Posted on May 25th, 2017

ධර්මසිරි සෙනෙවිරත්න 

සංහිඳියාව සඳහා ප්රගුණ කරන්න ඕනේ ඉවසීමලු . හැබය් ඉවසන්න ඕනේ බෞද්ධයෝ විතරලු.මයිත්ත්රී භාවනාව කරන බෞද්ධයන්ට මිස .මරපියවූ කොටපියව් කියනඉස්ලාම් කාරයන්ට ඉවසන්න කියන එක සාධාරණ නැතිලු ධම්ම පදයය් කොරානයය් අතර සටනක් නිසා .බෞද්ධයෝසටන්නොකොරාන් ”. ශාන්තිවාදී තාපසයෝ තමන්ගේ ත් පාකපා දමන තුරු හිටියා මෙන් හිටපුහාම ඉන්දුනීසියාව ඇෆ්ගනිස්තානයට වුනා මෙන් සිද්ධවෙන දෙයක් සිධ්ධවෙයනේ . ධර්මය නොඇසෙන රටක නිවන් යාමට පහසුය් ලු .
තව කියනවා විසදුම නම් හොන්ද රජයක් පත් කර ගැනීම කියලමහින්ද ත් එක්ක ඉන්න අය එදා කොලාද .ඉද්රියේදී කොරය් මහින්දට ඉඩ දෙයද .රටට අවශ් වම හොයනවම්මුසිංහල බෞධ්ධය බෙර ගනියද..
මේ කියන්නේ මේ දැන් මරාගෙන මැරෙමු කියන එක නොවෙය .රනිල් එලවල ඉස්සරවෙලා කටුකොහොල් ඇරලා ඕනෙම වෙලාවක ඕනෙම දෙකට ඉදිරියට යන්න සුදානම් වෙමු කියන එකය් 
හොඳ නායකයෙක් අවශ්යනම් සටන්කාමිත්වයෙන් දැනුමෙන් අවංක කමින් සින්හලකමෙන් බෞද්ධ කමෙන් සන්නධ්ධවූ සරත් වීරසේකරට රටේ බලය ලබාදෙන්න ඔය වම්මු කැමතිද

7 Responses to “ඉවසීම”

  1. ranjit Says:

    I too like Sàrath Weerasekera very much. He is a true patriot to Motherland but he doesn’t have charisma to lead our country like Mahinda Rajapaksa our president. He is a person who should be in any future government with Mahinda Rajapaksa. He is strong and fearless fighter and trustworthy person whom we can rely on in any issue concerning our homeland. Nowadays many new faces coming out to the stage to fight on behalf of our sinhala buddhists rights recently. It’s a good sign for the future but with this western and Indian backed government no one knows what will happen next or in the future. “Sanhindiyawa” most poisonous and hateful word to me and many others like me is like a mantaram to this evil Yamapalanaya government. They cunningly and shrewdly using this word to get monetary assistance and other things from the world community including western hypocrites and the Indian parasites specially. They can use any word to fool their friends but they must keep in mind that they cannot do any harm to the SINHALA race or Buddhism period. Patriots must stand together forgetting party politics and be ready to fight local and foreign traitors to our Motherland to the end and free our nation of tolerance and peace from this evil bunch of deaf and Dumb yamapalakayo.

  2. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Mussies multiplied multiplied and multiplied in old Buddhist iran, afganisthan, pakesthan, bangladesh, maldives,
    malaysia and indonesia within a few hundred of years their arrival in those countries. All those countries are mussies now. (Google Buddhist heritage in those countries, don’t take my word for it).

    They all have Baby Machine
    Wives. Most of them have multiple Baby Machine Wives. Most of these Baby Machine Wives parked at home since
    the mussie in most cases runing a business. Not short of Sinhala modayas customers of course. Some of them
    even get steriled (we all know some Sinhala modayas don’t have brains at all). So they keep churning out babies, babies and babies. Surprise,
    surprise so many mussies in no time. So many votes in no time. Then mussie mps, ministers, mayors, deputy ministers etc. etc galore. First mussies vote for Sinhalese candidate. Once the numbers are high enough, they
    have their own mussie contesting. 100% mussies support. Hey bingo! From then on mussie mp for ever.
    The reason for multiplying like this is, nobody else going believe this load of bs. How can it be a religion if it
    preach to kill non believers. All life has a right to live. Only nature (Charles Darwin’s natural selection theory)
    or death can take that right away. That’s Buddhism to you. But in this mad mad world unreligion is religion. Or
    clone and clone yourself you have a lot of believers. That’s the reason for this mad multiplying. They multiply
    multiply and multiply. Then they start killing each other since you have to fight for resources. (Charles Darwin natural selection again!).

    Now in Sri Lanka, mussie xxxx at it like rabbits thanks to anti Buddhist, anti Sri Lankan, anti Sinhalese catholic-
    run UNPatriotic party. Biggest traitor ever in the history of Sri Lanka traitor chief die hard catholic token Buddhist
    Bay Gal Karaya Batalande Wadakaya Mega Thief pol pot r@nil wickramaSinhalakiller is running the country. So
    the Sinhalese, Sri Lanka and Buddhism are the last things on Batalande Wadakaya’s mind. Traitor alugosuwa
    has gone to us (his master) for treatment. Sri Lankan health service obviously not good enough for the Wadakaya.
    Hope it’s a very serious condition and he will suffer immensely in this life for the crimes the xxx has done to the
    Sinhalese race, Sri Lanka and Buddhism.

    xxxxlam isn’t just the religion of utter peace! It is also the fastest breeding religion. One thing these brain-washed
    mussies don’t understand is human life started from 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
    meaning started from most primitive form and evolved and evolved over millions of years. So no messenger,
    no creator. If there was a creator, why not create 1 instead of 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001? If 1 was not created from scratch there are no
    messages to be sent meaning no messenger! Maybe message didn’t receive earlier because they didn’t have
    antennas. We all know
    scientific discoveries have made these beliefs questionable. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution destroyed the
    creator theory completely. But who is going to shout from rooftops. All humans who have studied Biology learn
    this theory and admit it’s 500% to be true. Need we say more?

    We also know if we go on the wrong road, we will never reach our desired destination. That’s also 500% true. Question is how any man or woman going to convince these simple truths to these mad, brain-washed mussies?
    In the meantime, mussies in the name of this religion of utter peace, commit murder and mayhem all over the
    world. Are there any other 2-legged creatures on this planet without any brain cells in their heads than these mussies?

  3. Ananda-USA Says:

    Mage EWASEEMA than sampuurnayenma athurudhanwela ewarai!

    Than, magey sitha thula bihivi thiyenney magey maubima ta wena vipaththiya gana mavunu KRODAYAYI!

    Bauddhayo wennata prathama, api satankami Sinhalayo!

    Nuduru anagathayey ekay prathipala hamadenatama aniwaryayen vataheyi!

  4. Ananda-USA Says:

    Another supplementary estimate to buy vehicles for ministers, officials

    May 25, 2017, 10:23 pm

    By Saman Indrajith

    MEP leader Parliamentarian Dinesh Gunawardena yesterday said that the government had submitted a huge supplementary estimate to purchase vehicles for the members and officers of the steering committee of the Constituent Assembly.

    Chief Opposition Whip Anura Kumara Dissanayake and joint Opposition MP Bandula Gunawardena, too, opposed the supplementary estimate.

    “How can the government do so when the Public Finance Committee has halted purchasing vehicles for ministers?” MP Bandula Gunawardena questioned.

    “What’s the rationale behind this government move to purchase vehicles for MPs and others from time to time in this manner?” JVP Leader Dissanayake asked.

    Leader of the House Lakshman Kiriella said there was a sinister move by the Opposition to have people believe that vehicles were purchased for the personal use of the ministers. He said vehicles were bought for the ministries. “The ministers return those vehicles to the ministries concerned when they are removed from their posts.”

    Dinesh Gunawardena: Minister Kiriella has not answered the question raised by MP Bandula Gunawardena. The Public Finance Committee has suspended purchasing of vehicles for ministers. But, there is another supplementary estimate for purchase vehicles for members of the Steering Committee and officials. The question was based on that. The Steering Committee member Jayampathi Wickremaratne is present here. He can explain how and why these vehicles are purchased.

    JVP Leader Dissanayake: People in this country have a problem with Ministers importing luxury vehicles for themselves. They will sort it out with those politicians at the coming elections. The Steering Committee has been set up to help formulate a new Constitution. How can you buy new vehicles for them? You make positions, designations and posts and then appoint your cronies and give them vehicles. What is the meaning of this? How can you justify wasting public funds in this manner?

    Deputy Speaker Thilanga Sumathipala instructed the Leader of the House to give a detailed response on a future date.

  5. Ananda-USA Says:

    When Gnanasara Thero and the BBS defends LEGITIMATE Sinhala Buddhis interests and National Archeological Treasures …. they are LABELLED as JAATHIWAADAYO and RACISTS!

    But when wahhabi Muslims and Eelamist Tamils seize Government Lands, desecrate Buddhist Monuments, THREATEN the government, BAN the President from visiting the North, and DENY Sinhala people EQUAL ACCESS to Land in the North and East, they are VICTIMS and FREEDOM FIGHTERS deserving PROTECTION!

    And our JAUNDICED National Government, the Yamapalanaya, HITS ONLY the Sinhala PATRIOTS!

    Is this a Muslim majority or a Tamil majority nation? Am I simply LABORING UNDER A FALSE ILLUSION that Sri Lanka is PRIMARILY a Sinhala Buddhist nation?

    It is HIGH TIME we OUSTED this PARA-GATHI DESHA-DROHI Yamapalanaya and RESTORED a PATRIOTIC government to OUR Motherland!

    Arrest Muslim racists before arresting Gnanasara Thero

    2017-05-25 23:10:50

    Sinhala Ravaya General Secretary Magalkande Sudaththa Thera said today stern action should be taken to arrest Muslim minsters who supported Muslim extremism before Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) General Secretary Gnanasara Thera was arrested.

    Sudaththa Thera told a news conference that Muslim political factions were trying to label Gnanasara Thera as another Prabhakaran who was igniting racism and causing harm to the Muslim community.

    “According to them Gnanasara Thera is the worst criminal in the country and the one who is destroying the archaeological sites in the country, the one who has destroyed forest reservations and the one who bring drugs into the country,” the Thera said.

    He said Gnanasara Thera raised his voice against the destruction of the Sinhala Buddhist archaeological sites and the clearing of forest reserves in the country.

    “He has done nothing bad to the country,” the Thera said.

    Sudaththa Thera said several attempts had been made by several extremists groups to assassinate Gnanasara Thera and contracts had been offered to these groups.

    “Today, a warrant had been issued to arrest Gnanasara Thera. However, there is no one in charge of issuing the warrant. No police department had been informed to arrest him, the minister who is in charge of the police department or the Justice and Buddha Sasana Minister does not know about the arrest. Therefore, it’s reasonable to believe that there is an attempt to abduct Gnanasara Thera and assassinate him,” Sudantta Thera said.

    He said the BBS was not responsible for the attacks on Muslim religious centers and that there should be credible inquiries regarding these attacks.

    “We also condemn these attacks. Investigations should be made to arrest Muslims who attacked their mosques,” he said.

    The Thera said, Northern Province Chief Minister C.V. Wigneswaran should be arrested first followed by Northern Provincial Councillor M.K. Sivajilingam.

    He said Mr. Sivajilingam has allegedly said that even President Maithripala Sirisena could be arrested if he comes to Jaffna and make statements which ignite racism.

    “Then State Minister of Child Affairs, Vijayakala Maheswaran should be arrested. Later, Trade and Investment Minister Rishard Bathiudeen, National Unity Front Leader Azath Sally should also be arrested for issuing statements igniting racism, Gnanasara Thera could be the last one to be arrested,” the Thera said. “Now the Muslim extremists claim that they are having a problem of having archaeological sites in their living areas such as in Eastern Province. However, the Archaeological Department Director had been removed to ease their work,” the Thera said. (Chaturanga Pradeep)

  6. Leela Says:

    ජාතිවාදය අවුස්සන සියල්ලන්ට එරෙහිව නීතිය සමානව ක්‍රයාත්මක විය යුතු යය් නිශාන්ත වර්ණසිංහ කීවා යය් lankacnews කියය්.

    නිශාන්ත මැතිතුමනි, ඔබ දන්නා පරිදි ‘ජාතිවාදය’, ‘අාගම්වාදය’ (මුස්ලිම් නොවන්නන්ට අපහාස සහ තර්ජන කිරීම) අල්ලාගෙ වචනය ලෙස කුරාණයේ පැහැදිලිව ලියා අැත. කුරාණයේ අැති එවැනි පද මද්රාසා නම් මුස්ලිම් පල්ලි/පාසල් වල රට රටවලින් පැමිනෙන මවුලවියන් සහ ලංකාවේ මවුලවියන් විසින්
    මුස්ලිම් තරැණයන්ට විග්‍රහ කර උගන්වය්. අල්ලාගේ කුරාණයේ පද විග්‍රහ කිරීම අල්ලාට අපහාස කිරීමක් (blasphemy) වෙය්. ජිහාඩියන් බෝ කරන්නේ මද්රාසා වල බව බොහෝ විද්වතුන්ගේ අදහසය්. අල්ලාගේ දේව නීතිය (ශරියා) අද ශ්‍රි ලංකාවේ සෑම නගරයකම පාහේ පිහිටා අැති “කුවාසි” අධිකරණ වල ප්‍රසිද්ධයේ ක්‍රියාත්මක කරය්. කතරගම දෙවියන්, ඝන දෙවියන්, ජීසස් සහ වෙනත් දෙවිවරැන් අදහන ශ්‍රි ලංකාවේ තිබෙන සෑම මුස්ලිම් පල්ලියකම දිනකට පස් සැරයක් සහ වරකට කිහිප විටක් “අල්ලා මිස වෙන දෙවියෙක් නැත” යය් යකඩ කට වලින් කෑ ගසා කියය්.

    Colombotelegraph ලිපි මගින් සහ ප්‍රසිද්ධ රැස්වීම් මගින් අල්ලාට අපහාස කල නිසා ඥාණසාර හිමි හිරබාරයට ගන්න යය් ජනාධිපති/අගමැති ගෙන් මුස්ලිම් මංත්‍රි වරැ ඉල්ලා සිටී. ශ්‍රිලංකා පොලීසිය මුස්ලිම් අාගම් වාදය කුමක්දැය් සිංහලයන්ට පහදා දෙන ඥාණසාර හිමිට අාගම්වාදියා යය් අැඟිලි දිගු කර හිරබාරයට ගන්න සොයය්.

    මේ මොන ‘යහපාලන’ විගඩමක්ද?

  7. Lorenzo Says:

    Did you miss the FACT that WHOEVER is in power, RISHARD, HACK-HIM, THONDA and TNA WIN????

    This is called DEMO-CRAZY SL style.

    Rishard was TRADE minister under MR and UNP.
    Hack-him was JUSTICE minister under MR and SEWAGE minister under UNP.
    THONDA was COW AFFAIRS minister under MR and UNP.
    TNA Viggie CM under MR and UNP.

    Lets change the pillow and see if the NATIONAL HEADACHE will go away again. Shall we?

    Only the MILITARY-SANGHA can save SL.

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