Not sure if Rajitha would return if he leaves country – Gammanpila
Posted on December 31st, 2019

Courtesy Ada Derana

There will be an issue of repatriation if MP Rajitha Senaratne leaves the country, says Pivithuru Hela Urumaya (PHU) leader MP Udaya Gammanpila.

He expressed these views by joining the 360° political program on TV Derana last night (30).

Considering how MP Senaratne hid away after the arrest warrant was issued and how enthusiastic he was about the anticipatory bails, it is doubtful whether he would return back to the country if he leaves to Singapore”, said Gammanpila.

He further said: Six weeks ago, he was the Health Minister of the country. But if he himself prefers to stay at a private hospital instead of a government hospital and seeks to go to Singapore for treatment, how can anyone else trust in the local hospital system?”

If Senaratne leaves the country, this would be another case of Arjuna Mahendran, added Gammanpila.

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