හම්බන්තොට වරාය හා ජනතාවගේ ඉඩම් චීනයට පවරාදීමට එරෙහිව නැගුන ජනතා විරෝධයට එල්ල කළ ප‍්‍රහාරය ඉතා පිළිකුලෙන් හෙළා දකිනවා
Posted on January 7th, 2017

ප‍්‍රධාන ලේකම්, ජාතික භික්‍ෂු පෙරමුණ   

හම්බන්තොට වරාය හා ජනතාවගේ ජීවිත හා සමාන ඉඩම් අක්කර 15 දහසක් චීනයට වසර 198 ට පවරාදෙමින් කරන්නට යන ද්‍රෝහී බිලිදීමට විරෝධය පෑ මහා සංඝරත්නයට හා මහජනතාවට පොලීසිය යොදවා කළ පහරදීම ඉතා පිළිකුල් සහගතව හෙළා දකින්නෙමු.
    සටන්කාමී එම මහජනතාවට හා මහසඟරුවනට ජාතික භික්‍ෂු පෙරමුණ ආශිර්වාදාත්මක ශක්තිය එකතුකරන අතර ප‍්‍රහාරයෙන් පීඩාවටපත්ව රෝහල්ගතවූ සැමට ඉක්මන් සුවය ප‍්‍රාර්ථනා කරන්නෙමු.

    මෙවැනි ප‍්‍රහාර වික‍්‍රසිංහ මහතා ප‍්‍රමුඛ හවුල් ආණ්ඩුවේ නායකයින්ට නුහුරු ඒවා නොවේ. වික‍්‍රමසිංහලා, චන්ද්‍රිකාලා, මහින්දලා, සිරිසේනලා ආදී සියලූ පාලකයින් ජනතාවගේ කරපිටින් බලයට පැමිණ ජනතාවට පස්ස හරවා ජනයා මර්දනය කරන්නට කටයුතු කළ අතීතය හා වර්තමානය අමතක නැති ජනතාව වීදි බැස, මර්දන හමුවේ සටන් වදින්නේ තම අයිතිය උදෙසා මිස පාලන බලය ඉල්ලා නොවේ.

    මහානායක හිමිවරුන් ඇතුළු මේ රටේ ජනතාව නැවත වරක් රැවටීමට පත්කොට අද දින ඉහත බිලිදීම සඳහා වන ගිවිසුම අත්සන් කර ඇත. එහෙත් රටේ පාලකයින් පුද පූජා රැගෙන මහනාහිමිවරුන් වන්දනා කරමින්, මාධ්‍ය ඔස්සේ පෙනී සිටිමින් රටට කීවේ එබඳු ගිවිසුම් අත්සන් නොකරන බවයි.

    දෙබිඩි, දෙමුහුන් ආණ්ඩුව මෙවැනි ප‍්‍රහාර තව කොතෙක් එලල් කළද ජනතා ප‍්‍රශ්න හමුවේ ඉදිරියට එන ජනතා බලවේග නතර කිරීමට ආණ්ඩුවට නොහැකිවනු ඇත. කපටි හා නරුම පාලකයින්ගෙන් මීට වඩා යමක් අපේක්‍ෂා කළ නොහැකි හෙයින් මෙවැනි නරුම පාලකයින් හා නරුම පාලනයන් පෙරළා ජනතාවට වගකියන සබෑ ජනතා පාලනයක් ගොඩනගන තෙක් ජනතාවගේ මේ සටන්කාමී නැගිටීම් ඉදිරියට ගෙනයායුතු බව අපි තරයේ අවධාරණය කරන්නෙමු.

ප‍්‍රධාන ලේකම්,
ජාතික භික්‍ෂු පෙරමුණ       

One Response to “හම්බන්තොට වරාය හා ජනතාවගේ ඉඩම් චීනයට පවරාදීමට එරෙහිව නැගුන ජනතා විරෝධයට එල්ල කළ ප‍්‍රහාරය ඉතා පිළිකුලෙන් හෙළා දකිනවා”

  1. Cerberus Says:

    Ranil and the Yahapalana bandwagon after doing virtually nothing for two years has finally done something which was made to be a huge project. It turns out to be a smoke and mirrors type of sleight of hand operation. The BOI made it appear that they were doing a major Volkswagen factory and what they ended up doing was to get a local businessman some land from a prime coconut estate in the Kurunegala electorate, on which he is to set up a vehicle assembly plant. This is like the one done earlier by Fernandopulle to import used cars as parts and assemble and sell them locally to prevent taxes going to GoSL. The businessman supposedly benefited by getting prime land free or at little cost and then assembling cars and selling with no taxes to GoSL. The is probably worth more than what he invested.

    Everything this Yahapalanaya has done is a racket. Starting with the Ranil/Arjuna Bond Scam which is still not resolved, to this current fiasco. They seem unable to work straight. With people who seem to be hell-bent on filling their pockets only with no loyalty to either Buddhist teachings, the Sinhalese or Sri Lanka what can you expect?

    My3 is a puppet going round opening buildings started by former President Mahinda Rajapaksa and doing the bidding of the local puppet master RW. Can someone please tell me what RW achieved in a lifetime of politics in Sri Lanka? He and the then UNP only helped to kill innocent Sinhala youth during the 1988 riots when the JVP wanted the 13A removed. Instead of talking to them he set up the Batalanda torture chamber where he is supposed to have presided over torture and killing.

    RW has been a blot on the Sri Lanka political landscape for decades now. All the great UNPers such as Lalith, Gamini, Premadasa were killed by LTTE while this guy is still around. RW had made a statement that the Hambantota port was making a loss and only after the UNP came in that they will start making a profit. This is utter bull s..t since it was making a lot of money earlier by bunkering of Chinese and other ships going to Africa and the Middle East. After the UNP came they stopped everything associated with the Chinese and turned to the West licking their backsides in a pathetic display of abject desperation to get money and more political power. Nothing manifested other than platitudes and pats on the back and handshakes with ungloved hands and some small funds from the US.

    After wasting two years now they have turned back to the Chinese and are trying to restart the projects that President Mahinda Rajapaksa initiated. MR was doing it the correct way without selling the country to foreigners. As Wimal has said the “Wikunanasinghe” has started selling all the profit making GoSL institutions, prime tea estates, coconut estates, and even our people. He is is a man with no ideas or vision and can only act according to the script from his handlers. What a fiasco Sri Lanka is undergoing. We have the disloyal Tamils trying to create Dravidasthan for the Untouchable Tamils in Tamil Nadu to pour into Lanka, and we have the Western back licking Colombians who are more Westernized than the Westerners themselves. The West is corrupt and the societies are crashing. In the USA there is so much gun violence that the only advice the new President-Elect could give Americans to counter gun violence is for everyone to carry a gun like in the old wild west. Is this the model Sri Lanka is trying to emulate?​In the USA heroin addiction is now reaching epidemic proportions. ​

    After the unjust bombing of Iraq and Afghanistan by the Western countries​,​ in their frustration the Muslim radicals have formed and are hell-bent on revenge for all the millions killed in the Middle east. I think this is going to end in World War III which will kill everyone if global climate anomalies do not kill them first. As educated human beings do we have to live like this spouting only lies for short term benefits all the time. Personally, I would prefer to beg on the street instead of lying to the people and ones own self.

    We have to ask ourselves where we are headed if all these falsehoods are not going to end. Even Economics must be based on truth and reality, as people must too. The Buddha said that ‘Right Livelihood’ (the Noble Eightfold Path), brings happiness.

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