the debt mostly incurred by the rulers, all in the name of development, Globalization, open economy, free world and Democracy. The Rich get Richer and the Poor get Poorer. More importantly the damaged environment would not be able to sustain humanity for very much longer. ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ In Sri Lanka imported fertilizer have polluted the north central province with arsenic that has resulted in 10-15% of the populace to be inflicted with Kidney disease and it is threatening the whole country with the poison been disseminated through agricultural products. Up till today no one has been made to account.

The ruling classes live in an illusionary world. They think they are in control of humanity and the environment. To perpetrate themselves the corrupt have instituted security checks on the law abiding, created violence in the hope they can control humanity (divide and rule), used the media to give a false image, high-jacked human rights, created religious disharmony but they daily keep loosing the trust of humanity. As Confucius said no government can survive if they loose the trust of the people. ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ No civilization can survive if the people loose trust of the world order.


AƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  civilization run by the corrupt 1% that has created a web of corruption that has virtually enslaved 99% of the civilization is unsustainable.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  We in Asia that believed in harmony, cared for our environment, protected it has now been brain washed into believing in a hubris that humanity is in control of the environment and that the environment is meant to be maximally exploited for the benefit of a few using the rest as slave labor. The present civilization is in retreat. No civilization, which lives in an illusionary world completely out of reality sustained on the short term by violence and immorality, has the right to survive.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  We as Asians should lament that we have abandoned our age-old principals and accepted an immoral system that will be to our own detriment. The Himalayas that is mother to all civilizations in Asia be it Indian, Chinese, and many sub civilizations is at its deaths door. We will follow unless we have leaders who are honest, moral and who have the wisdom to correct our errors of the past. A radical change! Will the ruling class have the wisdom to carry it out?



  1. Fran Diaz Says:

    Mr Goonetilleke has written a brilliant but scary article. Can the ill effects he mentions be reversed ??

  2. hela patriot Says:

    Humanity has been reprogrammed, relocated and made disposable by this new world order all in the name of modernity

  3. Dilrook Says:

    Sri Lanka has an added problem – ethnicity based laws. For instance the Thesawalamei Law is the biggest hindrance to people buying property in the north. Plurality of the legal system has reached absurd levels. The legal system must be revamped to have one law for everyone irrespective of race, ethnicity, caste and creed.

    13A will waste $1.3 billion this year. These are mostly funds that can be put to development. Over-governance is a severe problem in Sri Lanka. The sheer number of governance structures for a nation of 65,610 square kilometres is astonishing.

    These include:

    The President
    The Parliament
    Provincial councils
    Municipal councils, urban councils and PSs
    Grama Niladharis (introduced to undermine needless PCs)
    Grama Sevaka divisions
    Government Agents
    Samurdhi officers
    Divineguma divisions
    Electorate organisers (they too get sustenence from governance)
    District organisers (they too get sustenence from governance)
    Mobile service (during election time)

    Old efficient mechanism of Gam Sabha, Temple-centric administration and other proven governance structures that costed next to nothing to operate have been made powerless.

  4. Fran Diaz Says:


    What you say is correct. But will Temple-centric administration work in modern day Lanka ? Gam Sabha, yes. But State and Religion (whatever religion) should be kept apart. The Temples have a large part to play at the Self Realisation level, not at governance of a society.

    Administration at the periphery via the earlier District plus top quality SLAS and Gam Sabhas may be a good idea.

  5. Fran Diaz Says:

    We also suggest that Co-operatives are the way to go re the Economy of a small country like Sri Lanka. Co-ops can operate in different enterprises. The worker becomes part of establishment through a sense of co-OWNERSHIP of the enterprise and thus waste and theft are avoided. Also, like minded people come together to ensure the success of the enterprise and wages are kept fair in a range of jobs from Management to unskilled workers, if any. The ratio are worked out by the workers themselves through a system of voting. Profits are SHARED in fair ratios. Co-ops ensure a more even distribution of wealth. They are labor sensitive as opposed to sheer greed and profit motive. Co-ops survive where other enterprises fail. Co-ops are allowed in the capitalist system. They form about 15% of USA enterprise.

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