Why 226 Politicians Don’t Condemn Hamas for Brutally and Needlessly Killing Sri Lankans?
Posted on November 5th, 2023
Dilrook Kannangara
Hamas has killed at least 2 Sri Lankans so far. These were not collateral damage of war. Both these incidents involved Hamas deliberately targeting civilians and civilians only. They were in no way connected to the war and were not connected to warring parties either. Hamas must be condemned for their terrorism of killing innocent Sri Lankans.
It is shameful that none of the MPs and the president has condemned Hamas for terrorism against Sri Lankans. It shows that no one cares for Sri Lankans killed by Hamas. However, some of them are shedding crocodile tears for dead Palestinians! That is the height of hypocrisy of Sri Lankan politicians and shows they are irresponsible.
Sri Lankan government must condemn Hamas terrorism against Sri Lankans, designate Hamas as a terrorist group for killing Sri Lankans (not for anything else) and demand they stopped this heinous practice.
Muslim parliamentarians also have a responsibility to ask Organization of Islamic Countries to force upon Hamas to stop killing Sri Lankans.
These lowly acts of Hamas justify Israeli efforts to save humanity from such violence. It is costly but letting them off the hook is worse; they will keep killing unrelated innocents if allowed to live another day.