Posted on March 13th, 2012

Janaki Chandraratna Perth, Australia

The United States backed UNHRC resolution against Sri Lanka was recently amended with the intention of appeasing the prevailing attitude of delegates to the original draft. In presenting the amended version, Donahue stressed the continued ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”solemn desireƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ to assist GoSL to achieve its own LLRC report recommendations and provided an option for non members to be co-sponsors so that US backers like Britain, Canada and Australia can be actively involved with the resolution. ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ 

The amendments were only cosmetic mainly to soften the earlier approach and did not alter the original content in any significant manner. The controversial stipulation, for the High Commissioner UNHRC to provide and GoSL to accept advice and technical assistance for the implementation of LLRC recommendations, is retained with rigour. In addition the amendments provide an opportunity for the High Commissioner to report to the Council on the assistance provided at the 22nd session. These stipulations are more akin to a Spanish inquisition rather than a 21st century democratic organisation such as the UN that values independence, sovereignty and cooperation as opposed to coercion to achieve mutual well being of all member States.

Whilst the world is aware that there is no requirement for a resolution against Sri Lanka as work on LLRC recommendations had already commenced, it is obvious that no sane country could agree with the above stipulation which tantamounts to an outright intervention in a democratically elected sovereign country, which has the backing of more than 70% of the population. The disastrous impact of this resolution, if adopted, on the political, social and judicial integrity of our country cannot be over estimated.

Sri Lanka however has hope and trust that common sense would prevail and the resolution is defeated, at least till the next UNHRC session. GoSL has done its part to inform the delegates of ground realities, albeit with a sluggish start, to expose the fallacy of unsubstantiated allegations and its dedication to investigate the so called war crimes, if evidence is provided, implement LLRC recommendations and report on outcomes to the next session. Our delegation to UNHRC has worked hard to expose the intentions of UNHRC to create a mini UN with intervention powers under the guise of Human Rights.

Sri Lankan representative to the UN in Geneva has pointed out the accountability, transparency and impartiality issues and obligations of UNHRC officers to the powerful States of the West that controls 80% of the funding. Our Minister for Foreign Affairs has also performed his role with alacrity in African countries that has 13 delegates to UNHRC.

These officers and supportive teams both in Sri Lanka and abroad are to be commended for their dedication to defend our independence and sovereignty. There were a few skirmishes highlighted in the media in recent times on the campaign and these are to be expected when dealing with such a mammoth task within a short period of time. The next few days leading up to the voting would not be easy for GoSL.

The imminent release of the second Channel 4 video, although based on unsubstantiated events is intended to shock the delegates and the world. I am certain GoSL is in control of its task and the resolution is defeated as per expectations as this is not a game where we one can leave in a hurry like Fiji did with the Commonwealth. ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ 

In hindsight however there are several areas the Govt. could look into for the prevention of similar fracas in the future. Prompt response to issues, that are of international and national significance, at least at a high level, is paramount and the current mechanism in place needs to be reviewed for efficiencies and effectiveness. We also need to establish processes that can demonstrate accountability and transparency in all government and non government activities. In this respect the role of the Auditor General and his office need to reviewed.

The world has progressed in leaps and bounds in this regard and good governance practices need to be adopted. ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ It is also worth while to be abreast of strategies undertaken by other States such as Singapore, Malaysia etc. to mange national interests. Although there are confronting issues in these countries they are not aired at international forums.

We also need to educate our younger generation on obligations to the country and matters that can affect the sovereignty of our nation as it is the younger generation that need to hoist the flag in the future. History is a valuable subject to be taught to all students so that mistakes made in the past such as the loss of our independence to colonial imperialists through disloyalty of our own people would not be repeated.


  1. Christie Says:

    Let us see what direction will India take.

    Indian Lok Sabah and Raja Sabah were in turmoil as Tamils. BJP, CP and other opposition members wanted India to vote for the US resolution.

    Indian government seems to be on the fence.

    Up to now India has always voted against similar resolutions.

    Like Fiji we should leave the Commonwealth which is in fact is Indian Empire except a few countries like UK, Canada, Australia and NZ.

    The writer says “It is also worth while to be abreast of strategies undertaken by other States such as Singapore, Malaysia etc. to mange national interests. Although there are confronting issues in these countries they are not aired at international forums”

    At the moment there are Tamils and other Indian delegates from Malaysia and Singapore attending a International “Socialist Forum’ in Australia.

    There focus is on the Internal Security Acts (ISA) of those countries beside the fact Malaysia has already repealed the ISA.

    What we have to do is to unite and stand up to Indian Imperialism and Indian colonial parasites.

  2. Fran Diaz Says:

    Sri Lankan delegates must present to the UNHRC even at this late stage at least some of the historical facts leading to the present day situation. They must also present video films of LTTE Atrocities. Leaflets on the LTTE Atrocities should be distributed to the public in Geneva, and tv used as much as possible all over the world, highlighting LTTE Atrocities.

    If Sri Lanka contained illegal migration into Lanka from Tamil Nadu, a lot of the present day problems would have been curtailed. As it is, hundreds of thousands of Tamil illegal migrants have poured into Lanka, particularly during LTTE rule of the North. We have over one and half Million Tamil people brought into Lanka by the Dutch & British as indentured labor who are Sri Lanka citizens now.

    Lanka is looked at (as a Tamil person said) “a geographical continuity of Tamil Nadu” ! With that kind of thinking, Lanka is a sitting duck for Separatists, or worse, a take over of the country culturally & economically, unless stringent measures are taken to protect the coast line, not just by the Coast Guard, but by every true born Lankan, including all true born Tamil people of Lanka.

    The people who flee from Tamil Nadu are fleeing the Caste based social inequities leading to poverty, more than for any other reason. They have done so for many centuries. The Commonwealth is used as a vehicle for movement.

    It is not too late to identify and deport illegal migrants from Tamil Nadu and wherever else they have come from. An Oath of Allegiance a must by every Lankan citizen.

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