දෙමළ යනු ඉංග්‍රීසින් විසින් මෙරටේ පදිංචි කරවන ලද වහලුන්ය, ඔවුන්ට මෙරටේ නිජ භුමි අයිතියක් තබා මෙහි රැදිමටවත් අයිතියක් නැත.
Posted on April 10th, 2017

සුරිය වංශය යලි ගොඩ නැගීමේ සංවිධානය

උතුරු පළාත් සභා ප්‍රධාන අමාත්‍ය සි විග්නේශ්වාරන් මහතා විසින් 19.02. 2017 දින දැඩි මත ධාරි සිංහල ජාතිවදියකු හා  තමා වාදයකට සුදානම් බව පවසමින් Ceylon Today පුවත් පතට සම්මුක සාකච්චාවක් ලබා දෙමින් පවසා ඇත . එම සාකච්චාවේ පුවත් පත් දිඟුව ceylontoday.lk/print20170101CT20170331.php?id=15580. එයට පිළිතුරු වශයෙන් ආචාරය සුරිය ගුණසේකර මහතා විසින් ඔහු වෙත ප්‍රශ්න 6 යොමු කරන ලද අතර, 23.03.2017 සහ 24.03.2017 දින ඔහු පිළිතුරු ලබා ඩි ඇත.

දිගුව http://www.ceylontoday.lk/print20170101CT20170331.php?id=17714 සහ  http://www.ceylontoday.lk/print20170101CT20170331.php?id=17786. විග්නේශ්වරන් මහතා පවසා සිටින්නේ  සිංහලයන්ට පෙර මෙරටේ දෙමල ජනයා විසු බව සහ සිංහලයන් ඇති වුයේ දෙමළ  ජනයාගෙන් බවය.

විග්නේශ්වරන් මහතා පිළිතුරු සැපයීමේදී සුරිය ගුණසේකර මහතාගේ ප්‍රශ්න හා ප්‍රකාශ විග්නේශ්වරන් මහතා තමාගේ ඒවා  ලෙස විකෘති කොට දක්වා තිබිණ. එසේම වංචනික ලෙස සුරිය ගුණසේකර මහතාගේ නම භාවිතා කරමින් ඔහු විසින්ම ප්‍රශ්න නිර්මාණය කොට විගේනේශ්වරන් මහතා විසින් පිළිතුරු ලබා දි ඇත. එයට පිළිතුරු වශයෙන් සුරිය ගුණසේකර මහතා විසින්  Ceylon Today පුවත් පත වෙත යොමු කරන ලද කොටස කතෘගේ විශේෂ ඉල්ලීම පිට එම පුවත් පතේ පල නොකිරීමට ගුණසේකර මහතා විසින් එකග වී ඇත.

සුරිය ගුණසේකර මහතා විසින් මුලාශ්‍ර සහිතව ඔප්පු කොට පෙන්වා දී ඇත්තේ පෘතුගීසින් ලංකාවට පැමිණෙන විට මෙරටේ වාසය කර ඇත්තේ සිංහයන් හා වැදී යන ජන කොට්ටාශ දෙක පමණක් බවත්, විග්නේශ්වරන් මහතා විසින් එළුගු තමිල් රැස්වීම වලදී හා ඔහුගේ සම්මුක සාකච්චාවේ පවසා සිටිනා ආකාරයට මෙරටේ බුදු දහම පැමිණීමට පෙර දෙමළ ජනයා විසු බව කියනා ප්‍රකාශය සහ සම්බන්දන් මහතා විසින් 13 වන සියවසේ සිට 17 වන සියවස තෙක් යාපනයේ දෙමල රාජ්ජයක් පැවතී බව කියනා ප්‍රකාශ සියල්ල ඔවුන් විසින් මවන ලද බොරු බව මුලාශ්‍ර ශාක්ෂි සහිතව ඔප්පු කොට පෙන්වා දි ඇත. එසේම, වර්තමානයේ ලංකාවේ දෙමළ නිජබිම් යයි  පවසනා ප්‍රදේශ ඇතුළු මෙරටේ වෙසෙන සියලුම දෙමල ජනයා නීති විරෝධී බ්‍රිතන්‍ය පාලනය විසින් නීති විරෝධී  ලෙස මෙරටට ගෙන විත් පදිංචි කරවන ලද නීති විරෝධී සංක්‍රමණිකයන් පිරිසක් පමණක්  බව ඔප්පු කොට පෙන්වා දි ඇත.

Ceylon Today හි පලවූ ආචාර්ය  සුරිය ගුණසේකර මහතාගේ පිළිතුරු මෙම  දිගුවලට  http://www.ceylontoday.lk/print20170101CT20170331.php?id=18730 සහ http://www.ceylontoday.lk/print20170101CT20170331.php?id=18791 පිවිසීමෙන් ලබා ගත හැක.   පත්‍රයෙන් ඉවත් කරන ලද කොටස පහත දක්වා ඇත.

ආචර්ය සුරිය ගුණසේකර මහතාගේ පිළිතුරෙන්  Ceylon Today  පුවත් පතේ පල නොකරන ලද (සුරිය ගුණසේකර මහතාගේ එකගතාව මත) කොට මෙසේ වේ.

I find certain manipulation/ omissions/ deletions on my questions in CM’s reply. Since my original questions were not published prior to CM’s answers, the alterations done by CM on my questions misleads the readers. Therefore I request Ceylon Today to re publish my questions along with my reply to CM.

My Questions were as follows,

  1. In fact I would like initially to focus our conversation on certain statements he has made at the interview and elaborate the matter further more.  His Statement I find that there is a well-planned move by certain Sinhalese pseudo intellectuals to rewrite history to suit their whims and fancies”, Should further be explained, what necessities should be fulfilled to write a countries history.
  2. Occupation of North & East of Sri Lanka from pre Buddhist time by forefathers of Tamil people, was not taught either in school or in universities during our student days. There for we expect a briefing on that matter.
  3. There are two sets of boundaries to North & East provinces demarcated in 1833 and 1888. Which North and East boundary is claimed as the Tamil Home land?
  4. .Leader of TNA and the Opposition leader of Government Mr. R. Sambanadan states that Tamil people occupied Jaffna since 1215 AD and he claims for a Tamil Kingdom of Jaffna From 13th Century to 17 Century. But Mr. Vigneshwaran being a member of the same political party and Chief Minister of Northern Provincial Councils Claims that Tamil people occupied North and East before 3rd Century BC. Accordingly two different type of statements made by two main leaders of the same party reveals that there is a controversy about the Tamil history. We need a proper explanation on this with relevant facts.
  5. Concept of Federalism is to bring together two or more separate states. What are those separate states within Sri Lanka to amalgamate into Federal States? Declaration of a separate Federal State in North & East of Sri Lanka, will be against the definition of Federalism, and it will only be divided Sri Lanka into two. We expect his explanation on this matter.
  6. What does he means by Signalization? And Who is an Ilangaiyist ?  Prior to my reply on CM’s answer I would like to draw attention of Ceylon today, The Readers and CM on following issues pertaining to our debate,
  1. My Statement to CM – I would like to hold talks with you on a very professional manner in order to clear this conflict on mutual grounds theoretically, as the theory only leads into a physical devastation act. Therefore, I hope you pay your early attention to this matter and will come back to me with favorable early response”. This has been published as Chief Minister Vigneswaran’s note to Dr. Gunasekara: This should be corrected.
  2. CM Has totally omitted my first question what necessities should be fulfilled to write a countries history”, which is very important for a professional debate as I have mention in my letter.  By omitting this CM has always replied in a very nonprofessional and non-academic way with made up stories, traditional false tales instead of historical facts established with proven (Historical) literature and archeological sources.
  3. CM replying to my 3rd question, by ignoring my question on provincial boundaries of 1833 and 1888 demarcated by British.  CM has come out with an irrelevant answer. If fact my specific question was not answered.
  4. My fifth question to him about concept of federalism and how does it apply to north and east. By his answer it reveals, though he talks about federalism, he is not even aware of the definition and concept of Federalism or he deliberately avoided that question as he has no justifiable answer.
  5. And the biggest surprise comes next, CM answering to his own question in the name of Dr. Gunasekaras’ question on 24th Ceylon Today paper. In Fact I have not forward him any questions as such. I was surprised to see CM answering a question what I have not presented to him. I would like to know who submitted this question. If not, did CM himself generated it to talk about irrelevant present day politics? As this whole issue of Tamil Home land starts with bogus Tamil history, I urge,   in this debate, we should first focus on the root of the whole issue i.e. the history which led to develop the concept of North and East Tamil Home Land. Present day political activities emit as a result of the false Tamil home Land Concept. Once the historical matters are sorted out, you will not be left out with anything to talk about current day politics, since Tamils in Sri Lanka are non-other than Coolies (As introduced by British) brought down by British to this country, Therefore Tamils or any other ethnic cultural groups other than Sinhalese has no right to this land.
  6. It’s very obvious by his answers that CM does not want to touch historic era, he always tries to go to pre historic era with assumptions. And then he jumps into current day political activities leaving out a gap in-between. What is the secret behind it?

සුරිය ගුණසේකර මහතාගේ පිළිතුර මෙසේය,

My Reply to CM on his answers published on Ceylon Today 23rd and 24th   March 2017   

As I mentioned above, I found irrelevance In CM’ answers, jargons filled with assumptions, and also facts given are not supported with proper accepted sources, therefore, those two can be considered as made up stories by him. In Fact I expected much more professionalism from a person of his caliber. In order to continue with a very professional constructive debate, I propose to stick to follow order i.e. Pre historic era, Historic era and preset, as much as possible, without jumping into current politics.

  1. My 1st question – about the necessities to full fill when writing a history. CM omitted this question. I guess he is not aware of those requirements.

My answer – History cannot (has not been) be written on whims and fancies. Historical statements made should be supported with accepted, credible historical Literature and/or Archeological findings.

  1. My 2nd question – his statement in answering to my 2nd question, Occupation of North & East of Sri Lanka from pre Buddhist time by forefathers of Tamil people”

My Answer – In this context CM has come out with a lengthy answer without any historical proof. His answer is purely based on assumption saying population of Sri Lanka and India was same at 7000 years ago. It makes us to think, CM has a very poor knowledge regarding Indian History.  Tamil is only a language and neither a Nation (ජාතිය) nor a civilization. Tamil means only a language centered ethnic group. They do not have a unique culture as Tamil”. Their Culture is Hindu” . There is no Tamil Civilization found anywhere in the world. After exceeding the primary life only mankind becomes producers living at a permanent place. Along with the production (this doesn’t mean nowadays industrialized production) an economy starts, along with the economy civilization starts, civilization starts forming a nation. During the primary life mankind is known as humans. But there is nothing called Tamil civilization .Therefore Tamils are not considered as a nation. But only an ethnic group.

Right of Nations” the universally accepted concept and theory regarding an ownership of a country goes as,

  1. People who formed a civilization and affiliated cultures in a country identified as a Nation”(දේශයට අයත් ජාතිය)
  2. Owner of the country (the Entire land) is no body other than the said Nation”
  • Their Deed for that Land (country) is the history of the people who civilized that particular land and this is identified as Historic Deed”, even in European countries such as France.

This is the highly accepted traditional norm in all the countries which did not undergo colonialism. It is properly known as Right of Nation” in all over Europe. In order for Tamils to be identified as a Nation in Ceylon they should show Tamil Civilization” they have formed in this land.  Who Built the Civilization of this country? 

Accordingly it says Sangam literature Developed during 1-3rd century AD, There is no exact determination proving Sangam literature has been written during this period, as there is a missing gap in existence of Tamil language between 3-6 century AD. Also there is no evidence found to describe South Indian History for the period of 3-6 century AD. ( K.A.N Sasthri, A History of south India, Oxford University Press, second Edition, 1958 page 15)

According to Mr. Sasthri, in order to build up  Indian history the main sources are copper plates and stone inscriptions (K.A.N Sasthri, A History of South India, Oxford University Press, second Edition, 1958 page 1-34) Till about 4th  century AD language used in stone inscriptions were Prakrith” and those are barmy” letterings. From 4-7th century AD Sanskrit has been used on inscriptions. After 7 century AD, beginning and end of inscription had been written with Sanskrit and middle section of inscription in Tamil, Kennedi, and Theluga Languages. Inscription done with pure Tamil, Kennedi, and Thelugi found only after 10th century AD.

According to Dr. Senarath Paranavitharana, Sangama Literature has been written during 6th century AD. (නිකොලස් , සී ඩබ් පරණවිතාන අස්. , සංශිප්ත ලංකා ඉතිහාසය, ඇස්. බි. හෙට්ටිඅර්ච්චි පිට. 109.)

Iyengar, P T S History of Tamils States- Certain scholars try to say there had been a group of people called Tamils in south India before 4-5 century AD. For that there are few sources they try to use. Those are the inscriptions established by Emperor Asoka during 3rd century BC. In those Cholas and Cheras are mentioned. But there is no proof to say Cholas and Cheras are Dynasties with Tamil speaking. (Iyengar, P T S History of Tamils, Asian Education Services, New Print 1995)

All the above facts revels, even a language called Tamil has come into light after 6th century AD. Therefore, it proves language based Tamil community started after 6th Century. Then how could there be forefathers of Tamils existed in Ceylon in pre Buddhist era?

Certain Tamil Extremist scholars who present Tamil emigration theory accept the fact that Tamils emigrated from North Africa. But they try to say these Tamils migrated around 6000 BC and also make a claim for Mohendajaro Harappa Civilization Too. But to support these two claims they do not have any evidence to provide. Similarly CM’s statement of saying ‘population of south India and Sri Lanka were of same ethnic stock prior and after separation is an error or lie created by him. He has no facts to prove it other than his assumption. Talking to him in his own language, one question I need to ask. According to his assumed theory, Same stock of Sri Lankans and same stock of people of south India was same”, India being an undivided sub-continent, why were there so many kind of ethnic groups with different cultures in India? According to his theory, they all should be Tamils. But it wasn’t and isn’t the case. But Sinhala is a Civilization and not an ethnic group or race such as Tamil.

Stone Age and Iron Age are mere concepts of Europeans and not applicable to Sinhalese or Tamils. Humans and Nations are different Mankind before and after civilization. Living in a primary life they are identified as Humans”. As explained above, after civilization they become” Nation”. In primary age, life style of Humans have similar status everywhere in same climatic zone in the world.  Ex- Aborigines life style in Australia is similar to Vaddas in Sri Lanka. It does not mean Vaddas and Aborigines are same stock of people. Therefore, just because the so called stone tools looks similar, it is not a valid evidence to determine South India and Sri Lanka had a same set of people”. In order to support CM’s statement, he has not provided any valid evidences. So CM’s this statement is not true. Similarly, CM’s statements on Iron Age too cannot be accept as he has not provided with valid evidences. So those two statements are considered as merely made up stories by CM.

Reply to CM on his comments about archeological findings in Sri Lanka

Up to now no single archeological or Literature evidence found to prove Tamil settlements before Westerns arrived this country. There are no historical evidences in Eastern and Western countries, North or South Indian history to prove Tamil Settlement in Sri Lanka. Kandaradeyi has been Identified as Buddhist Aranayya (Temple) and not a Tamil Urn. Though it says urns in Pomporripu has similarities to some urns in south India doesn’t mean Tamils were living in this country. Imaginations would not become a history. Before even Tamil language was formed how could Tamils be there in existence before 2000 years ago?

Capturing Dr. Karthigesu Indrapala’s PhD thesis on Dravidian Settlements in Ceylon, University of London 1965. This is what he says,

No definite evidence regarding any significant Tamil settlement in the Batticaloa district of the Eastern Province, or in other parts of Southern Ceylon has so far come to light. (Page 233)”

The language of the gold plate inscription from Vallipuram, the earliest epigraphic record discovered in the Jaffna peninsula, is the early form of Sinhalese, in which inscriptions of the time in other parts of the island were written. This may suggest that the Sinhalese were settled in the Jaffna peninsula, or in some parts at least, in the second century. The gold plate from Vallipuram reveals that there were Buddhists in that part of the peninsula in the second century A.D. At the site of this inscription the foundations are in the premises of a modern Vishnu temple. There is little doubt that the Vishnu temple was the original Buddhist monument converted in to a Vaisnava establishment at a later date when Tamils settled in the area. Such conversion of Buddhist establishments into Siva and Vaisnava temples seems to have been a common phenomenon in the peninsula after it was settled by Dravidians”.

Although it may appear reasonable to presume that these Buddhists were Sinhalese like those in other parts of the island, some have tried to argue that they were Tamils. While it is true that there were Tamil Buddhists in South India and Ceylon before the twelfth century and possibly even later, there is evidence to show that the Buddhists who occupied the Jaffna peninsula in the Anuradhapura period were Sinhalese”.

 ‘It may be recollected that several writers on the history of Jaffna, basing their studies on the traditional legends found in the late Tamil chronicles, have put forward certain theories claiming the establishment of Tamil settlements in Jaffna in the period of the Anuradhapura rulers. These theories are not accepted by serious students of history as they are not based on trustworthy data. Many of these have been convincingly dismissed by scholars in recent years. It is therefore, not our intention to analyze these theories and take serious notice of writings which at best could be described as popular. (Page 266)’

Above are extractions from Dr. Indrpalans Thesis in his own words. So I guess noting to explain more, how CM tried to put Archeological evidences belong to Sinhalese into his pocket. Is this the professional and academic way of arguing? And CM’s assumption saying It is interesting to note that King Dutugemunu could not have been a Sinhalese since the Sinhala language had not been born at the time he lived” the answered can be found in Dr. K Indrapalan extracts given above. Further  King Dutugamunu ruled 161-137 century BC. During that period the Tamil Language has not even been formed and not even an ethnic group called Tamils existed, so how could it be King Dutuganunu is a Tamil Then? Even Elara was a Kalingan (North Indian) not a Tamil, and Magha” from Kalinga is also a North Indian.

In Replying to CM’s Statement The Mahawansa had been identified as a chronological legend for the glorification of Buddhism and not a historical treatise as some people try to make out”.

Answer – Not only historical matters such as Stupa, Daagab etc.,in Ceylon , but historical matters in India such as, identifying Emperor of Asoka also was made possible through Mahawansa only. Period of time regarding Seelappadikaram too identified according to Mahawansa.

My 3rd question to CM about North & East provinces demarcated in 1833 and 1888”

This question is very specific and but CM evaded answering the question. In replying to this again I will put in a form of question.

My question – In 1833 British Demarcated 5 provinces and then in 1888 British further demarcated into 9 provinces. Present North and East Tamil Home land map is similar to the map of demarcation done by British in 1888, did your so called Pre Buddhist Tamil homeland had the same demarcated areas? And if it is the pre historic Tamil Home Land, how come the same area of land strip was obtained by Dutch from Sinhala king by Hanguranketha treaty in 1766? Then, is it the British who are the forefathers of Tamil in so called Home Land? Need your explanation. A direct reply is needed to say Homeland boundaries are similar to either 1833 demarcation or of 1888.

Reply to CM’s Comments on My 4th Question 

For your information Mr. Sambanadan has made his statement on an Interview with Divaina newspaper on 14th March 2016 claiming for the existed Jaffna Tamil Kingdom from 13th to 17th Century. In the same he had mentioned Jaffna kingdom existed up to 1833 until British made the area demarcation. You can find my reply to same on Divaina Paper dated 24th March 2016.

CM has failed to support his statement with proper facts regarding Tamil Settlement in this country in pre Buddhist era, as there was no even trace of permanent Tamil Settlement in this country till 19th Century. The Shiva and Vishu Srines in Vanni Districts are constructed by Vannairs” who migrated to Vanni to protect themselves from Malik Kapoor” invasion in 14th Century. Since they were Hindus, those Shiva and Vishnu shrines were built by them. But gradually they absorbed into Sinhala Buddhist culture and have become Sinhalese by 19th century.

Guru Nayak the founder of Sikh religion in his travel report by his secretory says, the area around Batticaloe known as Madda Kalaapaya” ( මද්ද කලාපය ) i.e mid zone which means mid portion of Ruhunu” Desha.

There were no evidence found to prove any Tamil settlement until the time British started ruling this country. Also Mr. Sambandan’s claim too is not justified with any reliable accepted source of information. He makes his claims based on Dr. K. M. De Silva’s book which has been composed sourcing Yalpanam Vipawamalayi” , said to be written in 1736 by Mailwakanam Pulawar on an invitation from Dutch Governor Jaan Makkan”. But this book  is  in a controversy,  as  John Martiyns argues, Yalpanam Vaipamale was originally written by C. Brito in 1879    (Notes on Jaffna, Chronological, Historical, Biographical etc. With an Appendix, By Jhon H. Martyn, Published by American Ceylon Mission Press, Tellippalai Ceylon, 1923). Further Yalpaanam Vipawamale does not provide any proper sources of information to support its continent. And no original Tamil copy of Vipawamale found so far other than the English translation of C. Brito.

CM in his first interview with Ceylon today has stated – Already Sinhalese names are given to traditional Tamil villages in the North and East quoting fantasy histories about the North and East as having been the abode of the Sinhalese resident earlier and the Tamils during the time of the Cholas in the 10th century AD had captured those areas and chased the Sinhalese away”. This is again a false statement by CM.

Reply to CM’s this statement can be found in above ” Reply to CM on his comments about archeological findings in Sri Lanka” Dr. Indrapalas  quotations given there proves existence of Sinhalese in said areas and nonexistence of Tamils. Adding further from Dr. Indrapalans Thesis, this is what he says,

In an area of only about nine hundred square miles covered by this peninsula, there occur over a thousand Sinhalese place names which have survived in a Tamil garb.

The large percentage of Sinhalese element and the occurrence of Sinhala and Tamil compounds in the place names of Jaffna point to a long survival of the Sinhala population and an intimate intercourse between them and the Tamils”. (Page 270-273)

Further, CM has stated that, Sinhalese were originated from Tamils. The truth is, there were no Tamils in Ceylon until arrival of Westerners and heavy influx of Tamils in British era, resulted in forcible Tamilization of Sinhalese, accordingly converted the names of the villages also into Tamil. This is an example which proves as to how these changes took place,

Assistant Govt. Agent Trincomalee in his official report in 1898 states this, – This part of the District (Kaddukulam West) is inhabited by Sinhalese villagers of Kandyan descent forming an outlying community which is, and I fear rapidly dying out or becoming effaced. This District is most interesting, being dotted over by numerous village tanks, some of which are restored and others abandoned„ The villagers retain many of the primitive customs of the Kandyans, but they are rapidly becoming ‘Tamilized’, which is a great pity. They inter- marry with Tamils and many of them speak Tamil as well as they speak Sinhalese. Even the Government School Master is Tamil and only that language is taught in the only school and unfortunately in some cases lands in Sinhalese villages have been bought out by the Tamils, who now own all the paddy lands of some villages. The Sinhalese have given up their patronymics and adopted the Tamil custom of prefixing father’s name instead of the usual patronymic and even the names of the villages are assuming a Tamil dress. This perhaps not to be wondered at when the interpreters of the court and the Kachcheri, the petition drawers and all through whom the villagers have access to Government officers, can speak nothing but Tamil. I must say I regard this as a great misfortune. I should like to see a strong Sinhalese headman acquainted with English appointed as chief headman of the district and I should like to see the Tamil school abolished. However, the most important assistance which can and ought to be rendered to these villagers would be the restoration of their village tanks. This would render them Independent of the Tamils and make them less likely to abandon their villages”. (Ceylon Administrative Reports Trincomalee District 1898, Public Records Office Kew London).

The Treaty between King Dharmaparakramabahu and Lorezo De Almeda in the year 1517 says this “Rightful Lord of the Empire of Cota and of the Realms of Jafanapatao and Candea” According to this treaty Jaffnapatao belonged to Kotte Kingdom in 1517. (A true and exact description of the great island of Ceylon by Philp Baladeus, published by Thisara prakashakayo, first publication 1672

This is how King Rajasinhas Title is described in Philp Baladeus, book page 396, – “Rajasinghe  Emperor of Ceylon, King of Candea, Cota, Ceytavaka, Dambadan, Amaray aport, Jaffna Patanam, Prince of ouva, Matare, Dinavaca, and the four corles. Great Duke of seven Corels Mathale, Earals of Cotiar, trikunamale, Batecalo, velase, Vintana, Drembra, Panciapato, Veta, Puttalum, Vallar, Galle” Etc……

According to Malwana  Treaty  dated 29th  May 1597,   signed between King Don Juan Dhramapala of Kotte and Portuguese Capt. Aswedu , The Treaty states the countries belong to Kotte Kingdom as  ” Jaffna Patanam, Sithawaka Rata, Gampola rata Uva rata ,  Mathale , Wellassa and panama rata etc..” This re confirms Jaffna peninsula was under the rule of Kotte Kingdom.

Stating the whole agreement signed between Portuguese and Sangili II, The Book, The Temporal and Spiritual Conquest of Ceylon by Fr. Quveros published in 1630 (composed by Fr. Francisco Nigaro who was the teacher of Dona Catharina and he had Kings permission to travel anywhere in the Island), Book 2, in page 371, says this- These terms (written) in the Portuguese and the Chingala languages”. If there was a Tamil Kingdom in Jaffna, why wasn’t the treaty drafted in Tamil & Portuguese? Further this book says all ten main officials of Sangili II are Sinhalese.

The Temporal and Spiritual Conquest of Ceylon Book 1, page 48 states this about Jaffna peninsula This land was for long years without cultivation and subject to Emperors of Ceylon and though it abounded it groves of trees, its inhabitants lived more on fish and game than on other fruits of their labour. Its government at the beginning was only that of Vidanas, or stewards (abegoes) afterwards industry increasing and with it profits, it came to govern by Araches and finally by Mudeliares. Under this (form of) government it remained for many long years until with the progress of the natives and commerce of the foreigners, when the court of Ceylon was already in the Metropolis of Cota”. 

Temporal and Spiritual Conquest of Ceylon , Book 1,page 49 further states In cause of time there came some Brahmanes, native of Guzarate, called Arus, who claimed Royal descent; and with the favor of the Nayque of Madure they erected the pagoda of Ramanacor, whence they began to have trade and friendship with Kings of Jafnapatao, and one of them married a daughter of that king; and finally his descendants became heirs to that Kingdom of these, the first that tried to free himself from subjection to the King of Cota, was  Ariaxaca Varti who being naturally proud and not brooking the haughtiness of the officers of that King, took the life of the one who governed there, and the King of Ceylon  prepared to punish him.   They say he went to meet him at Ceytavaca and took him some verses wherein he so flattered him with praises of him and his ancestors that he left him completely vainglorious and satisfied, and the verses being helped by a goodly present, he not only made him desist from war, but also obtain olas from him (What we should call provisions) and the title king of Jaffnapatao which his successor preserved paying in acknowledgement only some tribute; and because this was the beginning of their greatness, his descendence from the name Aria, were called Ariavance, which means the generation of Aria”(ආරිය වංශ පරපුර)

According to Quiroz Jaffna was a trading post by 1600 AD where Muslims were in trading activities. Jaffnapatao was a Jungle and there were 4 Arrachchi Divisions came under Muddier of Jaffna along four coasts namely Vediaarchchchi, Pashelapali, Thenarachchi  and Welihama (All Sinhala names now these are converted into Tamil names)

Temporal and Spiritual Conquest of Ceylon further says – In 1618 when Portuguese capturing Jaffna Peninsula they fought with Sinhalese army. No any clue about Tamils.   If there had been a Tamil Kingdom in Jaffna, why should Sinhalese fight with them?

The Book – A description of Ceylon containing an account of Country’s inhabitants and natural production had been composed by James Cordiner, The Chaplain to Colombo Garrison from 1801-1807. During the period of stay, he travelled in all the areas of Island which were under British Control, with the Governors Fredric North. His book is similar to a present day daily news reports (Diary Type) on newspapers. Reporting daily events during his stay in this country, he reports the fights between Sinhalese and British after defeating British Army in Kandy in the year 1803 by Sinhalese rebellions, also followed attacks on British fortresses thereafter. These are few extractions from his report,

Page 243- two months after Kandiyans and rebellion Inhibitors (Sinhalese) were driven to frontiers by Lieutenant Arthur Jhonson of the 19th regiment. He seized many of the rebels who were tried at Batticaloe, and one of them were executed”.

Page 244- On 25th of August, Candians in a great force attacked the Government House in Moletivoe which being unattainable, Capatain Driberg of the invalid Malayas, withdrew the few soldiers, who were station at the post. Page 244 – Two numerous parties of rebels and Candians Penetrated into province of Jaffna as far as Chandicolum, and the Elephant Pass” Page 245- The enemy was driven from Molethivoe and its neighborhood by the detachment sent from Trincomalee

James Cordiner Identifies  Sinhalaese  in two forms i.e Kandyans and Sinhalese.  All over his Book he mentions Sinhalese (rebellions) and Kandyans as Enemy, but nothing about Tamils fighting to protect there so called North & East Tamil Homeland or Kingdom.

Page No 92 says – The beddas appears to be the most ancient inhabitants. Next in order are Cingalese and Candians, who were originally one people, and now only distinguished by local circumstances. The Malabar’s must have obtained a footing in the country at a later period”.

Page no. 137 states,

It is mentioned that, on arrival of the Portuguese in Ceylon they only found it peopled by only two classes of inhabitant, The Beddas occupying the Northern , the Cingalese the southern part of Island.”

James Cordiners above statement further confirms that, there were no Tamil Settlements in this country even at 1505 AD.

According Page no 92 & 93 of James Cordiner’s book, British’s tried to form a native infantry using Sinhalese, but their attempt failed, and he says At length a sufficient number of recruits was obtained from coast of Coromandel”. In those regiments which are now called Ceylon native infantry, there is scarely to be found one native of Island” This confirmers there were no permanent Tamil settlement at early stage of British arrival to this country. Then the question is, if there were Tamils in this country since pre Buddhist era and if there was a Jaffna Tamil Kingdom , why did they get down Malabar’s (As Westerns Identified Tamil Speaking people)  from India to form Native infantry” (As they say). Where were the so called Tamils forefathers / decendance in this country during the said period? Doesn’t it mean, the Indian Malabar’s who fought against Sinhalese along with British forces at early stage of British arrival?

A true and exact description of the great island of Ceylon by Philp baladeus, page no.316 states – The kingdom of Jaffnapatan is a squire surrounded with strong high walls as the, it is larger than the fort of Batavia and is the capital of the entire Kingdom. It remained under the Portuguese away for upward 40 years , wrested from the Emperor by Philippo d’ Olivero when he defected the Cingalezen forces near Achiavelli by the great pagoda”

Question to CM – All above extracts proves that before arrival of Portuguese Only Sinhalese and waddas were in this country. Only Sinhalese fought with the Western Europe invaders. There is no even a trace of Tamils or other so called minorities during that era. Where were the fore fathers of Tamils and the so called people in Jaffna Tamil Kingdom during that period?

It is a proven fact by now there wasn’t even Malabar’s until arrival of Portuguese to Ceylon, and I will prove in my next time argument, Tamil Settlements took place in this country in late 19th Century. And Tamil colonization was done by British after 1834 in Jaffna and 1865 in East.

Summarizing and adding few more evidences in short form,

  1. Sinhala Kings were always the rulers of Jaffna and they always mentioned in explanation of their Authority. And there was no trace of Tamils until Westerns arrival.
  2. Portuguese fought with Sinhalese soldiers to capture Jaffna in 1619 AD
  3. Dutch Military map 1751 says that Jaffna Commandment ended up at Elephant pass and large fortress was there. Treaty in 1619 was drafted in Sinhala & Portuguese only
  4. A strap of land along cost of North and East including Jaffna Peninsula obtained by Dutch from Kirthi Sri Rajasinha, King of Kandy. So there was no room for Jaffna Tamil Home Land or Kingdom
  5. On 29.1.1830 Jaffna Collector (G.A) stated before Colebrook Commission that there are no Crown Lands, Private Properties, No agriculture and no permanent population in Jaffna.

Therefore, Jaffna Tamil Kingdom from pre- Buddhist era and from 13 -17th century, both versions are historically wrong.

All the facts quoted above are unbiased notes made by people who were the enemy to Sinhalese. And those are true and exact events took place during stipulated era. The credibility and validity of these information’s are much greater than CM quoting bias recent research paper submitted by a Tamil elites. All the true evidences provided above proves that, it’s not Signalization took place about 100 years ago as CM says, it’s Tamilaization Took place during British regime about 100-150 years ago.

Therefore, I request you to prove, permanent Tamil settlement in this country before British arrival, and also the way Signalization took place as per your statement. But your statements should be supported with valid acceptable source of facts not with the fabricated jargons.  In return will prove you, Tamils were brought down to this country by British as Coolies and made them to settle in this country approx… 150 -175 years ago, further Tamils are merely a set of Illegal Emigrants and do not belong to this Country, also Tamils do not have any right in this land.

Reply to CM’s Comments on My 5th Question 

CM has deliberately omitted the most important part (Federal Concept) of my question. As he says The request for Federalism is based on the existing ground situation”. Another unprofessional answer from him. If so why don’t Tamils request for Federalism in UK, Canada, Malaysia Etc. where the Tamil population density is high in some areas.  Just because density of certain population is high, is it the definition for federalism according to your view?

In order to bring in Federal or Con federal status, there should be two or more independent States or Kingdoms. In Federalism two or more states to join together and form large and strong state with a powerful Central Government. The central government holds more and important powers and rest is divided among the federal states. Examples are India, USA.  Con federalism is Individual powerful States get together and form a Central Governing body which is weak and more powers are held with individual states and Central Government hold very low powers, examples Europe Union.    But in this country there are/were no any independent states or Kingdoms with different Nations. Replying to answers on the 4th question I proved with facts there wasn’t a Jaffna Tamil Kingdom. Henceforth, establishing an Illegal Federal state for Illegal immigrants means dividing this country into pieces.  Therefore, Tamils who were brought down  as coolies of British have no right to fight or request for Federal state, devolution of power or for any other right in this country.

In fact if there were any migrants from India before arrival of Westerners to Ceylon, all of them had absorbed into Sinhala civilization before Portuguese arrival, and they became Sinhalese. Mankind differentiation among communities are done according to civilization culture. Once a person leaves a civilization or cultural group and accepts the same of another country or ethnic group is considered as a member of the new one. The 12,000 Cholas brought by King Gajaba became Sinhalese according to the way of production in Ceylon between its earth and sky (Investing Sun, Moon, Sky and Earth) which made a self-sufficient civilization and this disappeared with introduction of commercial economy by British. This is the reason Malabar’s brought by British are still remains in their foreign cultural identity  as a different ethnic group.

Reply to CM’s Comments on My 6th Question 

About Signalization and Tamilization I have discussed in details under question numbers 4 & 5. But mistakenly CM has used Signalization word to describe Sinhala Colonization. As proved above with unbiased factual evidences, it is illegal Malabar emigrants who colonized Lands belong to Sinhala Nation by force with the blessing of illegal British regime.

Sinhalese is a Civilization unique to this Island (Ceylon). Civilization is formed with correct utilization earth and sun in a country. If getting adjusted to Ceylon’s earth and sky is meant by illangaiyist. It means becoming a Sinhalese or getting absorbed into Sinhalese Nationality, if Tamil Illankai is nothing other than Ceylon.

I think no need to explain more on Ilangaiyist, as proved, Tamils don’t belong into this soil. So must understand weather u are an Ilangaiyist or not.

Reply to CM’s Comments on his own Question 

I need not to give my comments on his answer as I have not asked any question as such. After discussing pre historical and historical facts, if a necessity arrives will discuss about current political issues. But when it became a proven fact Tamils do not belong to this soil, current political issues will have no value.

Replying to CM’s statement -This is typical of conditions in Sri Lanka. There are certain pseudo intellectuals among us in Sri Lanka who would like to barter truth and cogent evidence for their fanciful ideas to distort history”. Northern Provincial Council passed a resolution recently with 15 points including a proposal of re write the history of Sri Lanka and submitted it to the government.  It is done by CMs answers, Tamils are with lack of proper justified historical evidences other than assumptions.  And it is quite obvious that re writing of new Tamil history would be on” whims and fancies” as CM mentioned in his own words. So isn’t it the CM led Tamil Intellectuals who are considered to be pseudo intellectuals” among us trying to barter truth and cogent evidence for their fanciful ideas to distort history?  And trying to re writing a history on their whims and fancies. Any new historical arguments bring in should be supported with very strong evidence and those should have the ability of making the previous evidences null & void. Do you have such evidences and if so what are those?

I sugges,t Tamil Home land concept is not for the betterment of Tamil people but it’s the hunger for power by Velar and Velar Politicians, what’s your comment?

After breaching the Kandyan convention of 1815, the British rule in this country became Illegal. Malabarians who spoke Tamil language were brought to Ceylon and settled them here formally in Jaffna and afterwards in East and Central Hills of the country by this illegal rule of British. As such Tamils (in common identification – Malabar’s) in this country today no body other than illegal immigrants brought by illegal British rulers.

Finally, CM’s statement ground situation” is only an opinion of him. Party politics could not be mixed with history of a country. After 1976 (Waddukodayi) conference Tamil people have been made to refrain from talking real history by conduct but only to talk about bogus Elam History, by racial politics. At least now CM Vigneshwaran should understand what a big damage it can cause to an image of an outstanding personality.

සුරිය වංශය යලි ගොඩ නැගීමේ සංවිධානය

සටහන :- සිලෝන් ටුඩේ පුවත්පත මෙම සංවාදය ඉදිරියට ගෙනයාමට  අදීමදී  කරන බවක් පෙන්වන බව සලකන්න .

5 Responses to “දෙමළ යනු ඉංග්‍රීසින් විසින් මෙරටේ පදිංචි කරවන ලද වහලුන්ය, ඔවුන්ට මෙරටේ නිජ භුමි අයිතියක් තබා මෙහි රැදිමටවත් අයිතියක් නැත.”

  1. Christie Says:

    Indian Colonial Parasites first came to Ceylon in large numbers under the British (East Indian Company) in 1792. They came from the Malabar Coast as Sepoys, Peons. Then they came as Coolies to build roads. Later as Coolies in plantations.

  2. Christie Says:

    ඉන්දියාන්ය් පරපෝසිත පැනය අපිට පමනක් සීමාවී නැත. ෆීජී සිට ග්යානාව දක්වා ඉන්දියානු අදිරදයේ ඉන්දියානු පරපෝසිතයන් ඒවායේ මුල් මිනිසුන්ට කරදරයකි. ඉන්දියානු පරපෝසිතයෝ බිරිතානින් සමග එක්ව බිරිතානි ඉන්දියානු අදිරදය හැදුවේය. අද එය ඉන්දියානු අදිරදයයි.

  3. Kumari Says:

    I confess that I haven’t read the full article yet.

    I have also heard that The Aluth Avurudda we celebrate in April was made Sinhala and Tamil Avurudda by the British. Tamils have their Thaipongal. British were so against us as a unique nation they did their best to destroy it.

  4. RohanJay Says:

    @Kumari very true, The British are a very arrogant people, who destroyed cultures and societies wherever they went. Britain is a very arrogant and evil nation. Probably the most arrogant and evil nation on earth. Sri lanka’s bad fortune that it came under the sphere of Britain. Sri Lanka would have been better off under France than Britain. The lesser of two evils.
    I would place Britain a far more evil and damaging nation and disaster for the world than the United States. Which just adopts all the follies and evils that Britain does. I sometimes think the world would have been a far better place if a country such as Britain didn’t exist. They have left a trail of destruction and mess where ever they went and they have the cheek to accuse other nations. Real lousy hypocrits!

  5. Senevirath Says:

    kumari ,British named our ”avurudda ” as sinhala and hindu ” then our ”gon harak ”’pseudo intelectuals ”’ named it sinhala and tamil .British named it- — S& Hindu because there were no Tamils at that time .there were only malabar hindus

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