“ YES, MR PRESIDENTâ€ÂÂÂ. of course, ‘YES MR PRESIDENT! Can President Mahinda Rajapakse be compared with Rt.Hon. Jim Hacker of England? Facts and Fiction
Friday, August 27th, 2010By Dr M D P DISSANAYAKE. A Legal Luminary has provided one of troublesome ƒ”š‚ political theoretical analysis in trying to compare our President withƒ”š‚ Rt. Hon. Jim Hackerƒ”š‚ who ƒ”š‚ was the Ministerƒ”š‚ ofƒ”š‚ fictional Department of Administrative Affairs (in the BBC series Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister), and later theƒ”š‚ became the Satiricalƒ”š‚ Britishƒ”š‚ […]
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