Trump campaign manager does not rule out special prosecutor for Hillary Clinton – MSNBC
Posted on November 9th, 2016
Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence are looking to unify the country, but we haven’t discussed that in recent days, and I think that it’s all in due time,” campaign manager Kellyanne Conway told MSNBC in an interview, as quoted by Reuters.
Trump did not bring up the issue when speaking on the phone with Clinton overnight, the campaign manager added in a separate interview for ABC.
During his campaign, Trump said that if he wins, Clinton might end up with a special prosecutor looking into her situation.”
If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation. Because there have never been so many lies, so much deception,” he said at the October 10 debate.
Trump then also added that Clinton owed an apology for the 33,000 emails you deleted” and that she would be in jail” if he becomes president.
‘You’d be in jail’ Trump says to Clinton & other debate zingers — RT America
Trump says Hillary Clinton would be in jail if he were in charge of the justice system, promising to hire a special prosecutor to look into her situation” if he’s elected president.
The FBI has been looking into Clinton’s emails for a few months now, but their response has been no charges.”
In late October, the agency said that they would take new, appropriate investigative steps” into Clinton’s use of a private server during her time as US Secretary of State.
They received a search warrant to look through some 650,000 emails on ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner’s laptop, which was apparently also used by his wife, Clinton’s closest aide, Huma Abedin.
In July, the probe ended with no charges being made, as with the latest search: in the Sunday letter, FBI director James Comey wrote that the agency has not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton.”
November 9th, 2016 at 7:02 pm
Race is over and Trump triumphed. No point digging dirt out other tan course of justice if there has been any unlawful activity and it is not the job of politicians.