Colombo-Delhi – a tale of two cities: a story of NUTS and BOLTS
Posted on July 7th, 2013

By Mario Perera, Kadawata

India says: 13A is an International Treaty and cannot be unilaterally abrogated under International Law. One may ask oneself, what the Dickens is happening to the world with International Law being flouted at every whim and fancy and serving for every other purpose than for what it was intended? Just a few days ago the plane carrying the President of Bolivia was deviated in full flight in a show of contempt by white powers for recognized and sacrosanct diplomatic norms. Now the self proclaimed USA of South Asia, India is interpreting International Law in total contempt of Sri LankaƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s sovereignty, integrity and parliamentary democracy.
The questions to be asked in this regard are:
What is 13A all about?…Whose territory does it deal with? Whose people does it deal with. Is Sri Lanka Indian territory? Are the Tamils Indian nationals? Can India enter into a binding treaty with this sovereign nation regarding the latterƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s territory and its people? Can India bind Sri Lanka for what is blatantly only within the power of the supreme democratic institution of this country which is its parliament?
The subject matter of the 13A is Sri Lankan territory and Sri Lankan citizens. How can India impose its dictates on a matter that is strictly within the territorial realm and jurisdiction of this country and concerns its own people? To add to this, the circumstance in which this dastardly law was imposed is well known to all and sundry. It was a treacherous act by a neighbor ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” India the mother of the LTTE terrorists. And then the ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”parippuƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ invasion, the naked show of force and subjugation that forced JR to stick his neck into the guillotineƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚¦was there no International law at that time? That nation, India, now stretching its own neck giraffe wise to preach International Law, disseminated unprecedented death and destruction in this country for thirty years.
The prevailing situation between the MR clan and India on the 13A can aptly be called one of NUTS and BOLTS. The moment the MR clan goes NUTS about it, one of them BOLTS to India. Similarly when the MAN Mohan goes NUTS on that issue, one of his clan BOLTS to Sri Lanka.
But this latest round of talks between the special emissary of MR, his economic adviser brother BR reveals much more of the true nature of the Rajapakse clan than what the word NUTS suggests. They would appear to have been emasculated and undergone a gender mutation. MR should now read Maha Ranee, and his brothers, in descending alphabetical order B Ranee. C Ranee and G Ranee. And pray who is the Lord and Master of this haremƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚. It is none other than the MAN Mohan: Mohan the MAN.
Quite appropriately B Ranee on ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”hisƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ return aptly used the expression ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”husband and wifeƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ to describe the relationship between Delhi andƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  Colombo. He spoke of secrets between husband and wife, and everyone knows the secrets that are exchanged between the Lord and Master and the women, the MR Maha Ranees of his harem. Anyone versed in Sri Lankan history knows the gift Duttu Gemunu sent his father Kavantissa, namely a womanƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s apparel for his spineless attitude towards the Tamils. That this history will repeat itself is certain. The time will come when the people of this nation will know what sort of gift to offer the MR clan.
Whether the MRs bow before DelhiƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s dictates or find enough props to redress their fallen spines, they have revealed their forked tongues and gutless nature. The country is already in the throes of an upheaval. It is obvious that the nation is going through the ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”winter of its discontentƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ which no infrastructure developments can camouflage. The crowds are being galvanized for a counter punch if the gathering at Maharagama is an indication to go by.
We live in an era where, as Kipling said the truth is twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, and where, as Shakespeare stated, judgment has gone to brutish beasts and men have lost their reason. All accusatory fingers can only point at the regime. How better can such a situation be described but as one of NUTS and BOLTS?

18 Responses to “Colombo-Delhi – a tale of two cities: a story of NUTS and BOLTS”

  1. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    MARIO !! Sri Lankans are getting intensely agitated by the Presidents servile attitude towards India, and his pussy-footing over the 13th amendment, which INDIA UNILATERALLY IMPOSED ON SRI LANKA.

    India quoting International Law, can be equated to, a small dog when in fear, puts his tail between the legs and begs, when he see the Big Dog coming at him. India has no plausible reason to bully.

  2. AnuD Says:

    If Sri Lankan Tamils are item here, play with it.

  3. Dilrook Says:

    Beautifully written by Mario.

    [quote] What is 13A all about?…[unquote]

    This is a very pertinent question to ask. After all, 13A is not about Sri Lanka but only about Indian security interests. Given Sri Lanka’s fluctuating foreign policy attractiveness to India, the Indian union want a submissive and dependent suckling adjoining its territory. That is what 13A created. Indians appointing the councillors (17 of them and Perumal as Chief Minister) for the Northern Province in 1988 from its own creation – EPRLF – further proves this argument.

    As long as LTTE was in de facto control of the north, India had no issue with it as LTTE was covertly an Indian agency until its end despite their petty personal clashes. Now India want LTTE remnants to rule the Northern Province which will be one less security worry for Indian defence bureaucrats.

    Rajapaksa clan has become a very heavy national burden.

    With the Opposition, the judiciary, armed forces and police and media all subjugated, diluted and politicised by the dictatorship of the regime, there is no way the people can exercise their sovereignty. It is just like July 1987. India only needs to leash the Rajapaksas to completely rule Sri Lanka. People remain unimportant and powerless.

    Basil has Indian approval to bash India once in Sri Lanka. It is yet to be seen if his claim that amendments will go through.

    As a German nationalist (emphasised) priest said, “then they came for me!” Now the Rajapaksas are up against nationalists who seem to be the only spoke in their agenda. A gender transformation has taken place at the very top despite JR’s claims to the contrary.

  4. Ananda-USA Says:

    Dear Dilrook,

    Rajapaksa Clan

    I must take exception to your calling the “Rajapaksa Clan” treacherous; it is too strong a criticism of those who have served the Motherland well.

    Let us not be UNGRATEFUL. Let us remember what they achieved … placing their own lives at great peril confronting not only the Tamil separatists but also various Foreign Powers, when everyone else advanced to the rear. I recall only TOO WELL my deep despair only 4 years ago at the lack of leaders in Sri Lanka willing and able to fight the Separatists with the will and determination required to win, and save our Motherland. Let us remember that Sri Lanka’s CROWN that we are now in FEAR OF LOSING was retrieved from the gutter and restored to her only by the “Rajapaksa Clan.”

    Today, the “Rajapaksa Clan” seem to have lost some of that indomitable will, determination and unwavering commitment to the defence of Sri Lanka that brought them our love, admiration and support. Having garnered more chattel of every tangible and intangible form to treasure and lovingly hoard, they are about to throw away the only jewel they really earned: the love, support and trust of millions of their fellow citizens of their commitment to defend and protect them and the nation, despite all odds. This love of material things rather than to desire to do good is a disease that has softened and degraded formerly noble and honorable leaders throughout history.

    In life, nothing is forever, and no group of leaders can always serve the nation as they once did. Therefore, if they have lost their way, then we must look to new patriotic leaders to replace them, for it is NOT THE SURVIVAL OF LEADERS that is at STAKE here, it is the SURVIVAL OF THE NATION and IT’S PEOPLE.

    Nevertheless, in doing so, let us not harshly and unfairly judge those who have served with distinction in the not too distant past, but put them out to pasture to enjoy chewing their cud in the fading light of their setting sun.

    Elevation of Defeated Separatists to Pomp & Power

    I do agree with your criticism of the elevation of defeated LTTE leaders to positions of power, but I also agree with Lorenzo with regards to Karuna, and even Pillayan. Well before it became evident that the Sri Lankan Armed Forces were able to win the Eelam war, Karuna defected and threw his support to the GOSL, at great risk to himself. In contrast, KP, Daya Master, Thamilini and others supported the SunGod to the end, and only after capture and “rehabilitation” seek to exploit their status. These people derserve NO SPECIAL CONSIDERATION.

    Speaking well of Sri Lanka’s Benedict Arnold

    You still speak highly of Sarath Gonseka, but to me he is EASILY the WORST of the bunch. Ability alone does not make a man worthy of befriending; good character, loyalty and adherence to one’s sworn duty as a soldier does. If ability alone made a man worthy, Hitler should be deified.

    Sarath Gonseka was a man blinded by his own ego, pride and ambition and sought to gain personal power at the expense of those who befriended and elevated him, and above all at the expense of his country, and its people. I will not weep for such a man; we are better off without him.

  5. S.Gonsalkorale Says:

    Not only RAJAPASSA CLAN but also the use of REGIME should be resisted for our own goodwill for the time being.

  6. Ananda-USA Says:

    JAYAWEWA! Perhaps the VOCIFEROUS PERSISTENT ARGUMENTS of PATRIOTS against ILLEGALITY of the Indo-Sri Lanka Accord, and its inbred offspring, the 13th Amendment, are FINALLY GETTING THROUGH to the Mass Media in Sri Lanka!

    We aren’t obliged to honour Indo–Lanka Accord
    Monday, 08 July 2013

    There was a news item published in both Indian and Sri Lankan media that Menon was scheduled to visit Sri Lanka sometime soon to convey India’s displeasure about Sri Lanka’s decision to unilaterally amend the 13th Amendment (13A) to the Constitution, which gave birth to the Provincial Councils. Minister Basil Rajapaksa has meanwhile paid a visit to India to brief the Indian Government about the proposed changes to the amendment.

    India directly and indirectly has warned Sri Lanka not to violate the Indo-Lanka Accord signed in 1987. Most of the provisions in the 13A are a direct result of the Indo Lanka Accord. Hence, it is pertinent to look at the so-called bilateral agreement though in my view, there is no such valid Accord between the two nations.

    Duress Factor

    According to the principles of Contract Law and International Law, accords signed under duress are voidable. President Jayewardene was of course under duress to sign the accord. India covertly trained and armed the separatist terrorists in Sri Lanka. This was later exposed by Western intelligence units. India openly defended the terrorists, attacked Sri Lanka in international forums and finally, invaded Sri Lankan airspace to coerce Sri Lanka to sign the Accord.

    In his biography, written by K.M. De Silva and W.H.Wriggins,President Jayewardene has explained in detail the trauma he underwent. India invaded Pakistan in 1971 and created a new country called “Bangladesh”. India invaded Sikkim in 1975 and annexed it to India as its latest State and these memories must have been foremost in President Jayewardene’s mind when he chose the best out of the two options available and signed the Accord.

    True results of the Accord

    India’s influence with the separatist terrorists was reflected in its undertaking to disarm all terrorists within 120 hours. However, the LTTE launched its fight against the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) on October 8, 1987, thus putting an end to a very short honeymoon. Although India undertook to disarm the terrorists, it failed to fulfil its obligation with respect of the LTTE, which came to be known as one of the strongest terrorist outfits. Some people boast that 37 other terrorist groups surrendered their weapons as a result of the Accord. It is of course true but it was counter-productive from a military perspective. Before the Accord, the 38 terrorist groups were involved in fighting each other for supremacy rather than fighting the Sri Lankan forces. After the Accord, there was no intergroup rivalry to weaken each other, and this resulted in the LTTE gradually increasing its attacks on the Government forces. Moreover, the LTTE was transformed into a professional military force from an amateur hit-and-run terrorist group thanks to the Rs.50 million received from India for the rehabilitation of its cadres. In the light of the above, and as a result of the Indo-Lanka Accord, Sri Lanka had to pay a huge price in terms of human and material resources to defeat the LTTE.

    Indian violations of the Accord

    Let us assume for a moment there was a valid accord between the two nations. However, Sri Lanka has now been relieved of its obligations as India failed to fulfil its obligations. According to Paragraph 2.16 of the Indo–Lanka Accord, Sri Lanka’s obligations as mentioned in the Accord were conditional to India taking five steps in the event military groups refused to surrender their weapons. Since the LTTE neither ceased hostilities nor surrendered their weapons, India was duty bound to perform those five tasks.

    The first was to ensure that Indian territory was not used for activities prejudicial to the unity and security of Sri Lanka. But Tamil Nadu State politicians used its territory in supporting the LTTE with the tacit approval of the Central Government of India. All successive Central Governments of India after 1996 tolerated the anti-Sri Lankan activities of Tamil Nadu politicians including the Central government as it survived on the support extended by the Tamil Nadu political parties. India never made any serious attempt to eliminate or at least curtail such activities. Hence, India has violated the first condition.

    The second was that the Indian navy was obliged to co-operate with its Sri Lankan counterpart to prevent Tamil militant activities. The Indian Navy did not do so to prevent such activities after the departure of the IPKF from Sri Lanka. The LTTE freely transported weapons and other supplies from Tamil Nadu to Sri Lanka. Similarly, when the top terrorists were injured in the battle, they were transported to Tamil Nadu for medical treatment without any resistance from the Indian Navy. The inactivity of the Indian Navy broke the second condition.

    The third was that India agreed to provide military assistance to implement the Accord as and when requested. As the clause clearly says, such assistance should be provided as requested by Sri Lanka. However, the IPKF did not conduct operations as requested by Sri Lanka. Instead, they acted as they wished. As a result, President Premadasa was reluctantly compelled to request the IPKF to withdraw from Sri Lanka. They did not honour this request. They came out with their own plan for the departure, rejecting the deadline set by President Premadasa. In this backdrop, India has not honoured the third condition either.

    Repatriation of Indians

    The fourth was that India agreed to expedite the repatriation of Indian citizens who were residing in Sri Lanka to India. This is in fact an obligation overdue for a long time. It was estimated that there were 975,000 people of Indian origin residing in Sri Lanka as at October 30, 1964. They were not recognised as citizens of India or of Sri Lanka and came to be know as ‘stateless’. Under the Sirima-Shastri Pact signed on October 30, 1964, India agreed to grant citizenship to 525,000 of them while Sri Lanka agreed to grant citizenship to 300,000. The balance 150,000 people were equally distributed between the two nations in another agreement signed on January 27, 1974.

    Although India should grant citizenships to 600,000 as stated in the above agreements, only 506,000 applied for Indian citizenship. Sri Lanka did not want to force Indians to leave the country. Hence, Sri Lanka brought a special parliamentary Act in 1986 to grant citizenship to balance 94,000 and their descendants. However, India failed to grant citizenship to the people who applied for Indian citizenship and thus did not even honour the above agreements. India kept using the Sri Lankan refugees in Tamil Nadu as the excuse for its failure. That is why there was an obligation as per the Indo–Lanka Accord of 1987 for India to expedite the repatriation. India is yet to honour this obligation although Sri Lanka has granted citizenship to all Indians residing in Sri Lanka and had also started bringing back the refugees in Tamil Nadu.

    IPKF killing Sinhalese

    The fifth was that India undertkes to ensure physical security and safety of all communities living in the Northern and Eastern provinces. India grossly violated this clause when the IPKF with the support of the LTTE began killing the Sinhalese living in Trincomalee District in September 1987. The IPKF was so brutal that even the Chief Monk of China Bay Temple was shot dead by the IPKF because of his resistance to the slaughter of the Sinhalese. In the aftermath, tens of thousands of helpless Sinhalese fearing for their lives flocked to Kantale and Habarana looking for safety there.

    Because India has failed to fulfill any of its obligations, it goes without saying that Sri Lanka has no obligation whatsoever to carry out its undertakings such as the introduction of the provincial councils and establishment of one council for Northern and Eastern Provinces (popularly known as the merger). Hence, Sri Lanka is free to amend the provisions in respect of provincial councils without consulting India or worrying about the Indo-Lanka Accord.

    This Accord is not a landmark in Indian-Sri Lankan diplomatic relations, which have spread over several millennia but a scar continues to remain from a shameful past. It only confirms how India has deviated from “a Non Interfering Pancha Seela Policy in its relations with its neighbours,” introduced by Sri Nehru. Since the Indo–Lanka Accord reminds the world of India’s shameful past, India should attempt to do its best to avoid discussions with regard to the Accord. If India insists on the Accord, Sri Lanka will be reluctantly compelled to remind India of the reasons for Sri Lanka to have signed the Accord, which it did under duress and also how India had failed to honour any of its obligations.

  7. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    I agree with the article. When the 13th amendment was drafted in 1987 with Prime Minister Jayawardene it was an international treaty between India and Sri Lanka for the sole purpose of using the devolution of central power… to end the war. That goal was never reached and the war was ended by military means. This nullified the treaty and the amendment. Now it is a domestic issue where its’ only purpose is to devolve central power to what aim? not to end the war for that has already been done by other means. But to empower the provinces where the Tamil Dominated provinces have everything to gain. They will gain the power to police themselves, demand the removal of the military presence, and stop the inflow of Singhalese Buddhists. Since it is now a domestic issue no outside entity has the right to dictate to Colombo on the workings of this amendment. India lost that power the moment the 13th amendment failed to end the war and yet New Delhi is using a defunct issue to push the Tamil agenda regarding the 13th amendment. The desperation, the relentless pressure by India only indicates that there is a lot to be gained for the Tamils if that amendment is introduced into the new Constitution. and lot to be lost if that amendment is abolished.

  8. Indrajith Says:

    I totally agree with Ananda – USA.
    Rajapakse’s are modern day saviorus of Mother Lanka. As Minister Wimal Weerawansa has correctly said we believe Mr. President will not betray Sri Lanka under any condition. If they are fear, they would have done it long ago; at the height of foreign preassure mounting from the liberation of East from LTTE. Look at Mr. GR and his bold and dedicated service to the nation! No Sri Lankan has done so much to our country than Mr. GR done in the last few years!
    Long live Rajapakses!

  9. Samanthi Says:

    Thank you, Ananda of USA for reproducing here a very interesting and important article based on an interview given by Mr. Udaya Gammanpila and published in the Daily Mirror of 8th July. Unfortunately, the newspaper didn’t give prominance to this good peice of information analyzed in legal perspective. It didn’t mention the name of the intrerviewer and the page setting was very poor that it is difficult to undersatand who asks the questions and who gives the answers. I’d also like to bring to the notice of our fellow readers about another very good article written by Dr.Kamal Wickremasinghe and publised in the Daily News of 9th July, 13. In order to save the space of this forum I’d only insert below the link to this article.

    Enjoy reading!

  10. Indrajith Says:

    Since it is mentioned at the end of this article, I’d like to ask why there was no reporting about the recent gathering of Maha Sanga and other patriotic forces in Maharagama demanding the abolishion of the 13th Ammendment to the constitution. I read several websites of prominent newspapers but couldn’t see anything other than a photo of bikkus in ‘The Island”

  11. Ananda-USA Says:

    India STILL COMMITTED to solving its own problems at Sri Lanka’s expense, is trying to force Sri Lanka to DIVIDE Sri Lanka into autonomous states and devolve power; a step that is INEXORABLY pushing India itself towards DISINTEGRATION.

    India STILL DOES NOT REALIZE that it has committed CRIMINAL ACTS against Sri Lanka that it at the ROOT of ALL OUR ILLS, and takes a “Holier than Thou” stance towards Sri Lanka.

    The FAULT is OURS: the GOSL has not CLEARLY told India in BLACK & WHITE its CRIMES & DEMANDED that India BUTT OUT of Sri Lanka’s INTERNAL AFFAIRS!

    UNTIL THAT IS DONE REPEATEDLY… EVERYTIME we Meet Indian Officials …. the INDIAN TUNE will not change.

    We HAVE TO PUSH India into a Ethical, Moral and Legal Defensive Posture. Axe Murderers should be TREATED as Axe Murderers without Fig Leaves to hide their Nakedness!

    India emphasizes on a political settlement in Sri Lanka beyond the 13th Amendment.

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    July 09, Colombo: Shivshankar Menon, the National Security Adviser of India has conveyed to the Sri Lankan leadership that his government expects Sri Lanka to adhere to the commitments made by the Sri Lankan government to India and the International Community on a political settlement in Sri Lanka that would go beyond the 13th Amendment.

    Menon, who visited Colombo on 8-9 July 2013 to participate in the 2nd NSA-Level Meeting on Trilateral Cooperation on Maritime Security between India, Sri Lanka and the Maldives, has called for an early political settlement and national reconciliation through the meaningful devolution of power.

    so to ensure that all citizens of Sri Lanka, including the Sri Lankan Tamil community, would lead a life marked by equality, justice, dignity and self-respect.

    Conveying India’s views on the recent political developments to Sri Lankan leaders, Menon has emphasized the need for Sri Lanka to fulfill the commitments it made on a meaningful devolution of power to ensure that all citizens of Sri Lanka, including the Sri Lankan Tamil community, would lead a “life marked by equality, justice, dignity and self-respect.”

    He also expressed the hope that elections to the Northern Provincial Council would be held in a free, fair and credible manner.

    During his visit, Menon participated in the trilateral discussions with the officials of the Sri Lankan and Maldivian governments to address the common maritime challenges in the Indian Ocean region.

    Following the meeting on 8 July, the three countries agreed on a roadmap for future cooperation in maritime security and signed an Outcome Document outlining further collaborative measures in the areas of inter alia Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA), strengthening coordination of maritime Search and Rescue (SAR), promoting marine oil pollution response cooperation, expanding ‘DOSTI’ (friendship) exercises and sharing of information on illegal maritime activities and piracy.

    It was agreed that the next NSA-Level Meeting on Trilateral Cooperation on Maritime Security between India, Sri Lanka and the Maldives will take place in New Delhi at a mutually convenient time.

    The National Security Adviser also called Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa today and also held bilateral meetings with Minister for Economic Development Basil Rajapaksa and Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa.

    In these meetings, both sides have reviewed the progress in bilateral cooperation and exchanged views on areas of common concern.

    Both sides were satisfied onthe progress in implementation of the Indian-assisted projects for relief, rehabilitation and resettlement of IDPs in the North, including the Housing Project, as well as projects relating to the development of railway infrastructure in the Northern and Southern Provinces.

    The two sides also discussed the fishermen issue and agreed on the need to deal with it in a humane manner without resorting to violence under any circumstances. They agreed that fishermen’s associations on both sides, which had met in the past and reached some understandings, needed to meet again to work on developing this further. This could then serve as the basis for finding a solution to this humanitarian issue.

    Menon has also met with other political leaders, including Leader of the Opposition Ranil Wickremasinghe, Leader of Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) and Minister of Justice Rauff Hakeem, and a delegation of Tamil National Alliance led by R. Sampanthan.

  12. Ananda-USA Says:

    NO, Mr. President! A Nationwide Referendum to REPEAL the 13th Amendment is the BEST PLACE to address this issue.

    NO DEAL that YOU BROKER in SECRET behind CLOSED DOORS will be ACCEPTABLE to the TENS OF MILLIONS of your countrymen who love their Motherland!

    Sri Lanka President stresses on PSC as the best forum for revisions to 13th Amendment

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    July 09, Colombo: Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa during a meeting with the visiting India’s National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon today has stressed that the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) is the best forum to reach a consensus on the implementation of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution.

    When Menon called on the President this morning at the President’s House in Colombo, the President explained to the Indian official the problems that exist with devolving land and police powers to the provinces of a small country such as Sri Lanka and stressed that the structure that is implemented should apply and be acceptable to all parts of the country.

    The President, agreeing with Mr. Menon that the participation of the major Tamil party Tamil National Alliance (TNA) in the PSC is important, said it is a top priority of the government to reach a consensus on the 13th Amendment.

    The President also urged India to encourage the TNA to participate in the PSC, which has been appointed to resolve the issues relating to constitutional reform, and said the government is committed to taking the process forward despite any obstacles.

    Prior to Menon’s visit to Sri Lanka, Economic Development Minister and senior adviser to the President Basil Rajapaksa visited India and met with India’s External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid.

    During the meeting Khurshid has emphasized that the 13th Amendment should not be diluted and Sri Lanka should go beyond the amendment to ensure meaningful devolution of powers.

    Khurshid has also stressed the importance of all political parties in Sri Lanka being represented in the PSC, and expressed hope that all parties would join the process.

    Earlier Khurshid has conveyed Indian government’s view on the 13th Amendment to his Sri Lankan counterpart Minister G.L. Peiris stressing the need to keep the amendment unchanged.

    Director of the Indian Prime Minister’s Office Manu Mahavar, High Commissioner of India to Sri Lanka Y.K. Sinha and the Deputy High Commissioner of India to Sri Lanka P. Kumaran accompanied Menon.

    Ministers Prof. G.L. Peiris, Basil Rajapaksa, and Douglas Devananda, Monitoring Member of Parliament of the Ministry of External Affairs Sajin de Vass Gunawardena, Secretary to the President Lalith Weeratunga and the High Commissioner of Sri Lanka to India Prasad Kariyawasam also participated in the discussion.

    (Photos by Sudath Silva)

  13. Ananda-USA Says:

    Little by Little, the INDIANIZATION of Sri Lanka PROCEEDS AT A FURIOUS PACE!

    Now State Governments of India are getting into the ACT ALSO, even as the Indian Federal Government imposes its Devolution Strategy to Slice & Dice Sri Lanka into a motley collection of warring autonomous Provinces!

    Why is the GOSL turning a BLIND EYE to ALL THIS activities by Foreigners in our country?

    Design set for Sita temple in Sri Lanka

    By A. Srivathsan

    Madhya Pradesh government’s initiative near Nuwara-Eliya; estimated to cost Rs. 2 crore

    The Madhya Pradesh government is all set to start building a Sita temple, designed in the South Indian architectural style, at Divurumpola in Sri Lanka. Sita is believed to have undergone her agni pareeksha (test by fire) at this spot. The design has been finalised.

    Divurumpola is near Nuwara-Eliya, in the central part of the country.

    The State government has been pursuing the proposal with Sri Lanka since 2012. Early this year, it commissioned a Bangalore-based firm of architects to do the design, and assigned the State Tourism Department to coordinate the project.

    The architects concerned, who did not want to be identified, told The Hindu they had chosen the Vijayanagara style. The proposed complex would comprise three shrines, a tank and an ornate pillared hall.

    Madhya Pradesh Tourism officials said the estimated cost is about Rs. 2 crore. Tenders would be invited shortly.

    Since 2007, the Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority has been promoting sites associated with the Ramayana. It had identified about 50 such sites and proposed plans to develop them to attract Indian tourists.

    However, a few Sri Lankan historians had objected to this project because they thought it distorted archaeological evidence and alleged that these sites were mere inventions.

    The Sri Lankan press had earlier reported that Ravana Balaya, a Sinhalese Buddhist organisation, had demanded that a statue for Ravana, the mythical Lankan king associated with the Ramayana tale, should be built before constructing a Sita temple.

    They explained that they are not opposed to the construction the temple, but wanted the government to honour Ravana first.

    Keywords: Madhya Pradesh government, Sita temple, Sita temple design, Divurumpola, M.P. tourism officials

  14. Fran Diaz Says:

    There are two great epic spiritual stories from India. They are :
    – The Ramayana
    – Mahabharata

    These stories are very beautiful, but they are ALLEGORICAL TALES. However, to most of the simple minded peasants of India, these tales are real.

    The Ramayana is an allegorical tale as is the Mahabharata. Rama may have been a true Guru who lived in India, and the ALLEGORICAL tale has been spun around him. Rama represents Brahma or God. Ravana represents the clever, egocentric but unwise Mind of a human being. Sita is the human Heart (Godhead within), pure and true, a sliver of God.

    Sri Lanka is asking for future trouble if various locations (as many as 50 !) have been identified as locations of the Ramayana
    story for tourist purposes. Small money gained through tourism will be nothing compared to losses through another ‘land claim’ via religion.

    Why isn’t Madya Pradesh developing the Mahabharata ‘sites’ which are in India itself ?

  15. S de Silva Says:

    Well said Mario P. Hope what you have written including those by others wakes up our Sinhala Politikkas in perpetual slumber at this 11nth hour. This is SL with big talking, know nothing, do nothing set of Sinhalyas. And I am not surprised at the outcome so far. Not a poliical Bu$$er has said directly to India what you have written here! It is utterly time SL Officially said so to India,
    – S de Silva- London

  16. Fran Diaz Says:

    The wisest thing to do for both Buddhists & Hindus would be to build a few Meditation Centres Upcountry, in the name of Buddhist Meditation & Hindu Raj Yoga. No sense in more tourist sites. Tourists could be invited to join in Meditation.

  17. Ananda-USA Says:

    When THIEVES FALL OUT ….. it becomes a CIRCUS … just sit back and ENJOY the SHOW!

    The GOSL should DO NOT HELP Norway DODGE its DAY IN COURT and have its DIRTY LINEN of SUPPORT FOR TERRORISM EXPOSED for all the world to see by its formerly willing puppet Kumar Rupasinghe.

    Let Kumar Rupasinghe file his suit to recover the money Norway promised him to UNDERMINE & DESTABILIZE Sri Lanka in collusion with the Norwegian surrogates in the Sri Lankan Tamil Separatist movement. Let more EVIDENCE of Norway’s role SPILL OUT in the TESTIMONY.

    Even NOW, Norway collaborates in ORCHESTRATING Sri Lanka’s agony on fabricated “War Crimes” charges on the global stage. Let us return that favor now and let Norway dangle enmeshed in thecoils of its own Machiavellian tentacles.

    It is truly AMAZING how Sri Lanka’s Foreign Tormentors are brought down, one by one, by their own terrorist surrogates: India and Rajiv Gandhi by the LTTE and Vellupillai Prabhakaran, and now Norway by Kumar Rupasinghe!

    Lovely! Who denies the existence of the Hatarawaran Deviyo protecting our Ratna Dvipaya? Who?

    Rs. 98 mn NGO law suit: Norway seeks immunity

    By Shamindra Ferdinando
    July 9, 2013

    Norway has told Sri Lanka to prevent several senior Norwegian government representatives from being hauled up before the Colombo District Court in a case filed by NGO activist Dr. Kumar Rupesinghe or face the consequences.

    Well informed sources told The Island that Norway had told the government to take tangible action in this regard before the case resumed on August 2 at the District Court of Colombo.

    The case was last heard on April 30 before Additional District Judge Mrs. Amali Ranaweera.

    Responding to a query, sources said that one-time Norwegian ambassador to Sri Lanka Tore Hattram, also cited as a respondent, inquired about the government’s position vis-a-vis the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations. Hattram had sent a missive to the External Affairs Ministry through the Sri Lankan embassy in Oslo close after Dr. Rupesinghe had moved Court demanding compensation to the tune of Rs. 98 million from Norway.

    Dr. Rupesinghe has, on behalf of the Foundation for Co – Existence, alleged that Norway terminated a three-year contract for a special project aimed at improving relations among communities living in the Eastern Province. The project covered the period from 2008-2011.

    Although the British government, too, was a party to the agreement finalised at the height of the conflict, Dr. Rupesinghe opted to move Court against Norway on the basis the British had fulfilled its financial obligations in terms of the tripartite agreement.

    A veteran diplomat yesterday told The Island that there hadn’t been a similar case involving Norway or any other country since Independence.

    Asked whether former Ambassador Tore Hattram had written to the External Affairs Ministry regarding the ongoing Court case, a Norwegian Embassy spokesperson said: “Norway’s position has always been that we do expect Sri Lanka to comply with well-established international rules on immunity, including those contained in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic relations to which Sri Lanka is a party. Diplomats and state officials from Sri Lanka are enjoying the same privileges overseas when serving their government.”

    The spokesperson emphasized that Norwegian position had been communicated to the Sri Lankan government.

  18. Indrajith Says:

    You’re correct, Ananda. But K.Rupasinghe is not a saint as well. He did a lot of harm and damage to S.L. Curse for the both! Norway and KR!

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