ඇලෝසියස් මට කීයක් දුන්නාදැයි මතක නෑ.. ඇලෝසියස් කියන්නේ ප‍්‍රභාකරන් නොවෙයි..- සුජීව සේනසිංහ
Posted on June 6th, 2018

lanka C news

අර්ජුන් ඇලෝසියස් තමනට මුදල් දුන්නේද දුන්නේ නම් ඒ කීයක්ද කියා දන්නේ නැති බව රාජ්‍ය ඇමති සුජීව සේනසිංහ මහතා පවසයි.

තමන්ගේ මැතිවරණය මෙහෙයවන්නේ මිතුරන් විසින් බවත් අදාල ලියකිවිලි පරීක්‍ෂා කර බලා ඒ සමබන්දයෙන් අදහස් පල කල හැති බවත් ඔහු සදහන් කරයි.

අර්ජුන් ඇලෝසියස්ගෙන් මුදල් ගත්තේදැයි මාධ්‍ය විසින් කල විමසීමකදී ඔහු මෙම අදහස් පල කලේය.

අර්ජුන් ඇලෝසියස් යනු ප‍්‍රභාකරන් නොවන බවද ඔහු වැඩි දුරටත් කීවේය.

3 Responses to “ඇලෝසියස් මට කීයක් දුන්නාදැයි මතක නෑ.. ඇලෝසියස් කියන්නේ ප‍්‍රභාකරන් නොවෙයි..- සුජීව සේනසිංහ”

  1. Sarath W Says:

    Certainly Arujun Aloysious is not Prabhakaran. Prabha was a lunatic and a murderer and destroyed the country physically. Aloysious used his cunning and his Father-in-law, the PM and friends like you in the government to destroy the country.

  2. Hiranthe Says:

    This fool is the one who wrote the book on Bond Issues and a key member of the Foot Notes gang, if I am not mistaken. It is Yahaps standard excuse “මතක නෑ”. People should notice these things seriously.

    It is NOT Arjun Aloysious or Arjun Mahendran who robbed the CB. It is the UNP leadership team’s idea to raise funds for the Regime Change project masterminded and supported by the NGO’s. They used Arjun Aloysious since he had the background infrastructure needed and they were close friends of Run-nil. Arjun Mahendran was a very close buddy of Run-nil. The money came to CB through Perpetual could be LTTE money and Rajaratnam’s money. Has anyone checked on that?? I doubt!! We are all concentrating on one end while at the other end, LTTE black money has become legit after borrowing by the Central Bank.

    Even Arjun Mahendran was not a thief. See the photographs of these four people. Run-nil, Malik, Arjun M and Arjun A. First two looks like crooks who will sell their mother and daughter for a gain. But two Arjuns don’t seem the same. They look 1000 times better gentlemen compared to the first two. They were the scapegoats of the scam which got misfired. Money looted has come back to UNP and Yahap team. But the attention is at two Arjuns while the biggest thief Run-nil is enjoying the Prime-minister ship.

    ultimate winner is LieTTE. Their black money had been converted to clean money!!

  3. Christie Says:

    All poor Sinhalese politicians have been on the payroll of India and Indian Colonial Parasites from the early days of democracy of the country.

    N M Perea- Captains-; Philli- Gnanam: Bandas- Hidramany are examples.

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