SLPP destroyed SLFP the most – Dayasiri
Posted on March 22nd, 2019

Sudath Gunasekara

March 21, 2019   04:46 pm Ada Derana

Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) has caused the severest damage to Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP), says SLFP General Secretary MP Dayasiri Jayasekara.

He stated this addressing a public meeting held in Kegalle.

The SLPP has destroyed the SLFP while it has also helped the victory and the revival of the party, the parliamentarian stated”. (News Item)

A day dreaming politician for whom the hat is too bi?

Sudath Gunasekara 3.22.2019.

Having read the above news item I thought it pertinent to make few comments on what he has said so that this young man will at least exercise some restraint for his own safety and more so for the benefit of the country at large, without putting the country to another political mess by driving Sri Lankan voters in to another political Bermuda Triangle”.

My Comments

 I think the new General Secretary’s ‘Hat’ of a dead political party appears to be too big for him or he should be out of his normal senses to make such a sweeping public statement. The whole world knows who destroyed the SLFP. It is pity and a tragedy too the New G S doesn’t know that. For his information and record purposes, I should say it was Chandrika and Sirisena, the present President, who jointly did it in Nov 2014 when MS left the Party at the instigation of Chandrika to contest the presidential election as the UNP common candidate.  In order to consolidate his position then he took over the presidency of the SLFP more or less by force. Immediately after he sacked the two General Secretaries of the Joint opposition and SLFP and appointed his own men, Duminda Dissanayaka and Samaraweera to strengthen his hands. Then he refused nomination for MR from SLFP which made MR to contest on the SLPP ticket. MS then launched his vituperative and aggressive campaign against MR culminating his famous open declaration that MR will not be appointed as the PM even if he gets a majority. In addition to addressing the press he even wrote to the Press on his stand.  Don’t this clearly shows that Chandrika and Sirisena together had already murdered and buried the old SLFP for good. SLPP today is the People’s only living party. Thanks to RW UNP is also dead.

Although MR contested as the SLPP candidate under Pohottuwa in 2015, the whole country knew that he was the Leader representing the SLFP vote base all over the country. Therefore people were determined to vote for MR to mend the damages done in Dec 2014.. Then his prorogation of Parliament also stopped the Dew Gunasekara COOP Report being presented to Parliament. Sirisena’s verbal war against MR at the hike of elections dramatically changed the heart of marginal SLFPers at the last moment. With all that the result was a nominal majority of 9 seats in Parliament for UNP at the 2015 General elections. That is how the TNA was able to form a UNP+Sirisena Government in August 2015. Had MS acted wisely and democratically it is a foregone conclusion that MR’s Camp would have won at least 120 seats. That would have stopped the UNP+TNA+JVP forming a government and all the disasters like second Bank robbery in 2016 could have been definitely averted had MR been elected as MS could have still continued as the President? What is more is the country also could have avoided the second Bank robbery that brought more disaster to this country.

Feb 2016 Local Government results put MS’s SLFP Camp to the dustbin of history. Therefore one can easily conclude that today there is no SLFP as the MS camp has gone from bad to worse calling MS, NATO Sirisena instead of calling Maitripala Sirisena (NO Action Talks Only). I am pretty sure that Dayasiri too should be aware of this background unless he suffers from chronic oblivion.

Conversely who knows whether he is carrying out a dirty contact of his original Boss RW to prompt MS to contest the elections, hoping to split the SLFP vote base and defeat MR. It could be even an American CIA ploy or even a joint conspiracy by USA, India and the entire Western Block to kill two birds with one stone, both MR and MS. Why MS replaced a University Professor suddenly with a shaky character like Dayasiri as the Gen Sec of the SLFP is also a moot question. For people like Gammanpila and Wimal Weerawansa this is food for thought.

Also an original UNP man betraying UNP and joining MR first and MS thereafter, looking for short cuts to power may not be able to understand the truth or the reality when he runs power blind. The whole country knows that MS can’t win the next Presidential election even by default. I can assure none of his SLFP nominees will win a single seat at the next election. Because people are waiting to teach them a good lesson, first, for joining the UNP led government and betraying the voters who voted them in as SLFP candidates in August 2015 and also for betraying their party. Nevertheless definitely there will be a split in the SLFP block vote that will obviously favour the UNP.  That few, even if it happens to be one vote are going to be extremely critical.

This is what exactly MS being an old SLFP stalwart has to seriously think about immediately. I hope someone who loves this country will take this divine message to him. If he fails to realize this catastrophe he will go down in history as man who completely destroyed the Sri Lanka Freedom Party founded by that Great man S.W.R.D Bandaranaike in 195.

If MS get deceived by the dead ropes given by those around him at the moment for personal to camouflage and overestimate his chances and makes the wrong decision it will definitely lead to another UNP Government supported by the TNA and Muslim opportunist politicians that will ruin the country beyond all redemptions, although there is very little left for them to ruin. That will be the death knell of this country and also the end of Sri Lanka, the Sinhala nation and the Buddha SASANA in this country. Under that situation Dayasiri will have two options. That is either going back to UNP to join the old pack that he himself once called traitors, or commit political suicide as the name MS will be never heard thereafter.

If Dayasiri thinks he can be happy with that outcome he may go ahead with this clandestine anti-MR propaganda programme. If not he should persuade his poor boss  MS to drop his day dream ambition of becoming President for a second time and work to unify all SLFP forces against the UNP to save this country, the Sinhala Nation and the BUDDHA SASANA. Then only he can become a Minister in the next Government. Otherwise he will end up in eternal political wilderness as there want be a country left for him to do politics.

2 Responses to “SLPP destroyed SLFP the most – Dayasiri”

  1. Vaisrawana Says:

    Except for the two incorrect claims or assumptions (which are obviously unintended and are purely due to a momentary lapse of memory on the part of the writer) that MR contested the 2015 (August) general election on the Pohottuwa or SLPP ticket, and that the local government election in which both the UNP and the SLFP trailed far behind the newly formed SLPP (which swept the polls) was in February 2016, what Dr Gunasekera is saying in this article is mostly valid. On the two occasions mentioned, respectively, MR contested 2015 August parliamentary election on the SLFP ticket representing the UPFA, and the local government election meant was held in February 2018.

    I, for one, strongly suspect that this dimwit Dayasiri J is being used by the Ranil-Chandrika-MS gang to destroy not only the SLFP rump, the original SLFP’s new incarnation the SLPP, MR and GR, but also the unitary state as the main objective in pursuance of their original agenda sponsored by the US, India, and the separatist Tamil Diaspora.

  2. vyasan Says:

    I also agree with what the writer has said here. There is another conspiracy theory on the working to split the votes further by having MS contesting the presidential election again by creating false hope for MS. Or, maybe MS is also part of it (conspiracy) having known that he is not going to win the election anyway, but do not want anyone from SLPP win the election. It’s the mindset of some power hungry politicians around the world that it’s okay for the opposition to win, but not the one that is regarded as a rival party irrespective of the fact that the party share more or less the same political ideas!

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