Is Maitripala Sirisena duped by Chandrika and Ranil to be the Common Candidate a match against the President Mahinda Rajapakse ?  
Posted on December 1st, 2014

By Charles.S.Perera

 Perhaps it is to please the wife and children  that some seek  positions of  importance. Maitripala was a disappointed man having been left out from being made the Prime Minister.  It was no fault of the President, but due to D.M.Jayaratna holding onto the post despite his ill health and evident inability to contribute much to the country or to Buddhism which came under his purview. 

 He being the most senior member of the SLFP the President  could not have  removed him, and may have expected him to  resign on his own.  Had the PM  done so Maitripala may have been appointed the Prime Minister and avoided the present  rather annoying situation. 

 The invitation for Maitripala Sirisena  to break away from the SLFP and accept to be the common presidential candidate for the opposition may have come to him long time before.  He mentioned at the media conference at which he presented himself as the Common candidate for the opposition , that he went home and remained sulking in a state of worry and his wife and children told him they understood his situation and asked him to do what ever he thinks is best and that they were even prepared to die for him. In an earlier occasion his son is said to have told a police officer who arrested him for a brawl in which he was involved that he is the son of the future Prime Minister.

 That affirms his disappointment for being overlooked for the office of the Prime Minister even though he had not mentioned it to his friends or to the President for that matter. It is this personal disappointment and the vengeance against those who deprived the fulfilment of his personal ambition  that had inspired Mairipala Sirisena  to join hands even with the devil to reach the heights he has failed to reach.

 Chandrika the  ex President is happy being in the lime light again as the hand that activates the puppet.  Ranil Wickramasinghe is undoubtedly the most elated in that he would get in 100 days after the election, if  Sirisena were to be elected the President, the  political power that had escaped him for miserable twenty nine times.  He will be at last the executive Prime Minister capable of making the  ceremonial President dance to his tune resorting to his duties of declaring open new buildings and roads  if they were to be constructed under the new government of the Prime Ministe, and attending  official functions.

 Maitripala Sirisena still dreams. He says he will protect the  President Mahinda Rajapakse and the Armed Forces and will not allow any one to take them before a Tribunal.

 Maitripala Sirisena  the man  who if elected  would hand over his executive powers to Ranil Wickramasinghe as the Prime Minister does not still seem to understand that in hundred days after his election he will have no power to protect Mahinda Rajapakse or the Armed Force if they were arrested  to be produced before a tribunal as he claims,  as it would depend on the executive Prime Minister.  He does not even know what his fate would be as a President without executive power under a scheming executive  Prime Minister-Ranil Munasinghe.

 This reminds one of the unfortunate King  Yasalalakatissa who wanted to play a prank on his Ministers  put the Crown on his head of the  gatekeeper  and made him sit on his thrown himself standing at the gate playing the role of the gatekeeper. The King gatekeeper” got the  poor King standing at the gate playing his role slain.

 Ranil Wickramasinghe who is to take over the executive powers from Maitripala Sirisen if elected President , has not explained to Sirisena what would become of him after handing over his executive powers to him as the Prime Minister.  Maitripala Sirisena  does not seem to have understood  that under such circumstances he would be  no body, just a ceremonial  President without any political power to decide on any matter. 

 Maitripala Sirisena  interested only in being the President no matter what happens to the executive powers, seems also not  to have asked  what would happen to him after handing over his executive powers in 100 days to Ranil Wickramasinghe as his  Prime Minister.  

 Maitripala Sirisena is being taken for a complete fool by Chandrika, Ranil Wickramasinghe, Madoluwewa Sobita, Athureliye Ratana , Champika Ranawaka, Sampanthan and the rest all enacting a parody making Sirisena believe all what they are doing is real.  Sirisena  will  realise that it had been a nightmare only  if he were to be elected and wakes up after 100 days.

 Sirisena’s call being abolition of executive Presidency has no popular backing as it seems to be  for most of the presumptuous educated, the elitist and the Colombians classes. 

 Corruption is not unknown to the peasants and villagers, as corruption is not confined to the Government. The Mill owners and such other  business class exploit the under privileged by setting up monopolies in their respective enterprises in the provinces affecting the villagers. Hence  for the majority of the voters outside Colombo and in other towns, corruption would not be  a reason to turn away from the President Mahinda Rajapakse and his government.

 UNP capitalises on nepotism against the President but the ordinary mass of people knows that the brothers of the President had been a strength for him to bring peace and economic progress into the country. The voters will not find it a reason to vote for the man Sirisena who cannot depend on brothers like those of the President who are not businessmen but experienced politicians and one a battled hardened Lieutenant Colonel.

 The Opposition political collective  while seeking cooperation with the treacherous TNA accuses the President for protecting KP and accepting Karuna Amman into SLFP.   They little understand the courage of Karuna Amman whose defection from the terrorist LTTE contributed to deception of the terrorists. KP on the other hand helped the government to unfold  secrets that made the terrorists a formidable armed force.  They played a role in the elimination of terrorism and restricting the activities of the Tamil diaspora..

 It is a part of the Buddhist culture to pardon those who have confessed to their faults and accepted the path of righteous. Omalpe Sobita of the JHU  showed this lack of Buddhist concept of pardon, when the five Indian fishermen who were sentenced to death, were sent to India to deal with them, reaffirming to India of Modi the sincerity of Sri Lankan governments  dealing with India of Modi.  India of Modi is definitely different from that of  Soniya Gandhi.

 The persons Sirisena could fall back on are self seeking individuals like Chandrika Kumaratunga, Ranil Wickramasinghe, Madoluwawe Sobita, Atureliye Ratana, TNA’s Sampanthan, but the ordinary mass of people who  have their own opinion will not fall in line  with them.  UNP can depend on its block vote, but the larger Buddhist voters cannot be drawn by Madoluwawe Sobhita, or Athureliya Ratana  through their yellow robes , nor by the white national dressed morality of Champika Ranawaka, or Udaya Gamanpila, who have kicked their principles to sit along side UNP and the TNA against a national leader, a great Buddhist,  and an unrivalled patriot President Mahinda Rajapakse.

 Sirisena seems to  have no great backing from the SLFP as he  expected.  Some ordinary people who had been uncertain to whom they would vote begin to say that they will vote against Sirisena to show their disapproval of the treachery against his party leader Mahinda Rajapakse who never  abused his executive power of his Office either against the people, nor against the members of his party with whom he had shared his jubilation  in victory and deception in loss.

 Sirisena is a victim of a conspiracy hatched by Chandrika Kumaratunga and Ranil Wickramasinghe.  Sirisena did not only fall in to their trap but pinacled it by promising Ranil Wickramasinghe his desired office of the Prime Minister with executive powers, Sirisena himself taking the back seat of being a nominal President with nothing but the prestige of being a ceremonial President of Sri Lanka. 

 That was a display of utter foolishness.  Sirisena could have waited before making that declaration unless it was agreed as a part of the conspiracy, which was evident the way Chandrika was conducting the press conference at which Sirisena declared his treacherous acceptance  to be the common candidate.  She was definitely the leader trying to make Sirisena the pawn she was placing on the  chequer board  of politics to check mate the President Mahinda Rajapakse..

 Athureliye Ratana, Champika and Gamanpila  were also a part of that treacherous conspiracy prepared before hand  by presenting to the President Mahinda Rajapakse an impossible Amendment 19 to the constitution  with the demand that it be implemented immediately or accept their defection.     

 Democracy is a debilitating farce that has been imposed on developing nations by the most undemocratic west. The periodical changes of governments had not helped the West and  it will not help the developing nations. 

 The moment a sincere political leader who is bent on developing the country providing its  people with peace and security  is recognised, the people should be allowed to keep his political leadership sufficiently long enough to really develop the country and bring home prosperity  Alternating governments  changing from one to another periodically will hamper development and keep the developing countries always undeveloped and poor depending on the rich West for small hand outs to exist.

 Hence the 18th Amendment to the Constitution is a great innovation. The SPCs recommended in it assures the independence of administration foreseen in  the  former 17 Amendment.  But the opposition political parties which accuse the government  as non democratic  and dominated  by an executive President are to be blamed for the  inactivation of the SPCs due to their refusal to nominate members.  It is the opposition parties which are non democratic  and not loyal to the  democratic Parliamentary System of governance.

 As things are the change of a President at the forth coming Presidential election will hamper the forward march of Sri Lanka.  The Common Candidate put forward by  a conglomeration of different political parties with different self serving political interests will not be a match to the President Mahinda Rajapakse who has a definite  step by step programme to develop the country to bring it to vie with the developed countries of the West.

 In order make a success of the program  which is being carried out by the President Mahinda Rajapakse,  the Tamil Community has to give up its separatist communal demands and  join hands with the government for  the realisation of a  communal unity instead of depending on a Common President without execute power to lead the country nowhere allowing it into stagnation instead of progress and prosperity.

 It is therefore the duty of every patriot Sri Lankan who wishes  Sri Lanka peace and prosperity to band together to vote  for the President Mahinda Rajapakse for a third term to complete the planned development process he began in  2005 with the presentation of the Mahinda Chintnaya.

62 Responses to “Is Maitripala Sirisena duped by Chandrika and Ranil to be the Common Candidate a match against the President Mahinda Rajapakse ?  ”

  1. AnuD Says:

    President is the Leader. Top man. He is the executive president and he has the 18th amendment and every thing he wants.

    Still, there are so many things that president was not told, so, he did not know at all and can not do at all.

    We should talk about giving more powers to him and getting a few more advisers to him after the next election.

  2. Lorenzo Says:


    At the moment UPFA is in the process of drafting a NEW Mahinda Chintnaya. So the 2005 one will be outdated soon.

  3. Lorenzo Says:

    Massive crowds at a VERY BADLY ORGANIZED rally at Polonnaruwa for Maithri.

    It was raining (a blessing) and the tents were NOT enough for the crowd. The place itself was NOT enough!


  4. Independent Says:

    There is no need to match the President. It is not starting with zero, there are initial conditions to apply.
    If he could (+ JHU + JVP ) takes away 5-10% UFFA votes comparing 2010 votes ?
    Such a simple question to answer. So many pundits miss out. My guess is 55-45. Make note.

    I don’t worry about votes. Anyone can be president. I worry about country and its people. I worry about unnecessary turmoil president caused by calling elections too early.

  5. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    LANKCNEWS reflects that Chandrika has bee given $200 million to organize the exodus from government to opposition. There is another article that says that Rs5 billion and a house is given to any one crossing over from government to opposition. FROM WHERE IS ALL THIS MONEY COMING FROM ? WHO would NOT CROSS given Rs 5billion and a House in Colombo ? It is a good carrot.

  6. Vimutti Says:

    Now we have the EVIDENCE that Maithripala will retain and “build on” the 13th amendment to devolve power to the North and East.

    In a New Town Hall meeting with doctors over the weekend, Maithripala says if elected he intends to implement ALL of the recommendations of the LLRC, including this recommendation:

    “- A good-faith effort should be taken to develop a consensus on power devolution, building on what exists [13th Amendment] – both, for maximum possible devolution to the periphery, as well as power sharing at the centre.”

    So Lorenzo’s speculation that Maithrapala will abolish the 13th Amendment and is not interested in dividing Sri Lanka into small parts as desired by the Tamil separatist crowd is plainly false.

    I already knew this was the case based on the actors who are sponsoring the Maithripala candidacy, but now we have it straight out of Maithripala’s mouth.

  7. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    Mahinda should address these three problems and give assurance to the people with his proposals;

    1. Corruption – Sri Lanka needs a solid legal framework to fight the corruption that has run rampant both in politics and in the state structures. Some legislation similar to US criminal conflict of interest statute, 18 U.S.C. § 208

    2. Nepotism and cronyism – introduction of independent public audit of local and government authorities, and a strong national code of conduct. Engrain criminal conflict of interest in the law.

    3. Abolition of executive presidency – Appoint multi-party constitutional commission consisting of constitutional experts to redraft a new constitution abolishing EP.

    Fewer safeguards means an increased corruption risk in the government. The present bribery and corruption commission is no use. The legal system should be capable of handling and prosecuting these criminals like in US.

    Maithripala and his supporters will not have any issues to discuss.

  8. Vimutti Says:

    Neela – these are all FALSE issues (power of president, corruption, media freedom) that were planted by the American Embassy in Colombo. US Ambassador Michele Sison was harping on all three of these points during her entire time here in Sri Lanka. Most Sri Lankans, however, are concerned with BREAD AND BUTTER (RICE AND CURRY) issues concerning the cost of living and security issues in making sure terrorism does not resurface again in Sri Lanka.

    I have not met a single Sri Lankan outside of the moneyed class that has even mentioned too much power of the president as a major concern they have for the country. It is always soaring rice prices and clothing prices – being able to afford to pay for tuition classes for their children, soaring real estate prices that make it hard to buy land and build a home.

    Quit pushing American issues in Sri Lanka. They can’t control Rajapaksa so THEY want to curb his power. But why should we care about America’s problem controlling the president of Sri Lanka?

    Ranil/Maithripala have ZERO power to abolish the Executive Presidency, as this requires a 2/3rds vote of parliament that is controlled by the president’s party. They are therefore making FALSE promises to try to get elected; and if by some miracle they were elected, they would continue the Executive Presidency of Executive Prime Minister, and we would end up with even more corruption like we had the last time Ranil was Prime Minister. The only difference is that we wouldn’t be getting any complaints anymore from the US Embassy about executive power since they know they can control Ranil just like the last time he was in power.

  9. Lorenzo Says:


    An 8% shift from 2010 will defeat MR. Many in the north didn’t vote in their numbers in 2010. Jaffna voters turnout was just 26%!! That is 2% of additional voters. JHU at least has another 2% of voters. So that is only 4% to go.

    I’m sure MR is MORE than 4% unpopular since 2010.

  10. Lorenzo Says:


    Agree with #1. That is the ONLY way.

    The ONLY way to handle #2 is NOT to have SO MANY RELATIVES in govt. work. Brothers, sons, cousins, in-laws, distant relatives, etc. are FAR TOO MANY.

    When there are RELATIVES in such important places COLLUSION takes place. No point closing the stables after the horses have bolted (audit). IF the auditor general and SC judges are also appointed by the same crowd, then GAME OVER!

    To abolish EP, none of that is required. Just put it to parliament and then a referendum. DONE!

  11. Lorenzo Says:


    Don’t trust lankacnews too much. It is OWNED by Wimal Weerawansa, UPFA MP and minister.

    Sometimes they carry EARLY news. MOST other times they are BIASED. WW is the engineering minister. Who is the boss of state engineering corp? His deputy Muzammil!

    WW’s strategy is going to backfire when the other camp starts corruption and nepotism mud slinging. This is a VERY BAD strategy. I wish they contest on the POSITIVES.

  12. Ananda-USA Says:


    These are GOLDEN WORDS; agree 100%!

    “I have not met a single Sri Lankan outside of the moneyed class that has even mentioned too much power of the president as a major concern they have for the country. It is always soaring rice prices and clothing prices – being able to afford to pay for tuition classes for their children, soaring real estate prices that make it hard to buy land and build a home.”

    “Quit pushing American issues in Sri Lanka. They can’t control Rajapaksa so THEY want to curb his power. But why should we care about America’s problem controlling the president of Sri Lanka?”

  13. Lorenzo Says:


    But that is only an election PROMISE. Look at the ACTION.

    Who allowed TNA to become chief ministers? And guess who promised Endia in 2008, UNHRC in 2009 and UN in 2010 to fully implement 13 amendment. And who DID the LLRC in the first place and promised to fully implement the LLRC. And updated USA, UN, UNHRC on the PROGRESS of LLRC implementation.

    You know the answer. It is not MS. Someone in a glasshouse.

  14. NeelaMahaYoda Says:


    Thanks for your view. But I have not gone into details how bad we are now, However, it is true that corruption has already crippled social well-being and economic growth in Sri Lanka and has run rampant both in politics and in the state structures that provide basic services to ordinary people at least during last Chandrika’s government.

    It’s happening in the US and Europe also. It can happen anywhere.

    Since people are concerned, this issue should be addressed in the policy document. See how many legislations US government has introduced during last 50 years.

    As a sinhala Buddhist, I don’t want to see Ranil getting power through the back door

  15. Ananda-USA Says:

    Charles … Bravo, Well said!

    NeelaMahaYoda … AGREE with 1. Corruption 2. Cronyism, but DISAGREE TOTALLY with 3. Abolish the Executive Presidency … this is anon-issue that will weaken Sri Lanka and arrest its RAPID DEVELOPMENT now underway.

  16. Lorenzo Says:

    “Quit pushing American issues in Sri Lanka.”

    No. They are VERY important. We have at least 3 VERY SENIOR govt. officers (ministers, civil servants) holding EXTREMELY important portfolios who are American citizens!

    Have you heard of SONIA GHAND? She is an Italian citizen who controlled Endia.

    CBK is a BRITISH citizen.

    In a country of 21 million SL ONLY citizens, why on earth do we need foreign PR holders and citizens to hold ministries?

  17. Lorenzo Says:

    Neela CORRECTLY identified the 3 BIGGEST problems facing SL. All other problems can be resolved if these 3 can be addressed.

    For starters, the executive presidency office costs BILLIONS to taxpayers. AT LEAST this can be saved and used for development without loans.

  18. Ananda-USA Says:

    Another Ministerial RAT, the 5th, jumps ship!

    In a blinding flash, he has discovered that he opposes: lack of funds for his Ministry, the Executive Presidency, and Corruption in development work!!

    Clearly, the TIMING of this INSIPRATION and DEFECTION on the eve of the Presidential Election … is a mere COINCIDENCE! We believe him … don’t we?

    Another Minister resigns from Sri Lankan government to support common candidate

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Nov 30, Colombo: Another Minister of the Sri Lankan government has resigned from his ministerial post in support of the common opposition candidate for the presidency.

    Minister of State Administration and Reforms, Navin Dissanayake resigned from his ministerial post and also from the ruling party United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA) Chief Organizer position for Nuwara Eliya district.

    Dissanayake, who is the son of former UNP presidential candidate Gamini Dissanayake, said he has decided to resign from all posts he held in the government and sent his letter of resignation to the President last night.

    In his resignation letter, the former minister has cited three reasons for his decision to quit the government. The government’s failure to allocate enough funds for his Ministry and to his electorate, in order for him to serve the public he represents, abolishing of the executive presidency and the corruption taking place in development work were cited as his reasons to resign.

    He, as a father of two children, thanked the President for eradicating the terrorism from the country.

    Former minister said that he has decided to support the common opposition candidate Maithripala Sirisena in the forthcoming Presidential Election and he will announce his decision publicly tomorrow.

    Dissanayake is the latest minister to quit the government to support the common opposition candidate. Former ministers Patali Champika Ranawaka, Rajitha Senaratne, Duminda Dissanayake, and common opposition candidate Maithripala Sirisena resigned from the government earlier this month.

  19. Independent Says:

    Will Rathika be the Soniya of Canada ?

    You said “.. why on earth do we need foreign PR holders and citizens to hold ministries?” why not, if they return giving up PR because they want to do a service to their motherland rather than barking from foreign lands ?

  20. NeelaMahaYoda Says:


    “The ONLY way to handle #2 is NOT to have SO MANY RELATIVES in govt. work. Brothers, sons, cousins, in-laws, distant relatives, etc. are FAR TOO MANY”.

    I do not agree with your solution which is based on voluntary act. We should have a clear legislation to prevent Nepotism and cronyism in future.

    “To abolish EP, none of that is required. Just put it to parliament and then a referendum. DONE!”
    Do not agree with you. We need expert to draft it together with any amendment to 13A.

  21. Vimutti Says:

    Lorenzo – you keep focusing on citizenship, whereas I focus on values and what you stand for as a human being. If getting HARVARD awards is more important to you than actually improving the health of Sri Lankans when you were health minister, who cares what your passport says you are?

  22. Ananda-USA Says:

    A ship-jumper of yesteryear, Convicted Felon, and Traitor to his Country, former war-hero Sarath Gonseka and currently a foreign puppet barred from voting in his native land, offers his “support” to the Coalition of Ship-Jumpers!

    My God, how the Brids of a Feather, Flock Together!
    Democratic Party Leader Sarath Fonseka to support Sri Lanka’s common opposition candidate

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Nov 30, Colombo: The Democratic Party (DP) of Sri Lanka led by Sarath Fonseka has decided to support the opposition common candidate at the upcoming presidential election, party sources said.

    Accordingly, the DP leader Sarath Fonseka will sign the MOU with the opposition common candidate Maithripala Sirisena tomorrow.

    Around 36 political parties and people’s organizations are to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the common opposition presidential candidate on Monday, December 01.

    Sarath Fonseka contested as the opposition common candidate in 2010 and he was defeated by President Mahinda Rajapaksa by a broad margin.

    Following his arrest and conviction by a court martial for military offences the former Commander of Sri Lanka Army has lost his voting rights.

  23. Vimutti Says:

    The guy who lost last time (Fonseka) endorses the guy who will lose this time (Maithripala). At least Fonseka was well known as an Army General who helped end the war, whereas Maithripala is relatively unknown to most villagers and therefore his margin of defeat will be even greater than Fonseka’s defeat in 2010.

  24. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    Lorenzo and Vimutti

    If by any chance Ranil contests and wins the presidential elections, can you imagine what will happen to Sri Lanka. We should always remember that J R Jayewardene was responsible for crafting this system of executive presidency to maintain the power of the Wijewardena dynasty forever. But this mega-plan has failed to achieve its objectives because of President R. Premadasa came on to the seen unexpectedly. Then Power shifted to the Bandaranaikes derailed whole plot completely. If we knowingly hand over power to Ranil we are indirectly helping the Wijewardena dynasty to put the plot back on track and with American help he will keep the executive power with him as long as he lives and then, he will hand it over to another pro american henchman causing everlasting misery to the people Sri Lanka.

    In this context, it is important to abolish executive presidency within next five years. That is the main reason why I included item 3 in the three biggest problems facing Sri Lanka.

  25. Lorenzo Says:


    But they have NOT RENOUNCED their citizenship.

    It is therefore possible they serve BOTH countries or serve the more powerful country. This is not a good arrangement.
    e.g. The Trinco incident, the meeting with Robert Blake and the innocent STF

    They MUST renounce their citizenship before taking up ANY post.
    Expats serve SL MUCH MORE by sending valuable FORX back home. Not the other way round!

  26. Lorenzo Says:


    MS’s achievement must be appreciated by all. In addition to Harvard, WHO also facilitated him (and MR!!).
    Jealousy and hatred should not guide people to ridicule this NATIONAL achievement. Can’t anyone else be a leader in SL?

    Foreign citizenship of TOP govt. officials and MPs is unacceptable as they can serve 2 nations like Sonia Ghand (unless they renounce their foreign citizenship). Especially from main country that voted AGAINST SL at the UNHRC.

  27. Lorenzo Says:


    MOSTLY agree with you.

    But as long as MR has so many relatives appointed to TOP POSTS BY HIM, how can NEPOTISM be rooted out? Will he ever allow it? NO. Between family members, over 56% of the budget allocation is shared DIRECTLY!! If indirect allocations to PCs, foreign services, etc. is added, this will be over 60%.

    You were a VERY STRONG CRITIC of SL’s lousy foreign service (while I tried to do maximum damage control to save the FAMILY). WHY it ended up like this? NEPOTISM.

    But there is NO need for talk and discussions on EP. 13 amendment and EP CAN be removed by a parliamentary vote (2/3) and a referendum. We never had a PSC sitting on the matter for years when 18 amendment was passed! I don’t think there was a PSC for the purpose at all!

    So you want EP to be removed within 5 years (2019). Then vote for MS.
    MR has already said he will keep EP until 2020 and he will remove it in 2020.

  28. Christie Says:

    “Is Maitripala Sirisena duped by Chandrika and Ranil to be the Common Candidate a match against the President Mahinda Rajapakse?” We do not see what India is up to because we are brain washed by India, Indian colonial parasites and vermin. It is India, Indian colonial parasite and vermin that are playing behind the scenes. 1951 SWRD, JR 1977, 2005 MR, 2010 SF and now MS 2014. For us India, Indian colonial parasites and vermin are sacred; this site is the best example and how many leading contributors and commentators are critical of India, Indian colonial parasites and vermin. Since 1792 they have been leading us to disappearance from the Earth as they have done in Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

  29. stanley perera Says:

    People of Sri Lanka have a choise. 125 jumbo cabinet stealing the people or Rajapakse family stealing the purse. It is clear even with a reducesd majority MR will win.

  30. stanley perera Says:

    Racist TNA and the rouge woman CBK are the negative side of Sirisena.

  31. Independent Says:


    There is a positive side to it. My3 only take their votes. Runil cannot give anything to TNA as all others except Runil will oppose to it. (Sajith will never give this).

    But if Mahinda wins, he might try to give more but still a lot of people will object to it.

    Therefore whoever wins it is the same.
    The only difference is My3 has 12 brothers, family tree should be bigger, so voters have to pay more tax.

  32. Vimutti Says:

    Lorenzo – I would agree with the requirement of renouncing the foreign part of one’s dual-citizenship as a general proposition if you are the president, prime minister, minister, or MP, but we usually see this requirement when the countries you have dual citizenship in have roughly the same visa-free travel rights. We saw this in America with US Senator Ted Cruz renouncing his Canadian citizenship and presidential candidate Michele Bachmann renouncing Swiss citizenship.

    When there is a disparity in visa-free travel rights between the dual-citizenship countries, as a practical matter it makes sense to retain the citizenship that has the greater rights. And there is a HUGE disparity between the visa-free travel rights with a Sri Lankan passport and an American one. I think there are currently only 39 countries Sri Lankan citizens can travel to (mainly Muslim countries) without a visa, whereas 174 countries allow US citizens to travel to without a visa.

  33. Daya Says:


    What a yawn all that is. You start from some false premises and then foist on us, the Public, a great many beliefs and positions which represent wishful thinking on your part.

    The first false premise is that the “Senior-most” (why not say “senile”) Member of the SLFP should be the Prime Minister. The second is that the Executive President of the country cannot make a simple decision like whom to appoint to what position. Mahinda R. had been given unlimited powers for ten years to combat one of the most brutal terrorist outfits in history. Yet, he could not make his own appointments.

    And now some “engineered” comments ask that more powers be conferred on him! It looks as though someone has decided that we should be provided with a steady stream of pontifications so as to submerge with that the few bits of common sense that emerge.

    This may be the point at which I should thank this website for posting all comments, but I’d also like something else explained. The moment something is posted, there is a stream of responses, with some being regular and predictable contributors. For instance, ANANDA-USA, who manages to use bold lettering. This facility does not seem available to me, Why? How is it that a few are able to respond in that way? I can’t help fearing that we are manipulated. Could someone please clarify?

    A third false premise is that there must be just one motivation for Maithipala, and that that was frustration at seeing himself overlooked in favour of a bumbling nincompoop. No, that is to confuse cause and effect. Many other circumstances also have clearly come together to make Maithripala realise that it was now incumbent upon him to act. As for what we, the people want, well, it is efficient and clean administration sans corruption. We, collectively, the 15 million adult voters of this country, are the Masters. The President is there to serve us. He’s only been concerned with him and a few of his cronies. We will decide on the 8th of January that Maithri is more fit to be given responsibility than the man who did serve us well in ridding us of the monstrous terrorists, but has now become a “liability”. The Rajapaksas should not be thrown by us to the Wolves, but we can’t have them leading us any more.

    Since so much of what is written seems designed to divide our 21 million people in to various categories and hope that we fight against each other, let me state that I’m a now elderly man who has worked hard, is not rich, and has never been a “Colombo-ian”. I am a son of the soil, but with sufficient knowledge of the world, mainly through reading, for me not to be taken in by all the drivel that I am now being exposed to.

  34. Independent Says:

    Dear Daya,
    You must be one of the 55% of voters. Good to hear form one of those. People comment here have no votes, doesn’t matter the letters are bold are not, they are bold enough to supports the President.

  35. Ananda-USA Says:


    You said ” For instance, ANANDA-USA, who manages to use bold lettering.”

    There is no magic in this … you just have to know a wee bit of the Hyper-Text-Markup-Language (HTML) which is the basic language underlying webpages. This is allowed by LankaWeb for use by all registered bloggers.

    To embolden a string of text precede that text with “LessThanSign b GreaterThanSign ” and follow the string with “”LessThanSign /b GreaterThanSign ” .

    To italicize that string, replace the “b” with “i”.

    You can also nest these commands to both embolden and italicize a string. Try it … its is easy!

  36. Ananda-USA Says:


    Let me also state that I too am “now an elderly man who has worked hard, a son of the soil, but with sufficient knowledge of the world, mainly through reading” and intensively studying what interests me.

    However, I am rarely taken in by any drivel that I read, and I always exercise the option I have of throwing the drivel I don’t like into a real dustbin or a virtual trashcan. I even exercise the enormous power of turning off the computer, at the click of a button.

    You should too … it is a very good habit to be judiciously selective and jealously guard your precious time!

  37. Lorenzo Says:


    OK, then BR and Dallas should not be in parliament. It should apply to important ministries as well.

    BTW this is not about TRAVEL.

  38. Vimutti Says:

    Lorenzo – it is about travel. The oath crap is a red herring. It is also easier to qualify for educational loans as a US citizen parent if your kids want to attend university there.

  39. Vimutti Says:

    And as a US citizen, your children born after you become a citizen are automatically US citizens (again, no oath) which allows them to attend an American university (simply because there are thousands (2,680) of American universities as opposed to only 15 here) even if their AL score is not high enough to attend a Sri Lankan university.

    I think you are making the mistake that American citizenship equates to loyalty to the American government policy. A large percentage (sometime even a majority) of American citizens living in America are not loyal to American government policy and even protest the policies every chance they get (look at the protests that are happening now in Ferguson, Missouri and all over the country over the broken and racist American legal system).

    You look at a persons ACTIONS to determine where there loyalty lies, and I know of nothing in BR or Dallas’ actions that would suggest that they are loyal to the US policy in Sri Lanka. Ranil/CBK/MS, on the other hand, have demonstrated through their past actions that they will do whatever the US tells them to do. I bet even the satellite phones MS and Ranil used to communicate the defection were provided to them by the US CIA, and it is also a good bet that someone from the CIA/US Embassy was a party to some of those phone calls.

  40. Lorenzo Says:


    US govt enforces the oath. That is why it is valuable for them.

    And these people WILL go to USA the sooner MR loses.

  41. Lorenzo Says:

    “You can ban roses but you can’t stop the advent of spring” – Lorenzo

    Dear patriots, this is not the time to fight among us. Lets all get together to build a SL that respects LAW AND ORDER, SHUNS NEPOTISM, RESPECTS WOMEN, SCRAPS TOBACCO/HEROIN/KASIPPU/CASINO, etc. and UPHOLDS ITS TRUE BUDDHIST IDENTITY.

    MS has 11 brothers and sisters. Has ANYONE of them EVER got into a PC, MC, UC, parliament, etc.? NO.

    Just think. MS has KICKED positions many times but he was entrusted with positions.

    Did you know MS was the acting defence minister 5 times? Even during the last LTTE bomb attack, he was serving the nation as the acting defence minister.

  42. Independent Says:

    How about Prabhakaran’s , Kp’s satellite phones ? Given by USA too. Those people cannot afford them ?

    So, you trust all negatives against opposition given in various media and reject all negatives given against the President ?
    Positive thinking !
    But the voters think differently or are they are very stupid ?

    Who don’t you look at the recent past ?
    Or you can look at all good and bad from 1989 onwards about various betrayals by all parties.

    We cannot just base on war victory ( that again is not one man effort) to disregard all the negatives of one candidate and highlight all the negatives of the others.

  43. . Says:

    Reply from the Moderator, Lankaweb
    Please note that our website is unique, it is the only independent social cloud website in its true sense commenting on Sri Lankan politics. We believe in Free Speech, Right of Expression that Creates Platform for Dialogue. Therefore we do not moderate every comment posted on this web site. Once filtered through the initial registration process, any subsequent comments can be posted directly on the website to make it truly interactive.
    Most of the contributors and commentators are well educated expatriate Sri Lankans and local prominent people such as Shanli Waduge and Gomin Dayasri.
    We never manipulate comments and we allow only factual comments. However, any abusive comments (Mud slinging) will be deleted forthwith and contributor’s membership will be cancelled immediately.
    At least now you learn how to bold your text.

  44. stanley perera Says:

    What I noticed in Colombo now is MR is going to have a very tough battle with my3 becoming popular by the minute. The opposition parties are united to fight the nepotism. you never know it will become a fight against the corruption by MR family. A colossal amount of public money spent by one man. The trend is also favourable to my3.

  45. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    Your position is reasonable, but you should explain how Srisena implement his policies, whatever they are, in a government headed by UNP.

    If he abolishes the executive presidency in 100 days he will become just a rubber stamp.
    If he forms a Cabinet consisting of prominent UNPers with Prime Ministers post handed over to Ranil, can you explain how he ever be able to implement his policies after becoming a ceremonial president with no executive power.

    I think this is the UNP’s trick.

    The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) had been signed by Mr. Sirisena, Leader of Opposition and UNP National Leader Ranil Wickremisinghe, Democratic Party Leader Sarath Fonseka, MP Arjuna Ranatunga, former Ministers Rajitha Senaratne M. P. B. S. Gunawardene and convener of Movement for a Just Society Venerable Maduluwawe Sobith Thera while TNA and JHU sitting behind the screen

  46. aloy Says:

    I do not accept your above explanation. You allowed a certain dubious character by the name callistus in. He used to do mud slinging on others describing himself as a goviya Sinhalese which was an utter falsehood. But Lorenzo identified him as a certain Noor and suddenly he stopped. Probably you knew who he was. Since then you have disallowed direct access to me after I have been commenting for years and I believe I contributed in a positive way towards our national identity. Many of my comments somewhat critical to ruling clan have been suppressed on moderation. You have allowed the above mentioned character to denigrate another regular commentator Nanda and he stopped.
    I have a feeling you biased and favours MR. Please be fair to all.
    Moderator’s comment
    Take for example I deleted your comment ” himself got involved in deals worth billions of dollars putting the whole nation including the unborn children in massive debts”.
    You accuse MR for corruption but failed to show any evidence nor where it happened. To publish these comments Lankaweb is not the right place. There are lot of anti-government websites for you to post mud slinging.

  47. Vimutti Says:

    Stanley – you should get out of Colombo and spend more time in the the thousands of villages that are going to decide the election. This is actually a repeat of 2010 with a WEAKER and less known opposition candidate.

  48. Independent Says:

    Yes. There is no pint checking around Colombo. No shift of vote is necessary. UNP+Fonseka is > UPFA+JHU in 2010.

    In Monaragala district UPFA had a huge lead. Even if you take out JHU votes you need another 15% SLFP votes to shift. Not possible in my view.
    Problem is main districts have higher population than the rural.

  49. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    Please do not undermine the integrity of Lankaweb commentators. Unlike in most of the Sri Lanka websites and newspapers, Lankaweb maintains a unique position by allowing unhindered comments and genuinely representing the readers’ view.
    I am also a 70 year old retired engineer living in London, I am a dual citizen and therefore I have my every rights to express my opinion on Sri Lankan politics.

  50. Independent Says:

    Champika has said, for good governance of the National United Alliance it should include Mahinda, Ranil, Maithri and “we all should be included”. He is still loving the President ?

  51. Independent Says:

    Human nature is such that when one has no fear of bombs, reasonable salary to eat and live, one will get fed up when travelled in public busses crowded and smelly and taking forever to travel a small distance then to see luxury BMW’s going pass them with one man.
    I believe transport will be a major issue in cities, even though government spent so much money on roads, absolutely nothing has been done to improve private transport network run by gangsters owned by politicians.
    Now the BBS has abandoned the Buddhist sentiments and Muslim invasion, JHU voice will be heard too.

  52. Lorenzo Says:


    Lets not clash with moderators who are doing a great job without advertisements, malware, NGO/govt. funds.

    As with a friend’s house, you have to abide by the rules when you go there. These rules are needed to keep this place decent so that kids, ladies, etc. can visit here.

    Within those rules, there is plenty of freedom.

  53. Lorenzo Says:

    Stanley Perera,

    That contradicts our experts who said COLOMBO crowd doesn’t like the villager My3.

    For him the villages are a piece of cake.

    I saw Muslims have their own fan pages for My3 in facebook. Those who have fan pages should COMBINE them. Now there are about 15 with over 10,000 likes.

    Bayya > Toyya

    But Toyya + Goyya > Bayya

  54. Christie Says:

    Only time will tell whether Modi has changed India’s attitude to its neighbors. Most of us are aware CBK was popping up in India since she lost her Crown. India supported and gave the crown to Mahinda and he did not become Bandarnayakes or JRs of India, he stood up like Sir John Kotalawala.

  55. SA Kumar Says:

    Lets not clash with moderators who are doing a great job – Agreed even though all my comments not allowed ( I am buttering so he will allow my pro TE comments)

  56. douglas Says:

    To Moderator: One suggestion and a request. If you don’t allow the comments to be published, please, please tell that it is “Edited Out”. That explains the whole situation.

    Thank you.

  57. Independent Says:

    Mr. Kumar,

    Join the good Sinhalese crowd brother. What TE ? You will never have fun with TE.

  58. Ananda-USA Says:

    I agree with Lorenzo,

    Let us abide by the rules set by the Moderator of LankaWeb, just as guests have to abide by the rules of an owner of a house they visit.

    The LankaWeb moderator has been scrupulously FAIR; let us help him keep LankaWeb vibrant and alive!

  59. SA Kumar Says:

    Join the good Sinhalese crowd brother. What TE ? You will never have fun with TE- Agreed mate but
    We had 33 years TE day dream so Please allow some more years to settle with NP & EP (13A).

  60. SA Kumar Says:

    good Sinhalese crowd – almost all Sinhalese are good even who were in battle field save 297,000 people & cooked & gave 3 time meals for 3 years ( of cause vary sad raped & killed 100 of our bros& Sis that we expected if all out war supported by Indian)
    Sinhalese do not understand We are not asking TE now because We already have Saiva TE (NP) & Muslim TE (EP) like in Indian Kerala , Kanda, Andrha ….

    Now time to live & let live until Eelam war V !

  61. Ananda-USA Says:

    As I had PREDICTED, HERE COMES the TNA bearing aloft its SEPARATIST DEMAND FOR FEDERALISM to the Common Opposition!

    Thinking that the SINHALA Vote will be SPLIT 50-50 as in the BAD OLD DAYS, when the Federal Party was KINGMAKER deciding which major party will rule the Nation, the TNA is ALREADY exploiting its electoral leverage to BLACKMAIL the Common Opposition into granting its SEPARATIST demands!

    We OWN Colombo and the Northern Province, they say, GIVE US FEDERALISM and we will MAKE YOU KING!

    I FERVENTLY HOPE & PRAY that the Patriots of Sri Lanka RECOGNIZE these moves for what they really are, as DAGGERS POINTED at the heart of Sri Lanka’s Integrity & Unity.

    I hope they will DEMOLISH by Leaf, Branch, Trunk and Root the TREACHEROUS “Common Opposition” move for Regime Change, that will REVERSE the Victory of May 18, 2009, and HALT the TRANSFORMATION of our Motherland into the New Wonder of Asia!

    Sri Lankan opposition candidate rejects Tamil federalism plan

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Dec 02 (AP) In an agreement with a major Buddhist political party, an opposition presidential candidate in Sri Lanka said on Tuesday that he opposes a proposal from Tamil leaders for a federal model granting greater autonomy to Provinces to solve the country’s decades-long ethnic conflict.

    Maithripala Sirisena also agreed with the National Heritage Party, led by a Buddhist monk, to preserve the constitutional prominence given to Buddhism.

    The two parties made the pact as opposition parties try to unseat President Mahinda Rajapaksa in the January 8 elections. Mr. Rajapaksa has ruled for 10 years, and is going for his third term in office.

    Leaders from the ethnic Tamil minority have proposed making Sri Lanka into a federal state that would grant significant power to Provinces.

    Mr. Sirisena also promised to resist attempts to prosecute Mr. Rajapaksa for war crimes allegedly committed in the final months of the civil war.

    The United Nations Human Rights Council is investigating the Sri Lankan government and the defeated Tamil Tiger rebels for possible war crimes but Mr. Rajapaksa’s government has refused to cooperate.


    In a simple sentence, honorable MR must hand over the baton to the next president (this is not the right time) as a very stable country that cannot be denied of standing on her own and fighting if attacked internally , (example; Prabhkeran and the old JVP during JRJ time) or externally (example; Indian occupation during JRJ time). My challenge to author Charles Perera is: has the MR election campaign educated the low income and middle income Sri Lankans to go back 10 years and see how it was then and how it is now? My answer is NO. Charles might disagree with me, I do not know.

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