වාහන යන එන තැන දැනගන්න අලුත්ම ක්‍රමයක්‌ – මෙය මානව හිමිකම් උල්ලංඝනය කිරීමක්‌ – ආචාර්ය ප්‍රතිභා මහානාමහේවා Divaina  09 10 17
Posted on October 9th, 2017

Dr Sarath Obeysekera    

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You do not have to be a legal wizard to predict what I said in Lanka web.

I predicted last year about the possibility of becoming a police state under the pretext of Democracy .USA and Europe are purportedly democratic have various ways of detecting the movement of people and even vehicles in their own country and in countries infested with terrorism .USA finds the movement of terrorist leaders using satellite technology to detect them whereabout of the leaders before they annihilate them. Methods such as planting a chip in car plate numbers will increase theft of car-number plates before criminals resort to nefarious activities .When the system identifies the location of a particular vehicle in an area where criminal activity has taken place law enforcement will gun after the wrong owner and drags to fourth floor ?

Unless the person show some full proof alibi with a CCTV footage he/she  will have to sit in front of investigators who will torment you .

Government is surely going ahead to implement such system may not be to protect that people but to protect the system of governance ( good or bad ).

Whenever I drive my car which is sometimes stopped by ( not so educated ) soldiers and police the question they ask is Mister ,where are you coming from ? or where are you going >” If one gives the wrong answer * like in Slum Dog Millionaire Film you are in trouble .If you change your mind and change the destination you may be charged for misleading the law enforcement ?

One day ,state may make it compulsory to install a chip in newly born infant so that they can monitor the movement until he /she grows up and die at old age >

This may be the first step to have military state and violation of fundamental rights .

I will not object if the state installs such chips in every three wheeler so that they know the owners are up to, like visiting drug supplier or vice suppliers .

Government pay also install such chips in vehicles which enter Colombo City where a Congestion Charge ( like in London where vehicles are charge for entering the City ) may be imposed .Every month they can send a bill to the owner for entering Colombo.

Dr Sarath Obeysekera

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